The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1791: Totem Goddess Dai Qing


Purple flames, black flames, against the background of red flames, these two flames collided fiercely!

The Nether Fox God's movements are very sensitive, and the Black Flame and the Sun Demon can't even touch a single hair of it.

Luanying shuttled back and forth, and the blood claws of the Nether Fox God had torn the skin of the son of the Black Fire Sun!

Feilong Longji hovered aside, watching the battle.

She even felt that she couldn't intervene in this level of confrontation.

Their control of power is very pure, every release of power is like laying down a chess piece, preparing for the next heavy blow to the opponent.

As the Nether Fox God said, fighting is definitely not a competition of strength, and the Nether Fox God's strength can be regarded as a lesson for Long Ji.

Long Ji has always believed that the strongest creature is in Tiangong, but at this moment, it seems that the strength of the Son of Black Fire Sun and the Nether Fox God are comparable to the strongest in Tiangong!

Chu Mu glanced at the battle, and the strength displayed by the Nether Fox God really surprised Chu Mu. After all, Chu Mu had just stepped into the undead level not long ago, and even though he controlled the flame of the strongest red fire in the world, he was by no means as skilled in using it as these two powerhouses.

However, now is not the time for him to watch the battle.

The mother told Chu Mu a very cruel fact, that is, the secret of the Tiangong and the Tianjie Monument, which made Chu Mu have to guard the Tiangong, otherwise this ten-thousand-year roulette will be the last roulette in this world!

On the red fire day, the red energy rolled in front of Chu Mu, and the aura of the fire element reached its peak.

These are the purest radiant energy of the red fire, much greater than the power that Yu Suo stole.

The Nether Fox God and the Son of the Black Fire Sun are both creatures of the fire attribute, but they dare not directly approach this group of red fire energy, and different flames will produce strong repulsion.

Chu Mu's undead power comes from the Red Fire Sun, and he is the only one who can carry the Red Fire Sun's power now.

Chu Mu glanced at the sphere of flames hanging like a scorching sun.

Gritting his teeth, Chu Mu directly stretched out his hands, forcibly lifting up the energy of the Red Fire Sun!

A circle of strange totems appeared around Chi Huo Yaori. When Chu Mu forcibly lifted up the ball of flames, the totems flickered brightly!

A layer of restriction quickly shrouded the Chihuo Yaori energy sphere, preventing Chu Mu from transporting the flame sphere away.

Chu Mu frowned, and directly smashed the totem's shackles with brute force!

"Hum! The entire cave shook violently with the swaying energy of the red fire sun, as if it was about to collapse."

Chu Mu held the flame sphere and flew towards the top of the abyss well. The heavy force made his hands tremble, and the veins were completely exposed.

Like a round of fiery sun rising brightly from the night, Chu Mu's flying speed became faster and faster, and the energy of the red fire shining sun was quickly taken away from the demon's cave by Chu Mu.

"Hiss, hiss! In the caves around the abyss well, there suddenly appeared a lot of screaming creatures."

They have dark yellow eyeballs, fleshy wings, and long, snake-like snakes.

The ray of red fire shone from the stone wall of the Abyss Well, densely packed demons and monsters poured out of the cave these days, and their eyes were staring at Chu Mu with incomparable greed.

Chu Mu continued to fly upwards. At this time, hordes of sky demons were like a large group of huge bats, lingering around the Chihuo Yaoyang Energy and around Chu Mu, making angry and strange calls.

"These things are not afraid of light!" Chu Mu coldly scanned more and more monsters.

Sky demons should be monsters of dark and beast attributes, and such fiery flames and rays of light will cause extremely strong burns to them.

However, Chu Mu found that the group of sky demons circling around him seemed to be different from the previous ones. They were not afraid of the light of the red fire at all, but were like a group of moths seeing the flames, enjoying this shine!

"Could it be a mutated sky demon??"

Chu Mu frowned.

If the attribute of a certain sky demon changes, then its descendants may have this kind of resistance in the future.

The offspring will reproduce again, and one day all the sky monsters who are afraid of light will fly and prey at will during the day!

Moreover, the sky demons are derivative creatures, and the reproduction speed of this kind of eye-eyed creatures is almost faster than that of rat snakes. If all the sky monsters in the future are not afraid of the sun, then after the solar eclipse is over, the sky monsters that have formed a rule can freely in the human land Hunt and kill to your heart's content!

"Use the energy of the radiant red fire to mutate the attribute of the sky monster!" Chu Mu now understood why the energy of the radiant red fire appeared in the cave of the sky monster.

Chu Mu remembered that the sky demons seemed to have a small number of human bloodlines, presumably they must also know how to train the attributes of human soul pet masters.

Old Li once said that a mother creature like this can actually be regarded as the relationship between a human soul pet master and a soul pet. The mother body is the soul pet master, and the derived monsters are soul pets. Human beings' strengthening of soul pets...

After pondering these things, Chu Mu's heart sank even more.

This day, the demon clan is obviously a creature with very high intelligence, and its strength is strong enough to overthrow Tiangong.

If they really become the masters of the heavenly palace, they will turn human soil into their dinner plates as they like to eat living people!

Just thinking about it is scary!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss, tear~! The sky demons have gathered into a cloud, blocking Chu Mu."

Obviously, these monsters who were absorbing the energy of the Red Fire Sun would not let Chu Mu take away their enhanced energy!

Seeing these undead sky monsters hovering around him, Chu Mu smiled indifferently.

After chanting the spell, silver flames and black flames appeared on Chu Mu's body.

These two flames separated from Chu Mu's body, and quickly turned into the shadow of Chu Mu's flame.

Neither the silver shadow nor the black shadow had a soul, they were just phantoms that Chu Mu had differentiated.

Both of these two flame shadows possessed part of Chu Mu's power, more than enough to kill these heavenly demons!

Silver and black flames intertwined above Chu Mu's head, and those sky demons who were close to Chu Mu were quickly burned to ashes and fell into the red fire sun.

How much energy the demons have absorbed these days, all of them will return to the flame sphere after being killed.

Although these monsters can only absorb a little sporadic energy, Chu Mu intends to completely wipe out such a monster that can eat people rampantly during the day!

The abyss well is very long, almost every time it flies to a certain height, there is a layer of restriction.

In order to save stamina and energy, Chu Mu was fortunate enough to guide the energy of the Red Fire Sun into his own skills, blasting away the restrictions blocking him.

sky city.

The whole city shook violently. On the height of Tiangong, a huge beast shadow covered everything with its huge body, and the terrifying animal aura covered the whole city.

For a moment, Amagi fell into panic. Because not only the huge and furious demon boss, but also lengthy evil dragons, evil black nightmare demons, and chain ghost masters appeared in the place of Tiangong...

Many strong men of the era broke free from the enchantment that restrained them from Tiangong, and began to retaliate against Tiangong angrily.

The majestic palaces were wiped out by the skills of these powerful creatures, and the powerful guards became vulnerable to these undead creatures.

Even if the sky monsters attacked the city, Tiangong has never been as miserable as it is now. For some reason, those strongest men guarding the Heavenly Palace hadn't shown up until now, and the legions kept turning into corpses, and disappeared into nothingness under the power of the undead level.

In the center of Tiancheng, twelve beams of light are still restraining the red fire sun directly above, and energy is continuously injected into this solar eclipse totem.

In the center of the totem, there is still a woman kneeling and sitting in the center of the totem, uttering spells from her lips.

The solar eclipse totem has a very strong restriction, even if Tiancheng is destroyed, this restriction may not be defeated.

As if hearing the sound of destruction, the totem goddess in the center slightly raised the corner of her mouth while reciting the spell.

It appears that everything is going according to plan.

Suddenly, an unusual force came from the other end of the solar eclipse array!

The space shock spread among all the totem believers, and several high-ranking believers turned pale from this force, almost breaking their spells.

Totem Goddess Dai Qing frowned, who is making trouble

Could it be Yu Suo again?

A trace of anger flashed across Dai Qing's face.

It was already an extremely shameful thing for her to have the purest and most powerful Chihuoyaori energy stolen by Yu Suo, but now does this stupid woman still want to compete with herself

"Huh~! A gust of wind blew, and the totem goddess Dai Qing opened her eyes, just in time to see the mother wearing an ancient flag skirt standing in front of her."

Daiqing forced a smile and said, "What's the matter with the mother?"

The mother's face was extremely gloomy.

At first she didn't want to believe that the totem goddess she had chosen would do such a thing, but now she knew that there was an extremely greedy and terrifying devil living in the heart of this seemingly ethereal woman!

"Crack! The mother stretched out her hand and slapped the totem goddess Daiqing hard!"

This slap was so loud that all the high-ranking believers who were reciting spells were disturbed. When they opened their eyes, they suddenly found that half of the face of the totem goddess Dai Qing was flushed, and blood was spilling from the corner of her mouth.

Totem Goddess Dai Qing was not angry because of this heavy slap, she was just laughing, a little crazy...

"Did you realize it now? It's too late." Totem Goddess Dai Qing laughed.

"Why did you do that!" The mother stared at the totem goddess Dai Qing with cold eyes.