The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 240: Treasure, eighth-level soul crystal


Chu Xing recited the spell, took the bright horned beast back into the space of the soul pet, and immediately summoned the soul pet of the dark system—a dark elf of the seventh rank and fourth rank.

"Very good, there is a soul pet of the dark type, quickly corrode that guy's skin, otherwise we will not be able to kill it in three days and three nights." Ye Wansheng's eyes lit up when he saw Chu Xing summoning a soul pet of the dark type.

Rock-type soul pets are resistant to all types of soul pet skills, including dark-type skills, but dark-type soul pets have very special skills that ignore defense skills and dark poison skills that weaken defense. It is the weakness of soul pets.

Dark Elf: Elemental Realm - Dark System - Elf Race - Dark Elf Sub-Clan - Servant Class.

Dark elves, water elves, fire elves, ice elves, etc. are one of the mainstream soul pets of most soul pet masters in the soul apprentice stage. The price of a highly talented servant-level elemental elf is also very high in the market, because As long as the talent is strong, after training and strengthening in the later stage, it can still pose a great threat to many high-level soul pets at a high stage, just like Ye Wansheng's Flame Tail. It is comparable to the seven-stage leader.

"Dark eclipse!" Chu Xing immediately issued an order to his dark elves.

The dark elf's body almost melted into the darkness, and when the spell was uttered, he could clearly feel the darkness surrounding him!

Ye Wansheng's unknown ice-type skills and Chu Mu's ice spirit's freezing ability obviously couldn't really control the centipede giant rock demon. After the centipede giant rock demon shattered the freezing effect on its body, it suddenly jumped out of the hole, and The dark elf's skills didn't need to be specifically locked, and he directly cast the dark erosion on the huge centipede-tailed giant rock demon.

The centipede giant rock demon's skin was dark brown. After the dark erosion effect was applied, the chest covered with fine scars was immediately darkened to black, and the four wounds that were originally torn by Mo Xie's Crown Flame Evil Flame Claw appeared. signs of expansion.

"Ye, the field of night dreams."


The thicker the dark aura, the stronger the dark eclipse effect. Night Dream Domain is almost ineffective against elemental soul pets, but Night Thunder Dream Beast can use this skill to thicken the surrounding dark aura and increase the dark eclipse effect.

What troubled everyone the most about the centipede giant rock demon was its powerful defense. After the dark erosion effect spread on it, the attack effect of the soul pets became more obvious.

Mo Xie is the only one among all soul pets who can tear apart the centipede giant rock monster's normal defense. After the centipede tail giant rock monster was eclipsed, its crown flame claws posed a real threat to the centipede giant rock monster. Immediately, a larger claw mark appeared on the demon black chest, like a ravine!


Once trauma occurs, if all the attacks gather here, the centipede-tailed giant rock demon will definitely suffer more serious injuries. This eighth-stage commander is obviously aware that the defense has been corroded, and it is difficult to deal with the skill bombardment of so many soul pets. Resolutely Turn your body, already planning to escape!

"Mo Xie, stop it." Chu Mu immediately said to Mo Xie.

Rock type soul pets have common weaknesses, very slow, cumbersome and sluggish. And Mo Xie's speed was much faster than this eight-stage leader. When the centipede-tailed giant rock demon turned around and took huge steps, Mo Xie immediately ran to the place where this guy was going to escape, and the little nine-tailed suddenly became longer in Chu Lian's state!

"Nine-tailed dragon dies!"

Nine silver long tails suddenly appeared, like nine dragon bodies, appearing at the escape position of the centipede giant rock demon with awe-inspiring momentum, and began to spin at a high speed!

The nine tails stirred crazily, and quickly turned into a huge silver vortex, fiercely sweeping towards the huge body of the centipede giant rock demon!

The power of the nine-tailed dragon is unmatched by other soul pet skills. The tail of the monarch ruthlessly swept over the eighth-level commander, and immediately smashed his mountain-like chest into pieces!


The centipede-tailed giant rock demon just took off, but let out a painful scream, and was directly photographed on the ground by Mo Xie's powerful nine-tailed dragon obliteration skill, and a huge hole appeared on his scarred chest!

Aoki is entangled! Countless roots drilled out from the ground, thick and solid, before the Centipede Giant Rock Demon completely landed, they wrapped its limbs, head, and tail around it!

Ice Chain Array!

From Ye Wansheng's position, the ice-type soul pet spell was uttered, and the mysterious ice crystals quickly turned into four long frozen chains, intertwined in length and breadth, and suddenly fell from the body of the centipede-tailed giant rock demon!

"Ice Sword Formation!"

Seeing that Ye Wansheng had cast the ice chain array, Chu Mu immediately asked the ice sky elf to cast the ice sword array, and ruthlessly pierced these ice sword arrays into the two ends of the four ice chains, fixing the four more than 20 meters long. A huge ice chain one meter thick!

Ye Wansheng's follow-up skill for ice-type soul pets is the Ice Sword Formation, because this ice chain formation can only truly trap soul pets like the Centipede Giant Rock Demon when combined with the Ice Sword Formation that is pierced deep into the ground. The consciousness is also very good, almost when the ice chain is locked, the ice sword formation will appear, and the centipede giant rock demon will not be given a chance to struggle, and it will be locked on the ground fiercely!

"Miyan!" Chu Xing's consciousness is not bad. Knowing that the ground is easily shattered by the power of the centipede giant rock demon, he immediately asked his sixth-stage and first-level rock meteor spirit to use the skill of Miyan, and forcibly crushed the centipede giant rock. The rocky ground under the devil's body is reinforced!

Chuning's ice elves decisively cast their freezing skills, strengthening the ice chains and ice swords, and at the same time solidifying the body of the centipede giant rock demon!

None of these skills can really bind the centipede giant rock monster, but all the skills are superimposed and combined very cleverly, the limiting ability is greatly increased, making the extremely powerful centipede-tailed rock monster completely immobile!

"Dark erosion!" The dark erosion toxin on the chest of the Centipede Giant Rock Demon was released, and the dark elf launched this very deadly defensive corrosion skill for rock-type soul pets!

All kinds of restricted skills were cast, and after controlling this behemoth, all soul pets began to brew destructive skills!

Different brilliance shone on all the dozen or so soul pets. The preparation time for the skills of the five soul pets was relatively long, and now there was enough time for their soul pets to prepare these more powerful skills!

The twin crown flames burn violently! The Heavenly Flame Ceremony of the Crown Flame Nine-Tailed Flame Fox!

Dark light gathers in the mouth, the longer the brewing time, the more terrifying the death light power of the Thunder Dream Beast of the Night!

The seventeen ice swords on the ice spirit's head quickly transformed into thirty-four ice swords!

Ye Wansheng's Yanwei eyes have turned into fiery red, and the place where the eyes intersect is faintly hot, and the anger is on the verge of burning!

The unknown ice-type soul pet chanted a spell, and a terrifying ice cone like an iceberg suddenly appeared at a height of 50 meters. As the spell continued, it was still expanding!

The ice rain of the ice elf, the lightning python of the thunder elf, the dark beam of the dark elf, the shadow claw of the colorful devil tiger, the wild flood of the water moon...

All the skills of the soul pet are condensed, colorful, and appear magnificently under the night!

With the most brilliant sky flame beam and fire dragon soaring into the sky, all the skills bombarded the centipede giant rock demon's chest in a chaotic manner!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The terrifyingly destructive skills gathered at one location, and a terrifying skill storm swept across the surroundings. Various energies crazily exploded the body of the eight-stage centipede-tailed giant rock demon. Starting from the chest whose defense power plummeted, an astonishing pit appeared first. Hole, and after all the power was annihilated, the body of the centipede giant rock demon was destroyed into several sections, and these sections were shattered under the terrifying destructive power!

The ground began to shake violently, and the group of Devouring Star wolves living not far away let out a panicked howl under the shaking of the ground, and began to flee to the distance!

The low ground with a diameter of 300 meters appeared a series of huge cracks under the bombardment of these dozen skills, and even spread to the high ground.

As for the location of the centipede giant rock demon, before the skill storm completely dissipated, it was completely changed. The body of the centipede giant rock demon was also blasted into countless pieces, like a crumbling mountain, with broken stones splashing and rocks tumbling, Even a hundred meters away, you can still see the wreckage!

"Hoo hoo hoo ~!"

The strong wind blew chaotically under the night sky, rolling up waves of rocks and gravel and hitting the five of them and their soul pets!

"Hoo hoo hoo ~!"

This state lasted for a long time, and the buzzing sound also lasted for a long time.

Chu Xing, Chu Ning, and Ye Qingzi all stood in place, staring at the unrecognizable lowland.

The strengthened commander of the eighth stage and the third stage, the overlord of the sixth-stage cold pool, have now been turned into rubble everywhere, scattered in this pitted lowland, and Chu Xing and Chu Ning, who have never encountered such a powerful enemy, are also a little bit I can't believe that I killed such a powerful soul pet today!

"Whoosh!" Just as the two were still shocked by the terrifying power caused by the superposition of skills, the two figures rushed out quickly, passed through the extremely messy airflow, and rushed towards the same luminous spot.

Chu Xing and Chuning did not notice this situation, but Ye Qingzi quickly noticed a brown spot of light flickering on the smashed potholes.

The gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated in the wanton wind. After Chu Xing and Chu Ning recovered from the shock of killing the eighth-dan commander, they suddenly found Chu Mu in black at a position fifty meters ahead. Standing there with Ye Wansheng in gray wandering clothes, if you look closely, you will find awe-inspiring auras appearing on Chu Mu and Ye Wansheng respectively, forming two invisible forces colliding together!

Chu Xing quickly frowned.

Chu Ning also looked at the weird behavior of the two of them in puzzlement, but when he found a dark brown soul crown flickering between Chu Mu and Ye Wansheng, he suddenly realized something, and his face immediately showed shock And the color of ecstasy!

Ye Qingzi understood her brother's intentions, and had unconsciously kept a certain distance from Chu Xing and Chu Ning.

Soul Crystal!

Eighth-level soul crystal! After the death of an eight-stage enhanced leader, the only thing that will shine with a charming soul crown is the extremely precious soul crystal!