The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1770: Demon god, evil dragon!


"Young master, when the ancestor of good and evil will force you to be with her, it means that the ancestor of good and evil recognizes you as the master. How could it accept the soul contract of other human beings... Ah! Old Li hasn't said anything yet After that, Yu Suo slapped her and sent her flying."

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, Yu Suo and Chu Mu are trying to forget about it completely, but the bastard Li Laoer keeps reminding them deliberately, it's really courting death.

"Okay, I'll just pretend I don't have a first soul." Chu Mu agreed to Yu Suo's second condition.

After so many years, Chu Mu has gotten used to the four souls, and now the level of soul pets is also very high. If they directly reach the undead level, it is estimated that the road of cultivation should come to an end.

"third… "


"Of course! In the past, Chu Mu didn't give Yu Suo any conditions at all. Yu Suo has been bullied for so long, no matter what, he should take this opportunity to collect some interest."

"Tell me." Chu Mu said calmly.

"When I need you to make a move, you must show up." Yu Suo said.

"I'm not your thug." Chu Mu directly refused.

Are you kidding me, who is the soul pet

"You should know that if you enter the undead level, your lifespan will be very long, and the people around you will face the biggest enemy is time. Do you want to watch them grow old and die?" Yu Suo said.

"What do you want to say?" Chu Mu frowned.

If this is the case, Chu Mu would rather not have such a long life. He is afraid of death, but he is not afraid of the slow coming of aging, but if it is true as Yu Suo said, he can only watch the people around him age and die while he still has a very long lifespan. It would be too cruel.

"I can extend their lives for them. All you have to do is to strike when I encounter a strong enemy. Can't you do that?" Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu thought about it, and finally nodded.

"But you have to be clear about one thing, the continuation is just an extension, not infinite..." Yu Suo reminded Chu Mu.

"I know, what else?" Chu Mu said calmly.

Chu Mu didn't know why this woman still said these conditions leisurely at this time. After absorbing the power of the Red Fire Sun, Yu Suo's strength will also be very strong. Is it necessary to make these terms and conditions

"Those for now." Yu Suo said.

"Temporarily? What do you mean?" Chu Mu said.

"Hmph, I pushed you to the highest pinnacle of life, and I only gave you these three conditions, and they are three conditions that are nothing at all..." Yu Suo said.

"Really, try to bear the temperature of these flames? All you have to do is enjoy the power I pass on to you." Chu Mu said with some dissatisfaction.

"No need." Yu Suo said.

"What's the use?"

"The rest of the power belongs to you," Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu was stunned, all the energy of Chihuo Yaori belonged to him?

Seeing Chu Mu's surprised look, Yu Suo said with disdain: "The power of the Red Fire Sun is huge, but I've done the math. If the two of us absorb it, both of us will be stuck between immortality and immortality. Compared with real immortality, there is still some gap."

She worked so hard to set up this solar eclipse array, but in the end she gave it all to herself? Chu Mu stared, wondering if the person in front of him was Yu Suo!

"Are you okay?" Chu Mu asked subconsciously.

Chu Mu finds it hard to believe that under normal circumstances, if the energy is not enough to cast an undead expert, she can completely ask Chu Mu to help her refine the energy, and then absorb all the energy by herself, there is no reason to give it to others Just make a wedding dress.

Chu Mu didn't think that Yu Suo's hatred for him had diminished much. If the absurd incident in Tiangong hadn't happened, maybe they still had hope to reconcile, but after that, Chu Mu felt that the woman's eyes became colder. Obviously, she was trying her best to restrain herself from forgetting about that matter.

Keyue is restrained and easy to explode. When Yu Suo said that he would give all his energy to himself, Chu Mu's first reaction was that this was a trap...

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need for Yu Suo to do this. Now everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope. Even if they want to tear their skins apart, they should wait until the current crisis is resolved.

At this moment, Chu Mu thought a lot, but he couldn't find a reasonable reason to explain Yu Suo's behavior.

"Every good and evil flower has your father's weeping monument. I believe he will protect you from being burned to death by the energy of the red fire sun. When your soul temperature is too high, I will use divine dew to help you control the heat. .” Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu still looked at her extremely puzzled.

Is this person really Yu Suo?

Old Li sneaked back and whispered to Chu Mu with a spiritual voice: "Young master, she has fallen in love with you. From the way you humans look at it, a woman can only fall in love with someone." I will give up everything I have worked so hard for."

Chu Mu and Yu Suo have a soul agreement now, and when Old Li speaks with a spiritual voice, Yu Suo can more or less hear it.

She stared at Old Li with no expression on her face, her eyes were so cold that one could feel the terrifying killing intent.

Old Li hurriedly got into Chu Mu's interspatial ring, too scared to come out.

Yu Suo turned her icy gaze to Chu Mu, and said coldly, "If I fall in love with you, none of your women will survive. Don't worry, at least I don't intend to lay hands on them."

"Sick." Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu believes that Yu Suo's reason for not absorbing Chihuo Yaori is definitely her reason. Maybe it's because she absorbed this power and couldn't enter the undead level. After all, the attributes will still be different.

Since Yu Suo dared to give it, what else would Chu Mu not dare to accept? Chu Mu really needs this power very, very much now.

Not much time, Chu Mu began to continue to absorb the energy of the red fire in the Flower of Good and Evil.

After his strength improved, Chu Mu could clearly feel that the power of Chihuo Yaori was no longer so terrifying, and this kind of absorption was much smoother than before.

Of course, since all the energy was injected into his body, without Yu Suo's sharing, Chu Mu's absorption speed was much slower.

Like a torrent of lava rushing in, Chu Mu's body was quickly burnt red.

Red Fire Sun, the source of all energy in this world.

All living beings were born because of the red fire sun, and all soul pets and practitioners gradually became stronger because of the continuous energy of the red fire sun, stepping on the pinnacle of life.

All the spiritual, mysterious, and fairy things in this world are conceived by the light of the red fire sun.

But now, Chu Mu absorbed the most original things in this world into his body.

Chu Mu didn't know how huge this force was. If he had to calculate it, all the lives, spirits, promotions, and enhancements that would have been born in the entire world during the solar eclipse would all be poured into Chu Mu. in a person's body.

This kind of gift is like the inheritance of God!

The blood is burning, the veins are beating, the soul is full of flames, and the spiritual world is full of scorching heat. At this moment, Chu Mu's whole body is like a son of the scorching sun who has fallen into the mortal world, scorching hot, masculine, and absolutely arrogant!

The fiery breath couldn't even be stopped by the sanctuary's sanctuary and the enchantment, and it began to surge crazily into the entire dilapidated Tianxia City!

Every time the energy in a flower of good and evil is absorbed, there will be a strong coronal halo sweeping towards the entire dark world engulfed by the solar eclipse centered on the temple where Chu Mu is!

The distant and misty Tiangong is like a flying stone floating alone in the Milky Way full of stars.

The stars twinkling in the distance, the meteorite flying and falling, and a huge moon hanging.

The dust rises up in an orderly manner and wraps around some stars like yarn, forming a beautiful picture of fairyland.

In this galaxy, a long-haired woman in an ancient robe is proud and independent, and the entire galaxy has become the scenery behind her...

She is as quiet as a fairy in Guanghan Palace. She is lonely and arrogant, like a star goddess who controls the universe. She is indifferent, like the Queen Si Ye who admires her.

Her star-like eyes looked down on the earth, and her gaze passed through the vast space.

In a small corner of the earth, a ring of red flames is spreading. Each ring is stronger than the next!

The earth on earth and the Heavenly Palace meet for tens of thousands of kilometers. Looking down from the Heavenly Palace, the only thing that can be seen is the crouching dragon-like mountain ridge.

Even so, the continuous ridge of the roof of the world is just a relatively high fold in Tiangong's view.

However, the red ring of flames from the corner of the world is very vivid, which shows how huge and strong this red aura is!

"Mother, I think you should give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, instead of a daring lunatic stealing the power of the solar eclipse as you told those people." In the shady scene, a man walked In the galaxy, he slowly walked to the side of this lonely woman.

"Do you need an explanation that is more acceptable to you?" The mother did not look back, her eyes were still fixed on the domineering ring of fire in the world.

"Stealing the solar eclipse formation? There are only two people in this world who have the ability to steal. One is you, and the other is the totem goddess." The man in the black night windbreaker said.

"Do you know what a hidden danger is?" asked the mother.

"Threats to Tiangong's long-term existence that have not yet been exposed to our eyes..."

"Then how many hidden dangers do you know about Tiangong?" the mother continued to ask.

"The sky demon, the son of the Black Fire Sun, the new owner of the Wannian Roulette, the unruly powerhouse of the era..." the man replied.

The human mother shook her head and said, "These are all known to us. There are some hidden dangers, which were born inside our Tiangong. This is caused by Tiangong's criticism. This is the hidden danger that really threatens our Tiangong's long-term existence."

"Is that so, what are you referring to that we haven't handled well?" the man in the night windbreaker asked.

"The totem goddess of the previous generation—Yu Qie, and her younger sister Yu Suo."

Suddenly, there was a tremor, and the entire dark world became silent.

During the melee in Tianxia City, the entire city had a strange aura in the direction east of the city square sculpture as the horizontal boundary.

This terrifying aura suddenly sank under everyone's horrified eyes!

Half of the Tianxia City suddenly collapsed under this silent energy, and instantly fell into the abyss.

A dark, endless cliff, the sinking of half of the Tianxia City is only a part of this land collapse, because looking eastward, the plains, mountains and rivers are gone, and it has become a pitch-black hollow abyss , there is no end in sight!

"Huh, huh, huh! Black and turbulent waves rolled up from the huge abyss, and a huge tsunami rolled under the starry sky. An extremely huge and lengthy dragon suddenly appeared in the distance!"

Part of its body is entangled between the sea and the sky, and more than half of it seems to have submerged in the black ocean, but its head appears in another place farther away.

Even though they are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, this shocking scene still makes people gasp.

Ancient flood people!

The leaders of human beings have long heard about this monster that exists in the New Moon Land, and they have been talking about it for a long time.

It's just that when they witnessed the appearance of this creature with their own eyes, the shock and horror in their hearts were even more indescribable.

How could there be such a terrifying creature in this world!

On the Tiangong side, they also looked at the dark sky and the vast ocean with disbelief.

They were very familiar with the bright red slender body in the night, it was the highest leader of their dragon army - Long Ji.

However, what they couldn't believe was that they saw that Long Ji's body was covered with scars, and at this moment she was being entangled by the most terrifying dragon in the world with her huge body!

The terrifying dragon opened its mouth to swallow the sky, and it turned out to bite towards Long Ji's tail... No, it should be swallowed!

It wanted to swallow Long Ji alive!

Long Ji's strength already represented Tiangong's strongest, it was hard to imagine that there would be an evil dragon strong enough to swallow her.

Everyone was stunned by this picture!

Compared with these two dragons fighting with enough power to collapse the world, they are just like a group of ants grinning, ridiculous and small!

Chu Tianmang took a deep breath. Is this monster really going to eat his sister Long Ji raw?

It is simply impossible to describe the madness of the ancient Jiao people.

Suddenly, in the dark night, blood sprayed shockingly!

Long Ji struggled to break free from the ancient Jiaoren's swallow, but its tail was bitten off by the ancient Jiaoren, and a large part fell into the ancient Jiaoren's stomach.

The section of Long Ji's tail was dripping with blood, she quickly turned into a red light and receded far away.

At this time, those dragon troops who were as small as flies rushed up frantically to cover Long Ji's escape.

The dragon army was as small as dust in front of the ancient Jiaoren, and the mouth of the ancient Jiaoren's blood-stained fangs opened violently.

Taking a deep breath, a strong air current swept across the entire world, and groups of dragon troops were sucked into the mouth of its abyss by the ancient Jiao people!

The dragon army was defeated, and the three guard leaders sacrificed all the legions to protect Long Ji and fled towards the sky, and soon disappeared.

"Hey, hey, hey! The heavy, thunderous, eerie, and arrogant laughter came from the mouth of the ancient Jiaoren. I'm afraid half of the creatures on the earth can hear this laughter!"

The laughter was full of blood, mocking Tiangong, that madness made all creatures tremble!

This is the ancient Jiaoren, the strongest thousand-year-old in the fifth era!

The melee in the half-collapsed Tianxia City has stopped. In front of such a demon god, the battle between them is really ridiculous.

Suddenly, the old man turned his head!

Its face faced the direction of Tianxia City, no matter how far away it was, people could still see its terrifying face covered with blood donated by Long Ji!

The dark yellow triangular pupils are cruel and cruel, with a mockery of the whole world.

The two devil fangs exposed under the jaw are slowly dripping bright red blood...

The whole city seemed to be frozen at the moment when the ancient Jiaoren stared at it. Everyone was irrigated with a basin of cold water and completely frozen there, unable to move their fingers!

The ancient Jiaoren stopped laughing, and its body began to squirm!

It's swimming here in Chaotianxia City!

The speed of this demon god is very fast. A moment ago, it was still in the distant Tianxia Realm, and a moment later its huge body appeared in Tianxia City!

Only when you really get close to this demon god will you know how huge this monster is.

A human city, a ferocious dragon, the body of this dragon is enough to circle the world city several times!

At this time, the long body of the ancient Jiaoren was entangled outside the Tianxia City, which was only half left, and the upper half of the body was placed on top of everyone's heads, covering the faint starlight.

A huge face looks down on the city, and the people in the city are already as small as dust in its eyes.

The guy smiled strangely...

Can you imagine, when you look up, what you see is not the night, but the fear caused by such a fake smiling face

Spells, attributes, and skills are meaningless things under such fear, let alone talk about power in front of such a dragon. In their opinion, the power of shock is just a breath blown by this evil dragon.

Chu Tianmang raised his head, he knew that the dragon was watching him.

He felt that his mind was blank, and felt that he was thinking a lot in a flash.

It seemed that it was only a short second, and it seemed that a long, long time had passed. Suddenly, Chu Tianmang found that the face directly above his head was slowly blurred in the night...

The long and huge dragon body also slowly disappeared.

The entire half of the city regained its original vision, and the terrifying demon god disappeared suddenly after waking up like a nightmare, leaving behind palpitations dripping with cold sweat.

"Disappeared..." King Ning looked at the sky blankly and muttered to himself.

Several other leaders also stood there dumbfounded, unable to breathe out for a long time.

Chu Tianmang calmed down a bit, but his brows were still tightly frowned.

No, its breath is still there!

It didn't go away!

Chu Tianmang looked around at the ruins, and suddenly saw a strange figure!

There is a looming outline outside this figure, and the outline is slowly fading away.

He took a step forward and walked out from the shadow of night.

Starlight shines on the guy's pale cheeks...

It's that fake smile!

This face was over everyone's heads just now, but now it's on this person's head!

Deep yellow triangular eyes, fangs exposed from under the lips...

This is clearly the appearance of a thin person, but Chu Tianmang knows that this guy is an ancient Jiaoren, and it can turn into a human appearance!

He was smiling, and walked over with a fake smile, step by step.

Except for his face, he didn't look much different from a normal human being. However, when everyone found that the demon god was standing between them, that fear once again filled their bodies!

The city was silent, and everyone's face almost stopped breathing.

They watched the ancient Jiaoren walk past them...

Although the huge and lengthy body was gone, when the ancient Jiaoren walked past them, it was a true brush with death.

As long as he moves his mind, he can take their lives, no matter how strong you are. It's just that he turned a blind eye to you and completely disdained you!

The ancient Jiaoren walked straight towards Chu Tianmang, and had already walked in front of him.

Chu Tianmang couldn't look away at all, and he couldn't even move his body.

"Five thousand years, and finally such a successor of the fourth era was born?" the ancient dragon spit out the words, with direct ridicule in his words.

Chu Tianmang didn't speak, and he couldn't speak at all.

This demon god turned into a human form, but under the starlight, his shadow was still extremely huge, and it was imprinted outside the half of the city in horror.

"Weak. It doesn't interest me at all." The ancient Jiaoren laughed, his fangs fully exposed, "However, I don't have the habit of keeping alive."

The ancient Jiaoren slowly raised his hand, and his palm instantly turned into a scaled claw!

The claw of death grabbed Chu Tianmang's heart directly, and the soul pet beside Chu Tianmang couldn't even stop him, he could only watch helplessly as the ancient Jiaoren's claws sank into Chu Tianmang's chest.

The ancient Jiaoren's movements were not fast, and they were completely torturing Chu Tianmang on purpose.

His nails got into Chu Tianmang's skin, directly broke his sternum, and wanted to take his heart!

Chu Tianmang stood there with empty eyes...

Why this scene was exactly the same as in the nightmare made Chu Tianmang a little unclear whether it was illusion or reality.

The pain, Chu Tianmang has long been numb, and the feeling in the chest cannot be used to distinguish.

"Ziz~! Suddenly, a purple barrier appeared on Chu Tianmang's body!"

The ancient Jiaoren were about to grab Chu Tianmang's heart, but this protective barrier forcibly bounced it away!

The ancient Jiaoren took a few steps back, and there was Chu Tianmang's blood on the claws covered with dragon scales...

Chu Tianmang thought he was dead, but the enchantment appeared too suddenly, his eyes changed from relief to confusion.

Blood dripped from Chu Tianmang's chest, and there were only 11 drops of blood in total.

Eleven drops of blood floated up inexplicably, lingering around Chu Tianmang, slowly spinning...

Chu Tianmang stared at the 11 drops of blood in a daze. Why do these blood drops look so similar to Stele Cry? Are these Stele Cry? ?