The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 225: fiery soul


"Think about where you met me." Chu Mu still wasn't in a good mood to talk about mother-child relationship with her slowly, at least her current attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away and treating everyone like that This petty attitude made Chu Mu feel very uncomfortable.

The female venerable frowned slightly, watching Chu Mu disappear from her sight aloofly, she felt a very strange feeling faintly.

Chu Mu didn't look back either. He rarely had contact with her before. Chu Mu himself was able to do well. Now, Chu Mu is more clear about his own path and has enough confidence. Or, there is no need to stand with an indifferent and heartless woman, to feel the coldness and arrogance on her face, and to talk to her carefully...

When he jumped from the top of the tree to the ground, Chu Mu walked towards the vast forest sea. However, for some reason, as he walked, Chu Mu felt that his mind became very heavy...

The dawn has already illuminated this vast forest ocean, and it is full of vitality under the rising sun, but the bright forest in the rising sun is getting darker and darker in Chu Mu's eyes, and the pace of walking slows down unconsciously. , I can't even muster the slightest bit of strength to take the next step.

It is very normal for Chu Mu to experience this kind of physical overdraw. After continuous battles, he experienced the soul trauma of the dissolution of the soul contract, and finally swallowed the White Nightmare's soul forcibly during the struggle. It is impossible to withstand such a high-intensity load...


Finally, when Chu Mu took another big step, his body lost his balance and fell on the ground covered with fallen leaves. There were strange clusters of white succubus flames burning on his body, but this white succubus flame was like It was as if it had been burnt out, and after being slightly ignited, it was quickly extinguished.

At the top of the canopy, the empress was still standing there quietly. From her position, through the dense branches, she could just see Chu Mu who was unconscious on the ground.

For some reason, the empress had a very strange sense of familiarity with the young man in front of her, but no matter how hard she tried to recall, she couldn't remember where she had seen him, and vaguely felt that this young man was somewhat similar to that man...

Finally, the empress jumped down from the canopy of the tree and walked to the place where Chu Mu passed out.

Although the White Succubus flames on Chu Mu's body had all been extinguished, its skin was terribly pale, looking like a corpse that had been soaked in water for a long time.

The empress slowly stretched out her hand, pressed her fingers on the back of Chu Mu's neck, and injected her soul power into Chu Mu's soul.

The empress saw at a glance that Chu Mu's coma was caused by excessive exhaustion of soul power and trauma to the soul, and the purpose of injecting soul power into Chu Mu's body was to allow Chu Mu to retain some soul power in his body, so as not to Because of this depletion, there are some patients who are difficult to cure in the future.

"Strange, how could the soul be so hot?" There was a trace of doubt on the face of the empress.

When the soul of every soul pet master maintains a normal state, it is similar to the body temperature of a person, with a certain degree of heat. Only when it is burned by flames or pierced by ice, can the temperature change, and this is also short-lived.

The empress now feels that the temperature of Chu Mu's soul is very high. Even if it is being burned by some ordinary flames, the temperature cannot reach this level. This level of soul temperature is completely equivalent to the invasion of fire poison. .

What made the female honor even more surprised was that the high temperature of the flame, which was completely equivalent to the effect of the invasion of fire poison, did not immediately burn the young man's body to ashes, but instead kept it in this scorching state.

It is the first time that the female honor has seen a person of this age with such a strong soul. Judging from her experience, the soul of this young man must have often been burned by powerful magic flames in the past, so that even now Facing the scorching burning flames like fire poison invasion, he still didn't completely burn his soul to ashes.

The empress opened her interspatial ring, took out the anti-fire poison potion, and immediately gave it to Chu Mu to drink.

The fire-toxin resistance potion is usually formulated with a special ice potion. After Chu Mu drank it, white smoke rose from his throat immediately, and even an invisible magic flame burned on his body!

The empress was taken aback by the strange appearance of Chu Mu's body, and immediately probed into Chu Mu's soul, wanting to know what was going on with Chu Mu's soul.

Chu Mu's soul temperature dropped a bit, but the drop was very limited. Although his soul's ability to withstand flames was very strong, if he maintained this state for a long time, death would not be inevitable, but his memory might be destroyed. And the mind is completely burned out, like a madman...

"Such a high temperature, unless you find heaven and earth fairy ice, it is impossible to cure it." The female lord frowned slightly.

Just now, what the empress drank for Chu Mu was the tenth-level fire resistance potion, but such a powerful fire resistance potion only lowered the temperature of Chu Mu's soul a little...

It is ineffective to use a lot of potions. Even if the empress uses countless bottles of tenth-level fire poison to resist the potions, it can still only lower the temperature of Chu Mu's soul a little bit, unless the same aggressive heaven and earth fairy ice is used to deal with this kind of horror. He can neutralize the high temperature of his soul, otherwise, in a few days, his whole body will definitely turn into an irrational fire soul demon.

Heaven and Earth Immortal Ice is not a mortal thing, and it is difficult to find it. The empress and the young man in front of her usually meet by chance, so it is naturally impossible to find for him such a once-in-a-century item of Heaven and Earth Immortal Ice.

However, for some reason, it was difficult for her to leave the young man in front of her...

"Ya, take him and go find Elder Huan..." The empress summoned her starlight soul pet, let her soul pet drag Chu Mu onto her back, and jumped onto the starlight soul pet's back, Fly towards the direction Chu Mu pointed just now.

The old phantom that the empress spoke of was actually the half-human, half-favored guy who was thrown into the wilderness by the empress just now. The essence of that guy was a soul pet, but it was a special soul pet that could change forms. He wanted to transform into a human being, but after failing, he turned into that kind of half-human, half-favored appearance, but he couldn't change back at all.

Huanlao has a long lifespan and has often been mixed in the human race for hundreds of years, so he knows a lot of things. The empress vaguely felt that Chu Mu must have something to do with her, otherwise, with her own character, she would not have somehow rescued a member of the Nightmare Palace, so she also deliberately brought Chu Mu along, Go ask that guy who looks like a civet cat, see what's going on with this young man's body, and see if he can be cured by other methods.

"Why do you look more and more like that guy?" The empress stared at Chu Mu's pale face, and when she carefully observed Chu Mu's appearance, she found that Chu Mu had a lot of similarities with Chu Tiancheng.

It was just an attempt, the female venerable subconsciously stretched out her hand, pressed Yubai's palm on Chu Mu's chest, and then injected her soul into Chu Mu's body.

Previously, the empress injected her soul thoughts to check Chu Mu's soul, but this time she injected her soul thoughts to check Chu Mu's body. This kind of behavior was completely meaningless, but she wanted to try to confirm it.

Hun Nian quickly swam over Chu Mu's pale body, but the expression on the empress's face gradually changed from indifference to surprise and astonishment!

At this moment, the expression of the empress completely changed!

The strong wind in the sky blew on the cheek of the empress, raising her long hair, but it completely showed her face, and this face was no longer as cold and indifferent as ice for thousands of years, But it is uncontrollable excitement and unbelievable!

The sea of consciousness should be completely dark. When the consciousness travels in it, there is no perception or feeling.

Chu Mu was in a coma, but at this moment his sea of consciousness was filled with darkness and white flames!

Although Chu Mu devoured the White Nightmare's soul, except that Chu Mu's soul thought was stronger than the White Nightmare's, neither his soul nor his body could compete with a terrifying monarch-level soul pet, even though he completely dominated the White Nightmare's willpower , but both body and soul need to pay a certain price.

At this moment, Chu Mu was completely unconscious, but his consciousness was being burned by the scorching magic flames from beginning to end. This feeling was like being immersed in a terrible dream, and he could never wake up.

Chu Mu felt his whole body was scorching hot, and this scalding made his consciousness blurry from beginning to end...

I don't know how long it took, this feeling of burning soul and body finally subsided gradually, and a kind of coolness spread throughout the whole body...

Finally, Chu Mu woke up from the feeling of slightly lowering the temperature. When he opened his eyes, he still saw a white succubus flame burning in his vision...

The White Succubus Flame gradually dimmed, and Chu Mu was able to see the situation around him clearly.

Memories quickly flooded into Chu Mu's mind. After a splitting headache, Chu Mu remembered that he should have passed out in the ninth-level maze world, but why did he wake up in a clean room? Neat cabin room.

"Are you awake?" Just when Chu Mu was feeling puzzled, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded next to his ear. This voice was gentle and delicate, which made Chu Mu feel quite nice.

Chu Mu turned his head and immediately saw a beautiful face. When he took a closer look, it was his mother. What surprised Chu Mu was that this face that should always be cold and heartless turned out to be like ice. It has melted, the previous feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away is no longer...