The City of Terror

Chapter 134: Strange footsteps


It's useless to think too much, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his hand and unscrewed three bottles of Cuihu's ten-year cellar. After drinking it, he lay down on the bed and slowly closed his eyes...

My mind started to dizzy... .

... ... ..


At the moment when his mind regained consciousness, Wei Xiaobei subconsciously grabbed the Baiwu knife at his waist with his left hand, and pressed his right hand on the Longbo Zhimin's leg hair gun at his waist, his whole body tensed slightly, and he was ready to wait. Hair, the eyes just slightly opened a gap.

In fact, before opening his eyes, Wei Xiaobei intuitively sensed that his situation was safe through his sense of taste.

But based on his dangerous experience in the gray world, Wei Xiaobei didn't dare to be careless.

You know, in the gray world, there are quite a few monsters who are good at manipulating hallucinations. At least Wei Xiaobei met the half-evil mermaid and the thousand-eyed monster who couldn't see the strength level at the edge of the emerald lake.

Every time Wei Xiaobei thinks of the thousand-eyed monster back then, Wei Xiaobei feels inexplicably trembling. If he hadn't been able to overcome the opponent's hallucination manipulation at that time, he doesn't know what will happen later, but at least he can be sure that his end will not be very bad. good.

Anyway, Wei Xiaobei's eyes opened, and the place he appeared in was no longer a rental house.

Wei Xiaobei had already deduced this point.

I am in the master bedroom of the newly rented 250-square-meter house.

The 2.2-meter classical-style bed became extremely colorful, the bedside table was covered with dust, two of the three doors of the closet were missing, and the remaining one was covered with cobwebs and hung on the wall above the bed Most of the wall lamp and lampshade are damaged.

The door was closed tightly, and there was a choking dusty smell in the air.

Wei Xiaobei checked the equipment, everything in the backpack was complete, and the scarab bone knife was placed on the pillow.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei suddenly heard clear footsteps coming from outside the door.

It was the sound of a woman walking around in high heels. Due to the silence of the environment, the sound could easily come in.

Of course, this also has the effect of Wei Xiaobei's ear power greatly increased.

If Wei Xiaobei hadn't been sure that he was in the Gray Realm, Wei Xiaobei might have thought that it was the sound of Li Lanxing or Zhang Tiantian walking around.

The footsteps sounded from far to near, and suddenly disappeared outside the door.

Wei Xiaobei guessed that the opponent should have stopped.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the scarab bone knife and fixed his eyes on the old but intact door!

Maybe it's an ordinary woman who strayed into the gray world, maybe it's a monster!

Please don't doubt how weird things will appear in the gray world!

Even a murloc wearing high heels. Appearing in front of Wei Xiaobei with heavy makeup, Wei Xiaobei thought he would not be surprised at all.

But what happened next made the hairs on Wei Xiaobei's back stand on end!

Da da, da da... .

The sound of high heels hitting the floor sounded again after a few breaths of silence, but at this time, Wei Xiaobei could clearly hear that the footsteps were not outside the door! Instead, he went straight through the door and appeared in the master bedroom!

Da da, two steps, the sound of footsteps came to a place less than three meters away from Wei Xiaobei!

No one in sight!

Apart from the choking dust smell, there is no foreign smell in the nose!

The sound received by the ear. Except for the footsteps, there is no sound, the sound of human breathing. The sound of heartbeat and even the friction sound of skin and clothes when walking!

The footsteps seemed to sound out of thin air, not attached to anything!

Wei Xiaobei's hand holding the bone knife tightened suddenly! At this moment, he wanted to swing the knife out!

But whether the owner of the footsteps exists here, he doesn't know, so how to attack

The footsteps stopped again. If you closed your eyes and only relied on your mind to describe, then the owner of the footsteps should be looking at something at this time...

watch yourself

Wei Xiaobei felt that his tenacious nerves were about to collapse at this moment.

Da da. Da da, footsteps sounded again, turned around the bed, and walked towards the dressing table in the corner opposite the door.

In reality, the dressing table has an extremely delicate shape. There is a circle of rhinestones inlaid around the huge makeup mirror, which is pure white and has some mascara on it. Cosmetics such as lipstick, liquid foundation, etc.

Perhaps because there was not much left after using it, the deputy director and the landlord didn't take these things away, and Wei Xiaobei didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he left them on the dressing table.

And in the gray world. The dressing table followed the gray world's usual style and was dilapidated. The pure white has turned into yellow and white, and it looks like it can be thrown directly into the garbage dump.

These are not the point, the footsteps stopped in front of the dressing table, and then the matching leather stool was pulled away, and then a dusty lipstick seemed to be picked up by someone, suspended in mid-air, briefly rowing.

Is it stealth


If it’s just something in the game like being invisible, then many things cannot be concealed here. With Wei Xiaobei’s sensory ability, he can completely judge a person’s weight and other information based on the sound of his footsteps after blindfolding. .

But Wei Xiaobei didn't notice all of this just now.

Forcibly calming down, Wei Xiaobei gritted his teeth and turned over over the big bed.

While crossing over the big bed, Wei Xiaobei fixed his eyes on the vanity mirror, but he was startled when he saw a long-haired red-clothed woman in the mirror that should have nothing in it.

In the mirror, the long-haired woman in red is holding a tube of lipstick and painting on her lips.

The lips were extremely red, but the face was completely invisible, as if shrouded in a thin layer of gray mist.

At this moment, the horror in Wei Xiaobei's heart reached the limit, he could no longer control his impulse, and the bone knife in his right hand slashed towards the long-haired woman in red!

It can be clearly seen from the mirror that the long-haired woman in red suddenly parted her long hair when the bone knife was chopped down, revealing a delicate and delicate face, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly, showing a weird smile.

The bone knife pierced through the air, and smashed firmly on the cosmetic mirror. There was a series of shattering sounds of glass. As soon as the blade fell, it hit the ground with a crisp sound.

In most of the surviving makeup mirrors, the long-haired woman in red disappeared at some point.

With a bang, the bone knife fell to the floor.

Although he couldn't find the long-haired woman in red, Wei Xiaobei knew in his heart that this extremely weird existence had already left.

As he left, Wei Xiaobei's previously tense nerves relaxed, and he sat down on the edge of the bed. For a while, he couldn't control his body to stand up, and he couldn't even move his eyelids, just like a mummy sitting on the bed. The edge of the bed.

After maintaining this uncontrollable state for several minutes, Wei Xiaobei felt something was wrong.

With one's own physique, it is difficult for such an abnormal state to appear.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei's consciousness suddenly sank by itself, and inexplicably entered a state of internal vision.

Although Wei Xiaobei didn't know why this happened, but because his body couldn't control it, he simply drove the sense of Qi to flow slowly in the Twelve Straight Channels.

To Wei Xiaobei's surprise, it was much more difficult to drive the aura this time than before.

Those qi sensations gather and circulate in the meridians at a very slow speed.

But it is not without benefits to drive Qi Sen to run the Twelve Modes.

As the sense of qi circulates slowly in the meridians, the feeling of numbness that cannot be controlled by the body gradually weakens wherever it passes. After circulating all the twelve meridians three times, Wei Xiaobei was somewhat pleasantly surprised to find that his body He regained control, although he was still a little numb and stiff, but it was much better than before when he was completely unable to move.

What exactly is going on

Wei Xiaobei didn't know if the long-haired red-clothed woman who appeared in the mirror was still wandering outside, so he didn't leave the master bedroom for the time being, but focused on the attribute panel.

Then I saw a description of the battle that I hadn't noticed before.

Combat description: ... .. Encountered a strange existence that cannot be described, unable to check the opponent's strength, unable to perceive the opponent's existence... .. Attack... .. Suffering a shock and counterattack... .The will defense failed, and the body was stiff.. . ... Drive Qi and channels, weaken stiffness... . Drive Qi and channels, weaken stiffness... .. Drive Qi and channels, weaken stiffness, relieve stiffness... ...

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei was secretly startled.

When it comes to this attribute panel, Wei Xiaobei doesn't know how it came about, what it is, why it exists in his mind, and he can intuitively see his physical attributes and other things, but there is one thing, Wei Xiaobei have to admit.

This attribute panel is undoubtedly something like an artifact.

But such a thing can't be described, the existence of checking is indeed too weird!

In addition, Wei Xiaobei's always somewhat proud will failed this time under the hands of such a strange existence.

This made Wei Xiaobei's previous self-confidence suffer a little bit.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei is not the kind of weak and cowardly person after all, after a little thought, his eyes regained their previous brilliance.

From his contact with the strange long-haired woman in red, it was difficult to judge what the other party was, but it was definitely not the monsters he had seen, and Wei Xiaobei couldn't feel whether the other party was malicious or kind.

This has a great impact on Wei Xiaobei's next move.

After all, Wei Xiaobei only slashed at the makeup mirror from the beginning to the end, and saw the face of the long-haired woman in red, and the stiff state should be a natural counterattack of this strange existence.

Maybe the other party ignored him

After all, from Wei Xiaobei's point of view, it seemed easy for the other party to kill him when he was in such a frozen state. (to be continued~^~)