The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1776: Heavenly Palace Invitation


Liu Binglan frowned.

Recently she did get news of missing people from all over the borders of the Northern Territory.

At first Liu Binglan thought they were attacked by some soul pet tribes that hadn't been cleaned up, but after hearing what Princess Jinrou said, she also found that some information sent back said that they might have been attacked by a monster with flesh wings. It was eaten raw.

In addition, the same information seems to have come from other places in Zhengming Land, that is to say, this kind of sky monster does not only appear in the northern territory, but how many places are covered by the solar eclipse, there may be these monsters appearing .

"Specifically preying on living people, how could there be such a monster?" Chao Lengchuan said in a calm voice.

It's no wonder that some people from some small towns in the New Moon Land who migrated late to the northern territory disappeared inexplicably. Thinking that these people were actually eaten alive by this kind of sky monster, Chao Lengchuan felt a chill in his heart.

"This matter must be handled properly. Send more experts to escort the rest of the people, and let some people living in small places gather as much as possible in places centered on Jingcheng and Jiangcheng." Liu Binglan said.

"Well, I'll give the order now." Chao Lengchuan nodded.

After Chao Lengchuan left, Liu Binglan got up and walked towards Chu Mu's courtyard.

Chu Mu was still practicing. He sat in the room like a statue with his eyes tightly closed.

When Liu Binglan walked into the room, Ye Qingzi wasn't there, and there was only Chu Mu in the room, meditating there motionless.

For some reason, when Chu Mu came back this time, Liu Binglan clearly felt the change in Chu Mu's temperament.

This kind of change always made Liu Binglan feel a little strange, as if she and Chu Mu were not from the same world.

She walked to Chu Mu's side, and stroked Chu Mu's cheek with her hand.

Liu Binglan knew that he had stepped into a field that was too high for people to look up to, and what he had to undertake was beyond his reach.

She was very worried, would one day, his life and her own life suddenly have no intersection

This made Liu Binglan feel extremely panicked.

Liu Binglan sat next to Chu Mu, thinking quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Binglan felt a light weight on her shoulders.

She opened her eyes, and found that Chu Mu was already awake, and he was gently hugging her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Chu Mu asked.

It could be seen that Liu Binglan had something on her mind.

"A feeling, a very strange feeling." Liu Binglan said.

"What does it feel like?"

"I can't say it either." Liu Binglan shook her head and didn't say any more.

The night is always shrouded in the sky, and people can't see a little bit of light at all. This kind of darkness lasts for too long, not only will people not get used to it, but it will make people feel more and more panicked.

Perhaps, it was this darkness that in vain made Liu Binglan feel more inexplicably uneasy.

Seeing Liu Binglan's silence, Chu Mu scratched his head, not knowing how to comfort her.

"Have you stabilized your strength?" Liu Binglan asked.

"En." Chu Mu said.

"Why did she give you power?" Liu Binglan continued to ask.

"I don't know either, oh, I also want to ask you, what's going on?" Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu was very troubled by Yu Suo's weird behavior, and she left just like that, which made Chu Mu feel even more like he owed her something.

"She likes you?" Liu Binglan asked.

"..." Chu Mu was speechless, and explained, "It's impossible."

Liu Binglan thought about it carefully, and also felt that this might not be a big deal. Their relationship was complicated, but if you think about it in terms of men and women, it would be too far-fetched.

"That..." Chu Mu hesitated for a while.

In the end, I decided to tell Liu Binglan about the absurd thing about Tiangong.

Liu Binglan opened her mouth after hearing this, and looked at Chu Mu in surprise.

Seeing Liu Binglan's expression, Chu Mu didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, pretend I didn't say it." Chu Mu smiled wryly.

"Does Qingzi know?"

"I dare not say..."

Liu Binglan gave Chu Mu a supercilious look. This guy is quite lucky, and after being entangled with Yu Suo, this woman finally fell into Chu Mu's hands.

"You shouldn't have let her go." Liu Binglan said.

"I don't know what to do, it's a mess."

"But fortunately, you helped her find the pendant. She must be as disturbed as you are, and needs to be purified." Liu Binglan said.

Hearing Liu Binglan's tone, Chu Mu felt that he wanted to find Yu Suo by himself? This is not appropriate.

Liu Binglan seemed to see Chu Mu's concerns, and smiled slightly, "Just do what you think in your heart. If you don't like it, don't force yourself. She is not a person who needs pity."

"En." Chu Mu nodded.

Walking out of the yard, looking up, what I see is always a black curtain covering the top of my head.

Ten thousand years of roulette, how long will this solar eclipse last?

Chu Mu himself didn't know either.

"Young master, young master..." Old Li ran up to Chu Mu in a panic, waving his short hands.

"What's the matter?" Chu Mu asked.

" grandpa is here." Old Li said.

"Your grandfather?" Chu Mu looked at the old Li Laoer.

Immediately, Chu Mu suddenly realized that it seemed that Old Li, the emissary of the Yaozu, had come.

Sure enough, not long after, the old raccoon with a silver beard appeared with a long stick, followed by a few green demon spirits with a strong aura. The eyes of the green demon spirits shone with wisdom, obviously It is a very high-level and intelligent demon spirit creature.

"They are subordinates of the demon ancestor." Old Li pointed to the three blue demon spirits.

The strength of the Cyan Demon Spirit had obviously reached the peak of the Immortal Level. It turned out that it would be difficult for Chu Mu to deal with any of them.

Chu Mu wondered, if the Emperor Huang Quan didn't send someone first, why the Yaozu's Yaozu came first instead.

The demon ancestor is none other than the Nether Purple Emperor, the strongest of the same race as Mo Xie, and also an undead level thousand-year-old powerhouse!

"I thought you had inherited the power of Monument Cry and became a powerhouse of the fourth era, but I didn't expect you to absorb the power of the Red Fire Sun..." The old civet cat stroked his beard and looked at Chu Mu with his eyes.

Chu Mu shook his head, the person who inherited the powerhouse of the fourth era was his father Chu Tianmang, but Chu Mu didn't know where he went, and he didn't know if he really fully inherited the power of Beiqi. Monument Cry has most of its energy used to ease Chihuo Yaori's overbearing.

"The Ten Thousand Years Roulette has been opened, and it shouldn't be long before Tiangong will send out invitations," said the old civet cat.

"Invitation letter, what invitation letter?" Chu Mu asked suspiciously.

"Among the ten strong men of the era, there must be a Wannian Rourou..."