The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1752: Sky net


Chu Mu's speed could not be as fast as Long Ji's, and the direction in which the meteor pendant fell was also the Land of the New Moon.

Fortunately, Tiangong's guiding meteor only told Long Ji an approximate location. Long Ji's imperial concubine stayed in the area of He Jiang, and was unable to find Yu Suo immediately and accurately.

Chu Mu passed through He Jiang and flew straight towards the Tianxia City in the Land of the New Moon.

The Sanctuary of Di Shenghua is still in the Tianxia City, and Chu Mu can only roughly guess that Yu Suo arranged her stealing formation in the Tianxia City.

The people in New Moon Land have already migrated away, the whole Tianxia City is empty, and there are even some wild soul pets roaming around in the deserted streets.

Chu Mu flew into the holy hall of the original soul hall. The gates of Di Sanctuary and Zhangshu Sanctuary are still in Tianxia City. These two sanctuaries are also not open to outsiders. Only the internal members of the New Moon Palace before you can enter.

After Xia Zhixian gradually took control of the flower department and the first domain, she basically controlled the Sanctuary. If she helps Yu Suo to set up an formation here, the people in the New Moon Palace will not notice it at all.

Chu Mu entered the Di Sanctuary Palace, which already had some dust. The entire palace was quiet, and it seemed that there was no one there, but Chu Mu had already smelled a lot of life, and there were pairs of eyes staring at him secretly.

Chu Mu didn't care about these people, they must be Yu Suo's subordinates, and they all seemed quite strong.

They will guard here, which shows that Yu Suo is really in the Di Sanctuary Hall.

Stepping into the front of the Sanctuary Hall, two men driving the Slaughter Beast stood there majestically, staring at Chu Mu with hostility.

"Who are you?" one of the men asked.

Chu Mu thought it was funny, this is Tianxia City, his territory, yet someone questioned him like this.

Chu Mu ignored the two of them and walked directly into the sanctuary hall.

The two guards frowned, and immediately ordered the two ferocious slaughter beasts to rush towards Chu Mu immediately!


Chu Mu's body was quickly burned by black and white flames, and Chu Mu's body disappeared strangely in the flames, and the fierce attacks of the two slaughter beasts were all in vain.

When the two of them came back to their senses, Chu Mu had already entered the main hall of Di Sanctuary.

Originally, there should be many holy guards guarding the sanctuary, but today there is nothing here, empty steps, an ancient gate of time and space.

On the steps of the altar, Yu Suo, whose face was covered with black veil, and whose graceful and graceful body was wrapped in black silk, was standing under the gate of the sanctuary.

The high heels made her look even more proud and upright. The tip of her long purple hair just fell on her curvy buttocks, and countless petals and tidbits lingered around her like a fairy halo.

She was meditating, and seemed to be brewing a spell, but she didn't notice Chu Mu's intrusion.

Chu Mu looked at her, and said, "It doesn't suit your style to let people of that level stay outside."

Chu Mu walked in from the outside. Although there were more than a dozen guards outside, those people were really too weak. Even Chu Mu didn't need to pay attention to them. What's more, when the stronger Long Ji came, Yu So how to deal with it

Yu Suo didn't speak, just stood there, didn't even turn around.

Chu Mu walked up the stairs, his footsteps were very heavy.

"Don't come up!" Yu Suo said angrily.

"I'm here to help you," Chu Mu said.

"No need, as I said, I don't want to see you again!" Yu Suo still turned her back to Chu Mu.

"You also said that I will die badly, but I'm not living well yet." Chu Mu said.

"You!" Yu Suo deliberately suppressed her inner anger, and said, "Get out, get out!"

Chu Mu continued to walk up the stairs, and at this time, under the torch beside him, a slender and tall figure slowly walked over.

This person had a smile on his face, with a casual look on his face, but his eyes were clearly threatening.

"It's your honor for our Saintess Yu to let you go, kid, go!" the man said.

Chu Mu glanced at this person, and asked indifferently, "Who are you?"

"Me?" The man smiled and said, "Ning Dynasty, Ning Yinfeng, of course, no one has ever dared to call me this name, they all call me King Ning."

Chu Mu looked at this guy with some surprise, but he didn't expect that he was the strongest person in the Ning Dynasty.

Yu Suo actually recruited people of this level and who were extremely arrogant, and her methods were really extraordinary.

Since King Ning will appear here, it means that there are other human leaders who should be nearby. Chu Mu scanned the sanctuary hall and found that there are indeed several strong men hidden in the sanctuary hall. His aura is far stronger than those outside, and his strength is at the leader level!

It seems that after ten stages, the efficiency of Yusuo's expansion has become even more terrifying, and she has truly become a queen in the world.

Everyone in the main city of Zhengming can be moved away, and people of King Ning's level can be used as subordinates, and the few guys who haven't shown up yet are the leaders of the eight major forces with great military power.

The legions controlled by these leaders are all in the tens of thousands. If they join forces to launch a confrontational battle, even the Imperial Guard Legion of Tiangong may not be able to bear it, right

"Chu Mu, stay safe." Tang Ang slowly walked out from the side, with a friendly smile on his face.

Chu Mu looked past Tang Ang, and saw Judge Xiao leaning against the wall, his shadow stretched by the torch.

These few people had completely concealed their aura just now, and Chu Mu hadn't noticed them when he first stepped into the hall, but now these few old-fashioned powerhouses contending for the earth all appeared here...

Sure enough, Yu Suo has made sufficient preparations, she is using the strong in the world to fight against those people in Tiangong!

"In addition to the three of them, there are seven other leaders outside the city. The Tunza elite army has 30,000 people. Do you think you are needed here?" King Ning still had that casual smile.

This is the Tianxia City, the land of the New Moon Land. After the people migrated, Chu Mu spent most of his time cultivating, or in the Vientiane City. He did not expect that Yusuo had already opened up in the Tianxia City during the time when the people migrated away. After entering the sky and earth net, they waited for the arrival of the Tiangong personnel, let alone noticing when these strong men and those human legions entered the New Moon Land.

"Do you know who I saw just now?" Chu Mu ignored King Ning's contempt and said to Yu Suo.

Yu Suo didn't even want to take a look at Chu Mu, her eyes were always fixed on the gate of time and space in Di Sanctuary.

"Long Ji, these people of yours can at most restrain the three chief guards of Tiangong." Chu Mu reminded her.

Yu Suo trembled slightly, and wanted to turn around, but she seemed to be worried about something.

"I will deal with her." Yu Suo said.

"You are no match for her." Chu Mu said with certainty.

Chu Mu knew Yu Suo's strength well, she couldn't be against someone of Long Ji's level, unless Long Ji was really hopelessly stupid, and Yu Suo had to absorb the energy of the solar eclipse to appear.

But according to Chu Mu's estimate, it won't be long before Long Ji will appear in Tianxia City, followed by the commanders of the three major imperial guards of Tiangong and their dragon army!

The appearance of so many leader-level powerhouses here really surprised Chu Mu, but Chu Mu doubted that a single Long Ji could destroy all the power that Yu Suo had hoarded.

Yu Suo was silent. In her estimation, Long Ji shouldn't have appeared so soon. Could it be that someone smashed her previous plan to contain Long Ji in Tiangong

Long Ji's strength, Yu Suo is very clear, before he gets the energy of the solar eclipse, he can never be her opponent.

And it would take a whole day for the energy of the solar eclipse to be able to fill her Flower Thieves Formation. It would not take long for Long Ji to destroy the kingdom she worked so hard to build.

"I have a way to delay her, it's just a little dangerous." After reading Yu Suo's memory, Chu Mu naturally knew that she had no way to deal with Long Ji.

Yu Suo gritted her teeth, and secretly swore in her heart that this was definitely the last time she would speak to him.

"You go out first." Yu Suo glanced at King Ning, Tang Ang and Xiao Xue Ang.

The three of them didn't say much, and walked out of the sanctuary hall slowly.

Only Chu Mu and Yu Suo were left in the hall, and the atmosphere seemed a bit weird.

Chu Mu walked up the steps to the sanctuary altar and walked towards Yu Suo.

"Don't come here." Yu Suo said coldly.

"Without those mind-confusing pollen, do you think I'd be interested in you?" Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu's words made Yu Suo feel as if she wanted to fight Chu Mu desperately. This bastard took away her most precious thing and still looked disdainful!

Seeing Yu Suo about to get mad, Chu Mu stopped provoking her, and walked in front of her calmly...

"I told you not to come here!" Yu Suo's anger welled up all of a sudden!

In an instant, the poisonous vines danced crazily, intertwined horribly in this empty sanctuary hall, densely packed like a group of monsters longing for this person!

The place where Chu Mu was standing was full of poisonous thorns like long swords, as long as he took a step forward, he would definitely be pierced through.

Chu Mu took a deep breath, for Concubine Yu's sake, Chu Mu stopped fussing with this crazy woman.

"The ancient Jiaoren woke up immediately and sealed the dragon princess on its territory. Isn't the seal of the ancient Jiaoren related to the Totem Temple? I think the ancient Jiaoren will definitely think that the Dragon Lady from the Totem Temple appears here. It's Tiangong who came to make trouble for it again... What you have to do is to find a way to convince Long Ji that the ancient Jiaoren are the ones who stole the energy of the solar eclipse formation. They may not fight you to the death, but as long as you delay enough time, when you get it With enough Chihuo Yaori's power, there's no need to be afraid of them," Chu Mu said.

"Okay, you lead Long Ji to the territory of the ancient Jiaoren." Yu Suo said.

"Why me? You have so many subordinates here." Chu Mu was not happy.

"If you were killed by Long Ji, there is no loss for me." Yu Suo snorted coldly.

Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart, I kindly came to help her carry out her revenge plan, but she actually let herself die.

"Well, what happened to your face?" Chu Mu asked.

Yu Suo didn't react for a while, but when Chu Mu asked this, her face instantly became gloomy, and she looked like a banshee who wanted to eat people!