The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 85: Racial variation, arrogant Mo Xie (Part 2)


"Hoo hoo ~!"

The strong wind is blowing, constantly whipping everything around!

All of a sudden, a cloud of faint demonic flames suddenly rose from the terrifying vortex of demonic aura, and Mo Xie's twin tails split into two suddenly split again, and suddenly turned into three monsters full of one. There was a long tail of a coquettish atmosphere, and at the same time, clusters of demon fires formed a triangular position, flamingly suspended around Mo Xie's body!

"This... this is..." Yang Zhide looked at this scene a little sluggishly. An extremely weak moonlight fox was able to release a powerful demonic aura, which was comparable to many warrior-level monsters, and even stronger!

Mo Xie's tails kept increasing, and with each additional tail, Mo Xie's monstrous aura increased a bit. When Mo Xie reached five tails, Yang Zhide's fourth-stage bloodthirsty beast also showed panic!

Five faint demon fires were burning quietly, and the gloomy demon light slowly bloomed, making Mo Xie, who was covered in silver hair, even more evil!

Yang Zhide's bloodthirsty beast is already in a state of bloodthirsty, under such circumstances, general mental skills and some momentum will have a weaker effect on it.

However, when Mo Xie's tails increased to six, the bloodthirsty beast didn't dare to take a step closer to Mo Xie. The powerful demonic aura made the burly bloodthirsty beast start to retreat slowly!

Seeing Mo Xie's changes at this moment, Chu Mu was even more shocked.

Chu Mu's training for Mo Xie was to hope that Mo Xie would mutate towards the Nine-Tails, but Chu Mu knew that it was almost impossible for Mo Xie to mutate into a Nine-Tails Demon Fox, because under the Nine-Tails, there were also the Three-Tailed Demon Fox and the Six-Tailed Demon Fox. The tail demon fox, continuous racial mutation, also needs a process of gradual improvement.

However, at this time, Mo Xie's tail had reached six tails, which meant that Mo Xie completely skipped the three-tailed demon fox and directly entered the stronger state of the six-tailed demon fox!

The six arrogant long tails full of wild aura set off the gradually growing body of Mo Xie more coldly and noblely, and at the same time added the evil spirit of the demon spirit and the awe-inspiring aura of the strong!


With a high-pitched chant, the six demon fires began to spin and slowly descend. The weird and frightening flames quickly swirled under Mo Xie's limbs, and turned into hoof flames, burning at the position of Mo Xie's limbs!

Mo Xie's body is growing. It is still slender and has special curves, but it looks more of a wild sense of strength. The limbs, torso, waist, and head are all completely transformed at this moment!

"This... is this changing!" Yang Zhide was completely dumbfounded! Racial mutation is a very rare phenomenon. Yang Zhide has only heard about it, but he has never seen it with his own eyes, especially the sudden change from a weak moonlight fox to a powerful combination of demon spirit and beast. The powerful six-tailed demon fox!

Mo Xie's body undergoes a racial mutation, and at the same time it is also transforming, transforming into a three-stage six-tailed demon fox!

When Mo Xieyi turned into a six-tailed demon fox, he was only at the second stage and ninth stage, and that kind of aura had already made bloodthirsty beasts shy away. After reaching the third stage, this demonic aura became even more terrifying. Even Yang Zhide, who was standing far away, could feel it. This awe-inspiring horror made him feel extremely difficult to move his body!

Mo Xie's body was twice as big as before, but its gorgeous and wild six tails were twice as long as its body, sometimes standing up like a steel cable, sometimes fluttering like a spiral ribbon!


Mo Xie's eyes were completely focused on the bloodthirsty beast, but two strange flames could be seen burning in the silver eyes.

The fierceness was revealed, at this moment, Mo Xie only had the enemy and the endless battle anger in his eyes!


The flames of the four hooves turned into flames suddenly, but the next moment, there were only four flames burning quietly on the ground, and Mo Xie, who had a silver body, had already rushed in front of the bloodthirsty beast!

While running, Mo Xie didn't launch a sneak attack at all, but his speed was twice as fast as before. Even Chu Mu couldn't see this speed clearly, let alone the clumsy bloodthirsty beast and The sluggish Yang Zhide.

Evil Flame Claw!

There was no sharp blade, no bright red blood, this time Mo Xie's claws were covered with a layer of evil flames, and this flame was burning on Mo Xie's sharp claws, without any temperature But it made Mo Xie's claws even sharper!

The bloodthirsty beast's skin has reached the initial defense of level three, but it still cannot stop the tearing and burning of the evil flame claws!


The bright red skin was torn apart in an instant, without any hindrance, it went deep into the bones!

At the same time, Yaoyan ran wildly in the torn body of the blood beast, and devoured a large piece of meat and internal organs of the blood beast alive!

Mo Xie's evil flame claws began to tear from the blood beast's shoulders, and the demon flame burned from the blood beast's shoulders to its torso. The burning speed was very fast, as if it was swallowed instantly!

Limbs swayed lightly, and Mo Xie, who flitted through the air, seemed to have the ability to step into the air for a short time. The flame hoof touched the air, and he jumped up again. There was no need to look back at the blood beast whose internal organs were mostly burned by the demon fire. , Passing through with incomparable coldness and arrogance, his eyes piercing into Yang Zhide's heart as sharp as a sword.

Seeing such a horrifying scene, Yang Zhide felt that death was approaching. Facing such a vicious six-tailed fox, he could only use the wind wrap in a panic, trying to blow away Mo Xie in the same way.

However, how could Mo Xie, who had undergone a mutation and metamorphosis, care about this little wind entanglement technique. The six gorgeous long tails turned into six vivid spiritual creatures while running, and they intertwined and swayed strangely!

With the strange fluttering of the six tails, the demon fire suddenly ignited on Mo Xie's silver hair. The demon fire has no temperature, but when it devoured Yang Zhide's wind entanglement, it completely trapped Yang Zhide in it!

Facing a person who had been severely wounded by his soul twice in a row, Mo Xie didn't need the evil flame claws at all. The claws swiftly slid across Yang Zhide's arm, and Yang Zhide's arm was separated from his body immediately!


The shrill screams immediately echoed in the jungle. This kind of scream was heart-piercing and painful to the extreme!

Mo Xie could definitely give Yang Zhide a fatal blow, but Chu Mu still had doubts in his heart, how could he let Yang Zhide die so happily.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Yang Zhide clutched his bloody arm, lying on the ground in pain, Mo Xie stepped on this guy coldly and arrogantly, his six tails opened like a peacock's tail, and the powerful demonic aura immediately frightened Yang Zhide!