The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 214: The earth demon dream monster, a terrifying dream trap


The loss of the first soul caused Chu Mu to be ridiculed in Gangluo City. Perhaps on weekdays, Chu Mu can always show maturity different from children of the same age, but for any teenager who has a great longing for a soul pet teacher He said, the most sincere soul promise turned into deceit, betrayal, and finally ruined his life, this kind of blow is very heavy!

After re-entering the field of soul pet masters, Chu Mu had allowed himself to gradually forget about it. After more than four years of training, he had finally stepped into the pinnacle of the field of young soul pet masters. He was used to losing one soul, and when he possessed two souls and was able to contend against a strong man with three souls, this defected soul pet unexpectedly appeared in front of him again.

The lost soul is finally found, this excitement is irresistible!

"I beg you, let me go..." The defected fairy made a pitiful pleading sound, and those pure and beautiful eyes flashed the most irresistible plea.

She has a perfect face, a naked but holy carcass that cannot be blasphemed, and an extraordinary temperament that is not stained with a trace of mortal dust. The pity and pleas of such a fairy can pass directly through the body and enter the deepest part of the soul without any precautions. She does what she says.

If you don't know her well, it is indeed easy to be deceived by her appearance. It's just that Chu Mu has already been fooled once, although she doesn't know why she deceived herself like this, but deception is deception, betrayal is betrayal, no matter how beautiful her appearance is, how holy and flawless her heart is , Chu Mu wouldn't even trust her for a second!

"Don't use this ridiculous hypocrisy to deceive my ignorance when I was young, I want to break up my soul contract with you." Chu Mu will not leave any affection for her.

"Please, don't do this. I don't want to break the soul contract with you. I can swear that I will never leave without authorization again. I will always be by your side and protect your..." The beautiful eyes were covered with mist, It glistened and fell onto her beautiful face.

Seeing the girl's tears, Chu Mu felt inexplicably touched in his heart, especially when the thought of breaking the soul contract with her arose.

Maybe it's because she has truly realized the shame of deceit and betrayal, or maybe every man is attracted to a woman who is as perfect as a goddess. , Chu Mu always felt that something was suppressing his heart, preventing him from doing this.

However, Chu Mu had to cancel the soul contract again. She is the most unique girl soul pet in the soul pet world. She has crossed the strict boundary between people and soul pets. Such soul pets always only appear in some of the oldest and most poignant legends among.

However, once it appears, a human-like soul pet will drive the whole world crazy, especially this kind of perfect fairy who gathers the spiritual energy of the world and is conceived from the purest sea of flowers...

Such a soul pet, it is impossible for any soul pet master to summon her to the battlefield, and it is also impossible for her to stay in the soul pet space like other soul pets, so the best way is to cancel the soul pet. It is the price of a year of soul trauma, and you can get back the first soul that has been lost for many years.

"The first soul contract, the second soul contract..." Chu Mu finally recited the spell. The first soul contract must be returned. After returning, Chu Mu can use the first soul to summon other soul pets to help him fight. Maybe he can deal with Xia Guanghan...

Xia Guanghan...

For some reason, when thinking of Xia Guanghan, Chu Mu suddenly felt dizzy, and the soul contract spell that was about to be lifted was suddenly interrupted...


Mo Xie, who had transformed into the Nine-Tailed Flame Fox of Crown Flame, showed sadness in his eyes. Mo Xie and Chu Mu were connected with each other, and it could feel what Chu Mu was thinking, but Mo Xie couldn't stop Chu Mu's thoughts.

"Quiet, quiet, don't disturb your master's wonderful dream..." came a voice that felt a bit hypocritical and cold.

"Woooooooooooo~!" Mo Xie cried out unwillingly, wanting to wake up Chu Mu, because if Chu Mu didn't wake up again...

"The fourth soul contract, cancel it!"

Suddenly, a powerful and cold wave of spirit came into Mo Xie's mind. This was an order from the soul contract owner. If this kind of spiritual order was too strong, the soul pet could not disobey it and could only choose to accept it.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Mo Xie clenched her teeth, relying on her tenacious spirit to resist, forcibly rejected Chu Mu's request to release the soul contract.

Angry twin crown flames burned on Mo Xie's body, and the blazing flames continued to burn on the dark blue forest in the sky. However, these flames could not spread, and they could not burn off the sky that was tightly wrapped around Mo Xie's body. rattan.

The person who controlled the vines and bound Mo Xie was none other than Xia Guanghan. At this time, Xia Guanghan was standing in front of Chu Mu. His soul thoughts forcibly penetrated into Chu Mu's spiritual world, making it impossible for Chu Mu to wake up from the dream. come over.

And next to Xia Guanghan, there is the terrifying Earth Demon Dream Demon. The Earth Demon Dream Demon's eyes are constantly changing colors, and when the Dream Demon's eyes change colors, it means that it is creating a monster through someone's thinking. Out of the dream to achieve their goals!

Dream trap!

In fact, when Chu Mu was stimulated by the hypnotic powder to the point where he felt drowsy and wanted to fall asleep, Chu Mu had already gradually stepped into the terrifying dream trap set up by Xia Guanghan's eighth stage dream monster.

The guards of the black wood demon warriors didn't exist, they were just the soul pets that Chu Mu imagined might guard the world of demon spirits.

The gorgeous and stunning blue sea of flowers is not real, what Chu Mu sees is only the distant memory that was dug out by the Earth Demon Dream Demon in his inner world...

That girl whose whole body can only be described as perfect is still just a shadow in Chu Mu's memory!

These memories were buried in the deepest part of Chu Mu's heart, and he was never willing to open them easily, but after stepping into the dream trap of the Earth Demon Dream Demon without anyone noticing, Chu Mu gradually walked into his unbearable memory. in memory...

The perfect girl is like the most holy fairy, with the most perfect face, the most perfect body, and the most perfect temperament, and this is Chu Mu's first soul pet. She is almost indistinguishable from humans, but she can sign a contract with humans. Soul pet soul contract, the young Chu Mu didn't know why she chose to sign a soul contract with him, but later, she deceived Chu Mu, took over Chu Mu's first soul, and chose to defect.

The most frightening thing is not that Chu Mu's first soul pet is completely false, but that Chu Mu's thoughts are completely confused by the Earth Sha Mengyao, and he regards Mo Xie, who was trapped by Xia Guanghan, as his first soul pet. The mantra that was chanted was "The first soul contract, cancel it!", but in fact it was "The fourth soul contract, cancel it!"

Chu Mu's first soul contract and second soul contract were occupied by the perfect girl, Xia Guanghan forcibly signed the third soul contract with White Nightmare, and the fourth soul contract was exactly the soul contract with Mo Xie!

Xia Guanghan was by no means such a simple person, he had guessed that Chu Mu's purpose of entering this deep blue sky forest was to restrict his powerful soul pets.

Indeed, this move has great restrictions on Xia Guanghan, Xia Guanghan can't summon his eighth-rank monarch battle pet and ninth-rank command element, but Chu Mu still underestimated the horror of Xia Guanghan's demon demon.

The earth demon dream demon has a strong ability to hide its aura, and can approach the enemy without anyone noticing. At the same time, as long as it keeps a certain distance, it will not be easily detected by more powerful soul pets.

As the eighth-stage monarch, the Earth Demon Dream Demon can easily alarm the owner of the blue forest in the sky. The Earth Demon Dream Demon can only keep hidden, setting up dream traps that are not easy to be detected, so that the demon who has entered the Blue Yu Chu Mu of the Linghuang territory stepped into it...

Xia Guanghan would not kill Chu Mu so easily, not to mention that if he killed Chu Mu, Chu Mu's soul imprint would still exist in the soul pet's body. For at least a year, Mo Xie would no longer be able to sign a soul agreement with any human beings. about.

And if it is to cancel the soul contract, use some spiritual objects to remove some of the original owner's breath left in the soul pet's soul, then you can sign the soul contract smoothly, without waiting for a long year...

And as long as Chu Mu and the Nine-Tailed Flame Fox of Mianyan terminate the soul contract, Xia Guanghan will kill Chu Mu mercilessly.

Xia Guanghan is very well prepared this time, his soul contract has already been filled, and to have another soul pet space, he needs two reads. With Xia Guanghan's current level, it is extremely difficult to raise two reads.

So this time he also spent a lot of money and brought out the soul healing core that he had obtained at a great price. As long as he found Chu Mu's crown flame nine-tailed flame fox, he would resolutely undo the two-tailed flame fox. Linghu's soul contract, and then use the extremely rare soul-healing core to restore his soul contract immediately, and directly forcibly sign a soul contract with the Nine-Tailed Flame Fox of Crown Flame.

As long as the continuously mutating soul pet is cultivated, not to mention the Nightmare Palace, even if you look at the whole world, there will not be many people who are Xia Guanghan's opponents.

At this time, the rarest soul pet in the world was about to fall into his hands, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on Xia Guanghan's face.

"The fourth soul covenant, cancel it!" Chu Mu chanted the spell again, the voice was cold, but it was an irresistible order.

"Woo~!" Mo Xie's body was completely imprisoned, and he could only grit his teeth and resist Chu Mu's mental order...

"If you resist any more, kill him!" Xia Guanghan glanced coldly at Mo Xie who was stubbornly resisting, and said to Mo Xie in cold words.