The City of Terror

Chapter 20: Bajiquan!


Seeing the police coming, the gangsters dared not continue. They turned around and ran away one by one. Even more than a dozen gangsters who were knocked down by the middle-aged man and fell to the ground were struggling desperately to get up.

There were more than twenty gangsters, only a few lucky ones escaped, and all the rest were caught. Anyone who tried to escape and was caught suffered a lot.

Even Wei Xiaobei and the middle-aged man were handcuffed by the police, got into the police car and locked up with those gangsters.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but smiled wryly, no matter what he said, he was brave enough to be handcuffed, and this was the first time he was handcuffed.

Once you try to struggle out of the handcuffs, the more you struggle, the tighter the handcuffs will be locked. The cold handcuffs will let you know what it means to feel the pain in your wrists.

Fortunately, a few diners who were more outspoken came forward to testify, and followed them into the police car.

When he arrived at the police station, Wei Xiaobei had better luck and recorded his statement first.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

The young policeman who took Wei Xiaobei's statement showed a rare smile.

After Wei Xiaobei left the police station, he stood at the gate and waited until the middle-aged man and a few diners who testified came out.

"Thank you for your testimony."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and shook hands with those diners.

"It's okay, but you need to be careful, the Black Tiger Gang is not easy to mess with."

The diners who dared to come forward to testify were not cowards, but instead reminded Wei Xiaobei and the middle-aged man.

Everyone exchanged mobile phone numbers with each other, and a few diners left first, leaving Wei Xiaobei standing with the middle-aged man.

"Thank you for your help, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man smiled and looked towards Wei Xiaobei.

"It's okay, ouch."

Wei Xiaobei moved his body a bit, and was about to try to save face when he felt a sharp pain in his back where he was accidentally hit by the steel pipe.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei's grin, the middle-aged man smiled, took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Xiao Wu, I'm at the police station, come pick me up."

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged man invited Wei Xiaobei: "Go to my martial arts gym and get some medicine."

Martial arts? Wei Xiaobei's heart was agitated, and it was not much different from what he thought, and then he nodded again.

The little five in the middle-aged man's mouth soon arrived. He was driving a somewhat worn-out van. He was more energetic. His hands had thick knuckles, and he grasped them on the steering wheel, as if he was touching a toy.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Before Xiao Wu could stop the car, he poked his head out of the car window, glanced at the middle-aged man, and asked eagerly.

"It's okay, just being targeted by the sons of the Black Tiger Gang. Let's get in the car."

The middle-aged man opened the car door, and said the last half sentence to Wei Xiaobei.

In the car, Wei Xiaobei knew that this middle-aged man was called Cheng Biwu. He was originally from Suzhou. He was fond of martial arts since he was a child. He joined the famous Bajiquan master in Mengcun, Cangzhou. This time he came to Cuihu City to open a martial arts gym. However, who wanted to know but was targeted by the Black Tiger Gang and came to collect protection fees.

For Cheng Biwu, it was a great shame and humiliation for those who opened a martial arts gym to be charged protection fees, so the gangsters who came to collect protection fees were directly beaten out with sticks.

The gangsters of the Black Tiger Gang also tried to retaliate directly before, but unfortunately Cheng Biwu's martial arts gym has a group of direct disciples besides those who pay money to learn martial arts.

Personal disciples are naturally different from those who pay money to learn martial arts. They are disciples of Cheng Biwu following the old way of apprenticeship and seeking skills. The relationship with Cheng Biwu is naturally closer than those martial arts disciples who pay money. .

As the saying goes, one day as a teacher, life as a father, this sentence refers to this kind of direct disciple.

The little Wu who drove the car was named Yao Wu, and he was the third disciple of Cheng Biwu's sect. He drove without saying a word, and it was obvious that his personality was relatively low-key.


The van stopped in an alley.

"We're here, let's get off."

Cheng Biwu opened the car door and walked down first. After a few steps into the alley, Wei Xiaobeiju saw a plaque hanging on it, with a few large red characters with black borders written on it: Cheng's Baji Martial Art Museum.

The two wooden doors below were wide open, and the sound of drinking came from inside from time to time.

When Cheng Biwu appeared at the gate of the martial arts hall, a series of voices came from inside.

"Master, you are finally back." This is Cheng Biwu's personal disciple.

"Hello, Teacher Cheng." This is an apprentice who pays money to learn martial arts in the martial arts hall.

"Everyone continue."

Cheng Biwu, as the owner of the hall, is not low on majesty. After a few words, the sound of fists and kicks returned to the courtyard.

Yao Wu parked the car and went, Wei Xiaobei followed behind Cheng Biwu, a little curious, looking around at everything in the yard.

Although the alley outside is relatively small, the yard inside is not small.

Entering the gate, on the left is an open space covered with carbon slag and fine sand. A group of middle-aged and middle-aged men in training shirts are leading boxing games by a young man. Some young people aged 18 or 19 kept running towards these human-shaped wooden posts, or beat the upper and lower parts of the wooden posts with their fists and feet.

What made Wei Xiaobei's eyes brighten was that there was a row of big trees planted in the corner of the courtyard wall on the right. A young man in his twenties, who was dark all over, was constantly leaning towards a big tree, leaning against it. The branches and leaves of the big tree trembled constantly.

Iron Mountain!

Although Wei Xiaobei has never really practiced martial arts, there are too many descriptions about Bajiquan on the Internet.

Among them, Tieshanjiao is the most famous. It is one of the close-up techniques of Bajiquan. It is said that if it is practiced to the extreme, it can instantly fly the enemy away, just like being hit by an elephant. It can be said to be unstoppable.

Beating people is like a sticker, that's how it is.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei began to think in his mind, if he had learned Bajiquan and added the function of the attribute panel, it shouldn't be too difficult to protect himself in the gray world.

When Wei Xiaobei came back to his senses, Cheng Biwu was already standing at the door of the main room, looking at him with a smile.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but blushed, and hurriedly followed.

Inside the main room is a martial arts hall, covered with large pieces of plastic blocks, hanging some sandbags, and there is a weapon rack against the wall, with some cold weapons stuck on it, the ones that Wei Xiaobei can recognize are big guns and wooden sticks.

"Dad! Are you all right?"

Just as Wei Xiaobei's eyeballs were spinning wildly, he heard a crisp sound like an oriole. He turned his head and saw a man with a pure face, a good figure, and a ponytail, exuding a bit of heroism. The girl was holding onto Cheng Biwu's arm and asking, there seemed to be some mist in her eye sockets.

"Dad is fine, but this little brother is a little hurt. Go get the medicinal wine."

Cheng Biwu laughed and rubbed the top of the girl's head, showing a bit of pampering.