The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1777: The strongest enemy, time


Chu Mu was very puzzled, why the Wannian roulette powerhouse should be judged by Tiangong.

And the so-called invitation letter, is it to invite all the strongest undead powerhouses of the millennium era to Tiangong? Presumably only Tiangong has such an ability to bring together ten powerful men of the era.

The old man raised his head and stroked his beard, and said, "On the way here, I found many creatures that do not belong to our territory."

"You mean the sky demon?" Chu Mu said.

Princess Jinrou had already told Chu Mu about the rampant demons in the sky, which also made Chu Mu very puzzled.

Since the race of sky demons can be powerful enough to threaten the existence of Tiangong, if these things appear in the human land and feed on human beings, they will definitely become the natural enemies of human beings.

I don't know how long the solar eclipse will last, and if the sky monsters shuttle between the night and the solar eclipse, it will be difficult for people to effectively stop and counterattack everything they do.

"Oh, have you seen this kind of monster?" said the old civet cat.

"Well, I saw it in Tiangong."

"This is an unusual monster. Its reproduction speed seems to be very fast, and its growth and transformation don't seem to follow the tenth stage and tenth stage guidelines." The civet cat old man said.

"Don't abide by the rules of ten stages and ten stages of growth and transformation??" Chu Mu was stunned.

Based on Chu Mu's understanding of soul pets, except for those small beings that can't even be called soul pets, all creatures in this world abide by the growth standard of ten stages and ten stages, including humans.

The ten stages and ten stages of human beings can be roughly expressed by age. Thirty years old is a standard for complete maturity. If you can't cultivate to a certain level before the age of thirty, unless you have huge resources and special adventures, your strength will be no matter what. It is difficult to make a big breakthrough.

Human beings are also soul pets, Old Li has said this many times. It's just that human beings have the ability to communicate with other soul pets and tame them.

After thinking about it, apart from the concept that the derivatives derived from the mother body of the matriarchal clan do not have the concept of ten stages and ten stages, there seems to be no other creature in this world that does not obey this growth rule.

Matrilineal clan creatures refer to soul pets that were born directly from the mother's body without reproduction. Chu Mu remembered that when he left the city, the long-clawed demon spirits controlled by the hundred mother were such derivatives.

Chu Mu was thinking, could it be that these sky demons flying around in the human soil looking for food are derivatives

If they are derivatives, their predation must be for their mother body, so what is the mother body of the sky demons?

"I'm afraid this answer will only be known when you arrive at the Heavenly Palace." The old civet cat said, stroking its beard slowly, "By the way, the envoys of the Sea Clan should be arriving soon, right?"

"You mean the mermaid clan?" Chu Mu said.

"Yes, before and after the solar eclipse, we messengers will meet each other. This time we set the meeting place at your place," said the old civet cat.

"Determine me? I'm not the envoy of the human race." Chu Mu was a little puzzled.

"The envoys of the human race are what you call the royal family, and they work for Tiangong."

As the civet cat old man said, it didn't take long for the fishman princess Lan Qie to appear.

In the past, other more experienced murlocs came to participate in the meeting of the envoys. Considering that the murloc princess Lan Qie and Chu Mu were also familiar, the Eastern Sea Shark King asked the murloc princess Lan Qie to be in charge of the envoys' movement this time.

Of course, Chu Mu's Xiao Huangquan also came back together.

"You~! Xiao Huangquan swam to Chu Mu's side, and rubbed the back of Chu Mu's hand affectionately."

Chu Mu touched Xiao Huangquan, who was still like a child, and looked at Concubine Lan, the fishman princess.

"Emperor Huangquan already knows what you mean." The fishman princess Lan Qie said.

"Didn't it say yes or no?"

"The Emperor didn't say anything, he just asked me to convey to you that our Sea Clan and you are always allies." Said the fishman princess Lan Qie.

Chu Mu scratched his head, the meaning of the Emperor Huangquan seemed unclear, could it be that the ancient Jiao people were allowed to run rampant between Henghai and Human Land like this?

"No matter what, congratulations on becoming a thousand-year-old powerhouse in the new era." Concubine Lan, the fishman princess, showed a gentle and beautiful smile, and looked at Chu Mu with more special appreciation.

"It's just a coincidence..." Chu Mu said.

This undead, this god-like title, was given by others after all.

"There are indeed many accidents on the road of cultivation, but entering the undead level, it can't be accidental, either you are destined, or you have already stood out, presumably before you step into the undead level, you are already the strongest existence in the human realm " said the old man Li seriously.

Chu Mu has nothing to deny about this. His soul pets have basically stepped into high-level immortality, and his own demonic strength is also at the peak of immortality. He should indeed be the strongest in the human field, after all, those human leaders The strength of their soul pets is just one of their many soul pet strengths.

"In this millennium, undead-level energy will definitely flow into someone's body. Since you are already the strongest, you have made enough preparations to become this undead," said the old civet cat.

"Moreover, not everyone can become immortal, even if there is huge undead-level energy placed in front of him... Ning Man'er's ancestral tree power has subtly allowed your soul and body to accept this god-level energy. Qualified for strength." Said the fish-man princess Lan Qie.

Chu Mu didn't expect that there are so many details in it. At this time, the old man who was hiding in Chu Mu's space ring and didn't want to come out suddenly realized: "Young master, could it be for this reason that Yu Suo gave up those energies?" , all given to you?"

Chu Mu didn't realize that he would step into the undead level, and he had a certain relationship with Ning Man'er.

However, I think Ning Maner inherited the power of the ancestral tree. Although her slow nurturing did not improve her strength, it should indeed lay a solid foundation for her to accept the power of the undead level. After all, Ning Maner After Man'er's strength is complete, she may have already produced an undead powerhouse...

Of course, it will probably be the next era when her power reaches the level of the real world master tree.

"Then what about the other envoys, flower clan, beast clan, ghost clan..." Chu Mu asked.

"They... they may not be friends with us." said the civet cat old man.

It seems that there are also obvious contradictions between each ethnic group and each ethnic group.

"We are here this time, on the one hand, to tell you something about the era and roulette, and on the other hand, to confirm your position." The civet cat old man said seriously.

"Stand?" Chu Mu didn't quite understand the meaning of the civet cat old man.

Concubine Lan, the fishman princess, explained gently: "You should know about the existence of Tiangong. They are the real rulers of this world. However, when we think that they are only in charge of order and time, they are not superior to us. God."

"They have great power, and they have many undead powerhouses, but these undead powerhouses have their own responsibilities, and rarely participate in disputes in the era and roulette."

"So, purely from the perspective of the undead level, in terms of camp, the demon ancestors and the emperor are on the same side. Our sea clan and the demon clan have always had a good relationship. The ancient beast gods of the fourth era were also ours before. in camp."

"Then, the Black Nightmare of the Nightmare Clan and the Yincao Ghost Lord of the Ghost Clan are in the same camp, including the strongest Liusu Lord of the Eighth Era."

"Then, Queen Naihe of the Flower Clan and Jiuyou Demon of the Beast Clan are in the same camp."

"In the end, there is the Tiangong camp. This camp is undoubtedly the strongest."

Chu Mu was puzzled as to why there was such a division among undead ranks. In Chu Mu's view, these undead ranks should have very few disputes.

As for the disputes between races, the undead who have already transcended may not handle it personally.

At that moment, Chu Mu also expressed his doubts.

"This is the relationship between the Ten Thousand Years Roulette. Among the ten powerhouses of the era, there will definitely be a Ten Thousand Years Roulette level powerhouse. The new Ten Thousand Years Roulette will have the power to control life."

"This life is not only a long and almost eternal lifespan for oneself, it can also give life to others, and even bring back to life those who have died but whose souls are still preserved."

back to life...

This is the power that Chu Mu and Bai Yu have been looking for.

Even, there are countless powerful creatures in this world who are looking for this kind of life energy that can bring the dead back to life and prolong their lifespan at the same time.

However, what Chu Mu didn't expect was that this resource was controlled by a ten thousand-year roulette-level powerhouse.

The undead level does not have eternal lifespan, that is to say, whoever becomes the ten thousand year roulette will control the lives of other undead level powerhouses, because when the undead level is strong and life is slowly exhausted, they can only succumb to Someone who controls their lives.

"All living beings are cultivating for the strongest power. Only when the power reaches its peak do they realize that the strongest power in the world is time..." Chu Mu sighed.

Indeed, time is the greatest enemy of living beings.

No matter how strong the power is, it will appear so feeble in the face of time.

This point, Chu Mu has already realized, because when seeing the people around him have such a little trace of time, Chu Mu really felt very panicked.

"The totem goddess is in charge of only one thing..."

"It's time."

Suddenly, a sentence that Yu Suo said in Tiangong came to Chu Mu's mind.

I remember in the appointment, Yu Suo said that she could provide life for those around her...

That is to say, Yu Suo actually also holds the "time" that only the ten thousand-year roulette powerhouse can control!

Perhaps, this is why so many people follow her inexplicably and become her subordinates or servants. Even if she only has a little bit of "time", it is the most precious life for those strong!