The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 239: Ye Qingzi, the heart of water heals the heart



The centipede giant rock demon raised its long snake head and let out a loud roar maniacly!

The roar shook the mountain, and the ground trembled. When it trembled, the uneven lowland suddenly tore open, and towering rock thorns suddenly appeared on the cracks!

The rock thorns were 20 meters high, protruding from the ground like a forest of rocks, covering at least 50 meters!

Seventh-level rock skill - Dead Rock Forest!

Under the use of this highly talented centipede giant rock demon, the power of the seventh-level skill has reached the eighth level. The low ground is only equivalent to a basin with a diameter of 300 meters, but this terrifying dead rock forest occupies a large area. A large area!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The landslides and the ground cracked, and the rocky forest that stood up instantly 50 meters away was still spreading terrible cracks. Ye Wansheng's eight-stage flame tail, Chu Ning's thunder spirit, and Chu Xing's bright horned beast were all too close to each other. Affected by this terrifying skill!

Ye Wansheng's eight-stage flame tail is not weak in defense, and his speed is also very fast, but he was hit high into the sky by one of the forest rocks, and suffered some injuries to his abdomen.

Chu Ning's Thunder Elf's body was obviously pierced with a huge crack. Fortunately, it was a soul pet in the elemental world, otherwise the subsequent two consecutive forest rocks could directly kill the Thunder Elf at the seventh stage and first level.

Chu Xing's Bright Horned Beast was too close, completely trapped by the Dead Rock Forest, and became the closest soul pet to the Centipede-tailed Giant Rock Demon. The situation was extremely critical.

The centipede-tailed giant rock demon's speed was limited, so it naturally attacked the soul pet closest to it, and soon its eyes locked on this bright horned beast that had nowhere to escape!

The movement speed was restricted, and the centipede giant roared even more, its huge body turned violently, and the long stone centipede tail fell out terrifyingly!

"Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!"

The rock barrier around the Bright Horned Beast was shattered in an instant, and the Bright Horned Beast forced to the corner of the low ground couldn't dodge at all!

"Bump!" The terrifying tail ruthlessly struck the sixth-level and ninth-level bright horned beast. The bright horned beast was already close to the seventh level of defense but still couldn't resist this attack. The head armor and bright horn were smashed to pieces immediately. , the skull showed obvious bending!

The Bright Horned Beast's body reached more than three meters, but this blow directly sent it flying more than ten meters away, and its body was completely embedded in the thick rock barrier!

Blood was spilling out, the head was the strongest part of the Brighthorn Beast's defense, and once its defense was shattered, the severe blow to the head would definitely be the most fatal injury.

Chu Xing's face turned pale for a while. The attack of the centipede-tailed giant rock demon of the eighth rank and third rank was terrifying. This attack was enough to instantly kill all commanders below the seventh rank, not to mention that Chu Xing's bright horned beast had not been strengthened at all.

Chu Xing already clearly felt the weak life of the Bright Horned Beast. It won't be long before his Level 6 Bright Horned Beast will die, and his soul bond with it will be broken immediately!

"You attract the centipede-tailed giant rock demon's attention, my water moon can heal you." When everyone's expression changed, Ye Qingzi shouted.

Chu Mu was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Ye Qingzi who was driving the Zishan Dream Beast. The centipede-tailed giant rock demon's attack almost instantly killed the sixth-level and ninth-level bright horned beast. In this case, unless it has a very powerful healing skill, it is impossible for the bright horned beast to survive for ten seconds.

"Quick, don't let the Bright Horned Beast get attacked again, otherwise even if you have the resurrection skill, it won't help." Ye Qingzi shouted again.

"I'm coming!" Chu Mu didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped onto the Thunder of the Night Dream Beast, decisively took the Demon Tree Warrior back into the soul pet space, and summoned Mo Xie.

Ye Wansheng also realized that the Bright Horned Beast was in danger and could no longer suffer any further trauma. Seeing that Chu Mu was leading the charge, he also jumped on the eighth-dan Yanwei, and drove this servant-level soul pet to the eighth-dan commanding position. .

Ye Wansheng's servant-level flame tail has obviously been strengthened many times. Not only does it have the demon fire and evil flame, a flame crystal that only commander-level soul pets have, its speed is not inferior to some ordinary commanders. At the high stage of the eighth stage, the combat power is definitely comparable to that of the seven-stage enhanced commander!

"I brought the Bright Horn Beast here. The closer the distance, the better the healing effect. You disturb it." Ye Wansheng followed Chu Mu's Lightning Dream Beast of the Night, and said to Chu Mu with his soul thoughts.

"En." Chu Mu nodded, and immediately ordered the Thunder of the Night Dream Beast to use its extreme shadow skills, pass through the death rock forest towering everywhere, and rush towards the giant rock monster with a centipede tail.

Night Thunder Dream Beast is only at level 7 and level 1, even if it is strengthened to face a strengthened commander at level 8 and level 3, it may be killed in seconds. In this case, only Mo Xie and White Nightmare, whose strength is comparable to the monarch level, can face it. .

Mo Xie still maintains a state of pity. Although his strength will be reduced, but facing such a giant soul pet, the smaller the body, the better!

"Mo Xie, Phantom Crown Flame Claw!"

Chu Mu drove the Night Thunder Dream Beast into the dark night, dodged the flying giant rock, and immediately issued an order to Mo Xie!

When Mo Xie was running at full speed, he was much faster than the Night Thunder Dream Beast. His silver body flashed like a beam of moonlight, splitting into four in mid-air!

The crimson demon fire and evil flames and the bright red blood flames shone at the same time, and the four crown flame claws suddenly tore open the night, and hit the centipede-tailed giant rock demon fiercely!


Four deep claw marks immediately appeared on the mountain-like chest of the Centipede Giant Rock Demon, and the attack with the eighth level of power forced this mighty cold pool overlord to retreat a few steps!

"Ye, death light!" Chu Mu saw the timing and issued an order to the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night.

There is no need for Chu Mu to explain in detail, the attack of the Night Thunder Dream Beast immediately locked onto the rock under the feet of the centipede giant rock demon, and the death light from its mouth spewed out, and a huge crater was immediately blasted out of the rock on the ground of the centipede giant rock demon Hole, when this huge monster stepped back, it immediately missed its foot, and its body tilted obviously.

"Ning, the ice sword array!"

"Ling~!" The Ice Sky Spirit had already made preparations, and after Chu Mu gave the order, the formation of seventeen ice swords suddenly floated in the air!

The centipede-tailed giant rock demon has such a huge body, and the ice elf doesn't need to micro-control it at all. As long as it locks on to the centipede-tailed giant rock demon and bombs it directly, it will definitely be able to hit!



The seventeen terrifying ice sword arrays were still flying in the air, and the spell of the ice spirit spirit was recited again, seventeen cold lights flickered, and seventeen ice swords quickly condensed behind the seventeen ice swords flying in the air!

A total of thirty-four ice swords close to the seventh level swept over the low ground in a spectacular manner, and crazily blasted towards the centipede-tailed giant rock demon with an unstable center of gravity!

"Boom boom boom boom~!"

A series of ice swords bombarded the centipede giant rock demon's chest and turned into shattered pieces. Although these ice swords could not really crush the body of the centipede giant rock demon, the impact force made the ten-meter-high behemoth fall directly on the ground. On the ground, it was continuously smashed into the huge potholes blasted by the death light.

The moment the eighth-rank commander fell, everyone was stunned, staring in horror at Chu Mu who launched a series of gorgeous and fierce attacks!

None of the soul pets of the four had stopped releasing long-distance skills, but the centipede-tailed rock demon's defense had reached level eight, and with the most absolutely defensive rock skin, all skills could barely limit the centipede-tailed rock demon, Can't really hurt it.

However, these skills of Chu Mu's three soul pets forcefully knocked the overlord of the cold pool to the ground, so that everyone could breathe a long sigh of relief under the threat of death!

"Come to the rescue, the ice-type soul pet is frozen, try not to let it get up!" Chu Mu glanced back at the dull-eyed crowd, and shouted to them.

Ye Wansheng's movements were swift, and he had already pulled the bright horned beast out of the danger zone. Ye Qingzi was only able to react when Chu Mu yelled at her, and when Shuiyue chanted the healing spell, she also chanted the spell herself!

Soul water heart!

Shuiyue's spell was ready, and after the dying Bright Horned Beast was brought back, the Soul Water Heart skill immediately fell on the Bright Horned Beast.

Soul Water Heart, a level 7 water-based healing skill, can wrap the soul pet's soul that is about to be crushed when it is dying, so that its life will not continue to pass away, and it has a weak healing effect. This state can last up to half a day .

Controlling the flow of life is naturally the most important thing for a dying soul pet. Seeing Ye Qingzi's Shuiyue displaying this advanced healing skill, Chu Xing was also excited. In this way, as long as the soul is not broken, the soul pet can live longer time.

"Wood heals the heart!" Ye Qingzi's soul skill spell was completed very quickly, and the green light gradually swayed on the Bright Horn Beast's body like water waves...

With the lowering of the Wood Heart Healing skill, the blood overflowing from the Bright Horn Beast's head stopped almost instantly, and the almost completely shattered head began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Another seven-level healing skill display! Chu Xing looked at the woman in front of him in astonishment, and his heart was full of waves!

Once the seventh-level skills are fully used, the most basic effect is the seventh-level. If the soul masters' soul thoughts are strong, the skill effects will definitely increase. Ye Qingzi's seventh-level healing skills can make the bright horned beast whose skull is almost broken visible to the naked eye. This healing effect combined with Shang Shuiyue's soul water heart is almost equivalent to the rebirth skill!

There is no doubt that a soul pet master with near-rebirth skills is so crucial in a team, and such soul pet masters are absolutely rare!

The healing of the soul and the healing of the body were carried out at the same time. Chu Xing thought that his main pet would die like this. Looking at the bright horned beast that opened its eyes in a short time, Chu Xing felt a burst of ecstasy, and he didn't know what to do for a while. Express gratitude to Ye Qingzi.

"The injury has been brought under control. Take back the soul pet space first. After a period of recuperation, it should be completely cured. Now concentrate on dealing with this centipede giant rock demon." Seeing the bright horned beast opening its eyes, Ye Qingzi was also superficial. He smiled, but soon realized that Chu Mu was facing the terrifying centipede-tailed giant rock demon alone, and immediately said to everyone.