The City of Terror

Chapter 116: bloody all over


ps: This month's monthly pass, subscription, I count on fellow Taoists, book friends, brothers and sisters, old and young! A lot of monthly votes, a lot of subscriptions! Pindao’s reputation is very good, so I won’t set quotas this month. While ensuring the quality, I will try my best to code and put as much as I can. Of course, the saved manuscripts under 1,000 will be saved until the next day! Let's work hard together! Fusheng immeasurable deity.

In fact, before this, Wei Xiaobei sensed a hint of danger, kicked his legs on the ground, and bounced back desperately.

But under Yong's rage, the sand mist diffused extremely fast, even though Wei Xiaobei used his whole body speed, his left index finger accidentally got a little bit of the sand mist.

A piercing pain immediately came from the left index finger.

Wei Xiaobei looked down, and saw that his left index finger was stained with some yellowish gravel, and where the gravel was stained, the flesh was slowly shrinking and drying up, as if it had suddenly lost moisture.

What a terrifying shabu!

Wei Xiaobei was startled, how dare he get entangled with Yong, his legs touched the ground, and within a few breaths, he jumped more than 20 meters away, pulled out the dagger on his calf, and with a single blow, he cut the body that was stuck to the gravel. The skin and flesh are all peeled off.

Although it was painful enough, Wei Xiaobei didn't show any pain on his face, only a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

The white finger bones can be seen in the deepest part! If it weren't for Wei Xiaobei's health attribute being strong enough now, I'm afraid it would be difficult to stop the bleeding, and in front of Yong, it would be impossible to free up his hands to bandage his fingers to stop the bleeding.

After Wei Xiaobei grabbed a handful of gravel from the ground and wiped the wound, the rush of blood slowed down quickly, and basically stopped bleeding.

The price is worth it.

Just after the flesh was peeled off and fell to the ground, it turned into charcoal black in less than half a breath.

Wei Xiaobei knew. The sand mist is not a highly poisonous thing, but can absorb the surrounding water, the flesh is carbonized, but all the water in it has been drained!

The name of Yong's severe drought really has some tricks!

If this were not the case, I am afraid that the name of the severe drought would not have spread.

It can be imagined that if Wei Xiaobei was covered by the sand mist, even if he died, it would be an extremely miserable death.

Just by touching, you can drain the moisture in your body!

want to come. This sand mist is not of much use to the red carp before, so it's all because there is not much water in the red carp's body, right

If this trick of Shawu is used to deal with creatures with a lot of water in their bodies, it is simply a killer move.

He didn't use it to deal with those mercenaries before, maybe Yong completely looked down on those mercenaries, or maybe this move is more useful in melee combat, those mercenaries are good at long-distance combat, so Shawu doesn't have much use for it.

However, Wei Xiaobei is good at melee combat, and this shabu made him enjoy it.

Seeing that Yong who kept approaching, Wei Xiaobei quickly began to think about it.

The light staggered from there. It looked like it might fall down at any time, Wei Xiaobei knew that this cockroach was close to the situation where the lamp was dry and oil wasted.

But even such a seriously injured Yong has the ability to kill himself in one fell swoop!

That Shawu alone can do this.

But this shabu. Wei Xiaobei didn't believe that there was no price to pay for Yong's use.

Just like Wei Xiaobei's release current, even if it is not a one-time burst, but continuous release, it will consume a lot of physical strength, let alone such a terrifying killer move like Sha Wu!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei ran towards the AK47 that had been thrown away.

The speed of that 颙 at this time is not fast, at most it is the speed of human walking, which gave Wei Xiaobei a chance.

Pick up the AK47. Wei Xiaobei put on a full magazine, held the big gun in his left hand, raised the AK47 in his right hand, and fired towards the point.

This one-armed gun shooting is not a problem for Wei Xiaobei's arm strength at all, the only problem is the shooting accuracy.

But Wei Xiaobei didn't care about the accuracy of the shooting, every time he fired in short bursts, two or three bullets would go towards Yong. Either hit Yong directly, or land on the sand beside Yong, splashing a piece of gravel.

Yong at this time can be regarded as a frightened bird.

Every time Wei Xiaobei shoots, the sand mist around Yong will become stronger, covering the surrounding space within a radius of several meters. But this kind of strength can't last for a long time, every five or six seconds. It will fail, and retreat to less than half a meter away from Yong's side.

And with each exhaustion, Shabu's retreat recedes to a smaller range.

After Wei Xiaobei ran out of one magazine, the sha mist retreated to Yong's side was less than thirty centimeters.

Compared with the previous sand mist, its enveloping range has been reduced by more than half.

Putting on another magazine, Wei Xiaobei continued to do the same.

In the end, when all the magazines on Wei Xiaobei's body were exhausted, the sand mist around that head was almost sticking to the feathers, even if it spread out, it would still be less than twenty centimeters!


At this time, Wei Xiaobei threw away the AK47, held the guns in both hands, and shot at Yong again.

After losing the threat of Shawu, Yong has completely become a fish on the chopping board.

Every time, Wei Xiaobei stabs straight with his gun! After hitting Yong, he dodged and retreated quickly. After doing this more than ten times, Na Yong's body was like a can with eyes full of eyes, and blood water continuously leached from his body and flowed into the sand.

In the end, Yong couldn't hold on any longer, his barely upright body shook for a while, and then he fell headfirst on the sandy ground.

Seeing that Yong fell down, Wei Xiaobei didn't have the slightest impulse, and continued to shoot at Yong's body with his gun, until the evolution point suddenly increased by 450 when there was no movement from the latter, and then he stopped.

Only after the evolution points increase, Wei Xiaobei can confirm that the opponent is really dead!

After killing zombies several times in Cuihu University, Wei Xiaobei has realized this point. In this gray world, most monsters have extremely tenacious vitality.

Wei Xiaobei retracted the big gun, took a light breath, and walked towards Yong who was completely dead.

Compared to those extremely dangerous battles before, Wei Xiaobei got a big deal this time.

If it weren't for the desperate efforts of those mercenaries and the sudden attack of the red cricket, this cricket was seriously injured and could not even fly. One can imagine how difficult it was for Wei Xiaobei to kill this chicken.

If I can't do it myself, I will fill it in.

450 evolution points, completely inconsistent with Wei Xiaobei's judgment on the strength of this hawk.

One must know that this is just the evolution point of the nine giant black scorpions.

As for a 颙, it is easy to kill 9 black giant scorpions, even if it is 90 black scorpions, in front of 颙, it may be a word of death.

After all, after the gap in strength reaches a certain level, it is difficult to narrow the gap in quality with quantity.

Standing still in front of the corpse, the current appearance of this head is very ugly.

The wound on the body was blasted. The traces left by the fire and the messy scorched black feathers all showed the intensity of the previous battle.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his hand to grab some burnt feathers, pulled them lightly, and those half-black feathers fell down, with a lot of half-carbonized flesh on them, emitting a kind of Weird meaty aroma.

And those wounds caused by bullets and rockets have basically stopped bleeding and closed up. From this, it can be seen that the one that caused the most damage to this cricket was the red cricket. And I really picked up a bargain.

There must be something good about a monster like this.

Wei Xiaobei pulled out a relatively intact down with all his strength, and then looked at the attribute panel. There are no changes in the possessions column.

Frowning, Wei Xiaobei walked around the corpse, and then plucked a feather over fifty centimeters from Yong's intact wing.

This time, there was a change in the possession column.

Possessions: White Mist Knife (sharp, with a little corrosive poison), Long Bo's Leg Hair Spear (tough, elastic, continuous bleeding). Yong Changling.

Yong Changling

Concentrating on it, some information about Yong Changling immediately appeared in Wei Xiaobei's mind.

There is not much information about Yong Changling. It probably means that this is the long feather of the two-star horror creature Yong, which can be used to make arrows.

Wei Xiaobei then took a closer look at the long feather, it was indeed not bad.

Except for the soft whiskers on the back of the long feather, the feather bone in the middle is very hard, Wei Xiaobei slashed it a few times with a dagger, and a smile appeared on his face.

Even a good military dagger would be hard to carve any marks on this feather bone. It can be seen that the hardness of this feather bone is no less than that of many alloys.

If the front part is sharpened, it will be an excellent long arrow even if it does not have an arrow head.

Wei Xiaobei glanced at the AK47 that he left in the distance, and shook his head.

Let's talk about the AK47, rocket launchers and other weapons. The power is not small, but it cannot be used repeatedly. Once the bullets and rockets are used up, it becomes a blowtorch.

But this bow and arrow is different. Although the arrow will wear out after a period of use, the source of the arrow is guaranteed in the gray world.

As long as it is a feathered monster, there will be more or less such long feathers on its body.

The only problem now is how to make a good bow!

Wei Xiaobei temporarily forgot about this point, and began to collect Chang Ling.

It should be said that there are a few good-looking long feathers on this crow, most of which were burned by the flames of the red cricket.

After Wei Xiaobei was busy for a while, he only collected about twenty long feathers.

Of course, more than twenty long feathers should be enough.

With Wei Xiaobei's current strength, if twenty long arrows can't deal with the enemy, then Wei Xiaobei should turn around and run for his life.

But when Wei Xiaobei began to dissect the wound with a dagger, troubles arose.

Wei Xiaobei's dagger was a high-grade product found on those mercenaries. The steel fire was excellent, and it could cut a line of blood with just a light touch on his hand.

But such a dagger is of little use when cutting along a wound.

A sharp dagger is as difficult as a rusty kitchen knife to cut wood. With Wei Xiaobei's great strength, within ten minutes, he can cut less than ten centimeters along the wound.

The most terrible thing was that the dagger broke by itself under Wei Xiaobei's excessive force.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei frowned, put on another dagger, picked out a little blood from Yong's wound, and stuck it on his arm.

As soon as the blood stained his arm, Wei Xiaobei's gaze became somewhat dull.

It's not that the blood poisoned him, but some information appeared in his mind.

Bleeding Blood: Bathing the whole body can improve thirst tolerance.

It turned out that this is the case, Wei Xiaobei understood, the greatest advantage of this Yong body, perhaps is this blood.

After hesitating for a while, Wei Xiaobei took off his tattered T-shirt, and then his pants, fuck, well, this is the first time Wei Xiaobei has taken off naked in broad daylight.

To be honest, if this is not the gray world, no matter how courageous Wei Xiaobei is, he would not have the courage. This is not about courage, but the constraints of human nature itself.

Afterwards, Wei Xiaobei didn't continue to torture himself with the military dagger, he pulled out the Baiwu knife and stabbed at the bulging skin somewhere on Yong's corpse.

Puff, there was a soft sound, and the stench and hot blood spurted out immediately, spattering half of Wei Xiaobei's chest was covered with blood.

At this moment, he could not care about the stench and scalding of the blood, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his hand and smeared the blood all over his body.

However, the blood on this Yong's body was running out, and a lot of it had flowed directly into the gravel before, and he couldn't pick it up.

After that, Wei Xiaobei stabbed Yong's body randomly with a knife, and squeezed out the blood that covered the front of his body, but there was no blood to smear on the back, thighs and other places.

In the end, he still thought of a way to completely dissect Yong with a white mist knife, remove his heart, stab it with a knife, and then squeeze it hard.

Yong's heart is bigger than a human heart, it's about the size of a dustpan, even though a lot of blood has been lost inside, but Wei Xiaobei's squeeze, the blood that flowed out of it drenched Wei Xiaobei from head to toe .

In the blink of an eye, Wei Xiaobei changed from a slightly dark complexion to a bloody man full of stench.

If you want to get something, you must pay first. This should be regarded as an irrefutable truth.

And the next moment, Wei Xiaobei knew the "benefits" of this.


Just before the blood flowed all over his body, although the smell was a bit unpleasant and the temperature of his blood was a bit high, Wei Xiaobei didn't feel uncomfortable, he thought it was a hot spring.

But at the moment when the blood flowed all over his body, Wei Xiaobei felt tingling pain from his skin, as if his whole body was soaked in sulfuric acid and magma, as if he was on fire.

Although this kind of pain is not as good as the sharp pain from inside to outside when the muscles were reorganized before, it can be regarded as each has its own merits.

In an instant, Wei Xiaobei lost control of his whole body and fell directly to the ground.

Next, Wei Xiaobei could feel the water in his body being drained out quickly, carbonization started from the skin and spread to the connective tissue, the blood became extremely thick in an instant, it was almost impossible to flow in the body, and the internal organs also shrank rapidly due to dehydration.

This pain cannot be described in words at all.

To be honest, at this moment, although Wei Xiaobei didn't regret it, he still cursed in his heart.

Where is this to enhance thirst tolerance, it is completely dehydrated to make jerky!

Of course, scolding is useless, as the painful process can be carried out as it should be. (to be continued~^~)