The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1773: Submerged human soil


Chu Mu's perception covered several borders. The ancient Jiaoren must have an obvious burning aura of flames, and Chu Mu could quickly perceive his location.

However, what surprised Chu Mu was that the ancient Jiaoren actually swam far away.

There is a long trace of flames trailing behind it, and it can be seen that Nine Lights Purgatory has caused a lot of flame trauma to it.

The flame is still burning on its body, even if it dives into the sea, it still cannot be extinguished.

Chu Mu looked at the ancient Jiaoren from afar, but didn't pursue him deeply.

The ancient Jiaoren are now diving into the deep sea. If Chu Mu goes into the water to fight it, he will definitely be bitten back.

The sea water was still churning on the land, Chu Mu could evaporate the torrential rain, but Chu Mu couldn't stop the black sea water coming from Heng Hai.

People had predicted before that after the ancient Jiao people woke up, half of the land in Zhengming would be swallowed up by the black ocean.

The land of the New Moon must be the first to be engulfed, followed by the western borders of the contending land. No one can stop this evil dragon and demon god from ruling the Black Sea.

Sure enough, after the ancient Jiaoren woke up, the sea level of the Everlasting Sea continued to rise. If this trend continues, within a month, a quarter of the territory of Zhengming Land will become a vast ocean.

"Wow! The huge waves are raging, and the ancient Jiaoren who extinguished the flames once again soared into the air, and their bodies winding like mountains are entrenched between the sea surface and the clouds."

Still with that fang-toothed face with a hypocritical smile, the ancient Jiaoren stared at Chu Mu with a bit of embarrassment.

It didn't attack Chu Mu rashly. The flame power Chu Mu controlled was the flame of the Red Fire Sun. Except for the Black Fire Sun, this was the strongest flame in the world. The ancient Jiaoren's overconfidence just now made it suffer. No small trauma.

This guy is very cunning, knowing that Chu Mu's Scarlet Flame Sunshine is powerful, it simply entrenched above the Black Sea, once another skill like Nine Lights Furnace appears, it can get into the ocean in time, making Chu Mu helpless against it.

Chu Mu triggered countless fire rains to blast towards the ocean of the ancient Jiaoren.

The ancient Jiaoren did not leave the ocean, letting the red flames burn in the black ocean.

The black ocean is naturally not ordinary water, if it is an ordinary ocean, the red fire of the sun can easily maintain high temperature and burn in the water.

This black water is full of toxicity, Chu Mu's scarlet fire will be extinguished after only staying in the black ocean for a moment.

In this way, one is in the air and the other is in the sea, and they have an elemental confrontation with each other with the help of flames and the sea.

This clash of black water and red fire can be seen even in the distant Tiangong, not to mention other places in human territory.

There are countless human cities and countless people in the cities. As long as they look in the direction of the New Moon Land at this moment, they can see the shocking scene of the sky collapsing and the earth colliding with water and fire.

The solar eclipse brought darkness to people, but in this darkness, what demon god who rules all things is disturbing this world.

A world is so huge that no one has the right to shake it.

However, the demon gods with terrifying power surging in that direction, they can really control a world, people should be thankful that the battlefield of gods and demons is not with them, not in the city where they live, but who can guarantee that the crimson falling like the scorching sun Wouldn't the flames and the engulfing black sea engulf them at some point

During a solar eclipse, ghosts haunt and demons dance wildly.

People dare not go out of the city easily, practitioners dare not enter the maze world to practice, and even within the city, people feel uneasy.

The chilly air blows from an inexplicable place, hitting a human city huddled under the night...

Chu Mu and the ancient Jiaoren fought from the Land of the New Moon to the Eternal Sea, and then from the Eternal Sea to the border of mankind. The lives that were crushed and trampled are already innumerable.

However, due to the mutual restraint of attributes, whenever Chu Mu used the scarlet fire to really wound the ancient Jiaoren, this cunning dragon would hide in the black water.

There is no difference between day and night in a solar eclipse, but Chu Mu knew that this battle had lasted for a long time, if every time the ancient Jiaoren were injured by it and fled into the ocean, then there would be no one in this battle at all. Finish.

The ocean is still engulfing the earth, and the sea level is getting higher and higher. The ancient Jiaoren will be traumatized by Chu Mu's flames in the sky. It simply won't go out to sea, or Chu Mu will go to the sea to fight it, otherwise it will never Then touch those annoying flames on Chu Mu's body.

"Young master, it escaped to the deep sea to cultivate. You don't need to be persistent. Undead-level creatures may be able to decide a winner, but it is almost impossible to kill the opponent, otherwise it would not be called immortal." Old Li said.

"We can't let it do whatever it wants." Chu Mu looked at the rising sea water.

"Its sea area is now expanding to the land of Wupan, it seems that it is also a little afraid of you." Old Li said.

Judging from the sea engulfing speed of the ancient Jiaoren, a quarter of the land of Zhengming can be swallowed up in a month. However, with a new undead like Chu Mu in this Land of Zhengming, the ancient Jiaoren invaded. The pace must be hindered.

It can be clearly seen that the direction of the black ocean has changed, and it is sinking towards the land of Wupan.

The area of Wupan Land has also been completely relocated, and the rest are empty cities. The ancient Jiao people must be temporarily retreating and turning their targets to Wupan Land.

There is a very long coastline in the land of Wupan that is connected to the Everlasting Sea. If Chu Mu chased it there, it would be equivalent to entering the territory of the ancient Jiao people. In the place where there are oceans everywhere, Chu Mu is definitely not the opponent of the ancient Jiao people.

"Now it doesn't dare to act wildly in the land of Zhengming. The young master should stabilize his strength first, and then discuss countermeasures with the master of Henghai, Emperor Huangquan. With the strength of the young master alone, he wants to kill the ancient Jiaoren It is unlikely, but we can join forces with Emperor Huangquan." Old Li said.

Old Li's words also make sense, Chu Mu really has nothing to do with the ancient Jiaoren who hid in the deep sea.

And if they join hands with Emperor Huangquan, Emperor Huangquan will argue with it who is the real master of the ocean.

Chu Mu dissipated the sun-like red flames from his body, and flew towards Tianxia City.

The temple of Tianxia City is still under protection, even though the surrounding area is already a black ocean.

Chu Mu recited a spell, and forcibly pumped the seawater directly into the black hole, restoring the Tianxia City to its original appearance.

When they arrived at the temple, Chu Mu saw those leaders hiding in the temple like bereaved dogs.

When Chu Mu landed in the temple, King Ning, Xiao Xue'ang, and the sect master of the An sect all stared at Chu Mu at this moment, and remained motionless.

They have all seen the confrontation between Chu Mu and the ancient Jiaoren, and they originally thought that Yu Suo would become the god of human beings in this ten-thousand-year roulette.

Unexpectedly, the position of God finally fell to Chu Mu, a demon.

"Where's my father?" Chu Mu glanced over, but didn't see Chu Tianmang.

Chu Tianmang was haunted by the eleven drops of stele tears, and he didn't know what kind of changes had taken place. Chu Mu was most worried about him now.

In fact, most of the power of the eleven drops of Stele Cry was consumed when refining the energy of Chihuo Yaori, and Chu Mu was not sure whether all these Stele Cries would be able to allow him to truly inherit the fourth place even if they were all in Chu Tianmang's hands. The position of the strong in the era.

"He flew away by himself, he should be looking for a place to meditate." Xiao Xueang said.

"Young master, he has eleven drops of stele in his hand, so there is no danger." Old Li said.

Chu Mu nodded and began to look for Yu Suo.

But Yu Suo was not in the temple. When Chu Mu used his soul sense to sense it, he found that Yu Suo had already flown towards the east at some point.

Chu Mu's body turned into a ray of red light, chasing towards Yu Suo.

Chu Mu is now at the undead level, and his speed is extremely fast.

A moment later, Chu Mu saw Yu Suo sitting on the back of the Ten Thousand Years Immortal Dark King.

"Where are you going?" Chu Mu landed in front of Yu Suo.

"Cultivation." Yu Suo still maintained that indifference.

Chu Mu looked at Yu Suo suspiciously.

She cast herself into an undead class, then turned and left

This doesn't fit Yu Suo's character at all.

"Don't forget what you promised me." Seeing that Chu Mu was silent, Yu Suo said expressionlessly.

"I know."

"Then do you have anything else to say?" Yu Suo looked at Chu Mu and said.

"No." Chu Mu himself didn't know what to say.

He just had doubts about Yu Suo's behavior that Chu Mu couldn't understand at all this time.

"Then I'm leaving, enjoy the feeling of being a god." Yu Suo patted King Anshang on the head.

King Anshang glanced at Chu Mu, then continued to walk, walking through the black night.

"Wait..." Chu Mu stopped Yu Suo again.

Yu Suo turned around and looked at Chu Mu impatiently, her eyes were also slightly angry.

Does this guy know that he has been patient with him, does he really think that some things can be erased from the bottom of his heart

"What else is there, if you have time to talk nonsense with me here, why not find a quiet place earlier to consolidate your undead power, and focus on how to deal with Tiangong!" Yu Suo said.

"You wait here." Chu Mu said to Yu Suo.

"Boring!" Yu Suo ignored Chu Mu and turned to leave.

Chu Mu simply recited the spell, and directly imprisoned King Anshang and Yu Suo in place.

"You! You bastard!" Yu Suo finally lost her temper.

Helping him become an undead level, he actually imprisoned himself with the power of an undead level!

"Anyway, you've been patient with me for a long time, a few more minutes is nothing. Wait for me here, I'll be back soon." Chu Mu's body turned into a red flame, and instantly disappeared in front of Yu Suo along the black arc of the sky.

Seeing Chu Mu imprison herself here and then leave, Yu Suo's eyes were filled with mist, and she began to feel that giving all her energy to Chu Mu was the most stupid act she had ever done in her life...

But what can she do

She didn't dare to absorb the power of the red fire, once she absorbed it, the life in her body would be burned to death.

The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged...