The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 194: Met Princess Jinrou by chance


Naturally, the amount of funds at the Gangluo City Exchange cannot be compared with the amount of funds traded at the Jiacheng Exchange in the tenth-level city. In Jiacheng, it is relatively easy to buy a sixth-level soul outfit, as long as you have enough funds.

When Chu Mu entered the trading house, he checked today's trade list, and soon found a level-6 full-state offensive soul outfit.

The races of soul pets are different, and their attack methods are also different. The soul claw is actually a narrow concept, which only means that the soul outfit turns into a claw. In fact, the offensive soul outfit can be transformed into a sharp weapon of any part of the soul pet, such as sharp claws, fangs, bone horns, blade wings, arms...

The soul claw is only tempered according to the structure of the claw. When the soul pet transforms through the mind, the effect of the soul outfit can only be attached to the claw.

The full-state offensive soul outfit is a more advanced existence, which can be transformed into any attack method of the soul pet according to the needs of the soul pet's attack method.

Equipped with this kind of all-out offensive soul outfit, as long as the soul pet is controlled by the mind, the effect of the soul outfit will be attached to any offensive part of the soul pet.

For example, Zhan Ye, if he uses the Black Armor Thorn skill, the effect originally attached to Mo Ye's claws can also be applied to the sharp Black Armor Thorn, which directly increases the power of this skill.

Chu Mu didn't find a direct soul claw in the list he saw at the trade fair, but he saw a sixth-level full-state offensive soul outfit...

There is no doubt that the price of a full-state offensive soul outfit is definitely much more expensive than a single-state offensive soul outfit.

"The full-strength offensive soul outfit is very suitable for a soul pet like Zhan Ye with many attack methods..." When Chu Mu saw the sixth-level full-strength offensive soul outfit, Chu Mu was tempted.

Zhan Ye has many attack methods: claw blade, horn strike, armor thorn, iron tail, if this kind of soul pet has a full attack soul outfit, its combat effectiveness will be improved in all aspects!

"The reserve price is only 5 million gold coins..." When Chu Mu saw the reserve price, Chu Mu's heart cooled down again. If the reserve price was only 5 million, the real price must be more than 10 million. Chu Mu's current worth is like this many…

Chu Mu hesitated for a long time at the exchange, and finally decided to try to compete. If he could buy it at a price of 10 million, Chu Mu would grit his teeth and buy it. After all, this soul outfit is indeed extremely valuable in combat.

The sixth-level soul outfit and the fifth-stage battle definitely cannot be integrated into the soul for the time being. If you can buy it, this soul outfit can be used by Mo Xie first, so that Mo Xie's combat power can be improved again. When Zhan Ye reaches the sixth stage, he will equip Zhan Ye with this full-state soul outfit that is more suitable for him.

Chu Mu entered the auction house, and there were quite a few things that moved Chu Mu's heart at the auction. Once, Chu Mu almost wanted to give up the full-state offensive soul outfit that was unlikely to be purchased with 10 million funds. A sixth-level mysterious crystal soul orb that is harmful.

Mysterious crystal soul orb, this kind of soul outfit is tempered from the soul of a powerful soul pet that controls the mysterious crystal. If this ice soul orb is integrated into the soul of the soul pet, the soul pet can transform into a mysterious crystal.

In the recommended match, when the Ice Sky Elf fought against the Black Crystal Ice Elf, the situation changed obviously because the Black Crystal Ice Elf cast the effect of the Black Crystal.

Xuanjing's effect is similar to that of demon fire and evil flame, which can directly increase the damage of the soul pet's ice-type skills by a few percent.

As for the mysterious crystal soul orb, it allows some ice-type soul pets to directly have the ability to control the mysterious crystal, directly increasing the damage of ice-type skills.

The soul orb at the auction is a sixth-level profound crystal soul orb, which increases the ice damage by at least 50%. If it can be equipped with the ice spirit, the ice damage of the ice spirit will increase by a large amount , and at the same time, the defensive power will also be improved because of this mysterious crystal, so when the price of the mysterious crystal soul orb fluctuated around 6 million gold coins, Chu Mu was a little moved...

However, in the end, Chu Mu still didn't ask for a price. The price of the Xuanjing Soul Orb that Chu Mu could accept was 5 million gold coins. If he spent 1 million more to buy this equipment, Chu Mu still felt a little distressed.

For the same level six full-state offensive soul equipment, if the price exceeds 10 million, which is acceptable to Chu Mu, Chu Mu will not hesitate to give up buying it.

Chu Mu himself can be regarded as self-made, and the 5 million funds out of the 10 million funds would not have been easily obtained by Chu Mu if there were no killers from the Nightmare Palace. Chu Mu is not a rich man, he must buy things at a reasonable price!

"Ning, I'll buy you a better one later." Chu Mu also went out of his way to comfort the Ice Sky Elf.

"Ling~!" Although the Ice Sky Elf, who has followed Chu Mu for three years, is experienced and mature in battle, his mind is still as pure as that of a silly child.

Not long ago, the Demon Tree Warrior got a Demon Tree Heart, so it naturally has no objections, and the Demon Tree Warrior is honest and honest. When his soul pet is acting like a spoiled child and eating supper, the Demon Tree Warrior is always very calm...

As for the Night Thunder Dream Beast, it was very necessary for Chu Mu to buy a speed-type soul outfit for it.

It's finally time for the auction of the sixth-level full-state offensive soul equipment.

It has to be said that Chu Mu was lucky. After constantly bidding with several competitors, Chu Mu actually bought this full-strength offensive soul outfit at a low price of 8.7 million...

Chu Mu was very surprised to be able to finalize the six-level full-state offensive soul outfit at this price. After all, 10 million is already a reasonable or slightly lower price for this kind of soul outfit.

In fact, during the auction, Chu Mu felt that the atmosphere of the auction was very strange. However, Chu Mu didn't think about it so much, and increased the price according to his own standard, and finally it fell into his hands inexplicably.

Inside the VIP auction hall.

"Hmph, let me go and find out, which guy came in to make trouble!" Jia Qing, deputy city lord of Jia Cheng, said with an ugly face.

"Forget it, the princess doesn't really want to buy this item..." the princess maid Mallow said.

Princess Jinrou didn't say anything, she stood up slowly and walked towards the door. The four beautiful maids immediately followed, and the eight Nightmare Palace guards followed...

Jia Qing, deputy city lord of Jia Cheng, smiled a little stiffly, and glanced fiercely at the unknown guy in the other room.

The princess traveled to Jiacheng and planned to sit in the auction house. Jia Qing, who followed her left and right, specially arranged for someone to order the people in the exchange house to block other people's bids, so that the princess could buy what she wanted at a low price.

Jia Qing naturally wants to subvert the price difference for this kind of thing, but in order to satisfy the princess, Jia Qing can still afford the price difference. Unexpectedly, an ignorant guy came out halfway and bought it at a low price of 8.7 million. All-out offensive soul outfit.

The princess doesn't like to be bid by others. Jia Qing originally planned to spend some money to bid for the princess, but was rejected, so a full-state sixth-level soul armor was bought by the guy who ran out for no reason, which was about 2 million gold coins lower than the standard price. .

As for the person involved, Chu Mu, he naturally didn't understand the reason, and he was still confident that today's luck was good, and at the same time, he was secretly glad that he didn't spend 6 million to buy the sixth-level profound crystal soul orb.

"Father, I have found out that the young man in black is the buyer of the VIP room." Jia Qing's eldest son, Jia Luoming, whispered to Jia Qing.

Jia Qing looked over immediately, and soon found Chu Mu walking out of the auction house in the long trading hall of the trade fair.

"Go teach that guy a lesson!" Jia Qing whispered.

The princess did not buy this level-6 full-state offensive soul outfit, but Jia Qing himself still had to pay for the price difference of nearly 2 million gold coins at the exchange. Even if it was the deputy city lord, it was not so generous to let others take such a big advantage. .

Jia Luoming nodded immediately, and quickly walked towards Chu Mu, who had just completed the transaction formalities, with the two retainers.

"What's the matter?" Chu Mu raised his eyelids, staring at the three guys blocking his way.

"Where did you come from? You are so ignorant of the rules that you even snatched something from the princess. Don't you know how to write death!" Jia Luoming snorted coldly.

When mentioning the princess, Chu Mu immediately looked at the magnificent hall of the trading house, and sure enough, he found a noble woman surrounded by many guards and maids not far away, walking slowly towards the outside of the hall of the trading house.

Seeing Princess Jinrou, Chu Mu finally came to his senses. It seems that he bought this full-state sixth-level soul armor at such a price not because of his good luck, but because he happened to meet Princess Jinrou here...

"Princess, that young man in black seems to be the guy who competed with you?" When walking out of the auction house, Mallow quickly noticed Chu Mu walking out of the hall of the exchange...

"Yeah." Princess Jinrou just nodded, without looking at Chu Mu. As a princess, she doesn't need to worry about everything.

"Princess, don't worry, we will teach this ignorant kid a lesson." Jia Qing said immediately.

Princess Jinrou glanced at Jia Qing, and seemed to feel that Jia Qing's flattery was a bit low-level, and glanced at Jia Luoming, who had already troubled that person, and said calmly, "It's not good to be aggressive like this, so there's no need for fair bidding." It's hard."

"The princess is really kind-hearted." Jia Qing immediately praised him, but instead of calling Jia Luoming back, he respectfully sent Princess Jinrou away from the hall of the exchange.

When they walked out of the hall of the exchange house, the golden princess carriage had already parked outside the hall, and many people gathered in a circle on the street, discussing with a bit of envy whether this could be the little princess of the Nightmare Palace. Royal carriage.

When Princess Jinrou, who was wearing a thin purple veil, walked out, there were immediately sighs from around...

"Princess, that person looks familiar just now, he is somewhat similar to your new bodyguard." When helping the princess into the carriage, the princess maid Mallow said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Princess Jinrou slightly raised her eyebrows.


Suddenly, there was a noise in the hall of the exchange, and there were screams of panic.

Princess Jinrou opened the curtain and stared at the spacious gate of the exchange, but just in time to see a tall and handsome man walking out of the hall covered in cold air, followed by an exaggerated six-tailed The evil flame six-tailed demon fox, with a bit of evil charm...