The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1765: Soul Covenant Repair


Chu Tianmang's words made Yu Suo's eyes flicker.

Stele Cry itself is the purest power in the world, and its attributes are rather watery. If Stele Cry can refine the energy of these manic red fire sun, maybe it can really absorb all of these energies in the shortest time.

The energy of the solar eclipse is quite huge. This is a huge treasure house. As long as it can be completely refined, it is absolutely possible to enter the undead level.

"Beiqi, give me your Beiqi." Yu Suo said to Chu Mu.

Chu Mu took out one drop of the stele.

This drop of Stele Cry is Yu Suo's Stele Cry, through which Chu Mu saw many, many memories of her.

After Yu Suo saw the weeping stele on Chu Mu's palm, she lost her mind for a moment.

The weeping on the stele came from her tears, so how could she not know the origin of this weeping on the stele.

Thinking of the absurd things that happened with Chu Mu in Tiangong that day, Yu Suo felt an inexplicable irritability and anger in her heart.

After calming down, Yu Suo asked coldly, "Have you read the memory inside?"

Chu Mu nodded.

"Bring it!" Yu Suo angrily snatched the drop of stele tears.

Stele Cry is cold and pure, but Yu Suo wants to crush the Stele Cry crystal.

How could she allow her most vulnerable side to be seen by the most disgusting people.

"The power inside needs me to take the initiative to open it." Chu Mu stepped forward and slowly placed his palm on the weeping stele.

The cold Stele Cry was slowly covered by Chu Mu's palm and Yu Suo's palm, and the temperature of the palms slowly melted the coldness of the Stele Cry, turning into warm tears, which melted down their palms to them. in body and soul.

Yu Suo wanted to take back her hand, but the warm power of Stele Cry was being transmitted to her soul, making her soul feel an indescribable feeling, as if the wound was healed...

Suddenly, Yu Suo sensed that something was wrong, she hastily withdrew her hand, and looked at Chu Mu vigilantly.

Chu Mu didn't know what happened.

"Give me all your monuments." Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu hesitated, but Chu Tianmang on the side opened the interspatial ring, and the Seven Drops of Monument Cry immediately floated in front of Yu Suo.

Chu Mu turned around and looked at Chu Tianmang suspiciously.

Chu Tianmang frowned and said, "It's impossible for us to decide the winner. You don't want to, and I don't want to either. Just throw away these monuments, maybe they will play a greater role in her."

Chu Mu thought about it carefully.

Indeed, it was impossible for Chu Mu to kill his father and take away his weeping stele, and it was even more impossible for Chu Tianmang to hurt himself. Keeping the weeping stele would be a constraint.

Chu Mu opened the interspatial ring, and handed over all his steles to Yu Suo.

"Ten drops of main stele tears..." Yu Suo was stunned, watching Chu Mu and Chu Tianmang hand over all ten drops of main stele tears to her.

You must know that gathering the ten drops of the main stele cry is to directly inherit the power of an undead era powerhouse. Yu Suo didn't expect that they had already gathered all the ten drops of the main stele cry.

"You should decide a winner." Yu Suo said while looking at the ten-drop stele.

"Take it, now the lives of our father and son are almost in your hands." Chu Tianmang said.

"She can't wait for me to die..." Chu Mu added.

"..." Chu Tianmang couldn't figure out how complicated the relationship between Chu Mu and Yu Suo was.

However, if one had to choose between their father and son to survive, Chu Tianmang would rather put the chip on Yu Suo. Since this woman can win over so many strong human beings, she is even so bold as to steal the ten-thousand-year solar eclipse. Energy, maybe she really has the ability to turn the world around.

"You guys deal with it yourself, I'll go outside for a breath." Chu Tianmang waved his hand, and didn't bother to go into the muddy water, "These stele tears need successors to open them, but if you directly mix the stele tears into those In the energy of the restless Red Fire Sun, maybe energy harmony can occur."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianmang had already walked outside the gate.

He stopped there, looked back at Chu Mu, and said with a spiritual voice, "Your relationship with this woman is a bit complicated?"

"Well, it's a little..." Chu Mu said.

"Hehe, I feel like I saw your mother and I when we were young." Chu Tianmang smiled.

"..." Chu Mu was speechless, how could it be possible!

"Isn't it? Meeting is like having a deep hatred, but..."

As Chu Tianmang said, he had already walked out of the Di Sanctuary.

Chu Mu turned his head and glanced at Yu Suo, seeing that she was concentrating on refining the energy of Stele Cry, so he simply turned around and left.

To be honest, Chu Mu never thought that the choice of his life would be in Yu Suo's hands.

Perhaps, he and Chu Tianmang have the same mentality.

In this world, there is a level that is difficult to cross.

This time, Chu Mu really felt that powerlessness.

In front of the undead class, everything is too small.

The dark sky, the earth engulfed by the black sea, the yellow sand sweeping up all over the sky, and the destructive and wanton storm all carry the smell of the end of the world.

Chu Mu walked out of the Ti Sanctuary and saw Xiao Xue'ang.

Chu Mu nodded towards him, and flew straight in the direction of Liangjing Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Chu Tianmang with a beard was sitting on the edge of the mountain, holding a jug of wine that he found somewhere, and was drinking it one gulp at a time.

Chu Mufei landed beside him and also sat on the side.

Chu Tianmang handed the wine to Chu Mu.

Chu Mu also took a sip, looking at the dark sky with a little bewildered eyes.

Chu Tianmang looked at him, stretched out his hand, touched Chu Mu's head, and said, "Are you a bit reluctant? If you die."

"En." Chu Mu hugged Mo Xie from his shoulders, lowered his head and slowly combed Mo Xie's hair neatly.

"Me too... After leaving New Moon Land, I lived like a puppet, with no direction, let alone what I was going to do. Sometimes I wondered if those fake stele weepers could live up to their expectations and just give me one." Happy, there is nothing to miss anyway..." Chu Tianmang said with a wry smile, "But after a while, I realized that it is actually better to live by memories than to die."

The first instinct that every creature learns since its birth is to survive, and the same is true for human beings.

Even if there is no thought and no soul, the instinct of survival will not disappear.

"I used to think that as long as I worked hard towards a goal, I would always achieve it. I knew about the existence of the ancient Jiaoren a long time ago, and I was also working hard to cultivate, but I didn't expect to be so powerless in front of that guy." Chu Mu said.

"In this world itself, there are some creatures that transcend the system, the strong man of the millennium era, the god of the roulette wheel of ten thousand years, and the heavenly palace that has existed for tens of thousands of years... You have only been in this world for a few decades, Compared with these thousand or ten thousand years... there are soul pets, they are born rulers, and some soul pets, they have been slaves for generations..." Chu Tianmang said.

Chu Mu nodded and didn't speak any more.

Chu Tianmang didn't speak either, the two sat on the edge of the mountain, drinking wine of unknown taste, and staring at the gray sky...

In the sky above, the patterns intertwined by the stars and rays became more and more vivid, and a huge silhouette shrouded the Tianxia City.

The unknown force came from the distant heavenly palace and hit this human city.

Sanctuary Hall.

The steps were covered with blue and red petals, Yu Suo stood there quietly, all of Chu Mu's monuments were floating in front of her.

Every tear on the stele records a piece of Chu Mu's memory. When Yu Suo put these tears on the stele in her soul to purify the scorching hot sun, Chu Mu's memory was frantically pouring into her mind. middle.

From the weak survival of Nightmare Island to becoming the leader of mankind, this period of time is short compared to other leaders who have lived for hundreds of years, but the experience is really a lot.

Especially when seeing him transformed into a demon, looking for his own soul at a loss, Yu Suo's heart was also touched by this...

The stele weeping melted drop by drop into Yu Suo's body.

These cold and pure tears did eliminate the madness of Chihuo Yaori, and Yu Suo was slowly accepting this energy.

Before she knew it, the last drop of tears floated in front of her.

This tear on the stele is her own tear.

After hesitating for a while, she did not smelt this drop of monumental tears into the energy of the red fire sun, but slowly integrated this drop of monumental tears into her soul.

The feeling of numbness and itching of the soul just now came again, and she was surprised to find that the wound where the soul was broken was healing under the nourishment of this drop of tears...

On Liangjing Mountain, Chu Mu raised his head and stared at the star map in the sky.

The huge star map is covered with white armored Tiangong Watchers. They and their soul pets form a majestic and awe-inspiring picture, which will crush the whole world city!

"I've tasted everything, but I haven't tasted the blood of those gods and people in Tiangong..." Chu Tianmang sneered.

As he said that, Chu Tianmang turned his face to the side, and was about to meet with Chu Mu for a while with the Watch Legion of Tiangong.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Tianmang suddenly noticed a blue light of the soul pact glowing on Chu Mu's body.

"I don't know..." Chu Mu stretched out his hands, and found water stains on the palms of his hands, warm and warm.

Accompanied by this kind of warmth, the broken part of the soul wound began to heal unexpectedly.

"The light of the soul contract? Who are you signing the soul contract with?" Chu Tianmang said.

"I didn't do anything... Stele Cry, seems to be Stele Cry..." Chu Mu said.

"Are you signing a soul contract with that woman just now?" Chu Tianmang glanced at the direction of Di Sanctuary, and found that the same light as Chu Mu's was shining there.

Chu Mu smiled wryly, the power of Stele Cry is repairing his soul contract with Yu Suo!

Chu Mu had already planned to get rid of her completely, and there was really no need to connect this soul contract again.

"What are you doing?"

"It's better to cancel the soul contract."

"Release what!" Chu Tianmang scolded, "She is absorbing the power of Chihuoyori, you sign a soul contract with her, and the power of Chihuoyori will be transmitted to you, you are a fire demon, and the energy of Chihuoyori is more suitable for you !"