The City of Terror

Chapter 3: Lightning shattered


ps: Thanks are also true for 3776 rewards, Nanzhen 1888 rewards, 588 rewards after the fire burned and cried, 100 rewards for crying dead fish, Taoist Tianya, pigs, cats and dogs. In addition, because I am working on the contract, there are fewer updates these days. When the contract is ready and sent out, the speed will increase. Alas, why doesn't Pindao grow a head. call!

Indecisiveness leads to disaster!

After hesitating for a moment, Wei Xiaobei threw the empty wine bottle in his hand towards the slug.


In Wei Xiaobei's eyes, when the empty wine bottle was less than five meters away from the slug, the tentacles on the top of the slug's head exploded again, and a slender blue lightning flashed through the air in a blink of an eye. He came out and hit the empty wine bottle across a distance of more than four meters.


The empty wine bottle exploded instantly, splashing countless glass shards around.

This is too perverted, right? Wei Xiaobei originally thought that the giant slug would run out of battery after one discharge, but who would have thought it would still be able to discharge.

This scene not only didn't scare Wei Xiaobei, on the contrary, it aroused the blood in his heart, and all the previous sleepiness suddenly dissipated.

With a curse in his heart, Wei Xiaobei let out a low growl, rushed out with a stride, pulled out an empty wine bottle with his right hand and threw it at the giant slug.

Perhaps this kind of current that can break through the air barrier consumes a lot, and the giant slug needs a certain amount of time to accumulate electric energy, so the empty wine bottle that Wei Xiaobei smashed this time precisely hit the giant slug's tentacles on the top of its head.

This is not something that ordinary people can do.

If it wasn't for Wei Xiaobei's good grenade hit rate when he was a soldier in the past, coupled with his good luck, otherwise, this shot might have missed the target.

The tentacles on the top of the giant slug's head were very soft, perhaps sensitive to touch, which could be regarded as a key point. After being hit by the empty wine bottle, there was a burst of electric sparks, and the whole body twisted in pain.

Taking advantage of the enemy's illness to kill him, Wei Xiaobei had already rushed to the side of the giant slug, handed the dagger to his right hand, and stabbed it towards his head.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei couldn't tell whether he was saving someone or himself, and the only thought in his mind was to kill this giant slug!

Wei Xiaobei could clearly feel the tenacity of the soft skin of the giant slug, and the dagger was clamped by the thick muscle layer under the skin after only piercing it less than half a centimeter.

Wei Xiaobei felt his hands a little hot, looked down, but saw a few drops of blue juice sticking to his hands from under the cracked soft skin.

This blue sap is corrosive!

The giant slug struggled and rolled, almost making the dagger fall out of its hand.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't care less at this time, if he waited for the giant slug to recover and discharge again, there would be no chance of him being spared.

With a roar, he held the dagger in both hands, and pressed down violently. With a puff, the sharp dagger instantly pierced through the thick muscle layer of the giant slug. Just like that, Wei Xiaobei's hands were covered with blue juice, as if he had been immersed in it. In the scalding boiling water, it was almost impossible to grasp the dagger.

But Wei Xiaobei knew that at this time, it was either you or me, and there was no room for negligence.


Wei Xiaobei yelled violently, his legs formed into a lunge, his waist violently twisted, his arms were driven, his whole body joined forces, his hands pulled down forcefully, and the dagger immediately sliced a foot-long hole on the giant slug. wounds come.

Suffering from this severe injury, the giant slug suddenly went berserk and struggled violently. At this time, Wei Xiaobei's front half of his body was already splashed with blue juice, as if he had fallen into a furnace. The worm flew out and hit a metal trash can a few meters away.


Wei Xiaobei couldn't even swear at this time, the blue juice burned the front half of his body in pain, he could hardly open his eyes, and the pain caused by his stomach hitting the iron trash can almost made him old Life.

That giant slug was so powerful that it could almost reach a calf, and it was extremely vigorous, dragging a long wound and struggling back and forth on the ground, like a big fish that had just been thrown ashore.

Wei Xiaobei opened his eyelids desperately, looking at the giant slug, but secretly horrified.

Don't look at the long wound on the slug's body, the blue juice flowing out is quite a big puddle, but in the back and forth struggle, not only the flow speed of the blue juice slowed down, even the wound was slowly shrinking, What shocked Wei Xiaobei the most was that the tentacles on the top of the giant slug's head flickered with electric light again!

not good!

Wei Xiaobei knew that the vitality of insects was extremely tenacious. If it was replaced by humans, such injuries would probably be close to death, but this slug is still recovering. , I am afraid that I can only travel to Huangquan for free.

Nima! My whole body hurts so much that I have no strength at all.

Wei Xiaobei felt a little regretful at this time. In the past few years after retiring from the army, due to his busy life, he did not exercise much, and even his belly grew a little.

If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be in this situation now.


You must calm down!

The more people panic, the more physical energy they will consume, and they will be in a weak state!

What's more, I'm afraid I have a little internal injury in my stomach now.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his tongue and bit it hard, a sharp pain came from the tip of the tongue, and the pain in his body was expelled immediately, but it was not enough, Wei Xiaobei pressed the thumb of his right hand on the tiger's mouth of his left hand, pinched hard, and his stomach spread The pain that came was suddenly weakened a lot.

This can be regarded as a little skill of Wei Xiaobei.

In the past, when the army engaged in field survival training, they often encountered diarrhea and abdominal pain caused by eating unclean food.

At this time, pinching the tiger's mouth hard can relieve the stomachache, so that one can not be exposed in the hidden place. Of course, this is only a temporary effect.

Once the stomachache disappeared, Wei Xiaobei felt that his strength recovered a lot. The dagger fell into the blue body fluid of the giant slug, and it might be corroded and useless.

Wei Xiaobei rummaged through the backpack a few times with both hands, looking for something that could be used to deal with that giant slug.

Um? salt

A smile appeared on Wei Xiaobei's already corroded, swollen and pus-filled face.

Struggling to get up, Wei Xiaobei rushed towards the struggling giant slug. At this moment, Wei Xiaobei didn't care about the giant slug's possible counterattack.

Rushing to the side of the giant slug, carefully dodging the rolling body of the slug, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the salt bag with both hands and tore open a hole, then fell towards the slug's wound.


As soon as the salt was poured on the slug's wound, the slug looked like a man who had been kicked in the lower part of his body. In an instant, he shot up like a sky cannon and shot up to a height of more than ten meters in the sky before falling down.