The City of Terror

Chapter 16: Electricity burst



The whole body releases a burst of electricity! Wei Xiaobei's strength and agility increased exponentially immediately, and the round-headed wooden stick in his hand came out, turned into a yellow line, and smashed towards the fish head man.

The fish-headed man was not stupid, he dodged back immediately when he saw the wooden stick flying, but just like that, the fish-headed man lost his last chance to escape.

After throwing the round-headed wooden stick, Wei Xiaobei chased after him with a stride. At the same time, he pulled out the dagger and knife from his waist with his right hand. Pull down.

The extremely sharp dagger and knife cut a long wound on the fish head man's back like cutting tofu.

The fish head man's body is not considered strong, with the blade length of a dagger and a knife, it has already hurt its spine and even some internal organs.

So just as Wei Xiaobei pulled out the dagger and knife, the body of the fish head man fell down, and his limbs began to convulse.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei withdrew from the previous tension. After the muscles all over his body were stimulated by the electric current, although his strength increased rapidly, the explosive force this time was much more intense than that of the gangster.

When everything was over, Wei Xiaobei felt the muscles all over his body convulsed, and the dagger fell to the ground first, and then he couldn't control his body anymore, and fell straight to the ground.

The muscles all over his body were convulsed for more than 20 seconds. Wei Xiaobei lay on the ground and rested for more than ten minutes, regaining some strength, before standing up again.

In Wei Xiaobei's current state, it's best to rest for half an hour, but Wei Xiaobei knows that he doesn't have much time to rest now.

Picking up the dagger and knife, Wei Xiaobei looked at the fish-headed man with a hint of hesitation, but soon, the appearance of the man who was carried away by the fish-headed man came to mind.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Wei Xiaobei squatted down, inserted the dagger and knife into the back of Yutou's head, and stirred it vigorously. As the brain was completely destroyed, the convulsed body of Yutou came to a standstill immediately.

Now that he had done it, Wei Xiaobei didn't hesitate any longer, ran towards the unconscious fish-headed man in front of the bicycle, and also stabbed the dagger and knife into the back of his head to completely kill the unconscious fish-headed man.

Next, Wei Xiaobei dissected the three fish-headed corpses with a dagger and a knife.

To Wei Xiaobei's dismay, nothing special came out of the fish head man's body.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also discovered that the internal organs of these fish-headed people are not very similar to those of humans. There are a pair of cracked gills under the ribs, no lungs, and no nostrils. blue.

Thinking about it, it's not surprising that the fish-head man has a fish head and gills.

The only value of these fish-headed corpses may be to eat them.

But Wei Xiaobei didn't have the desire to eat this kind of corpse, so he threw the three corpses into the small building, closed the gate, and returned to the courtyard of his rented house.

After finding some things to firmly block the gate of his own courtyard, Wei Xiaobei ate some compressed biscuits and mineral water that he brought out from the canteen last time.

Every burst of using the special ability of releasing electric current made Wei Xiaobei quickly enter a state of extreme hunger.

That kind of hunger state is uncomfortable, if there is no compressed biscuit at hand, Wei Xiaobei even suspects that he might grab something and eat something when he is dizzy from hunger.

This was also one of the reasons why Wei Xiaobei quickly left from the nearby courtyard.

He didn't want to recover from starvation only to find himself shoveling a human-like arm into his mouth.

It cost Wei Xiaobei a lot to kill those three fish-headed men before.

Most of the compressed biscuits and water stored in the rental house were eaten by Wei Xiaobei this time.

But for Wei Xiaobei, the shortage of food was not on his mind for the time being. After returning to the rented house, Wei Xiaobei leaned on the bed, rubbed his sore muscles with his hands, and focused his attention on his mind in the Properties panel.

Name: Wei Xiaobei

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 21 years old

Creature level: 1 star

Attributes: (the average attribute value of a normal adult man is 10 points)

Strength: 11 (muscle 12, physical strength 10)

Dexterity: 9.75 (9 for hand-eye coordination, 11 for dexterity, 11 for reflexes, 8 for balance)

Constitution: 10 (Health 9, Stamina 11)

Intelligence: 7 (Learning 6, Reasoning 8)

Perception: 9.25 (Willpower 12, Commonsense 8, Perception 7, Intuition 10)

Charisma: 7.2 (Courage 10, Persuasion 7, Personal Attraction 7, Leadership 5, Physical Attraction 7)

Skills: Shooting (slightly successful), military boxing (slightly successful), electrician (beginner).

Special ability: release current (voltage upper limit 8.5 volts, current upper limit 1.8 milliamps, this ability is formed by Wei Xiaobei swallowing thunderbolt electric pills, long-term use keeps releasing electric energy, can promote the slow upgrade of this ability, and exercise can stimulate strength , agility slowly increases).

Evolution Points: 30

Possessions: none

Compared with before, there have been some changes on the attribute panel. The voltage limit of the special ability release current has been raised to 8 volts, while the current limit is 1.8 mA.

The upper limit of the voltage has been increased by 1.5 volts, and the upper limit of the current has been increased by 0.3 milliamps. Compared with the last time, the increase has decreased.

But it can be seen from this that if this special ability can be burst continuously, the speed of increasing the voltage and current is not slow.

The only trouble is that it requires a lot of food to support it.

Thinking of the ever-shrinking wallet, Wei Xiaobei's expression turned a little ugly.

In addition, killing the three fish-headed men gained 30 evolution points.

Compared to the 100 evolution points of Thunder Worm, it takes ten fish-headed men to be worth one Thunder Worm.

But there is no doubt about the strength of Thunderworm. To be honest, Wei Xiaobei himself knew that if he hadn't worked so hard at the beginning, and salt had a unique lethality on Thunderworm, otherwise, even ten of himself would have changed. Into coke.

In the same way, ten fish-headed men are no match for one thunderworm.

Therefore, killing a fish head man can get 10 evolution points, Wei Xiaobei is already very satisfied.

As the time for obtaining the attribute panel became longer, Wei Xiaobei also gained some understanding of his own attributes.

There is no doubt that this gray world is full of dangers.

Compared with other attributes, the attributes that are more beneficial to Wei Xiaobei's survival in the gray world, for now, should be strength, agility, and constitution.

In combat, all three attributes are essential.

Strength determines the degree of damage to the enemy, agility determines the speed of the attack and even the success rate of dodging the enemy's attack, and physique determines the time Wei Xiaobei can continue to fight.