The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1740: Chu Mu's hunting team


A few days later, the four major powers indeed sent a group of people to New Moon Land.

Shenzong came to Xiao Xueang and Lin Mengling, these two people are very familiar with each other.

A chief guardian came from the Monster Beast Palace, and it is said that he is a strong man with nine seclusions.

The one who came from the Mu Dynasty was Tang Ang, the human leader who possessed advanced immortal ghost creatures.

The elemental sect came with a suzerain, this suzerain was new, most of them were pushed up by Yu Suo, and they could be regarded as allies.

Xiao Xueang and Lin Mengling Chu Mu are very familiar with each other, so there is no need to be too formal when receiving them.

Seeing the four human leader-level powerhouses and ten head-level powerhouses deliberately coming to the New Moon Land, Chu Mu felt a little more puzzled.

"The solar eclipse is very close." Xiao Xue'ang said.

"This snow should be caused by the powerful subordinate of the ancient Jiaoren, the Sky-covering Snow Demon. We are here this time to find and kill the Sky-covering Snow Demon. Since the ancient Jiaoren haven't woken up yet, they can deal with it. Deal with as many subordinates as you can," said Jiang Gu of the Elemental Sect.

"As far as I know, it should be more than just a snow demon. The oldest wind creature, the Wind Banshee, has also awakened. Its wind has caused great damage to the western lands." Tang Ang said.

"These people should have migrated a long time ago. I don't understand how they have the courage to stay in the west that is about to be destroyed. Do they think that the land of the New Moon is safe and sound, so they are really safe and sound. The ancient Jiaoren are the most unruly creatures. It will only do what it wants to do as it pleases, and when it wakes up, let alone the New Moon Land, the entire western part of Zhengming Land will be swallowed up by its ocean." A young-looking soul pet master Open your mouth and say.

Chu Mu glanced at this somewhat unfamiliar man, and looked at Lin Mengling inquiringly.

"He is a member of the hidden pupil imperial family Tao, Tao Wang, and he is very powerful." Lin Mengling explained.

"The Land of the New Moon will not perish!" Ning Man'er looked at Tao Wang very unhappy.

"Deceive yourself, you don't understand how strong the ancient Jiao people are! Those mindless borders don't know either, they are still unwilling to let go of the petty profits in their hands, and insist on staying on this land until the ancient Jiaoren Only when the sea of human death engulfs them and their families will they realize what a stupid decision it was to stay here." Tao Wang said.

After the Liangkun Mountain Conference, most of the borders in the west of Zhengming Land began to migrate. The existence of the ancient Jiao people is indeed a huge threat to human beings.

But not all borders have left their lands. There are still many people in some border cities, and many people even have a fluke mentality because they see that the land of the new moon is still standing in the most dangerous place. If any disaster occurs, New Moon Land will be the first to perish, and it will not be too late for them to start migrating again on that day.

The royal family, Shenzong, and other forces are trying their best to transfer people from the dangerous area, but there are many people who are unwilling to leave, and the land of the New Moon is a territory that is completely out of their control.

"How do you plan to deal with the ancient Jiaoren?" Chu Mu asked.

"To deal with it? Impossible, we can only deal with its troublesome subordinates when it is not awake. We are here this time to kill the snow demon and the wind demon, these two are already high-level immortals. A creature above the level." Tao Wang said.

"That's why you came here?" Chu Mu said.

Xiao Xueang and Tang Ang also nodded and said: "If you can weaken it, try to weaken it as much as possible. The response of the ancient Jiao people... To be honest, there is no accurate plan until now. Maybe it is really necessary to give up all the territories in the west. Give that madman, and then put some restraint on it through other great clans."

"How many human leaders are there?" Chu Mu asked.

Xiao Xueang was a little puzzled, he didn't understand why Chu Mu asked these things, he probably counted: "About 30 to 40 people."

"Can we deal with the Jiao people together?" Chu Mu continued to ask.

Tao Wang immediately interjected, and said with disdain on his face: "Impossible, even the leader has no ability to resist the ancient Jiao people, unless all the leaders unite, but do you think those leaders who value life very much Will you be willing to do this kind of death thing?"

"Then in the field of human beings, no one is actually willing to deal with the ancient Jiaoren?" Chu Mu asked calmly.

Xiao Xue'ang, Tang Ang and the other two leaders all remained silent.

Indeed, so far no leader has made it clear that he wants to take action.

On the one hand, the strength of the ancient Jiao people is indeed too strong, and it is very likely that they are undead level. On the other hand, the leaders are kings of kings, and it is impossible for them to ruin their precious lives like this.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chu Mu knew the answer.

"Go back," Chu Mu said.

Everyone was stunned. They just came here, and the king of New Moon Land asked them to go back

"Let us go back?" Tao Wang said in astonishment.

"En." Chu Mu nodded.

Since no one took action to deal with the ancient Jiao people, what's the point of these people coming.

"Chu Mu, don't get me wrong, at least we can eliminate those subordinates of the ancient Jiaoren. Without those subordinates, the storms that the ancient Jiaoren can create by themselves will be much smaller." Xiao Xueang said.

"No need." Chu Mu said.

"You... why are you so self-righteous, don't you think you can deal with the ancient Jiaoren, you can't even deal with one of its subordinates, do you know that!" Tao Wang said angrily.

"Chu Mu, we know that the land of the new moon is very important to you, not only the races of your land of the new moon but also several other races inhabit it, but before the ancient Jiao people wake up, we must clear those races from it. Get rid of them, otherwise when we think of countermeasures to deal with the ancient Jiao people, if those powerful creatures hinder us, our plan will not be implemented at all." Lin Mengling persuaded.

"This strange snow and evil wind will stop next month," Chu Mu said.

"As long as the snow demon and the wind demon don't die, the snow and wind will never stop." Tao Wang sneered.

"They're already dead." Chu Mu glanced at this tall and proud man, and didn't bother with him.

"Dead?" Everyone looked at Chu Mu in bewilderment.

"They died, when did they die? Who killed them?" Lin Mengling asked quickly.

Chu Mu pointed to himself.

"You killed it?" Lin Mengling opened her mouth and looked at him in surprise.

"How is it possible, the snow demon and the wind demon are both high-level immortals, how can you kill them both by yourself." Tao Wang snorted coldly.

Ning Man'er and Ye Qingzi on the side were also a little puzzled. After Chu Mu woke up, they were all in Vientiane City. They didn't see Chu Mu make a move at all. How could Xue Mo and Feng Yao be killed


At this moment, there was a roar of a dragon coming from outside, and then everyone heard the sound of something hitting the ground heavily, which made the ground and the hall tremble violently.

"Their bodies have been brought back, you can go and see for yourself." Chu Mu pointed to the outside and said.

Everyone was dubious and walked out of the hall one after another.

Outside the main hall is a watchtower full of blood, which is very spacious.

At this time, the watchtower was occupied by a creature covered in ice and snow, about 20 meters in size.

This size is not too huge in the soul pet world, but judging from its special hair and Kong Wu's powerful limbs, it is a very powerful ice creature.

Everyone raised their heads, looking at the lifeless corpse, their faces gradually filled with astonishment.

"This... This seems to be the Snow Demon, exactly as it was described in the literature." Lin Mengling said.

"How is it possible, how did he kill this guy!"

Xiao Xue'ang stood under the corpse, and turned around after a long time. His eyes passed through the main hall and stared at Chu Mu who was sitting on the main seat of the main hall.

Did he really kill it?

Both the snow demon and the wind demon are very terrifying creatures in the literature records, otherwise Shenzong would not have sent him as the chief judge, and there were three other leader-level powerhouses coming together.

Unexpectedly, just after they arrived here, Chu Mu had already killed the two monsters that everyone should be cautious about!


The little Hidden Dragon flapped its wings, its body shrunk.

It flew past the crowd, and flew straight to Chu Mu.

As if showing off, Little Hidden Dragon kept circling around Chu Mu, making rustling noises.

Chu Mu touched the guy's head and smiled slightly.

"Little Hidden Dragon, did you kill the guy who caused the snow disaster?" Ning Man'er asked.

Little Hidden Dragon nodded diligently.

"Little Hidden Dragon is so powerful, come give me a hug for sister." Ning Man'er hugged the chubby little Hidden Dragon with a smile on her face, kneading and playing with it like a ball.

When Ye Qingzi saw Little Hidden Dragon, she suddenly realized.

When Chu Mu was practicing in seclusion, his soul pets were all practicing outside.

Presumably Chu Mu assigned them a task, which was to hunt and kill the subordinates of the ancient Jiao people who were gradually waking up.

Death Dream, Little Yellow Spring, Zhan Ye, Little Hidden Dragon, Ye, Ning, Demon Tree, Ghost Lord, they all left in groups of four.

When Chu Mu was meditating, Old Li replaced Chu Mu to track down the subordinates of the ancient Jiao people. Anyone who woke up and made trouble would be hunted and killed by Chu Mu's 4 pets.

The Snow Demon and the Wind Demon should be the most difficult ones to deal with among the ancient Jiaoren. It was not until Chu Mu woke up that Xiao Hidden Dragon, Ye, Dead Dream, and Ning killed them.

Therefore, these leaders in the human domain came here specifically to say that they wanted to get rid of these subordinates of the ancient Jiao people.

Chu Mu felt that there was no need for that. If they were unwilling to deal with the ancient Jiaoren, then these subordinates of the ancient Jiaoren should be left to him to deal with. At least he could hone his soul pets and let their strength continue. There is something to improve.