The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1759: The battle between father and son!


Chu Mu's gaze passed through Chu Tianmang's back, and what he saw was the tail of the flood dragon dancing wildly in the faint light...

All this time, Chu Mu had faced the enemy alone, whether in front of friends, relatives, or lovers, he always stood in front of them.

However, when he faced an almost invincible enemy, there was a person standing in front of him.


The tail of the ancient Jiaoren swept over, and the whole space was stirred by him!


The giant tail slapped down, and the earth was completely shattered. This shattering passed through countless mountains and snow fields from the position of the Celestial Boundary Monument, and spread to Snow City!

The emperor level can destroy mountains, the master level can destroy cities, the immortal level can shatter space, and how terrible destruction can the power of the immortal level bring?

Standing under the violently turbulent Celestial Boundary Monument, in the shaking world, Chu Mu found that the ground as far as he could see was cracking and collapsing, and the sky was collapsing, just like when he saw Yingu's sky collapsing and the ground collapsing!


The second sweep down, all things come to naught!

With the Heavenly Boundary Monument in the Vientiane Realm as the center, all mountains, rivers, plains, cities, and fortresses were all turned into powder under the energy wave rolled up by the tail, and all the lives that inhabited this area were instantly scattered!

This kind of power, if it comes a few more times, it can completely sink the entire New Moon Land!

"Rumble rumble rumble~!"

There was a loud sound of everything collapsing in his ears, and Chu Mu was still standing under the Heavenly Boundary Monument...

Neither Chu Mu nor Chu Tianmang could resist such an attack.

However, they are all still under the Celestial Boundary Monument.

The tail of the ancient Jiaoren bombarded the yellow sand of the Celestial Boundary Monument. When the whole world was being destroyed, the yellow sand of the Celestial Boundary Monument did not disappear with other things except shaking.

Chu Mu looked at Chu Tianmang in surprise...

The Celestial Boundary Monument formed a barrier, blocking the attack of the ancient Jiao people.

And this enchantment was read from Chu Tianmang's mouth, and it was he who opened the enchantment of the Celestial Boundary Monument.

Chu Tianmang turned around, saw Chu Mu's surprised face, and said with a free and easy smile, "As the successor of the fourth era, there should be some strength that is different from other stele weepers..."

"How long can it last?" Chu Mu asked seriously.

The ancient Jiaoren's tail would chase all the way to the ground, which meant that it was going to kill Chu Mu and Chu Tianmang.

And after the enchantment of the Celestial Boundary Monument was bombarded twice by the tail of the ancient Jiaoren, there were obvious cracks... This was just a short delay...

This kind of delay is meaningless, because when the ancient Jiao people really wake up, they can't escape the hunting of an undead creature even if they flee to the ends of the earth.

Chu Mu was reborn because of Stele Cry, and now he is facing death again because of Stele Cry. Chu Mu should have known that Stele Cry's salvation is not free...

"It's very short, and the time should be enough." Chu Tianmang turned around, held the floating ring again, and continued, "You have four main monuments on your body, the devil's monument, and the sinful fox. Stele Cry, Ancestral Tree Stele Cry, and the most important fourth era Ancient Beast God Stele Cry... "

"The main stele weep?" Chu Mu was a little puzzled. Could there be a priority for the stele weep

"If a strong man of the era dies before the ten thousand year roulette arrives, his remnant soul will live in the celestial boundary monument after death, and its power will be decomposed into the ten celestial boundary monuments, that is, the ten celestial boundary monuments. Ten drops of stele weeping. In the years to come, the Celestial Boundary Monument will select ten suitable people or soul pets to inherit the stele weeping and become the real stele weepers."


Aren't there thousands of weepers on the stele? Why did Chu Tianmang say there were only ten

"There are only ten real Monument Weepers, and the rest are fake Monument Weepers. What's cruel is that any fake Monument Weeper can take the place of the main Monument Weeper, as long as he can be killed to obtain His stele weeps." Chu Tianmang said.

"There are two celestial boundary monuments in the land of the new moon. You obtained the first teardrop from the first celestial boundary monument. At that time, you were just a fake monument weeper. But when you pass through Your own weeping revived your soul, and when you became a foreigner, you were identified as the master weeping person by the boundary monument the next day, and a demon weeping was born on your body, recording why you became a demon, And how to wake up. In the next ten-thousand-year roulette, your story will be engraved on the line of ancient characters below the Tianjie Monument." Chu Tianmang walked to the Tianjie Monument, and then pointed to the lower position of the Tianjie Monument A line of words above.

Chu Mu opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't speak.

From Chu Tianmang's words, Chu Mu could know that he knew his affairs in detail, which touched Chu Mu's heart a little.

"I am the weeper of the main stele of the Celestial Boundary Monument in the Western Realm, that is, the weeper of the main stele of the first day's boundary monument. There are two celestial boundary monuments in the New Moon Land, and it happens that you and I have one each." Chu Tianmang smiled stand up.

Chu Mu didn't know why he was still in the mood to smile at this time, but this smile was really familiar, which made it difficult for Chu Mu to calm down.


It was another terrifying impact, and the barrier of the Celestial Boundary Monument shook violently.

Chu Mu looked outside, and found that the tails of the ancient Jiaoren were entrenched outside, forming a shocking long dragon formation, and the space outside had been destroyed by it to nothing left!

"The stele weepers derived from other pseudo-monument weepers are additional powers. Although obtaining these stele weepers is not as much as the main stele weeper, enough amounts can also greatly increase the strength of the stele weepers... However, the main stele weepers are often It has the imprint of the soul, if you want to take away the master stele cry from someone else's hand and activate the power inside, you must kill the owner of the master stele cry." Chu Tianmang said.

"We can talk about this later, shall we first consider how to escape?" Chu Mu interrupted Chu Tianmang.

"In the future?" Chu Tianmang was taken aback.

Is there a future

Chu Tianmang knew very well that if one of them was not allowed to inherit the power of the fourth era powerhouse, it would be impossible to survive the hunting of the ancient Jiaoren.

You know, Chu Tianmang is not even willing to say a few words to Chu Mu that have been hidden in his heart for a long time, because he is worried that he will not have time to finish the most important words for Chu Mu to inherit the fourth era stele weeper .

"Listen to me, these are very important, Wannian Roulette is not just a solar eclipse..." Chu Tianmang said seriously.

Chu Mu looked at him, and said equally seriously, "That's not what you want to say, and that's not what I want to know and hear."

Chu Tianmang choked up his words and went back...

In fact, in his mind, he had rehearsed countless times what he was going to say when he met Chu Mu, and he would even feel nervous and flustered every time he rehearsed.

Maybe they really separated for too long. When I really saw Chu Mu, saw Chu Mu's mature face and calm eyes, Chu Tianmang forgot all the manuscripts in his heart, and could only use the matter of the weeping stele Cover up your ignorant emotions.

He has experienced far more than himself, his soul has died and has been revived again, he does not have the real power to open the stele weeping, but he has already stood at the pinnacle of the soul pet master...

He walked down this road alone, no one helped him, and no one protected him.

"You should know that if you delay, you and I will not survive." Chu Tianmang sighed.

"I'm not a child anymore, so don't make claims about some things," Chu Mu said.

Chu Tianmang was speechless, and it took him a long time before he forced a smile and said, "Then what are you going to do? I can tell you very seriously, if the one who survived was me, your mother would kill me as well."

Chu Mu looked at Chu Tianmang, who was still in the mood to joke, and felt a more familiar feeling in his heart.

I remember very early on, no matter how helpless things were, Chu Tianmang was always optimistic and open-minded.

"I have the strongest person in my heart..." Chu Mu said slowly.

This strongest person, Chu Mu has always wanted to surpass him, but he didn't dare to surpass him easily. It's because of awe, respect, and admiration... It's a father, a teacher, a friend, and many, many things.

Now that his mind is mature, Chu Mu still firmly believes it, because this person has saved him twice without him noticing it, or there are many times he didn't even realize it.

Chu Tianmang looked at Chu Mu with flickering eyes, Chu Mu spoke very seriously, his eyes looked very much like his own.

"There is also a person in my heart, he will always be the weakest..." Chu Tianmang said.

No matter how strong he becomes, Chu Tianmang will always worry about him, no matter how much he stands alone, Chu Tianmang will secretly solve the enemy for him. He will always be the weakest in Chu Tianmang's heart, and will always need his own protection...

Looking at each other, Chu Mu knew that his father Chu Tianmang had understood what he meant.

That's fine, let's put aside the relationship that has passed for a long time, and let go of all the complicated emotional factors.

Since the Celestial Boundary Monument arranged for them to be immortal enemies, let's be an opponent once.

Who will inherit the powerhouse of the fourth era, and who will become immortal, then it is determined by strength!

Chu Mu would not accept that his father, Chu Tianmang, used such a state of charity, sympathy, and protection to let him reach the final peak.

But if he used his real strength to defeat him, to defeat this strongest person, then whether it was the undead level or the servant level, it was already the highest peak for Chu Mu.

The spell was chanted, and a dark pattern appeared in front of Chu Mu.

Among the patterns, Zhan who was covered in black armor also came out from inside.

War beast Moye, this is the race that Chu Tianmang first instilled into Chu Mu's mind, they are tenacious and unyielding, they are brave and good at fighting.

Chu Mu knew that Chu Tianmang also had a war beast, Mo Ye, and that Chu Tianmang's strength had also reached a peak, so it happened that these two war beasts, Mo Ye, would also ignite the battle between father and son!

"Whoever wins, lives." Chu Mu said.

"Okay, very good, he is my son of Chu Tianmang!" Chu Tianmang laughed heartily.

Period Ai Ai is not Chu Tianmang's style.

Chu Mu doesn't need the tears of reunion, and Chu Tianmang doesn't need meaningless touch...

After so many years, what they need most is just a fight!