The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1724: Totem Temple


There are indeed more guards in the Totem Temple than in other places in the Tiangong. When he actually entered the Totem Temple, Chu Mu found that there were some special paintings on the white wall paintings, and there were mechanism diagrams hidden in these paintings. Slightly chanting the spell, this seemingly quiet and peaceful palace will immediately turn into a terrifying killing hell!

The guards of Tiangong are all dressed in white long clothes, and most of the women are blue. Along the way, most of the people Chu Mu saw were soul slaughterers and soul mortals, and there were almost no people below it. The overall strength is much higher than that of Zhengming Dadi and Wupan Dadi.

Just a city, the Immortal level powerhouse gives people an inexhaustible feeling.

When walking into the white Yuyulou palace, Yu Suo deliberately moved closer to Chu Mu, and stretched out her arm to hold Chu Mu's arm.

Ye Qingzi and Ning Man'er were the only people who would hold Chu Mu's arm. Seeing Yu Suo suddenly making such an intimate gesture towards him, Chu Mu looked at her with a strange expression on his face.

Yu Suo said with a blank face: "The Totem Temple doesn't allow men with no status to enter. I'm holding you like this to let the guards and Totem believers know that your status in the Temple of Heaven is higher than mine, so that they don't have to worry about it." Will come forward to question at will... "

Chu Mu nodded, so it was like this.

Yu Suo was a little annoyed. What kind of expression did this guy have just now? It's not an exaggeration to describe it as panic. It's not that he is extremely ugly. As for his appearance

In fact, the Queen of Good and Evil would often tease Chu Mu, and sometimes she would deliberately lie next to Chu Mu's ear and exhale like blue when she was talking. Faced with this kind of temptation and intimacy, Chu Mu mostly ignored it. To defeat the Queen of Good and Evil was to provoke Chu Mu's perseverance on purpose.

But Yu Suo definitely wouldn't do this, her resentment towards Chu Mu reached the extreme, and most of the time she had the attitude that if you mistreat her, she would die with you.

Sure enough, after entering the Totem Temple, when many totem believers and guards saw Yu Suo and Chu Mu, they would first take a look at Yu Suo, and then sized Chu Mu intentionally or unintentionally.

Chu Mu himself was a high-level immortal powerhouse, and his strength was unquestionable. Although some guards felt that Chu Mu was a little strange, they sensed that they did have the aura of Tiangong, so they didn't dare to ask easily.

In this way, Chu Mu and Yu Suo successfully entered the apse of the Totem Temple.

"Where are we going?" Chu Mu asked.

"The place where I used to live." Yu Suo said.

Moving forward, Chu Mu saw a unique Yubai pavilion, which was much more luxurious than other totem believer's courtyards, and it felt like it stood out from the crowd.

Apparently this is the place where the totem girl of high status lives, and both the guards and the demeanor exude a holy and venerable aura.

"There is still a restriction here. I don't know if the restriction has been changed. If it is changed, we will not be able to enter." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu carefully observed this gorgeous and noble pavilion, and found that the guards here are very strong, and he even felt the aura of a high-level immortal powerhouse!

"This is where you lived before? Why are there such strong people as guards?" Chu Mu asked in surprise.

Next to the pavilion, there is a Tianwei Tower, and an astonishing white dragon is entangled there at the top of the tower.

If you don't pay attention to it, you will mistakenly think that it is a dragon-shaped sculpture on the Tianwei Tower. Chu Mu almost ignored the existence of such a powerful white flood dragon.

And on the one-horned head of the white flood dragon, a man in white armor stood there.

This man has hair that reaches his shoulders. Unlike other meticulous guards, he looks more casual, and he is sitting there tasting wine with something like a jug in his hand.

There are about a dozen soul-level guards around, and they are not weak. Judging from their eyes, they respect this wine tasting man very much.

Chu Mu didn't dare to use his soul thoughts to probe this person's strength easily, otherwise he would definitely be noticed by this strong man.

"Who is this person?" Chu Mu asked.

"One of the three commanders of the Heavenly Palace, Qin Ji. He should be from the human world, and some behaviors and habits are somewhat different from those of the serious and self-disciplined members of the Tiangong." Yu Suo said.

"His white flood dragon seems to be stronger than Judge Xiao's white dragon." Chu Mu said.

"This is not his strongest soul pet." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu was startled, the strength of the white flood dragon entwined on the Tianwei Tower was already very close to that of the Dark King, so it wasn't this person's strongest soul pet?

If this guy is on the ground, wouldn't he belong to the leader of the leaders

"What was your status in Tiangong before? How could there be such a powerful person guarding the place where you live?" Chu Mu asked.

"The Heavenly Palace is divided into the Totem Temple, the Guardian Temple, and the Roulette Temple. The highest authority in each temple is the Totem Goddess, the Temple God of the Guardian Temple, and the Roulette God of the Roulette Temple." Yu Suo said.

"Proclaimed God?" Chu Mu was a little surprised.

Thinking about it carefully, the people here in Tiangong refer to the ground as the human world, and indeed they live in such a Tiangong. Coupled with the advantages of strength and blood, these people are indeed much higher than human beings, and this totem temple is the most important place in Tiangong. The most important thing is that the person who lives in the highest pavilion of the Totem Temple is indeed qualified to be called a god.

"You live in this pavilion of the Totem Temple, isn't it..." Chu Mu suddenly realized this problem, and looked at Yu Suo with some horror.

For a long time, Chu Mu thought that Yu Suo was transformed from some kind of goblin, and if she was stained with some fairy energy, she really looked like a goddess

It turned out that this woman was really a goddess who fell from the heavenly palace. No wonder she was born with a holy aura, and it was easy for people to believe and submit to her.

"I'm not a totem goddess..." Yu Suo shook her head, and when she was about to explain, Yu Suo frowned slightly, her eyes fixed on an arched bridge in the attic of the goddess.

The arch bridge leads directly to the goddess building, where there is a spring pool as clear as a cold pool. The bridge corridor is above the spring pool, but above the bridge, there are two people.

One of them, Chu Mu, had seen him before, and it was the Young Master Yu who had appeared in the fortress city back then.

At this time, he was chatting with a beautiful woman in holy blue luxurious clothes, and walked straight towards the goddess' attic.

As if he had sensed something, that Mr. Yu took a special look at Yu Suo and Chu Mu, and both of them quickly hid behind the white wall next to them.

"Yu Tian, I haven't seen you for a while." On the guard tower, Qin Ji, the commander of the Heavenly Palace guard who was drinking, glanced at the ground and said to Mr. Yu.

"Take a walk in the world." The man named Yu Tian said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I haven't gone for decades. What kind of strong people have emerged in the world?" Qin Ji asked.

"No matter how many strong people come out, it's not enough for General Qin to fight." Yu Tian said.

"That's true. There are no rivals in the world, and this heavenly palace is boring... The goddess is setting up an array, so don't let me disturb you. If you have anything to do, let the believer girl bring you in." Qin Ji said.

"Then let's come back later." Yu Tian said.

With that said, he and the beautiful woman turned and left.

After Yu Tian and the woman left, Chu Mu and Yu Suo walked out.

Yu Tian must have recognized Chu Mu, and must have locked Chu Mu's breath. If he was discovered just now, it would be really difficult to escape from the Heavenly Palace, at least that Qin Ji would be difficult to deal with. .

"She is forming an formation. This is a rare opportunity. Come with me." Yu Suo said.

Yu Suo took Chu Mu to a farther place, which should be the courtyard of a certain totem girl.

Entering the farthest room, there happened to be a believer woman lying on her bed in the room, wearing only a thin underwear.

Chu Mu wondered why Yu Suo brought him into the boudoir of a believer girl, and showed him such a beautiful scene.

With a light flick of Yu Suo's finger, a bouquet of floral fragrance floated to the believer who was about to wake up in panic, and the believer soon fell asleep again.

Yu Suo walked to the corner, lifted the carpet, and chanted the spell directly.

The spell was consistent with the patterns on the jade stones. After the patterns flickered for a while, the jade stones split apart inexplicably, slowly revealing an empty secret passage below.

"Fortunately, it's still there." A slight smile appeared on Yu Suo's face, as if recalling something.

Chu Mu looked at this obscure secret passage, and said, "Why does this secret passage seem to be used by some court ladies for secret rendezvous..."

Annoyance flashed in Yu Suo's eyes, and she said, "It's just a childlike innocence, a secret way to run out to play."

Chu Mu glanced at the secret path, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

A little girl in dark blue clothes grabbed her skirt and tiptoed out of the secret passage, with a cute smile on her face, and sly and joyful eyes shining.

On the other hand, when an older woman saw her, she panicked and hurried to close the window, as if she was afraid of being discovered...

Chu Mu lost his mind for a moment and shook his head.

It seemed that Yu Suo's memory came to his mind.

"You were pretty cute before." Chu Mu glanced at Yu Suo who had grown up but was as cold as ice.

Yu Suo knew that Chu Mu saw her memory, and snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to Chu Mu.

Yu Suo was very dissatisfied that Chu Mu always saw the treasured things in her heart.

"By the way, can you also see some of my memories?" Chu Mu suddenly remembered something, and asked hastily.

Yu Suo said with disdain, "I can't see it."

Yu Suo stopped talking to Chu Mu, and entered the secret path first.

There are also restrictions in the secret path, and any power cannot be easily exerted, otherwise it will cause energy fluctuations. Yu Suo could only crawl forward slowly, dragging her skirt like she did when she was a child.

"Since she is setting up the formation, Shenlu may be here." Yu Suo said.

"Then there's no need to go to the Overwatch Temple?" Chu Mu said.

"Well, you can kill two birds with one stone."