The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1753: last hope


Yu Suo's face was already blue, or in other words, her face was already full of indigo-colored things, and it was completely two extremes from her original whiteness like jade...

Her eyelashes are very long, and the blue eyelashes don't look human at all.

Lips that were as red as if they had just tasted blood...

This is clearly the appearance of the Good and Evil Fairy Fairy, Chu Mu was taken aback by her appearance.

Chu Mu originally thought that Yu Suo didn't let him approach because of that unbearable incident, but he didn't expect that she would not turn around and let him approach because her appearance became extremely charming and evil, which was completely different from the original beauty. She is a different person.

"What's going on?" Chu Mu looked at her, and found that under her black silk, the wrapped body was also very strange, and some of the skin showed a blue color like venom.

Yu Suo stared at her angrily, this guy must be asking questions knowingly!

"Don't stare at me like this, what did you do to make yourself so inhuman?" Chu Mu said.

"Isn't this thanks to you?" Yu Suo sneered.

"What does this have to do with me?" Chu Mu was at a loss.

How could she have anything to do with her becoming this witch? It couldn't be because she had a ridiculous carnival with him, right? I've only heard that women will look better after they complement each other, but I haven't heard that they will show their original shape after that.

"You canceled the soul contract!" Yu Suo's chest rose and fell violently.

You have to know how strong a mind and patience it takes to fight back and not blow the person in front of you into scum!

Chu Mu opened his mouth, and suddenly realized.

Inhumans no longer belong to human beings, and the original form should be a combination of the two.

For example, Chu Mu's true form is a demon, and only after signing a soul contract with Ning Man'er can he appear in human form.

And Yu Suo's form is the Queen of Good and Evil. However, she seems to have some problems in her cultivation, and some things that shouldn't be there have also appeared on her face and skin.

"I thought you could already maintain your form," Chu Mu said.

No wonder Yu Suo hadn't forcibly terminated the soul contract with herself for a long time before. It turned out that she needed to use her soul contract to maintain her original appearance.

Thinking of this, Chu Mu suddenly felt that he should treat Ning Man'er better in the future.

"Young master, after the soul contract is terminated, it will slowly return to the appearance of a different person in about a month. I think you should sign the soul contract again. It's strange that such a beautiful woman has become like this. "Old Li interrupted.

It can be seen that Yu Suo cares about her appearance very much, her appearance does not belong to her alone...

Chu Mu was also thinking about whether to sign a soul contract with her again. If he signed a soul contract, this entanglement would feel even more entangled.

"Hmph, don't worry, I will find another more suitable host." Yu Suo smiled coldly, there was no need for Chu Mu's embarrassment and pity.

"That's good..." Chu Mu nodded, it's not a solution to always be dominated by Yu Suo, "Long Ji's strength is too strong, I can't lead her to the ancient Jiao people, since you have a way to get her Stealing the formation and moving to the main city of Zhengming, can't we lead them to the ancient Jiao people's territory?"

"Yes, you can sprinkle these seeds that have absorbed the energy of the Red Fire Sun into the dark wind hall of the ancient Jiao people." Yu Suo handed the seeds to Chu Mu.

"The ancient Jiao people know that I am the weeping stele of the fourth era." Chu Mu said.

"That's not a coincidence, you were killed by the ancient Jiaoren, and Long Ji and the ancient Jiaoren fought to the death..." Yu Suo said calmly. If this script continues, Yu Suo will feel that this world is very beautiful.

"I can't, I can't." Old Li jumped out and said hastily, "How can a child be born without a father?"

As soon as Old Li finished speaking, the black flame and the blood-red flower wind hit Old Li at the same time, and Old Li ran away in fright...

You know, this matter has completely become their biggest taboo, Lao Li's talkativeness at this time is enough to die 11 million times.

Moreover, the Tiangong dragon army will soon appear in the New Moon Land, and the ancient Jiaoren will also wake up during this time. If Chu Mu does not succeed in getting Long Ji and the ancient Jiaoren to fight each other, no matter whether it is Yu Suo who offended Tiangong , or Chu Mu, the stele weeper of the fourth era, will be killed by these two undead-level powerhouses.

At such a time, Old Li can do nothing but dare to say such things, he is looking for death.

"Well... After that day, did you do anything to deal with it?" Chu Mu finally couldn't help asking.

Yu Suo's body swayed for a while, almost unable to stand still.

She turned around, and those eyes almost burst into flames!

"Let me ask casually." Chu Mu made fun of it, and changed the topic to the main topic, "How long will it take you to absorb all this energy?"

"One day." Yu Suo said as calmly as possible.

"You can step into the undead level after a day?" Chu Mu asked.

"How is it possible." Yu Suo laughed at herself, "Do you think it is so easy to step into the undead level? These energies are very impetuous. If you absorb them all into your body within a day, even the undead level will be burned to death .”

"Then...then you are looking for death, do you think Tiangong will give you so much time to slowly absorb these energies?" Chu Mu said.

"Do you think that Tiangong dares to stay in the human world casually? Tiangong itself has huge hidden dangers. The deployment of legions, especially those of Long Ji's level, is to tell the monsters in Tiangong that it is time to attack. " Yu Suo said.

"That is to say, as long as you can get rid of Long Ji and the three chief guards, you will be safe?" Chu Mu said.

"Yeah. It's impossible to kill Long Ji, but her time in the world must be limited, as long as she can procrastinate..." Yu Suo looked at Chu Mu, suddenly remembered something, and said, "I can't deal with the ancient Jiaoren, If Long Ji can't severely damage it, then you should find a suitable cemetery and wait for him to take your life, the Monument Weeper of the fourth era... the first thing it wakes up should be to eradicate this hidden danger that threatens him the most .”

"Let's go to each other, the ancient Jiao people can't hurt Long Ji, you should also find a good cemetery, we can be neighbors." Chu Mu said with a cold humor.

After saying this, Chu Mu couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He didn't expect that suddenly he was facing such a powerful enemy, and Yu Suo also had to deal with an impossible opponent.

Whether they can get through this crisis safely depends only on whether the plan this time can be successful.

Chu Mu's original intention was to help Yu Suo overcome this difficulty, but he didn't expect that his life would be tied to her again in the end.

However, at least it was better than facing the ancient Jiaoren alone, at least there was still a glimmer of hope here.