The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1767: Refining the power of the red fire sun


To be honest, Chu Mu didn't want to live that long. If there is no threat from the ancient Jiaoren, the undead level is also a kind of dispensable thing for him.

Of course, if you watch the people around you grow old and start to suffer from the erosion of time, it must not feel too good.

The light of the soul agreement was still flickering, and Chu Mu could feel that the severed soul wound was also recovering rapidly.

Chu Mu looked at the same radiance glowing from Yu Suo's body, but still had some doubts in his eyes.

With the restoration of the soul contract, the patterns on Yu Suo's face began to fade slowly, gradually returning to her original appearance.

As if afraid of Chu Mu's misunderstanding, she explained coldly: "The energy of Chihuo Yaori is fire attribute, and I will inject the energy into your body, which is equivalent to performing a filter in your body, and then passing it through the soul. Pass the covenant to me so that I can fully absorb the energy. After the energy is absorbed, we will cancel the soul covenant."

Chu Mu nodded, and said, "Then let's start."

Chu Mu was still more worried about the ancient Jiao people, and he didn't know if Long Ji could really subdue that sea demon.

Chu Mu walked towards the altar, and found that many flower vines grew out of the gate leading to the Sanctuary of the Holy Flower. These flower vines, like blood vessels, were constantly transporting something to the good and evil flowers in the entire altar.

"The energy is in every flower of good and evil, and every flower of good and evil is dripped on the monument by me. What you have to do is to absorb the power of every flower of good and evil." Yu Suo Said.

The light of the soul contract on the two of them became stronger and stronger, and there was once again a connecting soul thread between the souls.

An inexplicable emotion poured into Chu Mu's heart, mixed with a very complicated inner world, which was actually very familiar to Chu Mu, because for a long time before, Chu Mu could feel this inner world .

The soul covenant was connected and healed, and Yu Suo's hair gradually returned to its original purple color, her skin was as fair as jade, and she looked more delicate and mature than before, revealing the original holiness and nobility.

The souls were reconnected, and Chu Mu's first soul was once again occupied, but the two vacant soul contracts were filled again, and Chu Mu could even feel the strange cry of the ancestor of good and evil, looking very happy.

"Why are you happy!" Yu Suo cursed angrily.

The Demon Fairy of Good and Evil is usually very obedient and has never disobeyed Yu Suo's will, but when she entered the tenth stage, she was forced to have a relationship with Chu Mu. The attached soul was torn!

"How did I feel that there are other souls in your body?" Chu Mu asked.

"Don't pry into my soul!" Yu Suo said in extreme disgust.

"Forget it, let's start, don't waste time." Chu Mu didn't go into it.

Yu Suo calmed down, pointing to the good and evil flowers in the Di Sanctuary and said: "Those open good and evil flowers have absorbed and purified the energy of the Red Fire Sun, and those flower buds indicate that they have not absorbed enough energy."

"What am I going to do?" Chu Mu asked.

"These flowers of good and evil are similar to those soul crystals. You use your soul thoughts to draw them into your body, and then pass them to me through your soul." Yu Suo said.

"That simple?" Chu Mu said.

"Do you know how long it took me to set up this big array to steal the eclipse? You guys did nothing, but you have to share half of my achievements. If I don't step into the undead level, I'll take the You ate it raw!" Yu Suo said angrily.

Chu Mu was too lazy to argue with her, this woman had a bad temper.

There are more than a hundred good and evil flowers that have already bloomed in the entire sanctuary, and Chu Mu can feel the strong energy permeating these good and evil flowers.

Chu Mu walked up to one of the Good and Evil Flowers, closed his eyes, and began to draw the energy inside into his body with his soul thoughts.

Silky and smooth, Chu Mu felt the energy of the stele weeping when he introduced the energy of the red fire sun in the flower of good and evil.

"Huh! After He's energy, a raging heat wave rushed into Chu Mu's body!"

This heat wave was so vicious that it almost burned Chu Mu's body, and even burned his soul.

This burning feeling was too painful and too familiar to Chu Mu, as if he had turned into a demon back then, with only pain and anger in his mind, it was difficult to think at all.

Standing beside Chu Mu, Yu Suo saw that his expression changed instantly, as if his whole body was about to be burned, and she also became nervous.

Sweating profusely, Chu Mu's entire face was twitching. This kind of pure flame pain was simply not something an ordinary person could bear. Even Chu Mu's bloodline of the Black Nightmare felt that life was worse than death.

"You... are you okay??" Yu Suo asked hastily.

Chu Mu didn't speak, his whole body was wrapped in crimson flames.

Whenever Chu Mu wanted to scream out this kind of burning pain, the cool feeling of Beiqi would come, which relieved a little of Chu Mu's pressure.

In this way, Chu Mu was able to slowly incorporate this power into his body.

Yu Suo thought that Chu Mu would be directly burned to death by the domineering power of the red fire, but after a while, she felt a very pure and huge energy coming from Chu Mu's soul!

This energy is very hot, Yu Suo can feel the scorching heat, but after Chu Mu's refinement, this kind of temperature is not unbearable, Yu Suo began to slowly absorb this energy into her soul , Gradually transformed into her own strength.

The ancestor of good and evil is the earliest plant soul pet, and the source of power is the radiance of the red fire. Now that he has received such a huge energy injection, the ancestor of good and evil is transforming towards a higher realm.

The ancestor of good and evil sucked greedily, and flowers of gods and demons bloomed at Yu Suo's feet...

However, it didn't take long for this energy to slowly disappear, as if it had been completely extracted.

Yu Suo opened her eyes, and saw Chu Mu who was extremely pale.

Chu Mu was also looking at her, took a few breaths and said, "This power is too overbearing."

"Can't you bear it?" Yu Suo said.

This is just the first flower of good and evil. There are more than one hundred flowers of good and evil that have absorbed the energy of the red fire sun in the entire sacred sanctuary. Times of torture.

"It's hard, I don't know how much energy I can keep absorbing," Chu Mu said.

Yu Suo was also a little worried. Judging by Chu Mu's state, he just sucked one flower's energy and he looked like a tired city.

You must know that this energy has passed the baptism of Stele Cry, and Chu Mu's system itself is fire. If Yu Suo absorbs this energy, it is estimated that only one or two flowers will be absorbed, and her body and soul will be destroyed. Burned to ashes.

"Go ahead." Chu Mu took a few breaths and said to Yu Suo.

"Hmph, how did you torture me back then, and now I just let you have a taste of it." Yu Suo snorted coldly, expressing that she would never sympathize with Chu Mu.

Chu Mu didn't say much, and walked towards another flower of good and evil.

Yu Suo turned her face away, and seeing him start to absorb the energy of the second flower of good and evil, a strange feeling suddenly arose in her heart.

She had already read Chu Mu's memory just now. She witnessed Chu Mu's suffering from the high temperature of his soul day and night, and even the pervasive and painful year after he turned into a demon...

Now watching Chu Mu slowly refining the energy of Chihuo Yaori, the images he saw in the stele crying couldn't help but float up in his mind.

Can't sympathize with him!

He deserves no sympathy!

Yu Suo shook her head violently, shaking off that unnecessary sympathy.

The energy of the second Flower of Good and Evil was transmitted again, this time the temperature was not so strong, making it easier for Yu Suo to absorb everything.

This feeling is the same as absorbing flower juice, except for being a little hot, Yu Suo has not suffered any backlash from the red fire.

However, looking at Chu Mu's appearance was much more uncomfortable than hers. His face was always in a state of twitching, and his eyes were covered with fiery red bloodshot eyes.

The third plant, the fourth plant, the fifth plant, the scorching power passed through Chu Mu's body, internal organs, blood vessels, and soul. This kind of burning made people want to go crazy.

However, Chu Mu knew very well that these energies were the only way for him to improve his strength.

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want his father to sacrifice for him, and he didn't want to never see them again.

Every time a flame penetrated into his body, Chu Mu had the urge to let the flame directly burn himself to ashes, but every time his soul screamed and persisted.

"Take a break..." Finally, Yu Suo spoke.

Yu Suo was not a hard-hearted person, seeing that Chu Mu's skin was cracked, she didn't dare to let Chu Mu forcefully absorb these energies.

Hearing Yu Suo's voice, Chu Mu turned around with red eyes, holding the next flower of good and evil in his hand.

Chu Mu couldn't hear what Yu Suo said, his mind was full of flames now, but there was another voice in his heart telling him to continue, as long as he continued to absorb the energy of these red fires, everything about him would not be caused by the solar eclipse. come and end.

Pulled by his soul thoughts, Chu Mu didn't even remember which flower of good and evil it was, he repeated numbly, and didn't know what the limit of his body's flame load was.

On the other hand, Yu Suo noticed that Chu Mu was a bit mad, and immediately snatched the Flower of Good and Evil from his hand, and said angrily, "You're crazy! If you don't stop, your soul will be burnt through! Chu Mu finally heard Yu Suo's voice this time, and vaguely felt a trace of coolness coming into his mind, which made his sanity a little clearer."

"Huh~! After Chu Mu stopped, a surge of anger spread from his body, permeating the entire temple, and it didn't dissipate for a long time."