The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1766: Heavenly Palace, Ten Thousand Years of Rebellion


"Go ahead, these shrimp soldiers and crabs from Tiangong will be handed over to us. I think these human leaders have actually wanted to fight these people from Tiangong a long time ago." Chu Tianmang looked at the watchmen in white armor that appeared in the sky , said to Chu Mu.

Chu Mu nodded, his body turned into a ball of flames, and flew in the direction of Ti Sanctuary.

Chu Tianmang took a sip of the wine and drank the wine inside.

He stood up, gently stroking a little cat-like soul pet on his shoulder.

The different mane demon murmured comfortably, enjoying this kind of caressing very much.

"I know, I know... There will be a chance." Chu Tianmang said.

In the dark sky, the huge star map has been sketched. In the star map, figures in white armor appear on the star map, as if descending from another world to this mortal city.

The white armor, the white giant beasts of the Heavenly Palace, the backdrop of the light of the Milky Way, the moment these soul pet masters from the Heavenly Palace stand above the city, they are really like the arbiters of the world. They are proud and powerful, overlooking the world The city, overlooking these human beings in the city.

Among the legions of white armor and white behemoths, a man wearing a white lady's armor stood at the forefront of the entire legion.

The temples are gray and the pupils are purple. The White Jade Heavenly Beast he controls is much larger than the white wild beasts of other watchmen.

"Land of the New Moon..." The pale old man looked at the city with cloudy eyes.

Looking down from a high altitude, the whole city is empty and there is nothing.

The people from New Moon Land had migrated away half a year ago, and those who remained in the city must be the rebels who will be crusaded this time.

Tao Xing was very puzzled. He didn't know where these people had the courage to oppose Tiangong. Don't they know how many powerful races have completely become history because of this kind of rebellion in the past ten thousand years

"Tao Xing, what did I say before? This New Moon Land is a rebellious nation, and they should have been wiped out in the crusade before. In that case, where did this hidden danger come from?" Gu Hua sneered Said.

"There are quite a few acquaintances." Rong Wanfeng said slowly, pointing at the figures in Tianxia City.

"These people have lived too long and are tired of it!" Gu Hua stared coldly at the leaders in Tianxia City.

Behind these three people, the two thousand white watch corps were awe-inspiring. Following Tao Xing's order, the white army pressed down on Tianxia City like clouds in the sky.

"So it's them..." Standing on the Liangjing Mountain, Chu Tianmang saw the three members of the royal family at a glance.

Patriarch Gu, Patriarch Rong, and Patriarch Tao of the royal family are very familiar with human leaders, but who would have thought that they would have such a mighty side hidden in the world.

Xiao Xue'ang, King Ning, Tang Ang and others all raised their heads, watching the group of strong men from the Heavenly Palace appearing in the sky.

They all know the three leaders, they are the three masters of the royal family!

"Do you need me to tell you, what crime are you committing now?" Gu Hua stood on the back of the giant beast, looking at these human leaders proudly.

"You might as well talk about it." King Ning said calmly.

"Stealing the energy of the solar eclipse array is to destroy the order of the entire living world. This crime is enough to imprison your soul for a thousand years. Hundreds of years have already made you feel very long, and this thousand years is worse than death." Imprisonment will make you regret day and night how stupid your actions are today." Gu Hua said.

"So that's it. Actually, I thought it would be some three-headed and six-armed gods and demons from Tiangong who came to take my life, but I didn't expect it to be you three old ghosts... To be honest, don't you feel tired of being dogs in Tiangong?" Ning Wang laughed.

"Absurd, the three of us are the heads of the Roulette Temple, and the status of the head of the royal family is only used to better control you ignorant things! Ning, your Ning dynasty has a history of thousands of years, you want Your dynasty was destroyed by you alone?"

King Ning sneered. The Ning Dynasty has long been secretly controlled by the Wupan royal family, and their life and death are not up to their royal family's discretion.

The owner of the Rong family, Twilight, glanced at the leaders who controlled the power in the world, and said slowly: "It seems that Rentu needs a new group of people to take charge."

More than 10,000 human troops occupy Tianxia City. Two thousand Tiangong Watchmen stood above Tianxia City, and the two armies confronted each other, swords drawn.

Chu Mu turned his head and glanced at the people who formed the two camps, and suddenly something moved in his heart.

"Young master, this is a war between the human world and the heavenly palace..." Old Li said.

"Well, why did it turn out like this? How could Yu Suo have such a great ability to cause such conflicts between the world and the Heavenly Palace?" Chu Mu asked puzzled.

"It's not that Yu Suo is powerful, but that there is such an intensifying contradiction in this world itself. Young master, do you think that the strength fields of dominator level and immortal level can still be achieved through some special immortals in this world of creatures?" .But what about the undead class??"

"The undead level is a hurdle that cannot be crossed in the entire living world. There are almost no resources in the human world that can allow those creatures and people who have reached the peak of the immortal level to enter the realm of immortality. The lifespan of the immortal level is no more than It takes hundreds of years. When any living being cultivates to the top of the biological chain, what they care most about is how long they can live. When their cultivation can no longer be improved, and when their lifespan is gradually exhausted, they You will panic... the feeling of slowly aging and waiting to die, do you think those leaders will be willing?"

Chu Mu nodded.

The stronger the strength and the higher the position, the more afraid of death, because they have too much.

Moreover, cultivators have been cultivating for a long time, and they have not enjoyed their lives at all. No one would be willing to let them leave this world like this.

"It's not that Yu Suo is powerful, but that she took advantage of the panic of these leaders and controlled the only life resource that can let them see hope. She just needs to open up a life opening for these leaders so that they will not die. She won't age, do you think the leaders won't work hard for her?" Old Li said.

Indeed, after Yu Suo enters the tenth stage and has no dew, she can even help Princess Jinrou maintain her life, and this is what those leaders who are beginning to age and die most desire.

"Just like a dynasty, if it has ruled for a long time, there will be rebellion after all. Either create a new system, or continue to maintain the old system. The existence of Tiangong will eventually be exposed. Will rise up to resist... The White Sea God, the Seven Sins Fox, the Heavenly Demon, and perhaps many, many races and creatures have all launched crusades against the Heavenly Palace that controls life. However, they have all become history in the end." Old Li said.

The White Sea God is an undead class, and it really led its sea race to the Heavenly Palace.

But the Heavenly Palace still exists.

The Seven Sin Foxes were once the strongest race, but now they are burdened with shackles that the entire race must bear.

All these and the fact that the Tiangong is still hanging have shown that the Tiangong has been standing for so many years, and all the rebels have been swept away by the tide of history...

So, what about Yu Suo's instigation of human rebellion this time?

If it fails, will Wupan Land and Zhengming Land also become a prison, and all human beings will bear the shackles of a race and become weaker beings

"Maybe it will be successful. After all, Yu Suo is from Tiangong herself, and her sister is a totem goddess. If the people inside this Tiangong have already generated disgust and rebellion, this Tiangong will really be criticized a lot." Old Li said.

Yu Suo is very familiar with everything about Tiangong.

She knew when Tiangong was going to flip, knew the structure of Tiangong's solar eclipse array, and knew that Tiangong still had such great enemies as the sky demon race...

"It's a pity that the human race is too weak after all, and there are no undead-level powerhouses. If we can activate the five major races of the monster race, sea race, beast race, ghost race, and flower race..." Old Li murmured.

"Mobilize the five major clans to rebel together?? This is unlikely?" Chu Mu said.

"I think it's possible. The sea clan has already rebelled once. The White Sea God is an example. The monster clan has also rebelled, and the decline of the Seven Sin Fox has been told to the world... Now if the human race Yusuo reaches the undead level, then She is the powerhouse of the tenth era, and what she has to do must be the same as the Seven Sins Fox and the White Sea God." Old Li said.

Chu Mu didn't think of such a deep level. After what Laoer Li said, it is true that what Yu Suo is doing now is not the same as what the strong men of the era or the roulette powerhouses recorded in the Celestial Boundary Monument did

Could it be that a ten-thousand-year roulette is actually a huge impact on Tiangong

A strong man of the millennium era cannot shake the Tiangong, so what about the strong man of the 10,000-year roulette wheel?

With this question in mind, Chu Mu walked into the Di Sanctuary.

Chu Mu's body glowed with the light of the soul agreement, and Yu Suo who was standing on the altar also glowed with the same light.

Yu Suo's eyes were staring at Chu Mu. She also heard Chu Mu's conversation with Old Li outside the door.

There was no need for Chu Mu to ask, Yu Suo had already said, "In the past Tiangong, there was no such great enemy as Tian Yaomo."

"White Sea God and Seven Sins Fox?" Chu Mu asked.

Yu Suo nodded: "Well, Bai Haishen and Seven Sins Fox have both inflicted heavy damage on Tiangong, and they who were once high above have to compromise. They have to sacrifice some lives to feed the sky demons in exchange for a period of peace and self-cultivation. .”