The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1742: The true face of a solar eclipse!


The scorching sun shone, and the radiant rays of light fell on the land of Zhengming, which had become extremely empty.

A lot of people don't remember what time of year it is now because of the university disruption.

On this migratory road from the land of Zhengming to the territory at the northern end, the mighty long dragon rolled up a cloud of smoke and dust, which filled the air.

The smoke and dust in the sun always give people a feeling of irritability. They are vividly dangling in front of your eyes, blinding your sight, and making you have to be careful when breathing.

"We have already stepped into the border of the northern territory." A general of the Crescent Palace Army said loudly to the long migration team.

This group of people was the first to start migrating, and they all rode very fast mounts.

Like emperor-level and dominator-level creatures, some of them can reach hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters in size. This kind of behemoth can hunch tens of thousands of people in one breath. Sitting on it is like sitting on a piece of moving land.

The northern territory used to be a world of soul pets, full of dangerous forests and mountains. After several years of cleaning, it has gradually become suitable for human habitation, and people from other borders can often be seen here to hunt for treasures and pets.

There are about 3 million people who first arrived at the northern end of the territory. These 3 million people are mainly builders and life teachers. They will carry out some construction and improvement in this northern end of the territory, so that the people who gradually migrate over can have a better life. of residence.

"I see the city. Is that the main city of the northern territory? It looks so huge?" said the man standing on the back of the Mountain Ridge Abyss Beast.

The Mountain Ridge Beast is a soul pet with a body size of over a thousand meters. Fortunately, everyone built a tent on the back of the Mountain Ridge Beast, which feels like an island.

However, when they saw the main city of the northern territory, these people all showed joyful smiles, quickly put away all the things in the tent, and prepared to move into this new city.

The noon sun shines from a high place, shining on the main city of the northern territory.

The main city of the northern territory is dominated by white tones, and the city walls are light blue. The continuous city walls stretch from one end of the horizon to the other, and there is no turning point at all. It was an eye-opener, it was many times bigger than the city wall of Vientiane City.

People have always known that there is another territory in the Land of the New Moon, which is at the northern end of the Land of Zhengming, but everyone did not expect that the cities in this territory would be so majestic, and the mentality of those people who were extremely negative about migration also followed Looking at such a city, I gradually became optimistic.

Suddenly, a shadow slowly enveloped the horizon.

The shadow is so huge that it covers the sky.

All the migrating people could see the darkness on the other side of the main city, slowly engulfing the entire city that was originally filled with sunlight.

Soon, this terrifying darkness covered the migrating dragon of three million people again. Seeing this horrifying scene, everyone fell into panic.

The darkness was very thick. When the attack came, everyone was caught off guard. It felt like the cloak of death gradually enveloped them.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded, watching the darkness quickly engulf a sunny world.

A solar eclipse every fifty years!

It's a solar eclipse!

He raised his head, and sure enough, a shadow line appeared in the scorching sun in the sky, and then slowly expanded, engulfing the entire scorching sun bit by bit.

While the scorching sun is engulfed, the vast land is also ruled by darkness, and you can't see your fingers!

In the thick darkness, no one could see anyone. Even if some fire creatures ignited the fire, it seemed that they could not dispel the initial darkness of the eclipse.

Land of the New Moon, Vientiane City.

The city became inexplicably depressed, with dusty streets, empty palaces, and silent squares.

Therefore, when the darkness slowly engulfed the light of the city, everything did not appear too abrupt.

Chu Mu sat on the statue on the dome of the Nightmare Demon Palace. When the darkness fell, he raised his head, his eyes fixed on the red fire sun in the sky that was slowly being swallowed up.

There was an obvious black gap in Chi Huo Yaori. At first, the edge was bitten off, and it gradually turned into an arc-shaped door that slowly closed.


The solar eclipse is finally here.

An inexplicable complex emotion that Chu Mu himself could not describe surged up in his heart.

The monster that made the human world panic so much that it was even willing to give up the entire western territory to it was about to wake up, and it was sleeping under this new moon.

The moment it woke up, the first thing it saw was the Land of the New Moon.

If it is insane and sees a city full of human beings on this land, I am afraid that all cities will be crushed by it in an instant.

It won't be long before Chu Mu will see a vast ocean, and this vast ocean will engulf the land he is standing on now, and then there will be countless evil creatures acting recklessly here, destroying the land of the new moon for thousands of years Everything that people have worked so hard to build.

"Chu Mu." Princess Jinrou sat beside Chu Mu and called him.

Princess Jinrou seemed to have discovered something, with a surprised expression on her face, and it took a while to recover.

"What's wrong?" Chu Mu asked.

"I've done the math, this day and that day are the same day." Bai Jinrou said.

"When?" Chu Mu didn't understand what Princess Jinrou meant.

"It was the day Yu Suo told us that only when we stood on the Ten Thousand Vault Dragon Abyss and raised our head could we see the existence of Tiangong." Bai Jinrou said.

"Are you sure it's the same day?" Chu Mu was also taken aback.

Princess Jinrou nodded seriously.

It can never be a coincidence that the day of the solar eclipse is the day when the projection of the celestial palace can be seen.

In other words, when Yu Suo showed them the projection, she was so subtle that she told Chu Mu a very important message!

"Let's fly up and have a look." Chu Mu took Princess Jinrou's hand and flew straight into the sky.

Only by flying to the highest altitude can you see the true face of this eclipse.

Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou left the ground and flew into the clouds.

After passing through the clouds, he passed through the dark and icy second heaven, and continued to fly towards the bright galaxy world of the third heaven.

The solar eclipse is still continuing slowly. After engulfing the human land, the darkness of the solar eclipse will continue to engulf the sea clan Henghai and the monster clan land.

The two flew higher and higher, and gradually many stars and meteorites appeared around them. They either stood still in the black starry sky, or slid towards the human world brilliantly, or rotated according to a certain trajectory.

Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou passed through these chaotic stars and meteorites, and flew in the direction of the red fire sun.

The red fire sun was far away from them, Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou had to find a place where their sight was not blocked, so that they could see clearly whether the cause of the solar eclipse was what they had guessed in their hearts.

"Chu Mu, come here!" Princess Jinrou found an angle where there was no dust in the starry sky, from here she could see the red fire shining sun at a glance!

Chu Mu also landed on the huge meteorite.

Looking at the Red Fire Sun in the third heaven, the Red Fire Sun will become extremely huge, and it feels like the sight is completely occupied by this flaming sphere.

The light shone from a distance and landed on Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou's bodies, carrying the purest heat.

Initially, many scholars believed that the solar eclipse was caused by the brief loss of burning of the red fire sun.

It is naturally impossible for the red fire sun that has stopped burning to scatter light, and these lights themselves are the energy source of all things and the earth. Without these energy sources, living beings will naturally be reduced.

At this time, standing in the third heaven and looking directly at the red fire sun, the theory drawn by the scholars can be said to be completely overturned.

The red fire was still burning without stopping for a moment, both Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou could clearly feel the heat of the light.

But why didn't these rays of light shine on the earth? ? Why does the earth of the world become dark?

Neither Chu Mu nor Bai Jinrou spoke, they knew that the origin of the solar eclipse would soon be revealed to them.

The most noble celestial body, the red fire, hangs on the sun, which represents the source of all things, and all life is born because of its burning.

It is a huge burning celestial body, which has been burning for tens of thousands of years. Its light shines on the earth of the world, endowing the earth with energy, and thus possesses various spiritual objects, mysterious objects, fairy objects, and various elements are born. World soul pet.

Elements themselves are energy, and soul pets in the elemental world are conceived and born from these energies.

After the existence of creatures from the elemental world, the plant kingdom creatures that know how to absorb energy and turn it into their own nutrients were slowly born. They changed the environment of the entire human world and provided survival for creatures from the monster world.

With monsters and beasts, there is death, and with death, there are undead, and the creatures of the undead are born.

Elements, plants, monsters, and undead make up the entire soul pet world.

And all of this is attributed to the endlessly burning red fire sun.

Once upon a time, people believed that the solar eclipse, which caused everything to fail, become diseased, and die, was because the red fire sun stopped burning for a short time.

But in fact, even if the solar eclipse appeared, the red fire sun was still burning, and it didn't stop.

This means that something has taken away the original energy that sustains everything...

Finally, what Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou were waiting for appeared!

Just under the flames of the Red Fire Sun, it is rising into the air, it is slowly turning over, it is blocking, absorbing, and plundering the energy originally bestowed by the Red Fire Sun!

Looking at the slowly turning sky territory under the red fire sun, Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou looked at each other in astonishment.

Sure enough it is it!

When she first stepped into the Heavenly Palace, Princess Jinrou was very surprised why the Heavenly Palace, like a disc, stood vertically.

Now she understands.

When the earth of its heavenly palace flips to be parallel, the red fire sun will be blocked by it!

All the light and energy will be plundered by those twelve large formations and thirty-six small formations, and none of them will fall into the world...

And that's the solar eclipse that happens every fifty years!

In other words, it is the Heavenly Palace that controls and dominates the laws of existence and the laws of life on earth!