The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1786: mother's request


Long Ji looked at the mother suspiciously.

Now the powerhouses of the era are hitting the barrier angrily, and once they break through, they will definitely attack the Tiangong.

It's not that they are going to perish in the Heavenly Palace, but who else.

This is obviously because the powerhouses of the era have developed a rebellious heart and deliberately made such an excuse.

They want longer life, more power!

This group of immortals who have transcended the concept of living beings themselves reached this state by stepping on countless corpses. Their greed and desire are hard to satisfy. They must want to destroy Tiangong and become the master of this world by themselves.

The mother didn't say much, but instead looked at Chu Mu.

"Can you get Yu Suo back?" the mother asked.

Chu Mu shook his head and said, "She can't wait for the Tiangong to be completely destroyed."

The mother was silent.

Now in terms of the layout of the map array, only Yu Suo can be stronger than the current totem goddess, and the human mother has a way to return the inheritance power of the totem goddess to Yu Suo...

However, if this power is given to Yu Suo, what she will do will be even more terrifying than the current totem goddess.

"Mother, why do you want to find that traitor, she stole the power of Chihuo Yaori..." Long Ji became more and more confused.

Chu Mu glanced at Long Ji, how could this woman be so insensitive.

"Don't you understand?" Chu Mu said coldly.

"Understand what?" Long Ji said.

"It's not the powerhouses of the era who want to destroy the Tiangong, but your Tiangong itself." Chu Mu said.

"Nonsense, we don't have a traitor like Yu Suo here!" Long Ji pointed at Chu Mu's nose and said angrily.

"Then let me ask you, who led the powerhouse of the era to the execution platform?" Chu Mu asked.

Long Ji opened her mouth, wanting to say something but didn't know how to refute it.

"Then, who has the ability to open the enchantment on the execution platform? That enchantment can only be opened by the senior members of the Totem Temple. Moreover, do you think that the powerhouses of the era will foolishly lock themselves in it, and then Looking for an excuse to attack Tiangong??" Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu's understanding of Tiangong is far more than other powerhouses of the era, and even through Yu Suo's memory, he has a certain understanding of Longji, Human Mother and the other two temples. When Wang Jiang brought them to the place where Concubine Yu was being tortured, Chu Mu felt that something was wrong. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't all the powerhouses of the era gather together in the roulette hall

And then the enchantment that trapped the powerhouses of all eras once again made Chu Mu affirm the guess that he had in his mind before!

This heavenly palace, which seems to be rigorous, strict, and firm, has actually been invaded by something!

They took advantage of Tiangong's identity to deliberately provoke conflicts between Tiangong and the powerhouses of the era.

Once the two sides collide, all they have to do is to stand up and clean up Tiangong and the strong men of the era, and then a new Tiangong will be born!

Tiangong has existed for too long, but who can be sure that Tiangong has not changed its owner

At least for this Ten Thousand Years Roulette, Tiangong’s accusations and trauma accumulated over the years began to appear frequently, and many hidden dangers suddenly broke out, which already foreshadowed that Tiangong was heading for extinction.

As for who is manipulating all this, it is easy to guess.

In the human land, those monsters flying all over the sky, in the Tiangong, are enough to threaten the survival of the Tiangong, and they even force the Tiangong to offer living people to them as food every year.

This group of monsters has invaded many, many unknowingly!

After hearing Chu Mu's words, Long Ji was also stunned, her face full of disbelief.

Tiancheng is still Tiancheng, guarded by countless Tiangong guards, not allowing the sky monsters to cross the pond. The Tiangong is still guarded by heavy soldiers, and there are various temple gods. In Longji's view, the Tiangong is an unbreakable existence. Why did it suddenly appear? Time has become so vulnerable

"Corrosion... Use the hearts of people who have no greed or desire to corrupt them, and then corrode the entire Tiangong." The mother said.

"Mother, what should I do? Do I want to watch these powerful men of the era destroy our Heavenly Palace, and then watch those demons step on our corpses?" Long Ji said anxiously.

The mother did not speak, but looked at Chu Mu.

Long Ji was a little bit stunned, and hurriedly grabbed Chu Mu and said, "You are one of the strong men of the era, you can tell them that this is a conspiracy by the heavenly demons, so that they will stop attacking the Tiangong..."

The mother shook her head and said: "It's useless. If you tell them that we have been corrupted by the demons of the sky, the strong men of the era will stand on the side of the demons of the sky without hesitation. Our Tiangong has been on the same side as the demons of the era before." The demons have hoarded countless grievances, they would rather be with the devil than trust us, although this time we sincerely invite them... "

Chu Mu nodded.

Ten-thousand-year powerhouses like the Seven Sins Fox and the White Sea God were all suppressed to death by Tiangong, and judging from the tone of the Emperor Huangquan and Youming Fox God, they didn't have a good impression of Tiangong, and even felt that they were being forced by Tiangong.

In this case, no matter what the explanation is, the strong of the era will fight Tiangong.

Unless Tiangong can show the strength to truly crush the powerhouses of all eras...

Unfortunately, Tiangong is gone. Many strong men in Tiangong have been corrupted.

"Then what should we do, mother, please tell me what to do, I will not let the Tiangong be invaded by those monsters, never!" Long Ji said angrily.

"If the heavenly demons win this conspiracy, the human land will also become their hunting ground, because they have always eaten human beings. So, now choose to stand by us?" The mother looked at Chu Mu, asked.

"It's not about standing on your side." Chu Mu said.

The sky demon must be eradicated, otherwise the monsters that run rampant in the human land will never end, and one day they will invade the northern territory where the New Moon people are.

As for Tiangong, Chu Mu didn't like it either. They themselves have always ruled the world with a lofty attitude. Their existence is not much different from the sky monsters, because as long as they want to keep covering the red fire sun, they can turn the whole world into hell.

"Do you know why the Tiangong exists?" the mother asked.

"In charge of all creatures."

"No, we are guarding." The mother said.

"Guardian? For your own long lifespan, you covered the sun of the red fire, and even turned the whole land of life into hell. Is this called guardianship?" Chu Mu felt a little funny.

The ruler's words will always sound grand.

Living things can survive better without them.

"I know you have learned a lot from Yu Suo. But there is one more thing that Yu Suo doesn't know. I can't tell you about it. No matter what, the Heavenly Palace cannot perish. I need your help." Seriously.

At this moment, the appearance of the mother changed back to Ye Qingzi, and even her eyes were exactly the same as Ye Qingzi.

This feeling, as if Ye Qingzi was begging herself.

Chu Mu shook his head, shaking this illusion out of his mind.

Seeing Chu Mu's actions, the mother said seriously: "If you regard me as the most important person in your heart, then it means that you also have a lot to protect. Just like you believe in her, please believe what I say , the Heavenly Palace cannot perish.”

"Give me a reason." Chu Mu said.

Chu Mu is actually in a dilemma now, because he can't let the Heavenly Demon become the master of this world, and at the same time, he can't let Tiangong maintain the posture of a superior.

"Long Ji, you go to the side and wait." The mother said.

Long Ji wanted to say something, but after seeing the mother's eyes, she had to leave again.

Long Jifei returned to Wanlouzhilou.

She didn't understand why the mother asked an outsider for help. His strength was only comparable to that of other powerful men of the era, and one more him might not be able to change the current situation.

The most important thing is that there is a secret hidden in the mother's heart that even the totem goddess does not know. How can such a secret be shared with a person who has not even taken a stand? pay off.

Not long after, Chu Mu also flew to Wanlouzhilou.

Long Ji noticed that Chu Mu's face had obviously changed.

"Come with me." Chu Mu said to Long Ji.

Long Ji was a little annoyed, why did this guy use such an orderly tone.

"I want to protect this place." Long Ji said.

"The mother's meaning." Chu Mu said.

Long Ji looked into the distance in great perplexity, and soon received a spiritual voice transmission from her mother.

"Why? Mother, I don't understand your decision. Why did you ask me to obey an outsider!" Long Ji said.

"Don't ask too many questions, just do as he said, if you want Tiangong to have a chance to recover." The mother's voice was serious.

Long Ji didn't dare to refute, but instead glared at Chu Mu viciously.

"The human mother will restrain those furious powerhouses of the era, you and I have more important things to do." Chu Mu said.

Long Ji didn't say a word, but responded to Chu Mu with cold eyes.

Chu Mu took Long Ji to the roulette table.

In the roulette table, the Emperor Huang Quan was lying there, looking listless.

The Nether Fox God gracefully combed his shiny silver hair with a long kiss, seemingly indifferent to what happened outside.

Long Ji felt even more puzzled after seeing these two strong men of the era.

The powerhouses of other eras are in a state of exposure, why are these two so calm?

Seeing the two of them looking so leisurely, Chu Mu was really speechless.

As expected of the two undead legends who have seen the world, their calmness must have driven the conspirators a little crazy.

"What did the mother tell you?" The Youming Fox God asked when he saw Chu Mu approaching.

In fact, the imprint that the Youming Fox God had placed on Chu Mu had allowed him and Huang Quan to hear the conversation between Chu Mu and his mother. After knowing the truth, the Emperor Huang Quan and the Youming Fox God were naturally very calm. Rampage is fine.

"Forget it, mother wouldn't tell so many people about this kind of thing, let's go, we seem to have something to do?" Emperor Huang Quan slowly got up.

Chu Mu nodded. The two legends of immortality are indeed very courageous. It seems that they are willing to help him.