The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1781: Emperor of Huangquan


The world of soul pets is vast, and Chu Mu still has many places he hasn't been to.

In addition to the human land, there is the boundless Eternal Sea, the vast land of the monster race, the entire endless mountain range of the beast race, the power of the dark ghost race, and the extremely colorful kingdom of flowers.

And between the lands of these big races, there are other races occupying their own territories and inhabiting.

The Heavenly Palace can cover the light of all living beings, but does it really cover all the places of life

Are there other gorgeous worlds outside the territories of the various clans, with soul pets and scenery that people have never seen before...

The journey will not end because of my sudden immortality, there are still many places I haven't traveled.

The invitation to the Heavenly Palace this time is a grand banquet, but it is just a difficult threshold. As long as one crosses it, there are still many things worth breaking through.

Mo Xie's strength will improve, it may not be the last mutation.

Both Demon Tree Warrior and Ning have crossed the limit of race level, so can't they move towards a higher realm

When Zhan Ye of the undead level is fully erupted, is it enough to fight against several undead level powerhouses alone

Little Hidden Dragon can still increase its strength by devouring the soul, what if it devours the soul of Wannian Roulette

The Dead Dream is constantly nirvana, and its rebirth of nirvana may break the law of the highest race, and give birth to the Phoenix race whose racial level is immortal...

How could it end, it feels like there is still a lot to do!

A smile slowly appeared on Chu Mu's face. This smile was very pure, like a lost person who suddenly saw a straight road leading to a distant place. experience.

"This invitation to the Heavenly Palace may leave me for a while. Although I don't want to be separated from everyone, this chaotic and depraved land needs you to maintain and maintain it, to cook for you, and to provide you with strength. My son also needs your protection..." Chu Mu said.

The soul pets all quieted down, surrounding Chu Mu one by one, looking at him without moving.

"Cultivate hard, you have to be like Ye, Little Hidden Dragon, and Zhan Ye, get used to being able to improve your own strength without my company," Chu Mu said.

The ten soul pets still looked at Chu Mu, as if they didn't understand what Chu Mu said.

"Oh, forget it, let's assign you a task." Chu Mu said helplessly.

These guys have all reached the immortal level, and their intelligence is no less than that of humans. How could they not understand Chu Mu's words. All of them are too lazy to use their brains, anyway, it is usually Chu Mu who decides everything, so they just follow suit.

"Before I come back, clean up this smoky human land. The territory at the northern end is guarded by one or two of you in turn, and the rest can walk around on their own. Those who don't like it, those who don't like it, those who are self-righteous, Just look for them to practice, medium immortality, high-level immortality, peak immortality, there should be no shortage of powerhouses at these levels, and you will not be bored or have no opponents." Chu Mu said.

The hunting group changed from the original four to ten at once. The solar eclipse turned the world upside down and demons ran rampant. It happened that my soul pets were less and less fighting. Let them act on their own. On the one hand, cultivate their independence. On the other hand, it can be regarded as making some contributions to the chaotic human land.

When the Wannian Roulette arrives, ten undead powerhouses will gather in Tiangong. According to the descriptions of the old civet cat and the murloc princess, the choice of the Wannian Roulette will definitely not be resolved in a short time.

After I arrived at the Heavenly Palace, they stayed in the space of my soul pet, so I might as well let them all go and let them move their muscles and bones.

"Old Li, you assign them." Chu Mu said.

"Young master, Ning Man'er must have a guard there. Since it chooses that path, it will definitely encounter some troubles."

Chu Mu nodded, glanced at Death Meng and said, "You can stay by her side."

Dead Dream pecked his head, saying he was happy with the job.

"Shushasha! The little Hidden Dragon raised its paw, resolutely expressing that it is guarding the territory at the northern end."

"..." Chu Mu didn't know what this guy was thinking, it was nothing more than getting closer to Ye Qingzi so that he could have snacks at any time.

Forget it, the northern territory really needs a strong enough Little Hidden Dragon to sit in charge, so let it be mainly responsible for the protection of the northern territory.

Anyway, the soul pets were tired, so they went back to the northern territory to rest by themselves, and there was no difficulty in distributing the rest. Do what you want, do whatever you want, and let them take over the mountain as king.

Of course, it was impossible for Chu Mu to let them have any accidents.

Before the soul pets left, Chu Mu imprinted two marks on their souls.

The first mark is the guardian mark. When their lives are threatened, this guardian mark will protect them so that they will not be killed by some powerful enemies.

The second imprint is a spiritual imprint. Once someone is in danger, other soul pets will sense it, and they will gather there as quickly as possible to ensure timely rescue before the guardian imprint disappears.

By Chu Mu's side, they were no different from a group of innocent little soul pets.

But after leaving this Myriad Vault Dragon Abyss and flying towards various places in the human land, they are the nightmare of those monsters rampant in the solar eclipse!

"Wooooow~! After the soul pets left with great enthusiasm, little Moxie was still lying on Chu Mu's shoulder, looking very sleepy."

"Sleepy again??" Chu Mu picked it up.

What's the matter with this little guy, he slept endlessly, how long did he wake up and wanted to doze off again.

The nine soul pets had all left, but Mo Xie had no intention of leaving at all, with heavy eyelids and a dissatisfied cry from his small mouth.

"Are you sick?" Chu Mu always felt that little Moxie had been seriously sleepy recently.

Using soul thoughts to carefully check Mo Xie's physical condition, Chu Mu found that Mo Xie was in good health and there was no problem with his soul.

Good condition, just sleepy.

In this state, it is definitely not enough to practice.

"Young master, the enemies you will face next are all undead-level powerhouses. They are proficient in various soul attacks, and their methods are also weird. It may not be safe for Mo Xie to stay in your soul pet space." Old Li reminded Chu Mu One sentence.

Indeed, when Chu Mu was fighting against the ancient Jiaoren, he clearly felt that his soul pet space was impacted by the ancient Jiaoren.

This kind of impact will not destroy Chu Mu's soul pet space, but this energy may cause serious damage to the soul pet. This is why Chu Mu let the soul pets go to experience individually. Their current strength cannot bear this kind of impact. .

After thinking about it, Chu Mu felt that it was better to send Mo Xie to Ye Qingzi, and Ye Qingzi would take good care of Mo Xie who was always sleepy.

"Woooooo! Mo Xie jumped off Chu Mu's shoulders by himself, and then walked to the edge of Wanqiong Longyuan Mountain."

The top of the mountain is full of time stones. I don't know how many years these time stones have existed on the top of Wanqiong Longyuan Mountain. Mo Xie deftly shuttles between these time stones...

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, as if it had found its own little nest, and then lay down there comfortably, as if it was about to sleep here.

"Speaking of which, when Mo Xie was still a soul pet egg, he should have been brought to the New Moon Land by the Celestial Cyan Hidden Dragon from the Myriad Vault Dragon Abyss?" Old Li said.

"Wooooow! Mo Xie wagged his nine little tails and told Chu Mu something."

"Oh, you mean it feels familiar here?" Chu Mu asked.

Little Moxie nodded, and started throwing out a warm nest with her paws.

"Then you want to sleep here?" Chu Mu asked.

Mo Xie continued to nod, and then let out a whining sound.

"Alright, maybe you can find out your own history." Chu Mu said.

Wanqiong Longyuan is the closest place to Tiangong, Mo Xie probably didn't want to be separated from Chu Mu, so he just dozed off here and waited for Chu Mu.

Anyway, after sleeping, the time will pass quickly, maybe Chu Mu has already settled the matter by then.

And if something unexpected happens, Mo Xie will rush to Chu Mu's side immediately, regardless of whether it has mutated or not.

Chu Mu knew that if Mo Xie was too far away from him, he would definitely not want to.

Since it likes this place, let it sleep here. In the Heavenly Palace, Chu Mu can see the top of Wanqiong Longyuan at a glance, so there is no need to worry about it being in any danger.

To be honest, Chu Mu himself is not used to being separated from Mo Xie, so that's good, even in Tiangong, he can see this guy sleeping soundly and cute at any time.

Chu Mu was thinking, maybe there would be a record of Little Moxie's origin in Tiangong. It exists so uniquely that it cannot have arisen out of nowhere.

It should be investigated from the disappearance of the Wanqionglongyuan dragon clan. At that time, it happened that the Tiancang Qingyulong flew to the New Moon Land with Mo Xie who was still in the soul pet egg.

"Then you can wait here for me." Chu Mu said.

Mo Xie stuck out her little tongue and licked Chu Mu's cheek.

However, its eyelids were getting heavy, and it was too sleepy.

Chu Mu gently placed it on the soft soil, and arranged a barrier around it to prevent some monsters and ghosts from disturbing its sound sleep.

"Sleep well."

Mo Xie's drowsiness, maybe this is also a precursor to the mutation.

Chu Mu smoothed its silver hair. At this moment, Mo Xie was already snoring faintly...

In the past, Mo Xie could only fall asleep on Chu Mu's shoulders and in the soul pet space, and it was rare for Chu Mu to see him fall asleep while lying on the soft soil.

It seems that this is really related to its birth.

Just, how did it come about

Has the ability of continuous mutation really stopped

Many doubts welled up in Chu Mu's heart.

"Hoohoo! Suddenly, a huge figure flew over in the sky, and rushed towards Tiangong at an extremely fast speed. The air was pierced by this figure into an arc-shaped air shield."

Chu Mu raised his head, and recognized this huge monster at a glance!

Although he hasn't seen it before, Chu Mu can be sure that it is the owner of Henghai - Emperor Huangquan!