The City of Terror

Chapter 120: Kill the Japanese little fat man


ps: Today is very cool, sour like never before! If it weren't for the full support of the brothers and sisters, it would be impossible for Pindao to be so happy! So as long as there is spare energy, plus is inevitable. Of course quality first! In addition, all book lovers, fellow Taoists, brothers and sisters, old and young, look through your wallets to see if there is a guaranteed monthly pass. If so, please vote for this book! You will find that this book is worth your support!

Looking inside this acupoint, Wei Xiaobei felt a strong sense of Qi growing in it, and then with a slight movement of his mind, the sense of Qi went up naturally, passing Rangu, Taixi, Dazhong, Shuiquan, Zhaohai, Fuliu, Jiaoxin Acupoints such as , Zhubin, Yingu, Henggu, Dahe, Qicao, etc., finally arrive at Yufu acupoint, a complete cycle.

During this period, when the sense of qi passed through the air pocket, that is, the dantian, it was swallowed up by the qi entrenched in the dantian.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei could feel the benefits of this meridian to the body after the qi sense circulated for a week.

On this meridian, the sense of qi generated in a total of 54 acupoints on the left and right immediately increased a lot.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei finally understood that this method of expelling qi and following the twelve rules is not only for nourishing internal organs, but more importantly, it enhances the sense of qi, laying the foundation for expelling qi and opening acupoints later.

However, what caught Wei Xiaobei off guard was that after walking through the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt a heat rising from his lower body, which became hard and swollen.

This is exactly the symptom of a man's morning erection!

As a result, Wei Xiaobei had no choice but to stop and get up, and even ran to the toilet to get rid of these symptoms.

When going to the bathroom, Wei Xiaobei bowed his head and pondered for a while, probably sorting out this phenomenon.

The Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin is referred to as the Kidney Meridian. The viscera involved are the anterior yin, kidney, lung, and throat, but the kidney is in charge.

Therefore, when the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin is channeled, the viscera related to the kidney will be more obvious.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei didn't know, it was because his kidneys were not faulty, if there were faults in the kidneys, then after losing Qi. The symptoms that appear will be different again.

Afterwards, Wei Xiaobei retraced the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian a few times. Although he needed to go to the toilet every time he walked to relieve his symptoms, the symptoms became weaker and weaker.

Afterwards, it was changed to the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, and when walking through the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, Wei Xiaobei's symptoms were bursts of fever in the liver, followed by pain again, as if something had been dissolved little by little Pulled away from the general.

Wei Xiaobei knew in his heart that he liked to drink and smoked when he was a soldier. These absorbed toxins are all accumulated in the liver, which is why such symptoms appear.

After walking this meridian seven or eight times, Wei Xiaobei felt unable to support himself. There was a faint feeling of dizziness in my mind, and then I stopped my work and turned to practicing boxing, big guns and so on.

In this way, in the next few days, Wei Xiaobei drove his Qi and walked in twelve solemn ways.

The symptoms encountered are also various, strange and strange, and there are times when the lung meridian of Taiyin of the hand is passed. Vomiting black blood, this is to clean up the residual poison in the lungs, there is urine swelling when walking the bladder meridian of the sun, and so on.

After expelling the qi twice a day for a month, Wei Xiaobei's symptoms became milder, and he could feel the health and vitality of the viscera involved that he had never had before.

This is not where the health attribute can be involved. There are some problems before having the attribute panel. Even the health attribute can only recover the injuries encountered.

By this time, Wei Xiaobei probably had a little confidence in Qi Qi Tong acupuncture point.

today. The cool wind was blowing, Wei Xiaobei got up early as usual, went under the big tree, used counting breath exercises to moisten internal organs and calm his mind. Then he began to sink his thoughts, driving that breath to absorb the sense of energy pouring into his dantian.

The qi entrenched in the dantian is already saturated. The dantian was crowded to the brim, so it didn't take long before he stopped absorbing the influx of qi.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei carefully drove that energy towards the Yinjiao acupoint on the dantian.

As I said before, the Eight Qi Meridians have been blocked since birth, so it is difficult for this Qi to rush to the Yinjiao point above the dantian.

Fortunately, the blocked meridian was originally unblocked before giving birth, so the qi is like a train full of heavy objects moving forward in the meridian, and every step forward will open the blocked meridian a little .

Similarly, every time a blocked meridian is opened, the qi will be weakened. In fact, in this process, most of the weakened qi is made up on the firmly opened meridian.

During this process, the meridians were like being chopped by a knife and an axe, and in an instant, the pain caused big drops of sweat to appear on Wei Xiaobei's forehead.

If it were a person who hadn't experienced much pain, I'm afraid that if one is not careful, the qi will dissipate. If it is more serious, the qi will go astray, and it is possible to go crazy.

For Wei Xiaobei, although the pain was severe, it was far worse than the pain of muscle reorganization before.

This is also the difficulty of refining qi. When ordinary people are refining qi, it is unbearable just to fight against this kind of pain. How can they have more energy to drive the qi to open the acupoints? The speed can be imagined.

Twenty or thirty years of refining qi to achieve a small success, to achieve the peak of dark energy, is already hard work.

When that qi was weakened to less than 30%, it finally rushed to the Yinjiao acupoint.

In the inner view, the Yinjiao acupoint is like a cloudy chaos. When the Qi bumps into it, the outer circle of the chaos moves slightly, not only it is not affected, but the Qi is bounced back .

After being hit by this blow, that energy was consumed again, only less than one-tenth of the original energy remained.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei had no choice but to withdraw the qi back into his dantian, and re-warm and absorb the qi.

When the qi returned to its original state, Wei Xiaobei drove it to rush towards the Yinjiao point along the meridians again.

This is necessary, if the Yinjiao acupoint cannot be penetrated, then the opened meridian will gradually shrink and be blocked again, wasting time in vain.


This time, the loss of qi flowing through the meridians has been greatly reduced, and it hit the Yinjiao acupoint again, directly smashing the chaos by 30%.

And this energy also lost less than 30%.


Qi rushed past again, and the chaos shattered again.

After hitting three times. Only a thin layer of chaos remained.

嘙! The remaining less than 10% of Qi hit Chaos again, Chaos was completely shattered, only a trace of Qi remained, rushed into Yinjiao acupoint, and immediately the meridian between Yinjiao acupoint and Dantian was completely connected.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei only felt dizzy for a while, and had to stop his work and get up.

This Qi-dispelling acupuncture point is different from Qi-dispelling channeling, which can be done every day, but after the Qi-dispelling acupuncture point is successful, the meridians are opened up by Qi. The opened acupoints need some time to stabilize and nourish, making Wei Xiaobei unable to expel Qi to open the acupoints again in a short time.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei didn't waste time in the martial arts gym, and called Captain Zheng of Dachau Security Company.

Captain Zheng felt a little surprised by Wei Xiaobei's call. The first training session of Dachau Security Company in Cheng's Martial Arts Hall has ended, but the second training session has not yet proposed a proposal.

But as soon as Wei Xiaobei said it, Captain Zheng knew that this Wei Xiaobei wanted to go to the Loulan Club to fight again.

Wei Xiaobei did not leave any contact information last time, so there is no connection between Loulan Club and Wei Xiaobei. Wei Xiaobei also didn't want to disturb the elder brother, so he went directly to Captain Zheng.

Although Captain Zheng did not work at the Loulan Club, it was not difficult to arrange this matter. He quickly called back the phone and gave Wei Xiaobei a call: "This is Xiao Zhou's phone number, you saw it last time."

Wei Xiaobei didn't think too much about it, so he dialed this number. The voice on the phone was a little familiar. It wasn't until Wei Xiaobei took a taxi outside the Loulan clubhouse and saw this young man that he remembered it. The two did meet.

The last time he was boxing at the Loulan Club, it was Xiao Zhou who brought him into the ring.

Now that the two have met once, it is easier to talk.

The two got into a battery car and entered the Loulan Club along the previous route. During this period, Xiao Zhou handed Wei Xiaobei a business card, which had Xiao Zhou's name and position written on it: Zhou Yuanming, Loulan Club Affairs assistant.

Wei Xiaobei chuckled inwardly, these business cards for running an underground boxing arena are just to make him look good. The foreign affairs assistant is actually the management officer of the underground boxing ring.

Not long after, the battery car parked in the lounge.

After signing the agreement, changing clothes, and Zhou Yuanming came to the passage and waited.

The noise from the passage curtain. Still so complicated.

At this time, the two black fighters in the ring are the lion king from Rwanda and the white brown bear from Russia.

Did not stand for long. The fighting in the arena is over.

A big Russian man was carried out, Wei Xiaobei glanced lightly, this white brown bear was indeed majestic, but there was a blood-red fist mark just below his bare chest, judging from its depth, this blow The ribs of the white brown bear have been broken, perhaps directly inserted into the heart, so the white brown bear has not moved.

This is another human life, Wei Xiaobei sighed softly in his heart, but turned his eyes back.

This is the fate of black boxers. As long as you are still standing in the ring, the fate of death may befall you at any time.

Wei Xiaobei's opponent is a rookie from Japan, a human flesh strangler, a big fat man who weighs more than 300 catties, and has won all 9 games since his debut.

This big fat man may not look fat, but his whole body is full of muscles. It is said that in previous boxing matches, most of his opponents were strangled to death on the spot after being caught by him. The death conditions were extremely miserable.

The whole battle process doesn't need to be described too much. In less than three minutes of trial by the two of them, Wei Xiaobei, relying on an iron mountain, cleanly smashed the human flesh strangler into the iron cage, killing the opponent on the spot.

For Wei Xiaobei, this boxing match was meaningless. Apart from bringing him a large sum of money, it did not achieve his previous vision at all and tempered his actual combat skills. (to be continued~^~)