The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1775: Heavenly demons enter the world


Seeing that Chu Mu didn't speak, Yu Suo turned and left.

Chu Mu didn't know how to keep her, so he just watched her leave like this.

Chu Mu's mind is also a little confused now, he still doesn't understand why Yu Suo gave him all the power of the undead level.

She left, looking at her figure in the distance, Chu Mu felt like she was taking a curtain call and would never appear in this world again.

Chu Mu didn't know where she was going. After she transformed into the Queen of Good and Evil, everything she did was for the night of the solar eclipse, but in the end all the power went into her body.

Then she just left, as if what happened after that had nothing to do with her, as if there was nothing worth nostalgic about.

In fact, Chu Mu himself didn't know why he came here to let her stay. Maybe it was just because she had given all the strength she had worked so hard for, and she always felt that she owed others something.

But when she asked in what name she stayed, Chu Mu really couldn't answer, and couldn't find a reason or an excuse after searching.

After walking far, far away, Yu Suo finally turned her head and glanced at the red flame that seemed to be still standing there.

It wasn't that she missed Chu Mu, but Yu Suo remembered Chu Mu's words: "Where are you going?"

Where should I go?

Yu Suo was also asking herself, she didn't know where she was going at all.

After transferring her revenge to Chu Mu, she was like a puppet who had lost her direction. She didn't know where to go. It seemed that the only thing she had to do was to wait for the day when she heard the news that Yu Tian was killed by Chu Mu, or if Chu Mu Mu died tragically in the Heavenly Palace... Well, well, this is all good news, isn't it

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ”

It is also asking its owner where to go.

"Go to a place farther from the sea, the humidity should not be too heavy." Yu Suo said to King Anshang.

"Well, it needs to be warm and fresh, preferably in a place with flowers." Yu Suo added.

The Wannian Immortal Dark King nodded, then suddenly turned a direction and walked north.

"Idiot, don't you know that one of the conditions I said has already been acquiesced, the farther away from him the better!" Yu Suo patted King Anshang on the head heavily, and cursed angrily.

Dark King drooped his head, gave up the idea of going to the northern territory, and started walking towards the east and north.

It is said that there is the kingdom of flowers.

Chu Mu pondered on the spot for a long, long time, and finally raised his head to glance at the Misty Heavenly Palace that blocks the scorching sun.

The hidden danger of the ancient Jiaoren has been suppressed for the time being, but this cunning dragon is not an easy task to solve. Chu Mu asked Xiao Huangquan to send the two children to the northern territory and then gave it a task , let it go to the Emperor Huangquan, and convey his meaning to the Emperor Huangquan.

Chu Mu flew to the northern territory by himself, where there were still many people waiting for the news of his safe return.

It didn't take long to cross a piece of human land, and Chu Mu landed in this new city in the land of the new moon.

This city is much bigger than the Vientiane City, and it is a real boundary city, enough to accommodate the residents of several important cities in the Vientiane Realm.

This is Chu Mu's first visit to Beicheng, and he couldn't find where his family was for a while.

Flying across the night sky, no one in the entire city noticed that their king had returned, and Chu Mu landed quietly in the City Lord's Mansion.

The building style of the mansion is more like an ancient courtyard, and it doesn't look as grand as the Crescent Palace. This kind of building style is also in the northern part of the earth. If you want to modify it at that time, you will have to wait for the solar eclipse.

The dim light can only illuminate a limited area, and the thick darkness is even more overbearing than usual night, making the entire castellan's courtyard look a bit deserted.

Following the soul agreement, Chu Mu searched for Ning Man'er in this unfamiliar compound with many familiar faces.

Near the garden, Chu Mu saw an elegant attic.

The attic has a hat-shaped blue-tiled roof. When Chu Mu walked in, he saw a girl with bunches of hair sitting on the roof, looking at the dark night sky with her chin resting on her hands.

When Chu Mu jumped onto the roof, she was still in a daze.

"What are you thinking about?" Sitting next to her, Chu Mu asked.

Ning Man'er froze for a moment, then turned her small face, and the melancholy on her face was instantly swept away.

Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and Ning Man'er flung herself into Chu Mu's arms unceremoniously.

"Brother is a villain, he left without a sound, and then came back without a sound!" Ning Man'er cried.

Ye Qingzi had only been told about Chu Mu's stay in Vientiane City, and he didn't want to make others worry.

However, there were some things that others would not have guessed unless Chu Mu didn't say anything. How could it not make people worry about running alone to face an enemy they couldn't defeat, and not even saying goodbye.

During this period of time, no one has ever had a peaceful night's sleep. Facing the dark sky every day, childish things like making a wish on a shooting star are regarded as the most credible prayers.

Ning Man'er's crying quickly woke up Ye Qingzi in the room.

Ye Qingzi was wearing a thin pajamas, her hair was a little messy, and she was wearing a coat.

His skin was pale, and he looked very, very haggard.

Waiting day and night was the most terrifying torment. Ye Qingzi stood on the yard, looking at the safe and sound Chu Mu, and watching him gently comfort the crying Ning Man'er...

Her face was calm and peaceful, but her heart was already churning violently.

Chu Mu grinned, seeing that she had become so haggard for him, his heart was full of guilt.

Ever since they got married, Chu Mu found that he was always running around, and Ye Qingzi was always waiting, as if they were estranged, but at the same time they seemed to be getting closer.

She is the only woman who can understand and understand everything without needing to speak out. Chu Mu doesn't know how much she usually spends remembering her every move and all her details...

She became quieter, calmer, more understanding, and more patient. She wasn't like that in the past. It was because she was impetuous, messy, negligent, and dissolute. She slowly chose this way, so that the long-term relationship between the two would become smoother, instead of being full of contradictions in the devastation of the years like other couples , boredom, irritability and disgust.

Not many women want to grind themselves out and be a wife who acquiesces to many things.

Chu Mu touched her cheek, and found traces of age.

If I stay away for a year or so at every turn, and practice retreat for a year or two at every turn, will I suddenly find that she is starting to age when I hold her in my arms and fall asleep one day?

At this moment, Chu Mu suddenly remembered what Yu Suo said.

Chu Mu began to panic, how could he let his beloved grow old without knowing it.

If you want to grow old, you should lead her to aging together. If they all leave and you are still living in this world alone, then this undead class will be a million times more painful than dying.

Chu Mu hugged Ye Qingzi even tighter. Although Ye Qingzi's lifespan is still very, very long, she only showed a little trace of age because of her haggardness, but Chu Mu was really afraid that one day she would die. …

Life is passing by all the time, and Chu Mu has never noticed it. He was cultivating hard and missed a lot.

"Have I been away for too long?" Chu Mu asked.

"Yeah." Ye Qingzi nodded.

"It's all over, can I stay by your side all the time?"

"Is there anything unfinished?" Ye Qingzi asked.

"The ancient Jiao people are not dead, and now they are just suppressing it. There is also Tiangong, my power comes from Tiangong's solar eclipse array, they should not let me go easily." Chu Mu said.

"One link after another, the ancient Jiao people ended, and the Tiangong appeared. Is there something behind the Tiangong?" Ye Qingzi murmured.

"No more." Chu Mu said with certainty.

"But why does it feel like you're here to say goodbye." Ye Qingzi said.

"How come, don't think about it." Chu Mu said seriously.

The dark sky is still full of unknown fears, all kinds of creatures that have never been seen before are flying in the human soil, these things have fleshy wings, like huge bats, and like beasts with wings, lightning flashed Sometimes, you can also see fresh blood sticking to their fangs...

Bai Jinrou frowned, and flew down from the sky to the city.

Chu Mu was cultivating and consolidating his strength, so she didn't dare to disturb him easily.

"Old Li, have you seen these things?" Princess Jin Rou found Old Li and asked.

Old Li stroked his beard, thought carefully for a long time before saying, "It seems to be a very ancient creature."

"But I've seen these before." Princess Jinrou said.

"Where did you see it?" Old Li asked.

"Tiangong. These are very similar to the sky demons in Tiangong, although they are not as ferocious and powerful..." Bai Jinrou said.

"How could the creatures from the Heavenly Palace appear in the human land??" Old Li was also stunned.

The race of heavenly demons threatens the survival of Tiangong. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should inhabit the roulette land of Tiangong. How could it run into the human territory...

Is it because of the solar eclipse?

"Yu Suo seems to have said before that the sky demons are monsters that live on the back of the roulette. They hate the sun so much that they hide in the soil when the sun shines. Now the whole world is dark and the sun can't shine, maybe This has become a paradise for these monsters to run rampant... Also, these things feed on the living." Princess Jinrou said.

Old Li was startled, and hurriedly said: "Quickly go and ask Lady Liu if someone has disappeared recently."

Princess Jinrou suddenly understood something, her expression changed, and she hurriedly flew towards Liu Binglan's yard.