The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1746: Twin fate (below)


The Dark Cliff is right behind Tiancheng Tiangong. Here is a completely barren land, without any life or plants.

In fact, very few plants can be seen on the land of Tiangong, so when Yu Suo was very young and found a flower of good and evil intertwined with holy blue and bright red appeared on the edge of the dark cliff, Yu Suo immediately Treat it as your own secret little world.

When she was sad and didn't want to tell her sister Yuqie, she would sit on the edge of a cliff, blowing the wind from beyond the galaxy, and look at the distant stars in the endless darkness.

Considering that the growth of plants requires nutrients, every once in a while, she will secretly steal the energy of Shenlu from the mother's room.

She didn't take away the whole drop of divine dew, but just absorbed part of the energy and dripped it on the petals of the holy blue flower and the bright red flower, so that the flower that bloomed in Tiangong could continue to grow.

Shenlu is used by Concubine Yu to recuperate. She is very clear about the lack of energy, and she also knows who did it. Compared to killing those sky demons and demons indiscriminately, Concubine Yu feels that Yu Suo is a kind of god Lu's act of nurturing the little life is harmless, and he has always turned a blind eye to it.

The Moon Spring in Wanlouzhilou is also a place where Yu Suo often comes to.

There used to be some girls who would play and chat here, but I don’t know if it’s because my sister is a totem goddess or because Yu Suo made a mistake that caused the city to panic. Unintentionally respect Yu Suo at a respectful distance.

Tiangong has changed, it seems to suddenly become strange, everyone has become strange.

She herself sat by the spring, and heard from others that from this spring she could see the world above the ground.

So she kept gazing, gazing at the calm spring.

"Can this spring water see our world?" Bai Jinrou stood beside Yu Suo, looking at the spring water seriously.

"Yes, this is the Mirror Spring. There is such a spring in the Soul Palace, and you can see the picture of the Immortal City." Chu Mu nodded.

"I think she must yearn for the earth at this time." Bai Jinrou said softly.

"In an environment full of restrictions and controls, being independent will indeed pay a price," Chu Mu said.

While the two were talking, a person appeared by the spring.

The man looked about twenty years old and looked refined, but there were many other things hidden in his eyes.

"Yu Suo." The man smiled and walked in front of her.

Yu Suo glanced at the man, feeling a hint of disgust in her heart.

I don't know when, Yu Suo no longer wears the same clothes as her sister Yu Qie, and she always dresses in her own style, so now no one will confuse her with her sister Yu Qie.

As for the person in front of her, it is normal for Yu Suo to feel disgusted, and she will never forget that time at the pavilion that this person said that she was a vassal.

What's even more ridiculous is that this guy thought he didn't hear it, but now he always likes to appear in front of him and show his hospitality.

"Some people are really interesting. When they were young, they said that others were appendages. Now that they have grown up and become beautiful, they start to put down their faces and pursue them..." Bai Jinrou said.

Chu Mu didn't say a word, if it was just because of a "vassal", Yu Suo wouldn't have such a big hatred for Yu Tian.

Could it be that Yu Tian used some kind of conspiracy to do some shameless things to her

That's not right, that person is me.

"We were patrolling outside the city a while ago, do you know what we saw?" Yu Tian started to find a topic.

Yu Suo is not interested at all.

Yu Tian was still talking there: "It's a kind of plant soul pet. I heard from the older generation that it was a kind of flower demon ancestor. You don't know how terrifying the scene was at that time. The whole dark cliff is densely packed with flower vines. , each one is as thick as a demon boa constrictor, it looks like a huge boa constrictor nest."

"Dark Cliff?" Yu Suo was stunned.

Isn't that where I feed the flower of good and evil

The flower of good and evil is very young, and the environment of Tiangong itself is very unsuitable for the growth of plants. If Yu Suo has not nourished it with divine dew over the years, that little flower of good and evil must have withered and died.

However, what Yu Suo didn't expect was that there was such a terrifying ancestor of the flower demon under the dark cliff, and that little flower of good and evil would definitely be swallowed!

Without even thinking about it, Yu Suo immediately ran towards the dark cliff.

That flower is the only one in the entire Heavenly Palace. In Yu Suo's view, it is just like herself, living in an environment that is incompatible with her.

Moreover, after so many years of nurturing, Yu Suo has already regarded it as her soul pet, how could she let it be eaten by the monster under the dark cliff!

"The Flower of Good and Evil is the ancestor of the Flower Demon... Yu Suo is too much to worry about." Bai Jinrou looked at Yu Suo who was burning with anxiety, and said.

"Well, maybe many years ago, the Flower of Good and Evil was really just a small plant, but so many years have passed..."

After all, Chu Mu still had that doubt in his heart, why Yu Suo had such a huge hatred for Yu Tian.

And if Concubine Yu is the goddess of the totem, isn't what Yu Suo is doing now completely contrary to her sister Yu Concubine, or even an antagonistic relationship

Could it be that there was a huge rift between their sisters next, turning them from closest relatives to enemies

If this was the case, Chu Mu felt that this was too sad.

However, Chu Mu always felt that things should not be like this, the resentment and anger in Yu Suo's heart was hard to explain, it shouldn't be such a turn against each other...

The personalities of Yu Suo and her elder sister Yu Concubine do not match, but it can be seen that her dependence on her elder sister is still the same as when she was a child. Her elder sister is like a mother, and Yu Concubine's calmness, calmness, and intellectuality have never changed. She also has a tolerant attitude towards her younger sister Yu Suo's various rebellious and unreasonable troubles. Yu Concubine's smile can only be seen when she sees Yu Suo. Their relationship should not be disturbed by the outside world. and split.

"Chu Mu, what are you thinking?" Princess Jinrou looked at the silent Chu Mu and asked.

"I'm thinking about that look in Yu Tian's eyes just now." Chu Mu said.

Yu Suo doesn't have any soul pets, so she can only run on the dark cliff by herself.

Gradually, she has walked out of Tiancheng, passed through the barren land behind Tiangong, and gradually moved away from Tiangong.

The dark cliff was getting closer and closer, thinking that there was a gigantic flower demon monster under the cliff, Yu Suo's face turned pale.

But how could she bear to see the only flower being eaten like that.

"Crack, creak, creak~!"

Suddenly, the land in front of Yu Suo split open, and a huge gap appeared!

From the gap in the blue-black ground, a monster without a scalp emerged from it!

Followed by its claws, there are black fleshy wings between its arms and claws, which look like bat wings!

Yu Suo has seen such a monster countless times, even in nightmares, it is the demon that threatens the survival of Tiangong!

How could there be a demon here!

The land from the back of the Tiangong to the dark cliff is not suitable for any living creatures to live in. This place is completely barren, and there will be no such monsters!

However, the Heavenly Demon appeared, right in front of his eyes!

Its body is not huge, but Yu Suo can tell from this guy's aura that this is the strongest demon I have ever seen!

This is no longer an ordinary celestial demon monster, but a real celestial demon king!

From the eyes of the demon, one can see the monster's anger!

Because in the long years in the past, their celestial demons could taste delicious human beings, but suddenly one day, their celestial demon creatures who went to eat were ruthlessly killed by this girl, and none of them came back alive!

"Scared... How delicious... What a delicious woman..." The demon king opened his mouth, and human language was spit out from his throat full of sticky saliva!

Yu Suo was stunned, she never thought that this day demon monster could speak human language!

Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou on the side were also stunned. Some spiritually powerful soul pets can communicate with humans spiritually, but it is almost impossible to communicate verbally. The princesses are all race messengers, they can speak out because they have human blood.

Could it be that this extremely ugly demon monster also has human blood

"I... I like... I like the smell on you..." The Demon King took a step and walked towards Yu Suo!

Yu Suo's face turned pale with fright, enveloped by the terrifying aura of this monster, Yu Suo couldn't move at all, and could only watch the monster getting closer and closer to her.

At this time, the purple crystal pendant on Yu Suo's neck seemed to sense the danger of her life, and suddenly burst into purple light!

Chu Mu looked at the purple crystal pendant, and suddenly remembered that when he fought her in Vientiane City, this crystal pendant seemed to be smashed by him...

And if I remember correctly, Yuqie also had such an identical crystal pendant around her neck.

The crystal pendant formed a purple barrier, protecting Yu Suo.

But the power of the Heavenly Demon is very terrifying, with a single palm, the crystal protection was instantly shattered, and the huge energy rolled up almost shattered this barren land!

Yu Suo's whole body was occupied by fear, and the self-defense spells she had learned were useless at all. Even if she successfully recited the spell, it would still be meaningless to face such a powerful demon king!

Seeing Yu Suo exposed to the monster's claws without any defense, Bai Jinrou also became nervous.

At this time, in the direction of Tiangong, a purple light flew towards here like an angry meteor, the speed was unimaginable!