The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1774: Are you a demon god?


The entire New Moon Land had turned into a vast ocean, and Chu Mu clearly remembered that it took him almost ten years to walk from the Western Realm to the Vientiane City.

He has experienced many, many things in the past ten years, all of which are unforgettable to him.

In Chu Mu's impression, this piece of land swallowed by the vast ocean has too many things worth remembering, but now it has turned into a surging black, and there is a burst of loss in his heart.

In front of the undead level, the land of the new moon is too small and too small to withstand a little power fluctuation. Even if Chu Mu has stepped into the undead level and has the strongest flame in the world, he still cannot save this fragile land. .

Flying across the black sea, Chu Mu vaguely felt the breath of the ancient Jiaoren wriggling in the distance.

The ancient Jiaoren dare not show their heads on the water now, the flames of the sun caused serious burns to its body and scales.

The ancient Jiaoren watched Chu Mu from afar.

Chu Mu had already flown over the Vientiane City. The only preserved place in the entire New Moon Land is Vientiane City.

This Vientiane City was enveloped by Chu Mu with a space barrier, and all the surging black sea water flowed from both sides of the city. Even though the waves were rolling, the Vientiane City was still sitting there peacefully.

Chu Mu flew into Vientiane City, and found that there were many unowned soul pets running on the weed-grown streets in the city.

The black ocean roared and rolled outside the city and in the sky, unable to break through the protective barrier that Chu Mu had set up, but that momentum still scared the soul pets living in the city to run away in fright.

Chu Mu glanced around, and found that there were some cowardly figures in some empty mansions in the city...

In the corner of the mansion, two dark and dark homeless children curled up. They were thin and dirty, just like those sojourner soul pets. They were so scared that they didn't know where to flee.

Chu Mufei landed beside these two homeless children who hadn't migrated away...

Perhaps, there are still such unattended children in many cities in the New Moon Land. They may have been turned into stone sculptures by the black sea water, and only these homeless children in Vientiane City survived by chance.

The two homeless children felt someone flying down from the sky, they opened their eyes full of tears, and looked at Chu Mu in disbelief.

"It's him… "

The boy pointed at Chu Mu with a face full of horror.

There were still some red flames left on Chu Mu's body, and not long ago they saw this red figure fighting the most terrifying dragon in the sky. This scene was extremely shocking for children like them.

Chu Mu looked at these dirty children, and turned his eyes to the dark girl's neck.

There was a purple crystal fragment hanging around the girl's neck, and Chu Mu pointed to the small pendant on the girl and asked, "Do you still have these fragments?"

The girl was too frightened to speak, but the skinny monkey-like boy next to him who was protecting him mustered up his courage and said, "No... no..."

"Where did you find it?" Chu Mu continued to ask.

"It's not Shi, this... this is ours! Chu Mu thought about it, and it seems that many, many years have passed since the battle of Mixc City. At that time, these children were probably still children."

"Can you give it to me?" Chu Mu asked.

"No... no." said the skinny boy, his legs trembling as he said this.

"No? Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you and then take it away?" Chu Mu smiled. This brat is very brave.

"This city... the city will be swallowed... by the sea, and we...we will die as well. I can give it to you, but there are conditions." The boy said.

"Son, do you know who you're negotiating terms with?" Chu Mu grinned with that terrifying evilness.

"I... I don't know." The boy tremblingly touched his trouser pocket, and then took out more purple crystal shards, and said with fear and stubbornness, "You... you take us to a place, these are also Give you all."

Chu Mu took these crystal shards and remelted them with the bright red flames.

But it is clear that these crystal fragments are only half of the entire pendant, and the remaining fragments are missing.

"There's only half of it here, and I'll just take one of you away. You have a lot of fragments in your hand, so I'll take you away." Chu Mu pointed to the boy and said.

"Brother... brother." The girl was terrified, she didn't want to be alone in this empty city, swallowed by the black devil alone.

The boy burst into tears, gritted his teeth and said, "Then you take her away."

"Why?" Chu Mu looked at the little boy.

"I...I want to protect this city...that's what grandpa said. He didn't leave at that time, so the city was saved." The boy said.

"Oh, your grandpa..." Chu Mu muttered to himself.

The grandpa the boy mentioned was just a member of the Guardians of War and Freedom in the Land of the New Moon. Chu Mu didn't even know his name.

In fact, this war has not passed for a long time, but the remaining problems have not been resolved, such as these post-war orphans who have become unattended...

After chanting the incantation, Chu Mu summoned Xiaohuangquanhuo in front of him.

"What a disaster, send these two children to Territory City at the northern end." Chu Mu patted Xiao Huangquan on the head.

"You~!" Little Huangquan nodded, and with a single curl of his tail, he rolled the two homeless children onto its back.

The two children had never seen such a noble soul pet as Huang Quan at such a close distance. When sitting on Huang Quan's back, they didn't come to their senses for a long time.

"Big brother... are you the god mentioned in the book?" The girl asked in a low voice with courage.

"Probably." Chu Mu smiled gently.

"Why are you looking for these fragments?" The girl seemed to think that Chu Mu was not so scary anymore, and asked curiously.

"These fragments belong to a friend of mine, which is very important to her. My soul pet will send you to the new Crescent Palace. To protect a city, courage alone is not enough, try to learn how to control the powerful If you want to learn, there will be someone willing to teach you." Chu Mu said.

"I... can I learn from you?" The boy asked very, very carefully.

This homeless boy should be one of the few people who witnessed Chu Mu fighting the dragon and demon god alone, and he knew that this must be the strongest force in the world. Because if it wasn't for this god-like man who deliberately protected Vientiane City, the two of them would have been reduced to ashes due to an easy skill turmoil.

"Yes, but after I finish some things that should be done." Chu Mu said.

The boy nodded desperately, it was like a dream to him.

For him, the most powerful power is the ability to protect a city as his grandfather said, but this person in front of him is a person who can destroy the world, and his strength can easily protect a city.

After Xiao Huangquan sent the two children away, Chu Mu used his perception to search for other fragments in Mixc City.

The fragments all exude the same energy aura, and it's not too difficult to find them.

Soon, Chu Mu found all these fragments, and then smelted them into a square with the red fire, although there were still cracks that could not be matched...

When Chu Mu left Vientiane City, he specially added another protective barrier to Vientiane City.

The red starlight was fleeting, passing through an unknown number of territories.

From a distance, Yu Suo, who was imprisoned in the night sky, saw this dishonest bastard appear.

When talking about the conditions before, she told Chu Mu seriously that she must not use the soul contract or powerful strength to restrict any of her freedom.

It didn't take long before he forcibly imprisoned himself.

Yu Suo even began to wonder if Chu Mu would help her avenge her.

She doesn't need Chu Mu to completely overthrow Tiangong, this is an act of courting death, Tiangong can exist for so many years, there must be a reason for its existence and eternal existence, what she wants Chu Mu to do is to kill Yu Tian.

Chu Mu's flying speed was very fast. Not long ago, he was still far away, and he was approaching in a short time.

Yu Suo hurriedly wiped away the tears on her cheeks with her sleeve, no matter how unwilling and wronged she was, she couldn't let this hateful guy see her crying. She gave him everything, Yu Suo couldn't figure out why this guy didn't let her go, even when facing Tian Gong, she never compromised like this.

Suddenly, a wave of heat rushed over, and Chu Mu's tall and straight body hovered in front of Yu Suo.

Yu Suo didn't raise her head, she didn't want to say a word to Chu Mu, didn't want to look at him.

"I wasted some time talking to the two homeless kids," Chu Mu explained.

Yu Suo still did not speak.

"This is for you." Chu Mu stretched out his palm, and placed the square purple crystal pendant in front of Yu Suo.

Yu Suo was unmoved at first, but when she saw the purple crystal pendant clearly, her eyes finally moved.

I don't know why, every time I see this purple pendant, a wave of tears will flow from the bottom of my heart, and the arrogance, indifference, and strength that she has practiced so hard will all be crushed, and she will become a girl who cannot bear a little memory. and sad child.

How can I cry, I have agreed that I will never cry again.

But seeing this purple pendant again, why is it still so disappointing...

It fell drop by drop on the purple crystal pendant. There used to be two of these pendants. There were no cracks at first, and they were originally perfect. But now there is only one single one left. People's poor memory has changed.

Yu Suo snatched the pendant from Chu Mu's hand, and held it tightly in her palm.

"Tiangong should know who is stealing the solar eclipse, you are not safe alone, you should follow me first..." Chu Mu said.

Yu Suo wiped away her tears, and said coldly: "In what name, is it your soul pet?"

Chu Mu didn't know how to answer.

What the hell are He Yusuo? It was so ridiculous to say they were friends, Chu Mu himself didn't believe it. Is it an enemy? It seems that it is not anymore, the enemies will not be so interdependent, and they now have a common enemy.