The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 1792: The Heavenly Palace that has been destroyed four times


The believers around were all stunned, they had no idea what happened.

The mask guarding the totem array is shaking non-stop, and the undead energy from the Tiangong position has the most terrifying power of destruction, destroying all the buildings around the totem.

The powder of destruction is flying all over the sky, and the entire Tiancheng looks like it has entered the doomsday. No matter how dazzling and bright the sky is, this land is immersed in a terrifying energy sweep.

The mother glared at the totem goddess Daiqing.

The totem goddess Daiqing was also raised by her mother. In terms of the choice of the totem goddess, although he chose Yusuo and Yuqie, Daiqing's position is actually not low, and she has even been carried out in the way of the totem goddess. nourish.

After Yu Suo and Yu Qie abdicated, the mother made her a totem goddess without hesitation.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that Daiqing would do such a crazy thing.

Seeing Daiqing's indifferent and sneering face, the mother suddenly felt very sad.

Yu Suo, Yu Concubine, Dai Qing, she watched them grow up by herself, why did they all choose a path that deviates from the Heavenly Palace in the end...

Could it be that the Heavenly Palace has really turned into a cold palace, filled with ruthlessness and cruelty, no different from heavenly monsters

Or, that's really the case, otherwise why would Tiangong be full of monsters like heavenly demons now.

For any reason, the mother didn't want to hear it.

Maybe like Yu Suo, she hates the heavenly monsters, but she hates Tiangong even more. If she had to choose, she would rather let the Heavenly Demon destroy the Tiangong, because the person who actually killed her sister was not the Heavenly Demon. No matter how strong the Heavenly Demon is, it cannot kill the strongest totem goddess Yuqie.

However, Tiangong killed her. Concubine Yu didn't even resist under Tiangong's terrible indoctrination.

This is the most terrifying place in Tiangong.

"If you still have a bit of humanity, I hope you will continue to transfer the little remaining power of the red fire to the sky city." The human mother looked at the totem goddess Daiqing and said with disappointment on her face.

"I can't do it. Extending the lives of these scumbags is more terrifying than feeding a group of sky demons!" Dai Qing said coldly.

Tiangong doesn't know when it started, it has been compromising with the sky demon, and even used the lives of living people to feed the sky demon, using this extremely cruel method in exchange for a short-term peace.

However, do those decision-makers who made this decision know that among these people who were eaten alive, it seemed that there was no meaning to the entire Tiangong, but to a certain person, it was all about her.

Daiqing witnessed with her own eyes that her mother was divided into pieces by a sky demon, and then eaten by three sky demons.

And this mother reminded her all the time, to serve Tiangong, to be loyal to Tiangong, and not to be discouraged no matter how hard the practice is.

Daiqing herself is a totem goddess, she is very aware of the current situation of Tiangong.

She knew very well that the Heavenly Palace was bound to perish, either by being overthrown by the powerhouses of the era, or by being devoured by the heavenly monsters. When it came to this roulette, the creatures became stronger and more hidden dangers were deposited.

Instead of letting Tiangong linger for an era, it would be better to end it at this roulette wheel.

Dai Qing didn't want to get anything from the Heavenly Demon, she just wanted to end the Tiangong Dynasty so as not to cause more tragedies.

A system, if even the administrator of the system feels dirty, he is really not far from extinction.

When the mother asked her why she did this, Daiqing laughed because she was too pedantic.

She herself clearly knows that Tiangong has criticized a lot, and also knows that the demons in Tiangong have occupied the Overwatch Temple, and she also knows that many people in Tiangong have sold their souls to these demons, but they are still struggling, and they are still maintaining that ridiculous and meaningless integrity.

"Change a group of rulers. In other words, this living world doesn't need a ruler at all. Those of us who have emerged from the human land have relatively strong strength. Why should we leave them and live alone in this boring land? In life, there is no season, no customs, no scenery, no emotion..." Dai Qing looked at her mother and said very calmly.

"Even if you are disappointed in Tiangong, you shouldn't give it to the sky demon. Do you know the meaning of Tiangong's existence!" The mother's face was already flushed.

"What's the point? You just need to give me a reason that I can accept, and I can stop..." Dai Qing said lightly.

"You..." The mother took a deep breath.

After a moment of silence, the mother finally suppressed her inner anger, and said, "You know why the world is divided into three layers of heaven and three layers of Kun, and do you know why except this world, the other planes are broken?"

Dai Qing shook her head.

"Stupid!" the mother yelled angrily, "it's not that the Tiangong has never been destroyed. As you can see, there have always been many heinous problems in the Tiangong. But we people still insist on guarding it, not because we are greedy for this. Dominance is not because we want to live forever, but because we have to live!" "Have to live? Mother, watchman, roulette? Could it be that you are still hiding secrets that cannot be revealed, and you are about to perish anyway, You might as well say it, and, you said that Tiangong was destroyed?" Dai Qing glanced at Tiangong that had been destroyed beyond recognition by the strong men of the era.

The senior believers around have stopped their spells. From the dialogue between the two decision makers, they already know that Tiangong is facing an unprecedented crisis.

Has Tiangong perished

Didn't Tiangong exist forever? How could it ever perish

"I have died 4 times." The mother said coldly.

"4 times??" Dai Qing opened her mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing what to say.

4 times, Tiangong perish 4 times?

Suddenly, Daiqing seemed to remember something, and looked at her mother in astonishment.

"You mean, the third heaven, the second heaven, the second Kun, the third Kun..." Dai Qing was stunned.

"That's right, it's these 4 times. The price of each death is the collapse of the world!" The mother said in a calm voice.

Human land is filled with various independent spaces, and these independent spaces are like independent islands, lonely and silent in the empty space.

Once upon a time, there were 5 planes in the world.

Today, the world has only one plane, and the other four planes have become independent spaces.

Many human scholars are exploring where those independent spaces come from.

And if they hear the words of the human mother and the totem goddess Daiqing, they will understand that all the independent spaces are actually the wreckage of the collapse of the past four worlds...

The totem goddess was stunned, she didn't know this secret, her mother never told her, and the history of Tiangong never recorded this matter...

She hated Tiangong, and when she knew that Tiangong was about to be completely occupied by heavenly demons, she pushed the flames and made it all happen faster.

When the sky demon becomes the ruler, most human races will be expelled, and other races will still survive in this world normally.

However, she did not expect that if the Tiangong was destroyed, the whole world would collapse, whether it was the human race, the sky demon or several other races and continents, it would completely collapse.

Daiqing is not a pure traitor, she just wants Tiangong to change a group of rulers, but she never thought that the price of changing a group of rulers is to destroy the world...

Moreover, it seems that this is the last world of all living beings, because before that, 4 planes have completely collapsed, leaving only some wrecks like independent spaces, but no one knows that they are the wreckage of other worlds.

The mother looked at the distraught Daiqing, and laughed at herself sadly: "Tiangong is very fragile, the shattering of the four planes has already fully demonstrated that Tiangong is not eternal, so we need to keep faking the illusion that Tiangong is powerful... "

"Then, the energy of the red fire?" Dai Qing said.

"Part of it is used to make divine dew to maintain our lifespan, and part of it is the energy to keep the world running. The world is supported by ten celestial monuments, which are distributed in different places and form the pillars of the world. Once the ten celestial monuments are gone Energy, nothingness will crush the world!" "Why didn't you tell us this?" Dai Qing said.

The mother smiled palely.

Can you tell me this secret

If you say it, it is tantamount to telling some creatures with ulterior motives how to destroy this world.

The seemingly solid world is actually very fragile. It doesn't necessarily need the power to destroy the world. It only needs to destroy the Tiangong and destroy the solar eclipse array.

Some creatures are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Unreal-level creatures can survive even if the world collapses, but creatures below the undead level will completely disappear...

What the mother told Daiqing was also what the mother had told Chu Mu before.

Ren's mother knew that what Chu Mu cared about was Rentu, to be precise, the people he had to protect in the northern part of Rentu, so if she told him about it, he would definitely take action.

Indeed, Chu Mu had to stand on the mother's side.

The collapse of Yin Gu's world left a deep impression on Chu Mu. At that moment, the sky was covered by a black hole, and the ground collapsed into an abyss. Yin Gu's life began to run aimlessly, looking for a safe place of refuge. Wherever they flee, all that awaits them is death.

In a collapsed space, it seems that all you can do is wait for death to come, just like the two kings of light of the seven sinful foxes.

Chu Mu had personally witnessed the cruelty of space collapse, it was just a little Yingu...

If the whole world collapses like this, hundreds of millions of lives will be destroyed, and Chu Mu will also watch helplessly as only a few people survive except himself, while the others will all perish...

Such a picture is scary just to imagine it.

The Nether Fox God also knows this secret, so it has enough strength to destroy the Tiangong, but it chooses to stand by Chu Mu, because it, like Huang Quan, has its own people to protect, and they are the gods of the Sea Clan and the Yao Clan.

As gods, they are not rulers, but missions and responsibilities they have to bear when disasters strike!

The powerhouses of other eras have already been angered, even if their mother told them the fact that the world collapsed, they would not believe it.

But Chu Mu, Huang Quan, and Youming Fox God chose to believe that, even if this might be an alarmist talk by the human mother, they could not allow the world to be destroyed in their time.