The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 187: Destroy the Yang family (middle)


In the desolate night, the slightly cold moonlight slowly fell on the dead of night in Gangluo City. In the empty streets and criss-crossing alleys of Gangluo City, some black figures could be vaguely seen flashing by quickly, and disappeared after a while...

The black clouds curled up, the stars shone, and black winged creatures could be seen flying past silently in the twilight, causing a gust of cold wind to gently sweep across this somewhat empty city.

Among the undulating buildings, the invaders of the night, the dream beasts, and their handsome and evil bodies galloped magnificently over the city, rushing towards the Yang family's house.

The dark night is a paradise for dream beasts, because they can create dreams as they please.

And the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night with the dark attribute is Ye's dark night darling. They are full of spirituality and evil, and at the same time have the arrogance and madness of overlooking other ugly and humble creatures. What it brings to people is definitely not false A dream, but the most real fear!

At this time, Chu Mu was driving the sixth-stage and first-order Night Thunder Dream Beast to run in the night of Gangluo City. After the Night Thunder Dream Beast reached the sixth stage, its body shape did not change much, but the curved dream horn and the feathers that smoothly extended to the tail did have obvious changes. The dark attribute has already made Night Thunder The dream beast is full of dark characteristics and evil essence, and the thunder and lightning restrained in the black flowing hair add a wild and fierce aura.

Night Thunder Dream Beast has the ability to step on the night. When Chu Mu gradually approached the Yang family's house, Night Beloved stepped into the night sky while running, and finally completely merged into the night. There are many soul pets with strong perceptions outside, but they still can't capture the night dance ability of the Night Thunder Dream Beast.

"Ye, let these guys taste the power of the Raider of the Night!" Chu Mu looked down at the Yang family's house and said to the Thunder of the Night Dream Beast.

The Night Thunder Dream Beast stepped down from a high place quietly, and dark energy waves faintly flashed between the curved dream horns...

"Night Dream Hell!"

Night Dream Hell, the advanced skill of Night Thunder Dream Beast, an extremely wide range of demon spirit illusion skills that can only be used in the dark night!

Yemeng quietly floated into the minds of the members of the Yang family. Those guards of the Yang family who were patrolling in the middle of the night felt a powerful sense of drowsiness. Even the souls following them Chong is also yawning again and again...

The skills of dream beasts are one of the weirdest in the demon spirit system. In Gangluo City, there are very few people who own dream beasts. People in the Yang family also don't realize that a six-stage dream beast is already invisible. It felt like the twenty family guards patrolling to the south were trapped in a dream.

"Favorite - Night Dream Hell!"

Chu Mu's eyes gradually burst into a light like a dark star, and this light gradually turned into a night dream dark wave, slowly spreading to the surroundings, and soon a group of guards from the Yang family who changed positions joined them The soul pet of Night Watch fell to the ground...

"Hoo hoo ~!"

Clusters of introverted dark blue soul flames rose slowly, and the cold light burned incomparably quietly. Those guards and their soul pets who were trapped in the dream didn't have any pain at all, and gradually turned into ashes.

"Young Master Chu Yan, twenty assassins and thirty demon attendants are ready." The leader of the assassins, He Lang, said.

While speaking, the leader of the assassins deliberately glanced at the more than forty corpses that were gradually reduced to ashes, and was also secretly surprised. Although this night thunder dream beast was not summoned in the recommendation, the ability to control night dreams is quite terrifying. Coupled with the soul thoughts of Chu Mu's own soul master Qi Nian, he solved a large area so easily. The guards of the Yang family...

"Well, let's release the demon spirit." Chu Mu nodded and said to He Lang.

"Yes!" After He Lang saluted, he immediately issued an order to all the members of the Nightmare Palace.

Most of the demon spirits have strange and restrictive skills to control the enemy without anyone noticing, and then kill them effortlessly.

As a killer, what is necessary is definitely not an evil soul pet with great lethality like Nightmare, but a demon spirit type that can make the opponent and the opponent's soul pet lose the ability to fight without anyone noticing. Soul pets, so that they can be killed when the other party has no time to summon all the soul pets.

In the dark night and silence, only the inside of the Yang family can occasionally hear some noise, but these people have not realized that the entire Yang family's defensive shell has been stripped away by the demon spirits of the Nightmare Palace...

"Bad ~!"

All the masters of the Chu family and Nightmare Palace had already appeared, and when a sharp flame signal exploded in the sky, hundreds of soul pet masters immediately summoned all soul pets capable of long-range attacks...

The long spell resounded around the entire Yang family mansion, and the colorful luster immediately formed a magnificent bright ring in the center of the entire Gangluo City.

The next moment, sharp whistling sounds broke through the air!

Fifty members of the Nightmare Palace, each of them owns a Green Nightmare or a Blue Nightmare, and all the Soul Demon Flames unleashed the terrifying sixth-level fire skill skill Raging Flame, frantically in the contiguous mansions of the Yang family It exploded angrily, and the cyan magic flame and the blue magic flame instantly enveloped the entire Yang family's mansion, and screams rang out immediately!

"Hoo hoo hoo ~!"

The strong wind suddenly blew up, and the wind sounded as fierce as the hiss of an evil spirit. Suddenly, the whirlwind was ten meters high, the terrifying hurricane hovered above the night sky, and millions of wind blades fluttered in disorder...

The fire-type skills have not completely faded, and the wind-type skills are involved. A large house collapsed suddenly amidst the flames scurrying around. In those aisles full of flames and yards full of ruins, one can see people screaming in panic. The members of the Yang family ran away with their heads in their hands...

The magic flame and the violent wind are just the beginning, and the destructive skills of each department are ruthlessly baptized!

The roar of ice that swept across the sky, the world of ice and snow, froze the Yang family, and everything was reduced to countless fragments in the chaos!

The ground was torn apart, and shocking rocks pierced up in horror, destroying all the houses, and even piercing through those soul pet masters who had no time to summon their soul pets!

The dazzling golden light burns, combined with the power of the light element and the fire element, no matter how spacious the Yang family's mansion is, there is still nowhere to escape!

The skills of hundreds of soul pets were like a violent storm. Under this continuous force, the entire Yang family mansion was quickly destroyed. Burnt, frozen, and burnt corpses were everywhere, and some members of the Yang family were still sleeping. It was even buried alive in the collapsed houses...

"Beast-type soul pet, kill!" The leader of the killer, He Lang, shouted loudly!

Immediately, the entire Gangluo City was filled with terrifying roars of wild beasts. There were hundreds of masters from the Chu family and Yang family, and almost everyone had more than two melee beast-type soul pets. After they were replaced and summoned, the roars were deafening!

"Rumble rumble!"

The precariously high protective wall outside was easily smashed down, and the beast tide surged and rumbled, and any defense would be instantly shattered!

The Genocide War started, and the entire Gangluo City boiled in an instant. Countless sounds of panic could be heard in the streets and alleys. Those wealthy businessmen who lived near the Yang family even scrambled and stumbled towards the smoke-filled massacre. run away!

Such a big commotion in Gangluo City naturally startled the Qin family and Zhou family. These two families thought that the family war should have subsided over the matter of recommendation, but they never thought that it would be ignited instantly in such a quiet night!

The blood was smeared red, which was shocking, but neither of the two big families who were watching the battle had any intention of getting involved in the battle. Of course, if one side intervened, the other side would definitely not sit idly by!

The flames of war are burning the city, and the smoke is filling the air!

When the full moon was high, the battle had turned into a scuffle. A group of Chu family guards led by Chu Tianheng broke into the Yang family's mansion, and fought blood with the soul pet masters of the Yang family in the ruins of the Yang family mansion. Fighting!

Chu Tianheng's seventh-level and seventh-level war beast Mo also fought against Yang Mancan's seventh-level and eighth-level blood-winged three-eyed beast. The two strongest beast-type soul pets had the most terrifying fighting impact, and they could see a piece of fifth-level soul pets from time to time. His soul pet was blown away during the battle between the two beast-type soul pets.

And Chu Ming, who is still stronger than Yang Kuo, played a powerful role in this killing. The eighth-rank commander-level bright horned beast is the soul pet with the most terrifying combat power in the entire Gangluo City. Even old Yang Kuo is afraid of it. Three points, now, these eight-stage bright horned beasts are almost irresistible, and Yang Ling, the second patriarch of the Yang family, was easily trampled to ashes!

As the soul master, Chu Ming can summon four soul pets. However, apart from a few old masters of the Yang family who can resist for a while, there is no soul pet master who can resist his four soul pets. One of them is enough to fight against the masters of the Yang family and his generation. Almost all of Yang Kuo's brothers and direct brothers were buried under the skills of Chu Ming's four soul pets!

Yang Mancan was the leader of the second generation of the Yang family. Yang Mantian, who was second in strength, had already been killed by Chu Mu. Chu Mu, who was fought by the third generation of his family, directly joined the battle of the second generation!

The third-generation masters of the Yang family have been killed by Chu Mu, and the remaining third-generation children led by Chu Xing, Chu Lang, Chu Ying and others are enough to wipe them all out!

As for all the masters with foreign surnames of the Yang family, as well as the retainers loyal to the Yang family, most of them were dealt with by the killers of the Nightmare Demon Palace and the demon servants!