The City of Terror

Chapter 17: Karuru Chicken


At least, Wei Xiaobei now understands this.

What attribute should the 30 evolution points be invested in

Wei Xiaobei hesitated.

According to the current situation, each evolution point can increase a branch attribute by 0.01 points, so 30 evolution points can enhance a certain branch attribute by 0.3 points.

As for investing in ordinary skills, Wei Xiaobei has no idea yet.

Too little, Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, and resisted the urge to use evolution points.

"Karuru Chicken, Karuru Chicken!"

A familiar voice came from far away on the street.

Wei Xiaobei immediately leaned against the wall and looked in the direction of the sound.

The group of fish heads are back.

Looking at the somewhat blurred fish-head man, Wei Xiaobei lowered his head.

The intelligence of the fish-headed people seems to be not very high. After the nine-headed fish-headed people who came back shouted for a while and didn't see any response from the left-behind fish-headed people, they didn't feel much vigilance. They scattered and came to this street. Searched back.

Wei Xiaobei squatted in the corner, holding two round-headed wooden sticks in his hands, staring at the courtyard door from time to time, he didn't know when those fish-head men would search here.


Suddenly, the fish-headed man's exclamation came from the small building in the nearby yard.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps running towards the yard next to it.

Some fish-headed people should have discovered the corpses of their kind. Wei Xiaobei's heart moved, and he quietly moved the chair to the junction of the courtyard wall. He climbed up on the chair and looked towards the small building. I rushed to the small building, and looked at the street again. The two fish-headed men didn't seem to hear the screams, and didn't notice the movement here. They were wandering around the canteen, as if they wanted to enter the canteen of Fat Aunt. .

This is an opportunity.

Wei Xiaobei also didn't want to sit still.

Judging from the performance of those fish head men, there should be a camp near them, and they should be group creatures, and the number should be more than that, maybe even more.

Before those fish-head men entered the rental house, Wei Xiaobei needed to earn enough evolution points to strengthen himself!

Then killing the single fish head man is undoubtedly the best choice!

Since those fish-head men seemed to have weak hearing, Wei Xiaobei waited until all the fish-head men had entered the small building, opened the courtyard door with a gap that barely allowed him to get in and out, and then got out.

At this time, the two fish-headed men had already entered Fat Aunt's canteen at one end, and the other was banging on half of the rolling door with a wooden stick, looking at the falling dust for fun.

The situation is very good!

There is a distance of about 30 meters from the gate of the courtyard to the canteen. Wei Xiaobei rushed behind the fish-head man in more than ten steps. follow.

Counting in succession, the fish head man's brains were smashed out.

In fact, at this time, Wei Xiaobei also noticed that these fish-headed people were inferior to humans in every aspect.

Even the skull seems to be a lot weaker.

The news that Wei Xiaobei killed the fish-headed man outside inevitably alarmed the fish-headed man inside.

However, if the fish head man hadn't ambushed his prey, his reaction would not be fast.

The fish-headed man inside held a round-headed wooden stick in his right hand and a pack of compressed biscuits in his left hand, and walked out carelessly. There was no time to stick, and Wei Xiaobei hit his right hand with a stick.

With the round-headed wooden stick out of hand, the fish-headed man couldn't last long under Wei Xiaobei's attack, and died.

Two ends!

Wei Xiaobei picked up the compressed biscuits that fell into the plasma, then went into the canteen, and put all the remaining biscuits and water into a small backpack.

In the next time, he may not have the opportunity to return to the rental house to hide, so it is necessary to prepare enough food and water.

However, Wei Xiaobei seemed to be a little overwhelmed. When he left the canteen, none of the fish-headed people appeared from the small building.

What are those fish head men doing

After Wei Xiaobei closed the courtyard door, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and lay down at the junction of the courtyard wall and looked towards the small building.

At this time, a fish-headed man came out of the small building, holding a round-headed wooden stick in his right hand, and something in his left hand, and was gnawing vigorously.

The corners of Wei Xiaobei's eyes contracted slightly, and at a distance of less than twenty meters, Wei Xiaobei was able to see clearly what it was.

It was an arm with a few fish scales!

There is no doubt that what this fish-headed man gnawed on was the arm of his own race.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei almost vomited.

As the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its children.

The basic meaning of this sentence is that dogs will not eat dog meat, and people will not eat human flesh.

If it exceeds this red line, it can be called animal nature.

Any normal human would feel uncomfortable seeing this scene.

Of course, this is much better than seeing people cannibalizing.

After that, the fish-headed people appeared one by one from the small building, and finally the three fish-headed people left the courtyard with the three fish-headed corpses on their backs, and walked towards the other side of the street.

Perhaps these three mutilated fish headmen corpses will become their food reserves.

The remaining four fish-head men wandered around the street again.

When they came to the canteen, they found the corpses of the two fish-headed men.

The captain of the fish-headed men seemed a little angry. He stood still and yelled, and then assigned two fish-headed men to leave with the corpse on their backs.

The captain and the remaining fish-head men dispersed and knocked on the door one by one, as if they wanted to find the murderer.

As for the fact that the murderer was able to kill five fish-headed men in a row, it seemed that these fish-headed men were not alerted at all.

This undoubtedly gave Wei Xiaobei another chance.

Wei Xiaobei concealed the courtyard door, leaving a small gap, and when the fish-headed man knocked on the door, he pulled the door open with his left hand, and the wooden stick in his right smashed directly on top of the opponent's head.

After smashing five fish-headed men, Wei Xiaobei was quite proficient at using wooden sticks.

Just like this, the Yutouren stood still on the spot, after that, Wei Xiaobei held the stick in both hands, and smashed it down again.

There was a soft sound of broken bones, and the fish-headed man could no longer stand up, and fell down, a crack appeared on the top of his head, where brains and blood continuously flowed out.

After killing the fish-headed man, Wei Xiaobei picked up the wooden stick on the ground, held the stick in both hands, and rushed towards the fish-headed captain who had found him.

The fish-head captain was much stronger than ordinary fish-head men, Wei Xiaobei rushed in front of it, and when he smashed down the wooden stick with his left hand, he was blocked by the fish-head captain's stick.

The wooden stick in Wei Xiaobei's right hand landed firmly on the fish-headed captain's shoulder.

What Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that after the captain of the fish head was hit on the shoulder, a jet of water sprayed towards Wei Xiaobei's face when his wide fish mouth opened.