The City of Terror

Chapter 135: Downtown Plaza (two chapters in one)


ps: send a pair of knees! I am very grateful to fellow daoists and book friends, brothers and sisters, young and old, for their strong monthly ticket support! Today, we proved once again that we are invincible! No matter how powerful the chrysanthemum is, it will fall under our fierce artillery fire! Long live fellow Taoists and book friends! Long live brothers and sisters! Long live the old and young ladies! We are the third in the world!

But after Wei Xiaobei changed his mind, he thought again, maybe the other party couldn't touch the matter at all

This can be answered from Wei Xiaobei's inability to find a pair of cubes in his perception.

But this point was quickly questioned by Wei Xiaobei, if he couldn't touch the material, how did the footsteps come from

Of course, this may be an illusion

In short, Wei Xiaobei sat on the edge of the bed for more than ten minutes, with thousands of thoughts in his mind, and various guesses appeared like a tide, but he was overthrown by himself in a blink of an eye.

It wasn't until Wei Xiaobei felt a slight stabbing pain in the back of his forehead that he woke up.

Touching the bulging blood vessels on his forehead and feeling the scalding heat inside, Wei Xiaobei felt a little horrified, but luckily he woke up quickly, otherwise he might burn himself into an idiot if he continued to think like this.

Massive mental activities make the brain consumption rapidly intensified, and the resulting heat accumulates in large quantities.

Wei Xiaobei took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and poured some on his head to make himself more awake.

Anyway, can't stay here!

This point, Wei Xiaobei still understands.

With this weird existence, staying here by myself, let alone other things, I was so frightened that I was scared to death.

Besides, I can't stay here forever, I didn't enter the gray world to sleep.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei put his backpack on his shoulders. Holding the bone knife in his right hand, he quietly walked towards the door.

After hesitating for a while, Wei Xiaobei carefully put his ear on the door.

To be honest, he was really worried that the voice suddenly sounded on the door.

Fortunately, after listening intently for a while, there was no sound.

Wei Xiaobei did not open the door lightly, backed up, came to the window, and stretched out his hand to pull the curtains open.

The whole building has thirty-five floors. In the residential area of Cuihu City, it can be regarded as a high-rise building.

And this room is located on the thirteenth floor, but after Wei Xiaobei opened the curtains, his expression was suddenly stunned.

What he never expected was that after he opened the curtain, the scene he saw was completely different from the reality.

The scenery outside is somewhat familiar. A fountain statue is less than ten meters away from the window. If you look closely, this is the downtown square!

Looking down again, there is a flat concrete floor outside the window, in the gray world. This house turned out to be the first floor!

Wei Xiaobei hesitated, thought for a while, and grabbed a bottle of perfume on the dressing table in his hand. Then it was thrown outside.

Hey, the perfume bottle hit the concrete floor and shattered, and a faint fragrance came out.

This is really the first floor!

Without any hesitation, Wei Xiaobei gently put his left hand on the window sill and jumped out.

Wei Xiaobei heaved a sigh of relief when it landed on the hard concrete floor.

Although the sky outside was still so gloomy, compared to standing in that weird room, Wei Xiaobei's mood was undoubtedly much more comfortable outside. At least you won't worry about the sudden sound of horrible footsteps in your ears.

Turning around, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help being a little dazed. The house that was supposed to be on the thirteenth floor turned into a small building standing next to the fountain in the downtown square, and the shape was familiar to Wei Xiaobei.

It was the small rental house where I lived for almost half a year!

Although the windows on this side have changed somewhat, the overall structural shape is the same.

Such familiarity made Wei Xiaobei's heart slightly chill.

What exactly is going on

Is it the gray world's own weirdness or something? Does it have something to do with the sound of footsteps

Wei Xiaobei felt a little headache.

But soon, Wei Xiaobei's attention was no longer on the small rental building.

There was a cry for help in the distance.

It's a human voice! The voice was still a little familiar.

Wei Xiaobei regained his energy, and rushed towards the voice of the cry for help.

Compared to the weird house. This somewhat familiar voice undoubtedly made Wei Xiaobei feel that he was still a human being, not a lunatic.

Apart from the addition of the small rental building, the central square has not changed much. Simply put, the concrete floor of the square is a little potholed. The surrounding commercial buildings look very dilapidated.

The sound came from near the pedestrian street on the side of Cuihu Department Store.

Wei Xiaobei found the right direction and strode forward. The speed was so fast that it almost reached the peak of Wei Xiaobei's life.

The downtown square is not that big. The urban area of Cuihu City was not that big at first, but it gradually developed later. It was also expanded from Cuihu Street Center Garden into the downtown square.

Therefore, the diameter of the central square is less than 80 meters, and the small rental house that Wei Xiaobei came out of is only 20 meters away from the edge of the square. Wei Xiaobei rushed out of the square in three strides and came to the pedestrian street.

Looking up, a chubby young man was panting heavily in the distance of the pedestrian street, desperately fleeing towards Wei Xiaobei.

More than ten meters behind him, a large group of zombies were staggeringly chasing after him.

The speed of this group of zombies was much faster than the zombies Wei Xiaobei had seen in Cuihu University, almost as fast as ordinary people jogging.

And that little fat man didn't know how far he ran, and now seeing that his strength was exhausted, he was about to be unable to run anymore.

Wei Xiaobei took a closer look and couldn't help shouting, "Huang Kun!"

It was indeed Huang Kun, a junior high school student who was learning martial arts in Cheng's Martial Arts Hall during the summer vacation. He, Wang Bocheng and Zhang Yulong were the three most diligent students.

Because of the hard work of the three, Wei Xiaobei liked these three more before.

Especially this Huang Kun, although due to his parents' well-raised and rich nutrition, he is white and fat, more pleasing, and has a sweet mouth.

"Brother Wei?! Brother Wei, save me!"

Hearing Wei Xiaobei's sound, Huang Kun raised his head and screamed in surprise.

But it was also because of this scream that he was discouraged. Huang Kun's footsteps became extremely weak at once, and the zombies behind immediately chased him up. Huang Kun, who was so frightened to hear the footsteps, continued to scream.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei groaned inwardly, and suddenly exerted force on his feet, and rushed over in two strides at a distance of twenty meters.

At the same time, the scimitar in his right hand slashed down diagonally, splitting a zombie that was about to bite Huang Kun's neck in half. The left hand grasped Huang Kun in his hand, and regardless of Huang Xiaopang screaming in fright, he threw it back and yelled softly: "Little Fatty, stay away!"

Before he finished speaking, the bone knife in Wei Xiaobei's hand swung away, fitting like a fierce tiger, taking advantage of the momentum to slam into the crowd of zombies.

Although the speed of these zombies is a bit faster than those before, the current Wei Xiaobei is by no means comparable. The bone knife swung open, opened and closed, like a tiger descending a mountain. A single strike will surely chop off the heads of two or three zombies.

With just three slashes, eight of the surrounding zombies fell down, and an open space was abruptly cleared.

As the surrounding space became more spacious, Wei Xiaobei became more comfortable, and the knife came out like the wind, chopping those zombies down one after another.

While hacking and killing zombies, Wei Xiaobei still had the energy to focus on the attribute panel.

These zombies are still one-star ordinary creatures, and their evolution points are also 8 points.

But its speed becomes faster. However, the body seemed to become more fragile. Wei Xiaobei slashed open the zombie's body without feeling the slightest effort.

This certainly had something to do with Wei Xiaobei's strength, but it also had something to do with the fragility of these zombies.

However, the number of zombies is too much, and the number of densely packed heads is at least more than 700.

Even if Wei Xiaobei killed two or three zombies with one blow, it would be impossible to kill them all in a short time.

As the zombies kept pouring in, Wei Xiaobei unleashed his bone knife. Only about two meters away, more zombies rushed over from both sides of Wei Xiaobei, walking towards Huang Kun who was cheering for Wei Xiaobei.

"Brother Wei, help!"

Although Huang Kun still had strength to encourage Wei Xiaobei at this time, his feet were already soft, so there was no way he could run for his life. I could only muster up my strength and call for help.

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't dare to get entangled with the zombies. With a flick of his foot, he took a few steps back, and with a backhand slash, he killed the two zombies that were rushing towards Huang Kun.

Then Wei Xiaobei turned around and rushed to Huang Kun's side with a lunge, grabbed it with his left hand, put his hand on his shoulder, and swept his eyes away.

The square is spacious and not suitable for defense, so only the Cuihu Department Store next to it may be able to block the attack of zombies.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei rushed towards the entrance of Cuihu Building not far ahead in a few strides.

The rolling door at the entrance of Cuihu Building was closed, Wei Xiaobei's speed did not slow down at all, and he slashed on the rolling door twice with his right hand, cutting a cross-shaped gap in the rolling door.

Then both legs exerted strength, and the whole body was poured with strength, and the right shoulder hit the rolling shutter door. With a hiss, the rolling shutter door couldn't bear Wei Xiaobei's impact at all, the cross gap was torn suddenly, and Wei Xiaobei slammed into it.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not expect that there was a row of rusty steel hangers behind the rolling shutter door, and the collision almost caused Wei Xiaobei to string them into candied gourds.

But Wei Xiaobei didn't panic, kicked his left leg on the ground, and the frosted floor suddenly cracked, Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this to roll in the air and flew over the steel hanger.

At this time Huang Kun was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, even if he was put on the ground by Wei Xiaobei, he couldn't speak.

Wei Xiaobei didn't have time to comfort him, so he slapped Huang Kun on the face with a convenient slap.

Although Wei Xiaobei's strike was not heavy, but it was only in terms of Wei Xiaobei's strength, it was not light to Huang Kun, five fiery red slap marks appeared on Huang Kun's face.

"Go upstairs and stay within my sight!"

Wei Xiaobei dropped a sentence, turned around and kicked the row of steel hangers.

Squeak! The ear-piercing sound of steel rubbing immediately sounded, and the steel hanger was like a train, rushing towards the rolling door in a blink of an eye.

At this time, a few zombies had already crawled through the cracked rolling door, and were hit by the steel hanger, and were strung together into candied gourds in a blink of an eye. Finally, the steel hanger hit the rolling door, and most of them rushed out. Embedded in that gap.

After Wei Xiaobei turned around and looked around, he couldn't help but shook his head. The first floor of Cuihu Department Store was extremely empty. Although there was a cash register, the cash register couldn't resist those zombies at all.

At this time, the rolling shutter door made a piercing sound, and the zombies blocked outside were not discouraged at all, and desperately grabbed the protruding steel hanger.

The strength of these zombies is not small. Although the strength of each other is uncoordinated, and sometimes they hold each other back, the steel hanger is still dragged out little by little.

Wei Xiaobei turned around and went up the escalator a few steps. Naturally there was no electricity at this time, but for Wei Xiaobei, the narrow steps of the escalator did not affect his speed, and he jumped to the second floor in a few strides.

At this time, that Huang Kun found a fire ax from nowhere, hid on the side of the escalator, staring down tremblingly.

What he didn't expect was that Wei Xiaobei jumped down in an instant, and he didn't see clearly for a while, so he was so frightened that he struck with an axe.

Naturally, Wei Xiaobei couldn't have been hit by this axe, so with a light shake of his left hand, he snatched the fire ax away.

"Ah, Brother Wei!"

Huang Kun could see clearly at this moment, but his face was a little red, and he almost hurt Brother Wei.

"Using an ax is weak, it seems that after the summer vacation, I'm lazy!"

Wei Xiaobei reprimanded angrily, pulled Huang Kun and rushed towards the third floor.

Huang Kun was pushed to the ground by Wei Xiaobei, but his heart became much more stable. Recalling Wei Xiaobei's prestige in slaughtering zombies before, Huang Kun looked at Wei Xiaobei with reverence.

It should be said that when he was in the martial arts gym, Huang Kun was only in awe of Wei Xiaobei's coach, and he didn't usually see Wei Xiaobei's kung fu, but now, Huang Kun was simply overwhelmed.

In his words, Brother Wei is too awesome, too domineering!

In the Cuihu department store building, there are not many places that can be used for defense, but it is not without. For example, on the third floor and above, the passage to the toilet is very narrow and long, and the zombies can only come one by one.

But Wei Xiaobei didn't dare to take any risks with Huang Kun, a brat, and rushed to the eighth floor with the idea of letting the zombies scatter across the floors.

This Cuihu Department Store has only ten floors, the tenth floor is the management office, the ninth floor is the general warehouse, and the eighth floor is the limit that ordinary customers can reach.

Apart from some hangers, mannequins, etc., the rest of the goods on these floors are in dilapidated condition.

However, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised when he passed the fourth floor. It was the men's clothing floor. Although the clothes and pants inside were rather tattered, they were much better than his shirtless, underpants, and bare feet. .

But it was impossible for Wei Xiaobei to stop to look for clothes, pants and shoes, as he would have time later.

On the eighth floor, Wei Xiaobei put Huang Kun off his shoulders. On the fifth floor, Huang Kun couldn't keep up, and Wei Xiaobei had to carry him on his shoulders. (to be continued~^~)