The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 182: Continuous rebirth, undead battle (Part 2)


"Didn't the outer layer of black armor be shattered just now, why is it intact again now!"

"The soul pet has been changed, it must be the soul pet!"

The continuous attack by the Manglion just now probably killed all the commander-level soul pets of the sixth stage. Even Mo also has the blood of insects, and his vitality is extremely tenacious. .

However, apart from some bloodstains and some damage on his body, Zhan who knocked the lion into the air now has no other scars, only slightly injured!

"Does Chu Mu have two Moye?" Chu Ying immediately asked this question. Chu Ying remembered that Chu Mu had only one thin Mo Ye from the beginning to the end...

Chu Tianheng, who was standing in front of the disciples of the Chu family, was staring at the blood-stained ink-colored armor and half of his shoulder and arm that fell off from the ruins.

"This... This seems to be a unique skill of the insect type..." Chu Tianheng looked a little dull.

"What skill?" Chu Ying asked immediately, and Chu Xing, Chu Lang, Chu He and others immediately looked at Chu Tianheng.

"It's like being reborn from a broken limb!" Chu Tianheng replied after a long time.

Chu Tianheng remembered that some special insect-type soul pets would secrete special body fluids after being severely injured, and quickly regenerate a new body at the cost of consuming life. As long as they were not directly killed, it was equivalent to having Several lives!

The ability to regenerate broken limbs first appeared on some arthropod soul pets. With the gradual evolution and interbreeding of soul pets, it gradually appeared on some soul pets with armor attached to their bodies. Then, as some soul pets mutated , the ability to regenerate a severed limb is not limited to the limbs, but transformed into the whole limb...

For many soul pets with worm attributes, the rebirth of a severed limb is often equivalent to shedding the seriously injured shell and replacing it with a new body!

Beast-type and insect-type soul core Moye races do not have the ability to regenerate limbs. This rare and unique ability is almost impossible to appear on soul pets with animal bloodlines...

But once it appears on a bug-type soul pet of animal bloodline, the effect of rebirth from severed limbs is quite terrifying. As long as the heart, head, etc. are not directly smashed, they will be able to heal themselves and regenerate in a short period of time, restoring their full combat power!

Yang Luosen, the young master of Luo Yu, didn't expect that Chu Mu's Mo Ye would have this kind of ability, so he frowned and ordered Mangshi to attack Chu Mu again!

"Lion's sword light!"

The robust Lion had already got up, his golden eyes were full of anger, and after he let out a roar, the hair on his body, which was flamboyant like a sword, suddenly stood on end!

Dazzling golden light flickered on Mangshi's body, when the light suddenly condensed to a point, suddenly those sword-like hairs on Mangshi's body released a series of golden sharp-edged lightsabers, stabbing wildly towards Zhan Ye's position!

More than a dozen awning lion sword lights flickered, and there was nowhere to dodge at Zhan Ye's speed.

Seeing these fierce lightsabers stabbing towards him, Mo Ye simply bowed his body to protect his head, and let it be stabbed by more than a dozen lightsabers!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

The Mangshi Sword Light could not attack sequentially with micro-control, but pierced within a range of ten meters around Zhan Ye. Among them, only three Mangshi Sword Lights pierced into Zhan Ye's black armor. Three blood holes were pierced!

The light of the three swords quickly turned into burning power, spreading to the flesh in Zhan Ye's three blood holes...

"Come again!"

Yang Luosen once again issued an order to his awn lion to continue to let the awn lion launch a sword light to attack Mo Ye!

The golden light on Mangshi's body began to flow again, and soon, more than a dozen golden sword lights flew straight towards Mo Ye again!

Before the three sword lights disappeared completely, another three sword lights pierced into Zhan Ye's armor, and the blood spattered again!

The six sword lights pierced into the body, if it was a soul pet of other beasts, it would have died long ago.

But Zhan Ye fully displayed his perverted vitality at this time, under the holes of the six lightsabers, those bloody eyes were still burning with the most vigorous fighting spirit!

"Zhan Ye, rebirth!"

The sword light has a burning effect on the dark physique, and it is impossible for Zhan to continue fighting with six blood holes...

"Roar~!" Zhan Ye let out a dull roar, and the six deep bloody holes suddenly secreted strange black body fluid and red blood streaks of insects, and the body fluid and blood streaks filled the six blood like pus. Hole!

This time, there wasn't any shattered dust blocking the line of sight, and everyone could clearly see the strange changes in the body of Zhan Ye who was half prostrate on the ground!

At this time, they could see the pus and blood in Zhan Ye's wound filled the blood hole and then slowly overflowed.

After overflowing, the pus and strange liquid quickly solidified again, and gradually turned into black hard armor, covering Zhan Ye's flesh-and-blood body again!

The ink-colored armor with sharp edges and corners has a somewhat metallic luster, giving people an indestructible feeling!

Looking at the newly born ink armor, tens of thousands of people stared straight at their eyes. If it weren't for the blood stains still remaining on Zhan Ye's body, everyone who witnessed the whole process would even think that Zhan Ye hadn't been injured at all!

The insect-type horror skill Rebirth of a Broken Limb actually appeared on a Zhan Ye. With this ability, as long as the vitality is enough, he is almost in an immortal state!

Yang Luobin was completely dumbfounded. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could he believe that Mo, who was abandoned by him, would also have such a perverted ability after transformation!

"Luo Bin, I remember that this Mo also has a very unusual insect talent, and his vitality seems to be higher than that of ordinary Mo. Does this mean..." Yang Mantian suddenly remembered something, and condensed his spirit with his soul thoughts. The sound came to Yang Luobin's ears.

Yang Luobin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized this, the vitality is much higher than that of ordinary ink. That is to say, this Mo Ye has definitely not only been reborn twice!

Yang Luobin was completely stunned, and his eyes were fixed on Mo Ye who was fighting against the mang lion with the strength of level five and level six!

If he knew that this Mo would also comprehend this ability, even if the animal blood had great flaws, how could Yang Luobin break the soul contract with him, and he would definitely offer it up like a treasure!

Sure enough, Mo Ye's third rebirth made Yang Luobin even more remorseful, wishing he could rush to the stage, kill Chu Mu, and regain this extremely perverted soul pet!

Six-stage four-level lion lion, a high-level commander, has been strengthened by various beasts. Even an ordinary six-stage first-level commander may be killed in seconds, but it is the same as a five-stage under the effect of the blood-pupil maniac. The sixth-level Mo Ye fought for so long, but he still failed to win. On the contrary, the wounds on his body became more and more deep under the extremely tenacious attack of the crazy Mo Ye...

"Go to hell!"

After being reborn three times in a row, Young Master Luo Yuyan finally found it difficult to maintain his composure, his face clearly showed a bit of anger, and he actually used a soul skill of level seven power!

Young Master Luo Yuyan can also cast Blood Pupil Maniac, but the Blood Pupil Maniac he learned can at most raise the Lion Lion by one or two ranks, and it won't have a very big effect at all. Yang Luosen simply uses these soul powers to cast the Sky Flame Li, directly burn this irritating Moye to death!

The Heavenly Flame Ceremony is powerful enough to reach level seven!

The bright red color suddenly appeared above the square battlefield, and the dazzling fire shrouded it!

A cluster of flames, like a ray of light from the setting sun, fell vertically on where Mo Ye was!

Suddenly, a long dragon-like flame appeared at the bottom of this vertical beam of flames. This long dragon flame impacted on Zhan Ye's body, and suddenly spiraled up. Leap high!

"Ice armor!"

Chu Mu realized that it would be difficult for Zhan Ye to resist the seventh-level fire skills, so he put an ice armor defense on Zhan Ye almost at the moment when Zhan Ye was swept up by the Sky Flame Ritual!

"Boom boom boom~!"

The terrifying celestial flame ceremony once again shrouded the square battlefield with even more dazzling flames, and the celestial flame ceremony flew up, magnificent and eye-catching!


The figure covered in flames fell heavily from a high place and landed in front of Chu Mu, and Chu Mu's face also turned pale at this time...

Seeing Chu Mu's face turned pale, the corners of Yang Luosen's mouth immediately curled up. This time, Mo should have no chance of healing itself...

"Three times of rebirth, your Mo Ye's ability is indeed perverted. If it can be cultivated, it must be extremely difficult, but you don't seem to know how to cherish soul pets..." Yang Luosen said, with a hint of arrogance , seems to have become the winner of this battle.

Chu Mu's black eyes stared at Yang Luosen, but there was an evil smile on his slightly pale face...

"Zhan Ye, a broken limb is reborn!"

Chu Mu didn't use his soul thoughts, but directly uttered them by dictation.

The charred body that was burnt slightly moved slightly, and then Zhan Ye's burned black armor slowly faded from Zhan Ye's body like an old insect armor...

The scorched carapace was lifted, and the flames were swept away, but under the black armor that was burned beyond recognition, a new black armor was revealed, with sharp edges and corners, shining with an ink-colored luster, without any burning at all. signs!

The fourth rebirth of a severed limb!

This battle has brought enough shock to tens of thousands of people, and the uproar in their hearts has never subsided, and now after seeing the fourth rebirth of Mo Ye, the waves are even more surging, reaching a climax that has never been reached !