The City of Terror

Chapter 100: Mid-section strength


ps: Thank you for the 1888 tip from Congxin, thank you for the 200 tip from Mysterious Tianwei, thank you for the middle-aged 35, from Congxin, FREE1111, Daohen 9501, the helpless dreamer, and the 100 tip!

Indeed, if it is not compared with Long Bo's big gun made of leg hair, this big gun made of only a small amount of leg hair is indeed a precious gun.

Leg hair? Leg hair! Leg hair

In the past two days, Wei Xiaobei encountered leg hair even in his dreams, some were thousands of feet long, some were short, and some even had human faces.

Well, Wei Xiaobei feels that this leg hair is about to become his own demon.

Fortunately, these few days, the master got a baby, and he would pull Wei Xiaobei to practice spear skills every day.

Cheng Biwu is forty-five years old and has practiced martial arts for thirty-eight years. He is in the prime of his life, and his martial arts is approaching its peak.

Wei Xiaobei once remembered that after Cheng Biwu drank once, he proudly said that he had comprehended dark energy when he was twenty-six years old.

Everyone knows that in this national art, the division of strength is roughly divided into bright strength, dark strength, and transformation strength. This is roughly the scope of use of one's own strength.

Well, going further up, to be precise, it should be in the category of releasing qi, so I won’t say much here.

To put it bluntly, Ming Jin is his own strength, which is also used to punch and kick people. This is the foundation of martial arts practitioners. To use one's own strength to hit people, you can use as much force as you can.

Therefore, Ming Jin is also called Shao Jie Jin, the power of the end, you can know it just by looking at the name.

But ordinary people can only use 30% of their body strength at most, that is, hitting someone with their fists, then 50% of their arm strength, and 40% of their kicking people, that's about it.

However, people who have practiced boxing and feet, and have undergone some training, such as soldiers, amateur boxers, etc., can use 50% of the whole body's strength, and can initially join forces.

For example, twisting the waist and leg strength.

Going a step further, it is to use more than 80% of the whole body's strength, and be able to gather waist strength, leg strength, and fist strength into one, open and close, and punch with wind.

And the highest state of Ming Jin is to use all the strength of the whole body, not only gathering the strength of the waist, legs, and fists, but even using some special moves, such as the strength of the neck, calves, etc. can be released together.

After bright energy is dark energy, the so-called dark energy in Chinese martial arts, there is another saying, it is called hitting people with the bottom of the elbow.

What is the bottom of the elbow

This is a general term, which means that we need to hide the Ming Jin we have developed before in the arms, legs, etc., so that when we punch, we can attack and defend, unlike Ming Jin, which can only attack and cannot defend, or Only defend but not attack.

Therefore, this dark energy is also called the middle section energy. But this dark energy will not actually increase your strength, your strength is still in the bright energy.

Competing a master of martial arts who has developed dark energy against a master of martial arts with only bright energy is like a contest between a master of Tai Chi and a man of brute strength.

Finally, let me mention Huajin, which is also called root-joint strength. From the inside to the outside, from the root joint to the middle joint, and then to the tip joint, the whole body accumulates energy everywhere, which can be regarded as an advanced version of dark strength.

When it comes to Huajin, you can practice all parts of your body until you can store energy and send out energy.

The so-called mosquitoes and flies can't land, and birds can't fly when you stretch out your hands, this is the truth.

Everywhere in the body, energy can be stored and energy can be exerted, and the two can be transformed freely. Even if a bird lands on the body, it will not fly away, and the upward force of the bird can be offset within an inch.

At this level, even if someone punches you, you can easily remove the opponent's power.

As the so-called Dao returns to the same goal, in fact, when it comes to Huajin, whether it is Tai Chi or Bajiquan, there is a sense of speed and return.

For example, the long-known Zhanyi Eighteen Falls in Wudang is a full use of Huajin.

Therefore, this kind of martial arts is not so much a kind of martial arts, but rather a natural formation when the realm has been reached.

From the above, we can know the pain of fighting against a master of dark energy.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't see through his master's current state, but when he was practicing against him, he felt bored and couldn't exert his strength.

Every time after his big spear stabs out, Cheng Biwu can easily parry him and take advantage of the situation to counterattack, making Wei Xiaobei in a panic, and Cheng Biwu often finds out where Wei Xiaobei's eyes are focused when he makes a move.

Wei Xiaobei is not an idiot either, the master is not only excited by the baby, but also means to use this to enlighten himself.

In terms of my own strength, muscles, and physical strength, these two branch attributes are combined to form a main attribute of strength as high as 17.5.

This level of strength is already very strong!

If the muscle strain was not taken into consideration, and if the effort was pushed to the limit, Wei Xiaobei's punch would have surpassed the world's heavyweight boxing champion.

But this is still only within the scope of Ming Jin.

After a duel, Wei Xiaobei brazenly pulled his master to question him.

Cheng Biwu was not at all polite: "Xiaobei, when it comes to understanding Bajiquan, you barely surpass the third child, and even the second child may soon be inferior to you, but you are only in the middle of Mingjin now. , there is a lot of distance from your senior brother."

That's true, Wei Xiaobei also has a bit of self-knowledge, although his Bajiquan realm has reached the level of hard work, but in fact, the use of strength is to exert strength with strength.

However, after practicing with his master these few days, Wei Xiaobei has a little bit of his own understanding of Jinli.

Not to mention that he was promoted to the top of Mingjin right away, punching and kicking to gather all the strength of the whole body, but at least he had some understanding of this point.

In addition, Wei Xiaobei found out on the Internet who the people of Longbo he met in the gray world were!

Longbo is a grown-up, with a body of thirty feet. A few steps around the universe, sucking in giant clouds. Cangming is the roof of the room, and Beihai is the basin. One fished six fish and died, and two mountains sank due to land.

The adults here are giants.

It is said in the Shan Hai Jing that in ancient times, there was a country called Longbo Country, and its citizens were all giants, extremely tall, they could walk a long distance in a few steps, they breathed like clouds, and their heads were above the sky. The North Sea is used as a bathtub.

As a result, one day, a giant Longbo went fishing at the seaside and accidentally caught the giant turtle that carried five fairy mountains including Penglai. As a result, the two fairy mountains sank into the bottom of the sea, and countless immortals were displaced.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and cast spells to shrink the land of Long Bo Kingdom, making these giants smaller and smaller, but in the era of Fuxi and Shennong, these giants were still more than 30 feet tall.

It can be seen from this that these people of Longbo are huge.

After reading these materials, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

It seems that this gray world does have a lot to do with myths and legends.

After that, Wei Xiaobei would surf the Internet for an hour every day before going to bed, so as to familiarize himself with various Chinese myths and legends, such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Lie Zi", "Sou Shen Ji", "Huai Nan Zi" " and other works of ancient Chinese mythology were all read by Wei Xiaobei.