The City of Terror

Chapter 108: Release current 100 volts


ps: Thank you Meteor of Assassination for the reward of 11364! Thanks to the mysterious Tianwei for the 200 tip, and thanks to Mingdao Jiqi, Wang Guanye, Huanyu Limin, my sister said I was handsome, and Yunmeng Fengqing for the 100 tip!

No way, with the perfect Bajiquan, putting the evolution points into the Three Emperors Pao Chui will not be of much use for a while, and it will be a waste of evolution points.

Not to mention military boxing, just rule it out.

Fishing and electrician can only be regarded as life skills for the time being, ruled out!

Shooting, it seems to be useful in reality, but it is not very useful. After all, it is very difficult to get guns and weapons in reality. Crime can be done without guns.

In this way, all skills are excluded.

After that, Wei Xiaobei's attention fell on the special ability of releasing electric current.

As far as this special ability is concerned, it helped Wei Xiaobei a lot in the early days, but now due to the limited strength of voltage and current, Wei Xiaobei rarely uses this special ability, and relies on all bursts of current. If you use one trick to improve, you won't be able to improve it much.

This special ability is both powerful and weak.

Its strength is that if the enemy relies on bioelectricity to transmit instructions from the brain to the body, and cannot resist the invasion of the electric current, it will be paralyzed by the electric current in front of Wei Xiaobei, thus losing part or all of its resistance.

The weakness lies in that if the enemy ignores the electric current, Wei Xiaobei will lose this trump card.

In fact, since entering the gray world, there are not many monsters who ignore the special ability of Luowei Xiaobei, but there are a few.

Such as zombies, dryads and so on.

As for Baiwu Longma, Longbo's people, etc., Wei Xiaobei didn't know if it would be useful, but even if it was useful, it probably wouldn't have much effect.

But this special ability is indeed very powerful!

Wei Xiaobei was also unwilling to put this special ability on the shelf, so after a little hesitation, he stopped and focused on the special ability of releasing electric current.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei discovered that it is not so simple to improve the special ability of releasing electric current.

Evolution points cannot be directly invested in the release current.

There are two ways to release current into the evolution point, one is to invest in the upper limit of voltage, and the other is to invest in the upper limit of current.

After pondering for a while, Wei Xiaobei focused on the upper voltage limit.

As the consumption of evolution points decreases, the upper limit of the voltage of the release current increases.

But this promotion process made Wei Xiaobei a little surprised.

With a little evolutionary point investment, the voltage limit of the release current has been raised by 1 volt!

In this way, wouldn't 180 evolution points be able to increase the voltage to around 220 volts

In fact, this high efficiency improvement is not endless.

After the voltage is increased to 50 volts, it becomes 1 volt for every two evolution points consumed.

After raising the upper limit of voltage to 100 volts, Wei Xiaobei stopped investing in evolution points, and turned his attention to the upper limit of current.

Similarly, 1 evolution point can increase the current limit by 1mA.

When the upper limit of the current is increased to 50mA, the consumption of evolution points is correspondingly doubled.

When there is only 1 evolution point left, the voltage upper limit of the release current is increased to 101 volts, while the upper current limit is 62 mA.

The release current has been raised to this level, not to mention other monsters, it is already terrifying for humans alone.

Not to mention the upper limit of the voltage, but only the upper limit of the current. When the current reaches 50 to 80 mA, if it is an alternating current, it is enough to paralyze the breathing of ordinary human beings and the atrium begins to tremble. That is to say, if the electric shock lasts longer than half a minute, the The person was basically hopeless, and the heart trembled due to the electric shock, and finally stopped beating.

If it is direct current, if it exceeds 50 mA, it can cause a strong burning sensation, hand muscle spasm, and difficulty breathing, which is equivalent to the effect of alternating current reaching 30 mA.

So far, the current released by this special ability to release current is alternating current!

Therefore, this means that as long as a person dares to touch Wei Xiaobei directly, the electric current that Wei Xiaobei continuously releases is enough to paralyze the opponent's breathing and make the body stiff for a moment!

Although it was not possible to die instantly, it was basically equivalent to putting his life in Wei Xiaobei's hands.

With this alone, I am afraid that most martial arts masters will find it difficult to fight against Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this was also based on their ignorance of Wei Xiaobei's special ability.

Masters of Chinese martial arts basically have rich combat experience. Once they find out that Wei Xiaobei has this special ability, they may take some measures to avoid it, thus greatly reducing the threat of this special ability.

But all in all, Wei Xiaobei's release of electric current at this time can be regarded as a powerful attack and defense method.

Wei Xiaobei roughly estimated that if he had enough to eat, he could release this special ability for more than two hours.

That is to say, as long as Wei Xiaobei doesn't discharge all the electric energy in his body all at once, then two hours of continuous discharge of electric energy is basically enough.

After all, Wei Xiaobei will not keep this special ability even if he has nothing to do.

With this ability to protect himself, to be honest, it would be difficult for ordinary human beings to pose a threat to Wei Xiaobei if they were not armed with modern firearms.

Just like Huang Dajun who was following behind him, with a little care, he probably would not be far from death.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei grasped the big gun stuck in the sand in his hands, exerted a sudden force with both hands, bent the big gun, and wrapped it around his waist.

After moving around a few times, Wei Xiaobei felt that the big gun wrapped around his waist had a little influence on his movements, but not too much.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei wrapped the three-meter-long gun around his waist, Huang Dajun's eyes stared straight behind him.

What kind of thing is this? Huang Dajun saw it clearly before the big gun killed those black giant scorpions. The big gun is tough and flexible, which can be seen.

But it was actually beyond Huang Dajun's imagination to be able to wrap it around his waist.

But Huang Dajun didn't dare to ask anything, seeing Wei Xiaobei started to walk forward, he could only follow behind.

Of course, with the passage of time, the anxiety in Huang Dajun's heart became more and more intense. If he knew that he could leave the desert by heading towards Wei Xiaobei's road, he would rush there immediately without hesitation.

As for the idea of killing Wei Xiaobei, it is absolutely more important than not being able to survive his own life.

The only problem is, maybe after he leaves the desert, he will not be far from death.