The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1745: Twin Fate (Part 1)


Yu Suo returned to her room, and the book she was reading just now had been torn into pieces by her.

As her mind matured, she gradually discovered that her existence in Tiangong was actually meaningless.

Whenever someone mistook her for Concubine Yu, it was followed by a weird look like the group of people just now, and then an extremely harsh word vassal.

She returned to her room feeling aggrieved and annoyed.

She looked at her sister Yuqie who was still standing by the window reading a book, and she didn't know when she learned to hide the words in her heart and not confide in her sister Yuqie.

Taking advantage of Concubine Yu's inattention, Yu Suo began to memorize some important prohibitions and some important diagrams in the Totem Temple.

Totem believers are divided into levels. Only after reaching a certain level can they learn more powerful arrays, seals, and restrictions. Everything you need.

Usually, Yu Suo always thinks these things are boring, and she never reads them. She only does what she likes to do.

But as she grew older and mentally, she found that what she wanted to do was not allowed at all, and she did not have enough power, and she had to get the permission of her sister Yuqie for almost everything.

"The rebellious period is here." Bai Jinrou made a comment after seeing Yu Suo, who was gradually hiding her thoughts, and began to secretly learn various abilities that only totem goddesses could learn.

Indeed, girls always have a lot of their own ideas, especially living under the aura of such a goddess-like sister.

"What is she doing?" Bai Jinrou watched as Yu Suo ran out of the Goddess Pavilion through the secret passage.

Yu Suo ran out of Tiangong, left Tiancheng through a special space passage, and arrived outside the small town.

She placed some stolen energy spars in the blue-black soil outside the town according to the law, forming a very strange array there.

"It should be to ban the human sacrifice in that small town," Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu had seen these scenes from Yu Suo's memory. She ran outside the city alone and set up a very destructive killing array!

When the day of human sacrifice came, Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou saw Yu Suo standing in the small town, and she started this powerful killing array when those monsters were running, flying, or burrowing from the ground. !

A huge killing formation suddenly appeared, absorbed the power of the sun and the moon, and turned into a sharp blade that tore all the man-eating monsters into pieces.

The thousands of people in the small town stared blankly at the killing formation, not understanding what happened for a while.

Every year at this time, people die. This tradition has been going on for tens of thousands of years and has never been broken.

But today, because of the killing array opened by Yu Suo, these people survived, and the flesh and blood were no longer human beings, but those ugly monsters.

The surviving people in the town were stunned, and the guards of the entire Tiancheng were also stunned.

However, Yu Suo, who broke the rules soon, was taken away by the guards of the temple.

The scenes that Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou could see changed very quickly. They saw Yu Suo who was locked up tightly, saw her quarrel with her sister Yu Qie, and after seeing her being punished again, they still chose what they thought The right way, continue to use the killing array you learned to destroy those monsters.

"Cold-blooded, ruthless, you have no sympathy!"

"This has nothing to do with compassion. Some rules cannot be broken. What you see is just the appearance."

"The living people fed those monsters and the whole city watched them be swallowed and killed. They are our kind. What is the difference between you indifferent people and those beasts!"

"You don't understand. Some people are destined to sacrifice, so that the balance of Tiangong will not be broken."

"The rules of the Heavenly Palace, the balance of the Heavenly Palace, the laws of the Heavenly Palace, I listen to you all day long... People who should be punished are left alone, those who abuse their power continue to occupy high positions, and those who do evil are safe and sound. Obviously they can kill the defeated monsters, but they must Compromise, use living people to feed?"

Then there was a long memory, all Chu Mu saw was a closed room, and Yu Suo was stubbornly staying in the room.

Not long after, sister Yuqie would always take her out. She was actually very happy in her heart, but she kept a straight face, as if she was determined not to compromise.

"This is the last time, don't be self-willed again." Sister Yu Qie said calmly.

"You have said this many times." Yu Suo didn't care about her, and she ran out after Yu Qie opened the restraint.

"Chu Mu, why did Tiangong allow those living people to be eaten by those monsters? I also think Yu Suo did nothing wrong." Princess Jinrou asked.

"It should be that this land is inhabited by a creature that can threaten the Heavenly Palace. This creature needs to eat these living people with pure bloodlines to maintain its life." Chu Mu said.

This is what Chu Mu learned from Yu Suo's memory.

Sure enough, the consequences of Yu Suo's continuous killing of those sky monsters and sky demons appeared. On a blood-red night of one month, countless sky monsters and sky monsters sprang up from all directions in Tiancheng!

Sky monsters are flying monsters. They have fleshy wings under their arms and connect to their legs. They look like bats in the shape of beasts, with fangs and sharp claws!

These monsters densely covered Tiancheng, and swallowed everything outside Tiancheng like a tide.

The city was destroyed, the guards of the city were killed, and even Tiangong was severely damaged. The whole city was dripping with blood, and there were corpses bitten beyond recognition everywhere.

Tiancheng and Tiangong suffered huge losses, and the number of dead people far exceeded the limit of the living people every year, and even many strong people died in this terrible attack of sky monsters and sky demons...

Inside the Tiangong enchantment, Yu Suo looked at the blood-drenched Tiancheng in dismay.

Next to her is the concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu's eyes were still so calm, without any emotion at all.

"Sister, why didn't you make a move?" Yu Suo asked.

Totem goddess, as long as she makes a move, it is impossible for these monsters to break into the city, and it is impossible for them to cause such heavy casualties.

"Guarding Tiancheng and Tiangong is their bounden duty, and I have my duty."

"Your duty is to watch them be killed?" Yu Suo was extremely angry!

Totem Goddess, the power she controls is undead level, not to mention destroying these monsters that invade the city, even the ancestor of the demon that threatens the Tiangong can be killed.

As long as the ancestor of the demon is killed, isn't there no hidden danger in Tiangong

Why didn't she make a move, why did she watch all this happen so coldly.

Yu Suo didn't understand, Yu Suo couldn't understand her sister's indifferent behavior at all, and couldn't understand how she, as the most powerful person in Tiangong, could ignore the life and death of the members of Tiangong and the people of Tiancheng!

There are rules, rules, and laws all over her body, body, eyes, and soul are tightly entangled by these things, and there is no slight flexibility. Yu Suo even doubts whether her sister Yu Qie still has the concept of humanity.

"Why didn't the Totem Goddess take action?" Princess Jinrou had the same question as Yu Suo.

Chu Mu shook his head, he didn't know why sister Yuqie didn't make a move.

I remember Yu Suo once said that the totem goddess only cares about one thing, and that is time!

But that should be Yu Suo's satire on her sister.

"Everything has a cause and effect. You saved thousands of idle people, but killed tens of thousands of strong people. Yu Suo, don't violate any rules of Tiangong, okay? If you want to see more If many people die." Yu Qie said to Yu Suo.

"That's because you didn't save them!" Yu Suo was very disappointed.

In her mind, her sister is the most perfect person and the most knowledgeable person.

But after seeing her being so ruthless, Yu Suo became more and more disappointed in her. She didn't understand that when each living person was eaten by those monsters, and when the whole city was in panic, she obviously had the power to change everything. But she wants to hide in the safest Tiangong enchantment, and then quietly watch all that happen.

She didn't make a move because she was afraid!

Everyone who has stepped to the top of the pyramid is so greedy for life and afraid of death. In order to consolidate their power, they will never do anything that threatens them. harm.

"Chu Mu, is Concubine Yu really that cold-blooded?" Princess Jinrou looked at Yu Suo and Concubine Yu's quarrel, and her emotions were completely drawn by the grievances between the two twin sisters who had completely different ideas.

"You can't just look at the appearance of many things." Chu Mu felt that Yu Qie's words were right.

Young people are immature in their minds, but they are rebellious and feel that they can already understand everything. They will regard the surface they see as the truth of the facts, and their self-centered stubbornness makes them believe in this truth. extreme, insane...

Just like the feeding of thousands of people in a small town, tens of thousands of lives were lost. Chu Mu felt that there was a reason for her sister Yuqie not to act, and even if she told Yu Suo about this reason, Yu Suo, who was crazy, would not believe it, and would find her own reasons to overthrow it.

"Yusuo, don't go to the dark cliff, a new monster is born there."

"I saw nothing but flowers."

"Anyway, don't go, you have the same aura as me, they will think you are me, and try everything to kill you."

Hearing this, Yu Suo became very irritable, and said: "You are you, I am me, anyway, you are a cold-blooded person, even if I am in any danger, you can still watch me die calmly as before, lest I die. Make you think I'm a nuisance."

"I don't think you're trouble. You're my sister."

"Sister? What's the difference between it and a vassal? You're also abusing your power. I've done so many outrageous things. I should have been eaten by monsters like those people in the town. Just because I'm your sister, I can still be as usual." I’m still wandering around in the Heavenly Palace, and now I don’t know how many people want me to die.” Yu Suo laughed at herself.

"Yu Suo!" Sister Yu Qie's eyes suddenly became sharp.

She is angry!

This was the first time Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou saw sister Yuqie angry.

Yu Suo didn't dare to speak anymore, and she never thought that a gentle sister would scold her like this!