The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1735: Embrace evil


The spell began to be said, and to be honest, Chu Mu never thought that there would be a day when he would be able to break the spell.

If possible, Chu Mu is still unwilling to let Yu Suo go easily. This woman is a dangerous beauty with bright flowers and poisonous thorns all over her body.

But compared to losing his virginity to her, especially to let her conceive, what Chu Mu absolutely finds difficult to accept is the latter.

The breaking spell was passed into Yu Suo's soul, and Yu Suo dreamed of waiting for the day when the soul contract would be released. Without the soul contract, even if she was no match for Chu Mu, at least she could hide from him far away, and there was no need to let him send her around. up.

Sensing that the idea of release had been transmitted, Yu Suo hastily recited the mantra.

There is a special soul thread in the souls of two people. As the two recite the spell at the same time, this soul thread begins to slowly pull to both sides.

The thread of the soul was very tightly entangled. When the two of them chanted the spell and pulled at the same time, there was a sharp pain in the soul. It felt like the soul was being torn apart by life!

Chu Mu frowned, Yu Suo was also full of pain.

I thought the dissolution of this soul contract would be very pleasant, because to be honest, there is no such intimate relationship between a soul pet and a soul pet master between them.

However, when the soul covenant was really split, the souls really belonged to their own masters, and when they were really pulled and broken, the pain of the soul turned out to be a little unbearable.

In any case, this soul contract is Chu Mu's first soul contract, and also the earliest soul contract signed. The soul and the soul are like flesh growing together, and to separate them forcibly is to tear the soul apart!

Chu Mu gritted his teeth. The soul contract itself was unwilling to lose contact with Yu Suo's soul, because the soul contract itself was the most locking thing in the world, and forcibly releasing it would be a devastation to the soul.

Chu Mu was very determined, still forcibly pulling his soul away from Yu Suo's soul, even if bloody Chu Mu was still unwilling to let the next absurd thing happen.

Yu Suo also wanted to break free from this shackle immediately, her face was extremely pale, her lip was bitten, and bright red blood overflowed.


Finally, there was a snapping sound on the thread of the soul!

At this moment, Chu Mu and Yu Suo took a deep breath at the same time, and the expressions on their faces were slightly distorted by the severe pain that rushed into the wound of their souls.

Chu Mu clutched his chest, his face extremely pale.

This was the second time he had broken the soul contract. The first time he was misled and broke the soul contract with Mo Xie. At the moment when it was broken, Chu Mu felt as if his soul had been directly taken away, and it was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

And this time, it was the same feeling, even if it was a soul pet that Chu Mu didn't like very much, even if she was the Queen of Good and Evil who was high above the gods, the soul contract that had been in Chu Mu's soul for the longest time was broken. After that moment, the pain of the soul is indescribable!

Similarly, the pain that Yu Suo endured was the same as that of Chu Mu. She took a deep breath, and immediately felt a piercing pain spread to the wound of her soul!

The two were panting heavily, both keeping their heads half down.

Chu Mu recovered relatively quickly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, glanced at the hair tangled around his body, and said, "Okay... can you let go of me?"

Yu Suo raised her head, dripping with sweat on her forehead and neck.

She took a few breaths and said slowly: "Did I say that breaking the soul contract can stop the mature instinct of the ancestor of good and evil?"

Chu Mu was stunned for a moment, and looked at her with a face full of astonishment: "You... what do you mean!"

"I still don't understand? Even if the soul contract is canceled, the ancestor of good and evil still needs your blood to breed and multiply!" Yu Suo said.

"Then why did you agree to terminate the soul contract?" Chu Mu said.

"When I wake up, I can kill you. Then forcefully dig out this memory, as if nothing happened!" Yu Suo said coldly to Chu Mu.

"You vicious woman!" Chu Mu said angrily.

I kindly let her go free, and I planned to have nothing to do with her in the future, but I didn't expect that she would kill me as soon as she broke the soul contract. Is there anyone more vicious than her in this world!

It should have burned her flower pistils to pieces!

"I'm vicious? Is there anyone more vicious than you? When you tortured with magic flames, did you ever think about what you are..." Yu Suo pointed at Chu Mu and scolded.

However, her reprimanding voice became smaller and smaller, and there was a limp feeling all over her body, as well as an irresistible hotness.

Chu Mu also stared, the anger in his heart was gradually being taken over by another emotion.

It's hard to imagine that two people who were glaring at each other and meeting enemies would suddenly fall silent when they were angry and accusing, and then looked at each other, their cheeks gradually turning red from the pale soul just now.

One after another, holy or gorgeous flowers bloomed in this hall, and Yu Suo's hair that turned into flower whiskers automatically recovered, and returned to the original purple color.

A head of holy and noble purple long hair was tightly attached to her white and jade-like sexy body, coupled with a face so beautiful that people could hardly breathe, Chu Mu stared blankly at the beautiful, ecstatic beauty in front of him. , Miaoman, holy and enchanting woman at the same time, all the memories in her mind seem to have been cleared.

It was as if suddenly returning to a long, long time ago, in a holy blue flower, a beautiful and pitiful girl was helplessly calling for help. At that time, Chu Mu only wanted to help her out of pain.

Looking at that mature and beautiful face, Chu Mu felt that she was also in pain and needed his help...

Darkness and coldness coexisted, and the viscous liquid smeared the whole body.

Yu Suo slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly found herself wrapped in something soft and filled with liquid.

Her clothes were melted, and her smooth body was mixed with these sticky liquids. When she wanted to break free from these obedient things, she suddenly found that these sticky things were like her own blood, Constantly inject energy into your body...

"What's wrong with me?" Yu Suo looked at herself, at Hua Zang, which was beating like a heart in front of her.

She tried hard to remember.

Isn't he dead

Jumping off the cliff at the end of the sky is a sure thing to die.

All she could remember was the faces on the edge of the cliff that made her loathe farther and farther away as she kept falling.

She remembered that she had fallen into an abyss of magic vines like a python's nest, and huge vines were flying around her like a wild dragon. The more she fell, the more these terrifying black bodies obscured her sight...

Then, it seemed that there was an esophagus suddenly, swallowing herself in one gulp, and then her consciousness was completely blurred.

"Shouldn't I be eaten by the most terrifying flower demon monster in the world?" Yu Suo's memory stayed in the moment when she was swallowed, and she was terrified and desperate at that moment.

It's just, why didn't I die, but was bound by these sticky things...

To be precise, these things seemed to be part of her body, and she could even feel another mind and soul in her body.

She tried to move her body.

At this time, she felt that the entire darkness around her was squirming.

In the darkness, a gigantic monster suddenly appeared, it was a giant magic flower, and the magic flower was densely tattooed with terrifying evil patterns!

The huge flower vines intertwine and spread, and as far as the eye can see, there are all these slowly wriggling snake-like flower buds. Through the darkness, she can't even get the entire ancestor flower and its flower seat into her eyes, she has to turn Only by bending the head can you see the whole picture of the ancestor flower.

Holy blue and bright red, one represents holiness and the other represents evil. Yu Suo stood blankly where all the black vines intertwined, feeling as if she had fallen into a hell, otherwise why would she see such a horrifying scene? Shocking scene!

She was so frightened that she turned and wanted to run away.

However, suddenly, she felt that everything she saw had an incomparably close connection with her...

It seems... It seems that these ugly and huge things are part of me!

She slowly raised her hand, and suddenly, the ancestor of the magic flower surrounded by countless giant vines also slowly bloomed.

And among the blooming demonized ancestors, a witch with alternating blue and red skin slowly appeared!

Her hair is spreading and flying flower whiskers, her body is a piece of scale-like petals, she has a woman's face and a woman's body at the same time, what makes Yu Suo even more horrified is that the ancestor of the enchantress is based on her The appearance is simulated!

That face, except for the skin color, is almost exactly the same as hers, and even the figure is exactly the same as hers.

Looking at this banshee born from the flower, Yu Suo felt as if she looked in the mirror and saw an extremely ugly and strange self!

"This is me... this is me... how did I become like this..."

"This is not me... this is not me, I am not like this!"

Yu Suo fell to the ground in shock, all this was more terrifying to her than a nightmare!

She crawled backwards, away from this hell.

But, how can I escape from myself

The witch covered in petal skin opened her eyes, those eyes were exactly the same as hers, she was even staring at her own eyes, from which she saw a resentment, anger, and hatred!

This resentment, this anger, this hatred made her long to have the power to tear off all the faces in her mind that he hated so much!

They all deserve to die, they killed their closest relatives with such cruel means.

At this moment, she no longer retreated.

She looked at that evil self, resisted that fear and walked towards her, like embracing death and darkness the moment she jumped off the cliff, she chose to embrace this monster-like self that made her fear and loathe!