The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 238: Overlord, Centipede Rock Demon


Seeing that Ye Wansheng was being dragged away, Yang Ling thought that the opportunity to escape had come, and immediately used the last of her soul power to apply the effect of resisting the wind, and wanted to jump directly to the high ground to escape.

However, Yang Ling is also a little too naive. Ye Qingzi doesn't let her brother do that kind of thing that bullies women, but it doesn't mean that Ye Qingzi will easily let the enemy go.

As soon as Yang Ling flew up, the roots immediately appeared at Yang Ling's feet, quickly tied her legs, and was dragged directly in front of them just like Ye Wansheng.

"Having a younger sister is really in the way, otherwise these two women, the four of us..." Ye Wansheng stood up rubbing his buttocks, and was about to complain when he suddenly felt the roots under his feet reappear, and he closed his eyes decisively. Mouth.

Both Chu Xing and Chu Ning smiled awkwardly, and deliberately took a few extra glances at Ye Qingzi, and did not agree with Ye Wansheng's beastly behavior. Firstly, Chu Xing and Chu Ning would not do this kind of thing to women, and secondly, they also felt that for a beautiful woman like Ye Qingzi, they should try their best to show a bit of a gentleman, so as not to cause this beautiful woman Disgust.

Yang Ling was dragged more than a hundred meters by grinding the ground all the way, her hair and clothes were a little messy, she no longer had the coquettishness and arrogance of the young lady of the Yang family, but revealed Lian's pitiful appearance.

"Okay, don't rob sex, rob money, Yang Xiaoniu, hand over all the valuables, or..." Ye Wansheng touched his chin and said with a wicked smile.

Yang Ling didn't dare to refuse now, and hastily handed over her space ring.

Yang Qing beside him didn't dare to be negligent, and handed over the interspatial ring.

Chu Mu is also familiar with this kind of business, the interspatial rings of Yang Dan and Yang Xue who were killed have already fallen into his hands, and even the finances inside have been counted.

"Then what should we do with these two chicks, should they rape first and then kill, or kill first and then rape?" Ye Wansheng looked at the three brothers of the Chu family.

"It's up to you." Chu Mu didn't care much about what Ye Wansheng was going to do, and said something indifferently, but looked at the high ground, as if he felt something.

Chu Xing and Chu Ning still had weird expressions on their faces. This Ye Wansheng spoke too deeply, so at least his sister was still by his side.

"Brothers Chu Xing and Chu Ning, I can see that you are all kind people, and you don't know how to do this kind of thing. In my opinion, Brother Chu Chen is very interested in this kind of thing, hehe!" Ye Wansheng was always eager to move.

"Hmph, you think everyone is as virtuous as you!" Ye Qingzi snorted coldly, her beautiful eyes flickered with a bit of coldness, as long as Ye Wansheng behaved badly to those two women, he would definitely be unkind...

"Brother Chuchen, you are too good at pretending. You actually managed to fool my sister. From the first time I saw you, I knew that you and I were in the same path, and knew it well..." Ye Wansheng glanced at it. Chu Mu with his back turned to him.

Chu Mu ignored Ye Wansheng's words, and kept his eyes on the black night on the high ground.

"Brother Chu Chen?" Ye Wansheng stepped forward, feeling that Chu Mu's behavior was a bit strange.

Ye Wansheng would think that there is a reason for Chu Mu and himself to be in the same way. Some of Chu Mu's behaviors are obviously habits formed after killing people frequently, and among the four soul pet masters, two of them were killed by Chu Mu. , so Ye Wansheng concluded that Chu Mu was by no means an ordinary young man, he was likely to go out frequently like himself, murder and set fires, rob money and sex, and seize limited resources.

"Did you hear any sound?" Chu Mu said slowly while staring at the darkness of the high ground.

"Voice, is there?" Ye Qingzi also raised her head, her eyes fixed on the position where Chu Mu was staring.

"Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!"

Suddenly, several vibrations came into Ye Qingzi's spiritual world, and the sound felt very heavy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Gradually, everyone felt the ground began to shake, and the shaking became more and more obvious.

The ground on the high ground began to shake, and some unstable rocks were shaken to the ground by the continuous shaking.

The five of them had already felt the strange vibration, and all of them were staring at the high ground...


All of a sudden, a colossal monster jumped out of the night terrifyingly. Those huge stone feet stepped on the edge of the high ground fiercely, and immediately dented the high ground by a few points. The rocks below were clearly showing signs of shattering!


A pair of green jewel-like eyes looked down at Chu Mu and five people at a position of 200 meters from a height. The giant snake's head suddenly opened its bloody mouth and roared loudly!

"It's the overlord who guards the sixth-level cold pool!" Chu Mu was startled, and stared at the eighth-level third-level-commander-level giant rock monster with centipede tail.

This lowland is not too far from the location of the sixth-level cold pool, and this battle obviously disturbed this eighth-level commander-level soul pet!

The centipede-tailed giant rock demon, whose whole body is covered by black-brown rock armor, is close to ten meters in size, and is completely a rock-armored giant with the head of a snake and the tail of a centipede!

The angry roar still echoed in the night sky, and the huge green eyes of the Centipede Giant Rock Demon completely locked on to the five of them. The body jumped up, and the centipede-tailed giant rock demon jumped down from the height. The centipede's tail slapped fiercely on the rocky ground like a terrifying chain, and the rocky ground was instantly shattered!

"Ye, death light!" Chu Mu immediately issued an order to the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night.

A dark light brewed from the mouth of the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night, which quickly turned into light waves, and suddenly shot out, exploding on the body of the centipede giant rock demon!


The death ray bombarded the chest of the centipede giant rock demon, but the death ray with seventh level power did not leave any trace on this powerful defensive soul pet at all.

"Everyone retreat one after another, spread out!" Chu Mu immediately jumped onto the back of the Thunder of the Night Dream Beast, glanced at the other four people, saw that they had all jumped on his mounts and retreated, and immediately ordered the Ice Sky Elf to use its skills !


Walls of ice surged up rapidly, and these ice walls reached a height of twenty meters almost instantly, standing in front of the Centipede Giant Rock Demon, hindering its steps!

"Boom~! Boom~!"

However, the fragile ice wall couldn't hinder it, and it was easily smashed to pieces by that powerful body!

"Roots net!"

"Roots net!"

Chu Mu's Demon Tree Warrior and Panmu Ling cast the same skills almost at the same time. The two nets of root hairs were one behind the other. Tail giant rock demon body.

Afterwards, Panmu Ling's green wood roots also immediately turned into a root grid with a diameter of 20 meters!


The body of the Centipede Giant Rock Demon was a little short, but when it suddenly opened its arms, both the demon tree warrior's demon wood roots and the panmu spirit's green wood roots were directly stretched to burst!

"Hum!" After breaking free from the net of roots and hairs, the centipede-tailed giant rock demon suddenly accelerated, and a black light burst out from its body. Come rolling!

The diameter of the rolling rock reached thirty meters. Chu Mu and the five had already steered their soul pets back, while Yang Ling and Yang Qing had no soul pets. When the five dispersed, no one paid any attention to them. , They were so frightened that they sat on the ground, their eyes watching the giant rock rolling in horror!


The two of them didn't even have time to scream, and even though they supported the weak ice armor defense, they still couldn't resist the attack of the commanders of the eighth stage. The huge rolling rock passed by, and the two women were immediately smashed into flesh and blood!

The scene of two living people being crushed was so horrifying that both Chu Xing and Chu Ning shuddered. They didn't know how to let their soul pets deal with this terrifying soul pet that combined defense and strength.

"Keep a distance from it, if there are ice-type soul pets or earth-type soul pets, summon them immediately, and limit its speed." Facing the appearance of a powerful soul pet, Ye Wansheng didn't dare to be casual anymore, and immediately said to the others.

While speaking, Ye Wansheng put away his worm-type soul pet Jian Zing, and summoned a special soul pet covered in snow and white.

This unknown soul pet was obviously of the ice type, after being summoned, it immediately used the ice type's slowing ability!

The mysterious ice crystals slowly emerged, and with the long cry of the snow-white soul pet, it immediately turned into a gust of cold air, sweeping towards the centipede-tailed giant rock demon.

The cold effect of the black crystal ice crystal is much stronger than that of ordinary ice crystals. After the ice spread, the legs of the centipede giant rock demon immediately covered some hard-to-shatter frost!

The extended ice is different from the frozen ice. After the frozen ice is broken, it will not have any effect on the body, but the extended ice will penetrate into the skin, flesh, and bones of the soul pet, making their speed A sharp decline.

Ye Wansheng's strange soul pet's extended ice frost effect is very significant, the terrifying centipede-tailed giant rock demon's speed immediately slows down a lot, and its jumping ability is no longer so terrifying!

"Very good." Chu Mu praised Ye Wansheng, and immediately asked the Ice Sky Spirit to use the Freezing Skill to superimpose this delayed effect.

The ice stagnation skill is much lower than the extended ice frost skill, and the ice spirit's ability to control the ice system seems to be inferior to Ye Wansheng's special ice system soul pet.

Both Chu Xing and Chuning took back their melee soul pets. Apart from driving the fastest soul pets, they both summoned elemental soul pets to carry out long-range attacks on this soul pet whose melee ability was extremely tyrannical. .

Chu Xing summoned the first stage of the sixth stage - the warrior level - the rock meteor elf, and Chu Ning summoned the eighth stage of the seventh stage - the servant level - the ice elf. These two soul pets are not high in level and cannot really hurt Even though this eight-stage leader can also play a certain restrictive role.