The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1748: No mistakes allowed


When everything returned to calm, the blood had already stained the whole land red, flowing slowly.

The corpse was soaked in blood, and the stench filled the air.

Yu Suo walked safely back to Tiangong, her shoes and clothes were all splattered with blood, even her face was covered with blood.

Looking at this scene of disaster that she had never seen before, she called Yuqie's name.

"Is she okay?" Princess Jinrou asked worriedly.

Chu Mu pointed to the direction where the corpses piled up into a mountain.

A group of senior imperial guards in white armor and a group of white dragons flying in the sky slowly walked out surrounded by the bloody girl.

In Yu Suo's impression, her elder sister should have always looked as calm as water, and she had never seen her look like a goddess of killing like now, and she had never seen her look so tired.

Yu Suo ran towards her, but at this moment, those imperial guards stopped her, preventing Yu Suo from getting close to Yu Concubine.

Concubine Yu just smiled, without saying anything, and followed the white guards into the Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, Yu Suo suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why do these guards who are supposed to protect her and fear her seem to be escorting her instead?

Time seems to have passed for a while.

During this time, Yu Suo has been staying in her room.

Outside her room, there are always two female guards standing guard. If she wanted to leave the room, the two Imperial Guards would follow, and if she wanted to leave the Goddess Pavilion, the two female Imperial Guards would stop her.

She hasn't seen her sister Yuqie for a while, and this feeling of being under house arrest makes her feel more and more uneasy.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Chu Mu saw a mature, dignified, and beautiful woman walking in.

Chu Mu couldn't see her appearance, it was obvious that this was the extremely mysterious and special mother.

"Sister, where is she? Why didn't I find her in the Goddess Pavilion? Where did you take her?" Yu Suo asked eagerly, grabbing her mother's sleeve.

The mother didn't answer, but just walked around Yu Suo's room, randomly selected a book and said, "In the next time, you come to my room to practice every day, and I will teach you something."

Yu Suo was stunned...

The mother's words made her feel very familiar, because one day when the sisters were still young, the mother also walked into their room and told Yuqie these words with the same tone and words.

In the future, sister Yuqie will get farther and farther away from her. She is a totem goddess, and she doesn't have to do anything, and she doesn't even need to practice like other believers...

"Why... why?" Yu Suo looked at her mother suspiciously.

"The position of the totem goddess cannot be vacant." The mother said lightly.

Hearing this, Yu Suo knew what happened.

"I want to see my sister."


"I won't learn those boring things until I see her!" Yu Suo said seriously.

Not everyone can inherit the position of the totem goddess. To cultivate a totem goddess not only requires pure blood, but also requires her to be able to withstand the indoctrination of the goddess concept.

Since Concubine Yu is a suitable candidate for a totem goddess, Yu Suo, as a younger sister, also has this condition, what is lacking is a long period of control, indoctrination, and teaching.

And the person who is responsible for teaching and nurturing the goddess is the human mother. The choice of the totem goddess is also decided by the mother.

Yu Suo doesn't understand why the mother chooses herself, and her character is not suitable to be a totem goddess at all.

"Only once." The mother finally agreed with Yu Suo.

Yu Suo saw her sister Yu Qie in the Watch Temple.

In that catastrophic battle, she was seriously injured. Even after such a long time, Yu Suo could still see her exhaustion.

"Why did they put you under house arrest? You are a totem goddess. What right do they have to do this?" Seeing her emaciated sister, Yu Suo couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I'm not anymore, you are." Concubine Yu said calmly.

"I'm not, I can't do this position at all." Yu Suo is clear about her character, and also knows that she has learned far less than her sister Yu Qie.

"It's very simple. The totem goddess is only in charge of time. But you have to remember, don't cross this boundary lightly."

Yu Suo shook her head. In her heart, no one is more suitable for the position of totem goddess than sister Yu Qie.

"I shouldn't have listened to that demon. I shouldn't have left Tiangong. They won't let my sister say it. I won't learn those things..." Yu Suo knew that this trap must be related to Yu Tian. He was using the relationship between himself and his sister. Relationships set the trap.

"Don't be self-willed, because my soul is injured, the time I control has been disordered, and the creatures who will die next will be far greater than this war. What you have to do is to remedy all this..."

"I don't understand. What do those creatures have to do with you?"

"You'll understand soon enough."

"How will they punish you?"

"It's not punishment, it's that I am willing to make up for what I did wrong..."

The mother didn't let Yu Suo and Yu Qie talk for too long.

Yu Suo begged her mother, hoping that she would forgive her sister, concubine Yu.

"It's obviously me who did the wrong thing, and everything is caused by me, why should she be punished?"

"You're right." The mother said.

"If I hadn't run out, my sister wouldn't have come here to save me. I was the one who angered those monsters."

"You are right, it was her who was wrong." The mother still replied in the same tone.

Bai Jinrou stood aside, looking at Chu Mu with some confusion.

"Why didn't they punish Yu Suo, but let Concubine Yu, who is a totem goddess, be punished?" Bai Jinrou asked.

Chu Mu had been wondering about this question just now, but soon Chu Mu figured it out.

Suddenly, I felt that the rules of Tiangong were indeed cruel.

"The totem goddess is in charge of time. This time should be the time of the living land. The sun rises and sets, and the moon is cloudy and the moon clears. It is very likely that it is the tide for the reproduction of all things. If she is seriously injured that cannot be reconciled, then everything in the living land will be destroyed." Chaos, the day is reversed, and everything is out of order. The mother said that the wrong person is sister Yuqie, because as a totem goddess, she should not leave the Tiangong... "

Even if it's about her sister's life, she can't leave.

It's brutal, it's brutal.

Yu Suo doesn't have any position in Tiangong, and if she leaves Tiangong, it won't have any influence on everything, even if she is killed by the sky demon.

However, concubine Yu can't. She is a totem goddess, she must stick to her position, let alone lead to such an incident that endangers the safety of the entire Tiangong after leaving her post, and even because of her injury, all creatures will enter a period of darkness.

The totem goddess only needs to do one thing, which seems very simple, but if she makes a mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After a long, long time, Yu Suo never saw her sister Yu Qie again.

She does the same thing over and over again every day.

She is not a totem goddess yet, but she is studying to inherit this position.

Time seems to be infinitely extended due to continuous knowledge instillation. When Yu Suo was said to be a vassal before, she also thought about replacing herself with her sister Yu Qie and becoming a totem goddess.

But before she really became a totem goddess, she already felt the weight of a huge mission like a shackle on her body, which was so heavy that she almost lost her original self. Allow for a little error...

She gradually understood why sister Yuqie wanted to say that she was her own vassal...

The people in the small town are still dying, and she no longer dares to kill the sky demon to save their lives like before, because she knows that saving them will pay a higher price, and she dare not go to the edge of the cliff to take care of the only tree It is the only flower that blooms on the land of Tiangong, because it is very likely that there are heavenly monsters waiting for you there.

Time has become like years. The totem goddess is in charge of the time of all living beings, but she cannot control her own time. It passes very slowly, very slowly. She is still only fifteen years old, but Yu Suo feels that it is longer than the past ten years.

"I want to see her."

"No. She's still being punished."

"I want to see her."


Finally, the rebelliousness in her bones made her unable to bear this kind of life without seeing her sister.

Just a few days before she was about to inherit the position of the Totem Goddess, she left the Goddess Pavilion through that secret passage.

She knew where her sister was being punished, she wore a veil, passed through the Watch Temple, and arrived at the Roulette Temple.

At the very top of the Roulette Temple, there is a galaxy roulette towering into the starry sky.

Xinghe Roulette is the epitome of the entire Tiangong and Earth, where she can see her sister Yuqie who was punished.

When she stepped onto the galaxy roulette and looked at the pins of the roulette, she was completely stunned.

A gust of hot wind blew past and hit her face.

Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou were also standing beside Yu Suo, and they also saw the erect pintle on the Galaxy Roulette...

On the pin, a thin corpse hung there shockingly!

Her hair has been burnt, her clothes are ragged, her skin is shriveled to the bone... Only a pair of eyes, calm as water.

Only these eyes can make Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou willing to believe that she is Concubine Yu.

All three were stunned.

Yu Suo in the past, Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou from her memories, they always thought that Yu Qie was a totem goddess, even if she was punished, it should be nothing more than dismissal and imprisonment...

But what they didn't expect was that they actually hung Yuqie under this pin, and endured the most intense exposure to the scorching sun...

Moreover, it has been exposed to the sun for a long, long time.

She is dead.

She has a pair of clear and calm eyes that people can't forget, no matter how scorching the sun is, it can't deprive her of these eyes.