The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1780: Ten pets gathered together


The strong wind blew past his ears, like the angry roar of a rough beast.

In the dark world, the lonely and towering Myriad Vault Dragon Abyss points to the starry sky, the roulette that covers the Heavenly Palace, and even the red fire sun lingering in the sky.

There is not a single ray of light leaking from the red fire sun to the world, and that distant corona beautifully outlines a lonely arc...

This is the second time Chu Mu has been to this Wanqionglongyuan.

Its height is always daunting, and standing at the top is a biting cold wind.

It seemed that Chu Mu was the first one to come here. The powerhouses of other eras still don't know where they are now, but it won't be long before they all show up.

"Wooooow~! Mo Xie yawned and told Chu Mu that it had woken up."

Chu Mu's four souls were all occupied by other soul pets, and Mo Xie could only stay in the space of soul pets now.

However, Chu Mu vaguely felt that he could still summon.

Chu Mu tried to chant the spell, and summoned Mo Xie in front of him.

With sleepy eyes, Mo Xie lightly jumped out of Chu Mu's soul pet space.

Stretching, little Moxie's exquisite and petite body made the sound of stretching bones.

This one is full of laziness, full of sleep and comfort.

It jumped onto Chu Mu's shoulder, and rubbed against Chu Mu's cheek with a small long kiss.

Chu Mu looked at it in surprise...

It's not that Mo Xie has changed, but that he successfully summoned him!

Yu Suo occupied the first soul, and the hunting team occupied four souls, and all five souls were occupied. It stands to reason that Chu Mu could no longer summon soul pets.

As a result, little Moxie ran out of the soul pet space bouncing around!

"I can summon six soul pets?" Chu Mu was secretly surprised.

The summoning limit for a soul pet master is 5, no matter how strong a person is, but now Chu Mu has summoned 6 soul pets...

Chu Mu hesitated for a while, and tried to continue reciting the spell.

"Little Hidden Dragon! The spell was completed, and the ghost pattern appeared in front of Chu Mu, and the indigo-colored Little Hidden Dragon quickly emerged from the soul pet pattern."

Flapping its wings, Little Hidden Dragon's round body landed on Chu Mu's other shoulder, and those big eyes were staring at Little Moxie.

Little Moxie stretched out her paws, shaking them vigorously, as if she was determined to have no snacks.

Little Hidden Dragon was a little disappointed, and got into Chu Mu's space ring by himself.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! Chu Mu's interspatial ring was rummaged by the unscrupulous little Hidden Dragon, but he couldn't find any delicious ones..."

Chu Mu twisted it out of his interspatial ring, flicked his head: "Snacks."

"Shushasha~!" Little Hidden Dragon looked pitiful.

Little Hidden Dragon is just a child who can't grow up, there is no way to make it the only one among all Chu Mu's soul pets that has been cultivated from the soul pet egg to hatching.

"Young master, you have summoned the seventh soul pet." Old Li jumped out and said in surprise.

Chu Mu himself was also surprised, could it be that the soul of the immortal level is enough to bear the summons of all soul pets?

Apart from frequent visits to each other in the soul pet space, the soul pets have never been reunited in front of Chu Mu. Thinking that he can summon so many soul pets at once, Chu Mu faintly looks forward to seeing his soul pets gather together look.

The incantation continued, and Chu Mu called again.

This time it was Ning who summoned.

Surrounded by the icy cold, Ning quickly got out of Chu Mu's soul pet space, and stood beside Chu Mu very obediently.

"Magic tree."

Chu Mu continued to summon, and the Demon Tree Warrior also appeared in front of Chu Mu.

The Demon Tree Warrior scratched his head, and looked at Little Hidden Dragon, Mo Xie, and Ning with a simple and honest face.

The Demon Tree Warrior remembered that Dead Dream, Ye, Zhan Ye, and Xiao Huangquan summoned by Chu Mu before should have already occupied the four souls. The four of them are cultivating and experiencing themselves in the human soil, looking for stronger opponents.

But what's the matter, Little Hidden Dragon, Mo Xie, and Ning also gathered at the table here

"Ghost Lord!" Chu Mu continued to chant the spell in surprise.

The King Ghost Vault was as huge as a mountain peak, and when he was summoned by Chu Mu, he was domineering and awe-inspiring.

However, this guy seemed to think that this size was not suitable, so his body gradually shrunk to about 3 meters, and the huge curved sword in his hand was 5 meters long...

Ghost Lord is a typical boring gourd. When the soul pets are playing, it will stand aside and watch, and will make some strange laughter from time to time. Everyone knows that it is listening.

Gui Jun also looked at the other partners blankly, and then looked at Chu Mu inexplicably.

"Qin!" Chu Mu's face was full of excitement, and he continued to chant the spell.

After the spell was completed, a gust of wind disrupted the airflow here.

Binding Fengling formed in the wind, with a pair of bright eyes looking at the soul pets.

It stretched out its small hand, counting from Mo Xie, one, two, three, four...

Ning patted Qin and asked him not to count, except for the four guys who went to practice by themselves, everyone is here.

"Woooooooooh~!" Mo Xie called out to greet everyone.

"Shushasha~!" The little Hidden Dragon flew over everyone's heads maliciously.

"Ling~!" Ning was standing beside Chu Mu, like a shy child who wanted to hold hands.

"Zin~!" Qin flew around Chu Mu, unable to stop for a moment.

The quieter Guijun and Moshu were about the same height, they glanced at each other, and then scratched their heads honestly.

"I'll call them back too." Chu Mu said in surprise.

All the soul pets were summoned, which Chu Mu never thought of.

Chu Mu himself didn't know what was going on, why his summoning was not restricted by his soul when he stepped into the undead level.

Dead Dream, Ye, Zhan Ye, and Huo all received Chu Mu's spiritual information, and they came to Wanqiong Longyuan from different places.

Chu Mu controls the power of space, if they jump through space, they will be able to rush back quickly.

The first to arrive was night, and during the solar eclipse, its speed reached the limit, and it appeared gorgeously and gracefully in the darkness.

When it landed in front of Chu Mu and all the soul pets, Ye's calm and indifferent eyes suddenly widened a lot, looking at the group of soul pets around Chu Mu in astonishment.

"Shushasha! Little Hidden Dragon happily flew onto Ye when he saw Ye, and unceremoniously lay down on Ye's dream corner."

Ye shook his head, threw the chubby guy to the ground, and looked at everyone suspiciously.

Ye is Chu Mu's first batch of soul pets, plus it has a calm and steady personality, and it feels like a big brother when it walks over.

Not long after, Zhan Ye and Death Dream arrived at the same time.

Zhan is also standing on the body of Dead Dream, it seems that the two of them should go to practice together.

After Zhan Ye and Death Dream fell, their expressions were similar to Ye's, and they almost thought they had returned to Chu Mu's soul pet space.

"Woooooooo~!" Mo Xie's tail floated out and rubbed against Zhan Ye's head.

Zhan Ye stood aside coldly, but after the little Hidden Dragon got up from the ground, he happily jumped onto Zhan Ye's back...

Finally, Xiao Huangquan appeared riding a wave of water in the air.

Xiao Huangquan didn't understand anything, and he wasn't surprised to see everyone gathered together.

But this guy has the same virtue as Little Hidden Dragon, these two guys are nimble and petite, so they scurry around on the soul pets.

Mo Xie, Ning, Mo Shu, Ye, Zhan Ye, Gui Jun, Qin, Little Hidden Dragon, Death Dream, Huo, including the white devil who had already merged into Chu Mu's soul, all these soul pets were by Chu Mu's side.

Among the soul pets, Mo Xie, Ning, Qin, Dead Dream, Huo, and Little Hidden Dragon can all be transformed into miniature forms. As these guys frolic endlessly, this place becomes a pet kindergarten.

Old Li squatted aside, looking at these soul pets whose childlike innocence was still there, he also expressed emotion for a moment, saying: "If I tell others that they are a group of super soul pets standing at the top of the biological chain, I am afraid they will not How many people will believe it, hahaha."

Every soul pet Chu Mu present was too familiar with them, their voices, their appearances, their habits, their personalities, and their experiences.

They are squeamish, stubborn, timid, upright, silent, cold and arrogant, calm, and stubborn, but no matter what their personalities and tempers are, in the end they all stepped to the top of the biological chain and became the kings in their hearts.

Usually, Chu Mu would call them several times. When they all gathered together to form such a harmonious yet noisy scene, Chu Mu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart...

On the road of cultivation, Chu Mu never gave up, perhaps because he had a belief in his mind, but more because they were always by his side, so that no matter how rough and difficult the road of cultivation is, he would never give up. Feeling alone, helpless, and boring.

Defeat enemies that were invincible in the past, strengthen their strength, and learn new abilities...

I am growing, and I am watching them grow and change, and there are so many unforgettable, even tearful experiences.

They are like their own children, like friends, like relatives.

Many creatures with high racial levels cannot understand why some soul pets sign soul contracts with humans and are willing to obey human orders.

However, a true soul pet master will never feel that soul pets are their slaves.

In fact, in such a cruel environment where one needs to survive, the special dependence between the soul pet and the soul pet master will not make everything look so dull and indifferent.

After entering the undead level, Chu Mu understood that the strongest power is not destroying the world, but time.

No matter how strong a creature is, it cannot withstand the passage of time.

But what time can't take away is Chu Mu's indelible memories in this life. This trust, this dependence, and this touch will not be diluted by time, and will not die because of the passage of time.

Seeing, watching, Chu Mu's heart almost melted.

If there is reincarnation, Chu Mu will abandon this immortal without hesitation, and continue wandering with them in this vast world of soul pets.