The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1728: The dew is stolen


"Sure enough, everything in Tiangong remains the same." A smile appeared on Yu Suo's face.

Behind the curtain ring where the woman practiced, there was a lotus stand that looked like a lamp holder. On the delicate lotus stand, there happened to be a crystal water droplet. This water droplet was obviously liquid, but it would not disperse like a bead.

Chu Mu was still surprised at the origin of the human mother, at this time Yu Suo had already walked back to Chu Mu with the things she wanted.

"Is she really the ancestor of mankind?" Chu Mu asked.

"Her bloodline is. The human race is divided into countless sub-clans, and those with higher bloodlines will have a higher status than ordinary sub-clans, and the dominant clans are those big clans. Humans did not have such multiple sub-clans a long time ago. There is only one small nation. Her bloodline comes from the earliest human nation." Yu Suo said.

"Did you get what you wanted?" Chu Mu glanced at the things in Yu Suo's palm.

"Yeah." Yu Suo nodded.

"That simple?" Chu Mu said.

Except that Yu Suo entered the Goddess Building through a special secret passage, the whole process was ostentatious, and even this incomparably precious divine dew seemed to be an ordinary accessory in the room, which could be taken with you. Walk.

If it was so easy, what did this woman call her to do

"It's easy to get it, but it's almost impossible to take it out," Yu Suo said.

"So?" Chu Mu asked.

"I will use the shortest time to digest the energy of this god dew, and the god dew may be discovered by the guardians of the Tiangong at any time during the process of energy loss, so in the process of refining the god dew, you must Do your best to protect my safety." Yu Suo said seriously.

Chu Mu's face turned black and he said, "This is no different from courting death. I can't deal with that Qin Ji you mentioned just now!"

"You have to hide, and I will tell you which places are relatively safe. When I absorb the power of God Dew, although my breath can be hidden, the energy of God Dew may overflow, so you have to keep changing positions. Procrastinate until I absorb all the energy of Shenlu," Yu Suo said.

Seeing that Chu Mu still looked extremely reluctant, Yu Suo continued: "Don't worry, the disappearance of Shenlu will not disturb the god-level powerhouses in Tiangong. The loss of such a false god must be the first to alarm Tiangong." The imperial guards, Qin Ji and his imperial guards will be the first to pursue and search for them. Although there will be a bigger blockade later, I have already digested all the power of Shenlu at that time, unless they search one by one in Tiangong, Otherwise it would be impossible to find us."

"You put it simply, why don't I absorb the energy of Shenlu, and you take me to hide." Chu Mu said.

If it were in other places, Chu Mu would not be afraid, but after experiencing the horror of Tiangong, how could Chu Mu not be afraid in his heart? You must know that this terrifying Tiangong can add ten thousand years to a prosperous race in a fit of anger. curse.

"Okay, then in two months, you can watch Bai Jinrou lie down in the ice coffin with peace of mind. I can tell you responsibly that Bai Yu will definitely not be able to get it from the Rong Patriarch of the Hidden Eye Royal Family." The real technique of resurrection. Naihehua does have the ability to resurrect, but this kind of resurrection must pay a very painful price before Naihehua reaches the undead level. You think that the owner of the Rong family may let himself What happened to Naihe Hua?" Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu frowned, and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Do you think that even if I tell him, he will retreat? The jade pendant that Patriarch Rong gave him can indeed bring Bai Jinrou back to life. This has given Bai Yu hope. Even if he knows it will be used, it may be a trap... " Yu Suo said.

"What is the identity of Patriarch Rong?" Chu Mu asked.

"A high-ranking immortal master in the Roupan Temple controls all kinds of weird refining techniques, including refining souls and refining soul pets." Yu Suo said.

Thinking of the conversation with Bai Yu in the Nightmare Sanctuary, Chu Mu always felt a little uneasy, because he felt that Bai Yu seemed to know that he might not be able to return unharmed, and he didn't say anything, because he believed that Chu Mu could. Take care of those who are most important to him.

"How long will it take you to refine this divine dew." Chu Mu asked.

"It won't be too long, I have just started to absorb energy, and soon they will notice that the energy of Shenlu is overflowing." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu's eyes widened, how could this woman make her own claims before she nodded in agreement!

If it wasn't for the fact that her flower stamen was still in his hands, Chu Mu would definitely think that it was Yu Suo's deliberate design to frame him.

"Open the soul pet space, I want to practice in it." Yu Suo said.

This was the only time Yu Suo asked to return to the space of soul pets. However, with a powerful soul not far away oppressing her, Chu Mu wished she could just break up the soul contract with Yu Suo and let her fend for herself. .

She stole things from Tiangong, then absorbed energy to improve her strength, and even helped her escort herself. Chu Mu finally knew the sinister intentions of this woman who specially invited him to come with her.

Chu Mu opened the soul pet space, and Yu Suo transformed into petals and entered Chu Mu's soul pet space with divine dew that continuously overflowed with energy.

After the soul pet space is closed, Chu Mu can still feel the unique energy of Shenlu overflowing like a silk spring. As long as a person with a slightly stronger soul will cover the perception ability here, even if Chu Mu uses the power of darkness and space to Hidden and immediately discovered.

"Can't you control Shenlu's energy from overflowing?" Chu Mu said very dissatisfied.

"Yes, but every time I hit the bottleneck of the tenth stage, there will definitely be a trace of energy that I can't control, so when I hit the bottleneck, you'd better not get too close to those imperial guards." Yu Suo said.

The breakthrough of the bottleneck is often not achieved in a single effort, just like a tide rushing up a cliff, it often takes many shocks to be able to advance in one leap. To be chased by those imperial guards all the time!

"I will guide you how to avoid them, but sometimes you have to improvise. If you are surrounded and have nowhere to go, don't resist, let them catch you, and they will bring you back to the mother , and wake up the human mother..." Yu Suo said.

"What will happen if you wake up the mother? Can you convince her?" Chu Mu glanced at the beautiful woman in the curtain who felt extremely dangerous.

"I don't know. It depends on her mood. In short, we can delay for a while..." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu's forehead was already full of black lines. Chu Mu had always thought that Yu Suo, who was wise and close to a demon, had arranged this whole plan to steal the divine dew and then retreat. Who knew that this woman was taking every step she took. mentality...

Knowing this, Chu Mu would not run with her into this terrifying heavenly palace no matter what.

"Go back to my room first, and leave the Goddess Building through the secret passage just now. Although the mother is cultivating with her five senses closed, it is difficult to guarantee whether she will open her eyes directly. If she wakes up now, I don't even have room to resist." No." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu felt that Yu Suo had begun to absorb the energy of Shenlu, and he turned to look at the woman behind the curtain.

Suddenly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to open her eyes!

Chu Mu was startled, and at that moment, this woman made Chu Mu feel like a woman he was very familiar with, but it was this similarity that made Chu Mu feel a chill.

Chu Mu didn't dare to hesitate, turned around and left the mother's room.

The mother's room was only separated from Yu Suo's room by an air corridor, and no one was encountered in this corridor, so Chu Mu walked safely to Yu Suo's room.

Pushing open the door and closing it, Chu Mu always felt a pair of eyes behind him for some reason.

These were a pair of eyes that made Chu Mu feel very familiar, even looking at them a few more times would make her intoxicated, she was staring at herself vaguely...

Chu Mu shook his head, sweeping away the mother's staring eyes from his mind.

She didn't open her eyes at all, this must be Chu Mu's mental illusion.

Under the vast starry sky, on the top of the towering Tianwei Tower, the half-closed eyes of the white dragon suddenly opened, and a sharp lightning shot into the Goddess Building.

"What's the matter, old man?" Qin Ji asked after taking a sip of sake.

The white starry sky dragon stared at the attic between the mother and the mother, and seemed to find something unusual.

"嚄~!" The starry sky dragon uttered a cry, telling Qin Ji what it had just perceived.

"The energy fluctuations of Shenlu? Put Shenlu at the mother's place, there shouldn't be any thief who would dare to steal from the mother's place." Qin Ji picked up the jug and continued to drink.

Suddenly, Qin Ji frowned, and stopped drinking.

"Hmph, how bold!" Qin Ji threw away the flagon casually, and his casual eyes immediately became cold, "Go and have a look."

The starry sky dragon wrapped around the tail of the Tianwei Tower and let go, its slender body passed through the sky bridge and air corridor of the Goddess Attic, and flew straight towards the Goddess Tower in the forbidden area.

Qin Ji landed on the air corridor, chanted a spell, broke the restriction of the mother's room, pushed the door open and entered.

Qin Ji stood at the door and glanced at the mother who was protected by the forbidden curtain.

There was a moment of confusion in his cold eyes, and then his coldness returned.

He bowed to the mother who had closed all five senses, and then walked towards the lotus platform...

The lotus platform was empty, and the drop of divine dew had long since disappeared.

The expression on Qin Ji's face became even colder, and he turned and left the mother's room with a chill in his body.