The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1749: Reborn, Queen of Good and Evil!


"My believer, did you go to the wrong place?" A roulette guardian walked slowly.

The guardian was a young man. He secretly looked at Yu Suo who was covered with a veil, but he didn't notice that at this moment Yu Suo's face had blue veins and her body was trembling.

"Oh, you came to see her? She is Yu Suo, the younger sister of the totem goddess. It is said that she caused the tragic war with the sky demon. It is an unforgivable crime." The young guardian said.

The guardian's words gave Yu Suo an electric shock, and she turned around abruptly, staring at the guardian with those red eyes...

" just said, what's her name??"

"Yu Suo. What's wrong??" The guardian was startled by Yu Suo's appearance.

When Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou were still in the shock and anger of Concubine Yu's death, the guardian's words hit their minds like a bolt from the blue!

At this moment, both Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou understood.

I understand why the mother doesn't let Yu Suo and Yu Qie meet, even this last time.

I finally understand why no one, including the mother, has ever called her the name Yu Suo again, and I also understand that the so-called succession of the totem goddess by Yu Suo is actually just a replacement of identity.

They have exactly the same appearance, and when they dress exactly the same, no one except the mother can tell who is the older sister and who is the younger sister.

Seeing this, Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou no longer knew what words to use to describe their current mood.

Tiangong is really cruel and cruel, as if there is no emotion at all. But when they saw Yu Suo running to the needle in a daze, hugging her sister Yu Concubine's body and crying, the emotional Bai Jinrou was already choked up and speechless...

For a long time, Yu Suo's voice became hoarse from crying, and her tears were almost dry.

There is only a few minutes difference in their age, but she is always like a child who can't grow up, sister Yuqie is always like a patient mother...

The mother found Yu Suo, she took a step, and walked slowly towards here.

"Why, they have to treat her like this." Yu Suo was already haggard from crying, she opened her bloodshot eyes and questioned her mother like this.

"Wrong things, after all, someone has to bear the responsibility. Without rules, Tiangong cannot last forever. You should know that any rule made by Tiangong is not because of corruption, stubbornness, or oldness, but because of the blood of countless predecessors. The younger generation will never understand the truth learned from this lesson, because they have never experienced anything, they have never experienced the fear of death, they have not witnessed the cruelty and ferocity of demons with their own eyes, they are just greedy for fun , once one thing is boring, rebellion, rebellion and rejection will arise." The mother said calmly.

"Opposition, rebellion, rebellion, who wouldn't? As long as you are tired. But you know how much heart-wrenching baptism you have experienced behind this boring and lonely duty."

"Everything you do out of the ordinary, your sister is paying the price for you once. This time, she gave her all and took everything for you, in exchange for you now. She is not suitable to be a totem Goddess, do you know why?"

Yu Suo shook her head.

The position of totem goddess is determined by the mother, since she said it is not suitable, it is really not suitable. It's just that in Yu Suo's opinion, who else in this world is more suitable for this position than her

"Everything about her is perfect, she has the firmness and calmness that a goddess should have, her personality is gentle and calm, she is wise and rational, she is kind but can endure small pity and sympathy, and consider the cruel overall situation... It's a pity, it's a pity It's a pity that she still has a fetter in her heart, and this fetter is you. She can throw away everything I said before for you, this is the biggest taboo of a qualified totem goddess."

"And under her care, you will be the most suitable candidate. You will not have any fetters. This baptism will make you mature and rational. This heart-wrenching price will make you steadfast."

The mother said a lot of things, but Yu Suo just hugged her knees, like an insecure child...

She listened to what her mother said.

However, both Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou saw something more terrifying in Yu Suo's eyes besides the dogma of motherhood.

It should be a flame seed, full of hatred, anger, and hatred ignited from her eyes, and then buried in the deepest part of her heart without the mother not paying attention.

"You can stay with her for a while longer. After you leave here, remember that you are not Yu Suo, you are a concubine Yu." The mother turned and left.

Yu Suo was still sitting there, and only Chu Mu and Bai Jinrou, who had followed the whole process, could understand the helplessness and sadness at this moment.

They really want to comfort her, but both of them are phantoms in this memory, and Yu Suo can't see them.

After an unknown amount of time, Yu Suo finally stood up wearily.

At this time, Chu Mu saw Yu Suo walking up to her sister's corpse that had been exposed to the sun, and with trembling hands, she untied the purple necklace pendant around the neck of the skinny corpse.

This necklace is a pair. When Yu Suo was attacked, the sky demon smashed her.

After taking off Yuqie's necklace pendant, she put it on her own neck.

The energy inside the pendant is already very weak, and there are also cracks on it. It should be that Concubine Yu exhausted the protective energy inside when she was fighting the ancestor of the demon demon.

The moment Yu Suo put on the necklace, Chu Mu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

For her, this necklace should be the only treasure to commemorate her sister Yuqie, and during the battle of Vientiane City, that necklace was crushed by herself who was transformed into a demon. Queen of Good and Evil!

The mother announced to the outside world that after a long period of cultivation, the totem goddess Yuqie has recovered and will take over the totem temple again.

But people don't know that the totem goddess has changed from concubine Yu to Suo Yu.

They have exactly the same appearance, but they have two completely different hearts.

The mother misjudged Yu Suo, she thought Yu Suo would become the most perfect totem goddess after undergoing this baptism.

The heart-piercing this time did not make her truly accept everything in Tiangong. Instead, she regarded everything in Tiangong as the most hated thing. In her heart, the entire Tiangong was the enemy who killed her sister.

On the surface, she calmly accepts all the duties of the totem goddess. She looks no different from her calm and elegant sister Yuqie, but she is madly planning revenge on Tiangong in her heart.

However, before her plan was implemented, someone revealed her identity.

This person is the culprit who killed Concubine Yu, Yu Tian!

"It's him again, I really wish I could tie him to a pin and torture him!" Princess Jinrou said angrily.

Chu Mu took a deeper look at things.

He was thinking about why this member of the Overwatch Temple could set up such a trap, so that the totem goddesses fell under his conspiracy.

And this time the identity change was also seen through by Yu Tian.

What is this guy's intentions, and what is behind him? He is like a lurker, wearing the human skin of a Tiangong member, but destroying the balance of this Tiangong!

The Overwatch Temple and the Roulette Temple would not allow a fake totem goddess to control the Totem Temple. Even if the human mother acquiesced in this exchange, they would never agree.

On that day, they took Concubine Yu's body to feed the sky demon. Yu Suo, who couldn't bear it anymore, killed a thousand law enforcement members of the Roulette Temple with a killing array.

This is only a small part of her revenge, because her purpose is to destroy everything here.

But she still couldn't hold her breath. After people found out that she used the totem temple to set up a terrifying killing array, all her strength was deprived.

She was driven by 10,000 imperial guards from the Totem Temple, the Watch Temple, and the Roulette Temple to the land full of the blood of the sky monsters, and drove her to the dark cliff.

At the bottom of the dark cliff, dripping with the blood of the hatred of the sky demon, filled with a large number of ancestor-level monsters, the people of Tiangong don't know when, this endless cliff behind Tiangong has become a lair of monsters.

However, in their eyes, Yu Suo, who was trying to destroy Tiangong, was almost the same as these monsters. Only by throwing her down here and being eaten up by those monsters could they calm down their anger.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo ~!"

A dark, evil wind rushed over, and the purple hair fluttered messily.

Yu Suo was standing on the edge of the cliff. At this time, she was only fifteen years old, and she was just a young girl among human beings.

Behind her, there are faces that are extremely angry at her, densely packed, a total of 10,000 people, all of them are wearing majestic white armor...

From Yu Suo's point of view, these white-armored Heavenly Palace Imperial Guards are even more terrifying than when the demons surged up in the sky. At least at that time, sister Yuqie was by her side.

"Chu Mu..." Bai Jinrou tightly grasped Chu Mu's arm.

It was the first time for her to see this picture, and after experiencing Yu Suo's entire memory, when Princess Jinrou saw Yu Suo standing at the end of this dark cliff and could only jump down, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

This dark cliff is the end of the Heavenly Palace, and it also seems to be the end of the world. Now she is lonely and helpless, and really has nowhere to go.

Down below, there are countless monsters, and she will be eaten to the bone.

Chu Mu had actually seen this scene countless times.

She jumped down, embracing death.

During the fall, ferocious flower vines like giant pythons appeared under the dark cliff, criss-crossing like a python's nest...

There were more monsters also rushing towards her, and finally the ancestor of the magic flower who made the people in Tiangong terrified swallowed her first.

Everyone in Tiangong witnessed this terrifying scene with their own eyes. In their opinion, this must be the most terrible punishment.

However, no one would know that the ancestor of the magic flower didn't eat her, but protected her.

The ancestor of the magic flower was nourished by Yu Suo with many years of divine dew.

The ancestor of the magic flower swallowed all kinds of Yu Suo's past, and created a brand new life for her in Yu Suo's painful struggle.

What she embraced was not the flower demon herself, but another side of herself.

She is not Yu Suo, nor is she a totem goddess. She is not anyone's vassal, and she will never live on behalf of anyone. She is herself. From the moment she jumped off the cliff, she has a clear distinction between good and evil, love and hate—the Queen of Good and Evil!