The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1758: The end of the flood dragon's awakening!


The leap of energy rolled up a burst of turbulent airflow, and the airflow was mixed with the body fragments of the Bone Demon giant that had been disturbed by the three kinds of energy!

"Nun!" The bone demon giant roared angrily, and suddenly its black fists came down from a height, blowing the diamond-shaped space into chaos.

Chu Mu backed away a little, and didn't engage in too many frontal fights with the bone demon giant.

The main task this time is to arrange those seeds in the hall. After leading Long Ji here, the bone demon giant doesn't need to clean it up by himself.

Chu Mu kept a certain distance, and turned around in this black space while holding the giant's nose.

Not long after, Old Li ran out of the hall.

Knowing that the old man had succeeded, Chu Mu immediately collected Zhan Ye, Ye, and Death Dream into his soul pet space without any hesitation, and then left here without looking back.

If Chu Mu simply wanted to escape, neither King Darkness nor the Bone Demon Giant could keep him.

Soon, Chu Mu arrived at the entrance of the passage leading to the boundary marker on the second day. Once he returned to the ground, the task was almost completed!

"Young... young master!"

Suddenly, Old Li gave a strange cry.

Chu Mu turned his head subconsciously, and suddenly found a tail full of sharp scales appeared in the somewhat damaged Wind Palace in the distance!

This tail directly pierced through the dome of the Wind Palace, sweeping wildly.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied with the Anshang King and the Bone Demon Giant for letting the enemy go. The sharp tail lashed at the Anshang King and the Bone Demon Giant at a very fast speed!

The Dark Lord and the Bone Demon Giant were swept away, and the blood spurted by them could be seen in the darkness!

After seeing this scene, Chu Mu took a deep breath.

He had already experienced the strength of the Dark King and the Bone Demon Giant, but he was like two children in front of that terrifying tail, unable to fight back at all!

The Jiao Demon has awakened!

Seeing the huge tail dancing wildly over the hall, one felt the coldness of facing the monster of death.

The dragon's tail is stretching, from sweeping through the hall to occupying the entire black space, winding, thick, and ferocious!

This space is crowded and filled by its body, and it is rapidly extending towards Chu Mu!

Chu Mu was startled, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, he immediately got into the space passage, and escaped from here as fast as possible!

However, that life-threatening tail seemed to have eyes and life, it locked on to Chu Mu, and suddenly flew out, chasing after Chu Mu!

There was actually a certain distance between Chu Mu and him, but this distance was cut in half in the blink of an eye!

"Young master, hurry up!" Old Li cried out in panic when he saw the tail chasing him.

The speed at which the ancient shark's tail extended was terrifying. Chu Mu had already used his fastest speed, but the tail was still getting closer and closer to him.

In the past, when Chu Mu was being chased, he was able to keep a little distance so that the enemy could not catch up with him in a short time.

But the speed of this ancient Jiaoren's tail was many times faster than Chu Mu's. Chu Mu felt that the other party was speeding, but he was no different from standing there.

"Rumble rumble rumble~!"

The narrow space passage couldn't accommodate the thick and terrifying tail of the ancient Jiaoren, and the entire space passage was crushed...

The giant tail was getting closer and closer, and the scales on it were stirring extremely fast like a blade, smashing this space channel into pieces.

Chu Mu already felt the coldness behind him, and when he looked back, his scalp felt numb.

The tail was right in front of his eyes, and he would definitely catch up with it in the next second, but the passage was still a short distance from the exit!

Chu Mu's heart was going cold. He never thought that the ancient Jiaoren would be so strong. The tail alone was more dangerous and terrifying than any creature he had ever seen!

"Chu Mu!"

Suddenly, there was an anxious cry of the voice of the spirit from outside the space passage.

It was the voice of a middle-aged man, and this voice was very strange to Chu Mu.

He was very puzzled, who was calling him outside the space passage?

"Quick, enter the dimension!" The spiritual voice came quickly.

For some reason, this voice made Chu Mu inexplicably distrust him. Without hesitation, he directly gave up the space channel and entered into the chaotic chaos.


Almost at the moment when Chu Mu stepped into the chaos, the entire space channel was smashed into pieces by the ancient dragon's tail!

The shattered energy of the space hit Chu Mu's body, leaving scars on his body...

If he was still in the space channel just now, he must have been crushed to pieces by the tail of the ancient dragon along with the space channel.

"Young master, don't stop, run away!" Old Li shouted.

Even in the chaotic dimension, the tail of the ancient Jiaoren still moves freely!

Those space storms and time-space turbulences in the dimension that can destroy all living beings are like insignificant breezes hitting the tail of the ancient Jiaoren, unable to leave a little scar on this giant tail!

"Chu Mu, come out from here!" The spiritual voice reached Chu Mu's ears again.

Chu Mu was stunned. This is a dimensional space, and the voice of the spirit should not be transmitted. How did that person manage to transmit the voice to his ears

Chu Mu didn't think too much, and raised his head to find a faint light and vortex in the chaos.

Presumably this was a spatial rift that that person opened up for himself, Chu Mu quickly turned into black and white flames and flew towards the location where the light and vortex were obtained.

At the same time, the ancient Jiaoren's tail was still chasing. From Chu Mu's perspective, this guy's tail looked like a wildly dancing monster. Most importantly, this is only a part of the ancient Jiaoren's tail!

The light was approaching, and Chu Mu could already smell the air.

He speeded up and got out of this space crack.

This crack leads directly to the ground, and it is not far from the boundary marker on the second day.

After returning to the ground, Chu Mu discovered that there was a faint light between the sky and the earth. When he looked up, he saw that the red fire sun, which was completely covered, seemed to be slightly skewed. I couldn't see my fingers before.

"Young master, Yu Suo's stealing formation should have worked. The lack of energy in the Tiangong can't fix the movement trajectory of the red fire sun. As long as the red fire sun is deflected, the light will shine on the earth again." Old Li said.

Chu Mu nodded.

In fact, this is not what he cares about, what he cares more about is who helped him escape from the pursuit of the ancient Jiao people just now.

Chu Mu walked in the direction of the Celestial Boundary Monument.

In the faint light, Chu Mu saw the lonely and towering Celestial Boundary Monument and the wind and sand of time flying around the Celestial Boundary Monument.

Under the Celestial Boundary Monument, amidst the wind and sand, Chu Mu saw a figure.

In the misty wind and sand, that figure was a little blurry, and Chu Mu couldn't see it very clearly...

This is a strange person, and in Chu Mu's impression, he doesn't know him.

However, he made Chu Mu feel familiar, and he should be a very, very familiar person.

The black and white flames on Chu Mu's body danced recklessly with the turbulent wind, and the ends of the flames would always turn into sparks and slowly melt into the air.

His body slowly floated up, flew towards that person, and stood in front of him.

a strange face...

Beard stubble, middle-aged appearance, a little vicissitudes.

The eyes are black, and I don't know what kind of baptism they have experienced to project this chilling cold light.

It's just that Chu Mu saw a trace of charity in this cold light...

Chu Mu's eyes were fixed on him.

Very strange, very strange person, even though Chu Mu searched all his memories, he couldn't combine him with the person he treasured in his heart.

However, Chu Mu's heart was violently churning.

Because Chu Mu knew that this person must be him, Chu Tianmang, his father!

When he was on Nightmare Island, Chu Mu had thought countless times that he would bring his soul pet in front of his father, and let him see himself as a soul pet master again.

However, when Chu Mu returned to Gangluo City, he didn't see him at all.

Chu Mu originally thought that it was just a short farewell, and that he would be able to see him one day...

How could he have imagined that such a long time had passed in the blink of an eye, so long that when Chu Mu saw him, he was unable to reconcile his appearance with the person in his memory, and so long that he knew it was him, but he was unable to call out "Father" …

It's not forgotten, absolutely not, in Chu Mu's heart, no one can surpass Chu Tianmang's position in his heart. He is the one who told himself all kinds of soul pet knowledge since he was a child. Draw a blueprint for a soul pet, and then let myself move towards this goal without a trace of doubt.

From the westernmost end of the New Moon Land to Tianxia City, from Tianxia City to Vientiane City, and from the New Moon Land to Yunjing, Hejiang...

On the dark ground, two warm rays of light kept flickering.

Chu Tianmang glanced at the shining space ring on Chu Mu's hand, and then at the ring on his own finger.

These two rings are filled with monumental tears, others' monumental tears and their own most precious monumental tears, carrying the most unforgettable memories over the years...

However, there are two drops of them that are compatible with each other, because in Chu Mu's ring, there is a tear crystal shed for Chu Tianmang, and in Chu Tianmang's ring, there is also a tear that is about to freeze Jing is for Chu Mu.

Like Chu Mu, Chu Tianmang didn't speak, but slowly took off the ring on his hand that kept reminding him what to do, put it on the palm of his own hand, and handed it in front of Chu Mu.

"I used to always say that Bing Lan was an incompetent mother, but in fact, I am an incompetent father." Chu Tianmang finally broke the silence.

After saying this, Chu Tianmang let go of his hand, letting the ring float in front of Chu Mu...

He turned around and stared at the towering Celestial Boundary Monument with deep eyes.


Suddenly, there was a violent tremor above the huge Celestial Boundary Monument!

The space exploded, the Celestial Boundary Monument shook, and a tail full of spirit scale blades suddenly appeared above the Celestial Boundary Monument!

This tail, dancing proudly like a god of death, was looking down at Chu Mu and Chu Tianmang who were standing under the Celestial Boundary Monument.