The City of Terror

Chapter 33: discipline


ps: A very unpleasant thing happened today. Somebody didn’t know if it was jealousy or something. After joining Shuqun, he uploaded something and then reported Shuqun. The consequences were obvious and he was banned . The first time I met such a villain, Pindao didn't say that he was upright all his life, but most of the time he didn't hurt anyone. Pindao has set up another book skirt 49505078, book friends who have lost contact can join, and we can talk about life and a better life again. Dao heart is strong! Dao heart is strong! Hahaha. . . .

Today is really a good day for this man.

As soon as he got on the bus, he found a pretty girl, whose delicate body immediately attracted his attention.

Without using his brain to direct, he squeezed through desperately, and then stuck behind the girl.

The girl's constant virgin fragrance almost made him lose control.

To his surprise, the girl didn't yell loudly in the face of his assault, which made his behavior more presumptuous. He even sketched in his mind where he would hold the girl hostage after getting off the car. A sinful thought for a good thing.

Just as he was carefully enjoying the girl's soft body, a palm was placed on his shoulder, and he pulled himself back, making himself away from the girl.

"Mom... uh...."

Was discovered? The man was startled, but he is used to doing this kind of thing, so he has his own way. When he was about to scold the other party, he felt as if something had bitten his shoulder suddenly, and a tingling pain arose , Then the whole body couldn't control it and trembled.

Wei Xiaobei would not give others a chance to scold him, let alone this kind of man.

In an instant, Wei Xiaobei burst out all the electric energy, and even the passengers who were closer to Wei Xiaobei had the illusion that their fine hairs were sucked by something.

The bus stopped at the stop, Wei Xiaobei let go of his right hand, and got off the bus in a flash. Then the man seemed to have his bones removed from his whole body, and he collapsed, causing the passengers around him to scream.

As for what happened later, Wei Xiaobei didn't pay attention to it. Of course, one can imagine that after that white-collar man was shocked so readily when he acted recklessly, he might have psychological shadows in the future.

Due to the one-time burst of electrical energy, Wei Xiaobei felt his stomach turned into a black hole at this time, and an extreme sense of hunger came from inside. Along the way, any food could arouse Wei Xiaobei's strong appetite.

But Wei Xiaobei touched his wallet and resolutely suppressed the hunger until he entered Cheng's Martial Arts Hall and saw Cheng Sisi who was busy washing dishes and pots in the kitchen, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly asked Cheng Sisi for help: "Xiao Senior sister, is there anything to eat?"

Cheng Sisi was rather dissatisfied with Wei Xiaobei's address: "What, can you remove that small character?"

While talking, Cheng Sisi took out a plate of leftover roast meat from the cupboard and asked Wei Xiaobei to fill his stomach first, then boil water and knead the dough.

How could that bit of roast meat be enough for Wei Xiaobei to eat, after eating all the roast meat, Wei Xiaobei walked around Cheng Sisi's side.

Cheng Sisi, who was kneading dough, couldn't help laughing when she saw Wei Xiaobei's uncomfortable appearance: "Little brother, what's the matter? Haven't eaten for three days?"

Wei Xiaobei was really not used to hearing Cheng Sisi, who was a few years younger than him, call him junior brother.

But whether it's the time of entry, or the attainment of Bajiquan, Cheng Sisi is much better than Wei Xiaobei, so Wei Xiaobei is sure to wear the title of this junior brother.

Wei Xiaobei gave a wry smile, and didn't answer Cheng Sisi's question, how should he answer this question


Just kidding, let's not talk about whether you believed it after telling it, even if someone believed it, it might not be a good thing for you.

Accept Cheng Sisi's deduction? Not a good thing either.

Therefore, bowing your head and saying silently is the best choice for Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Cheng Sisi, who was kneading her dough, didn't expect Wei Xiaobei to answer at all, and just said her own words: "You have to eat at mealtime, otherwise you will suffer from stomach problems in the future."

Hearing Cheng Sisi's nagging, Wei Xiaobei was a little funny, and Cheng Sisi, who had only a month to go to college, spoke a bit like his own mother.

Well, if Cheng Sisi, who was kneading the dough, knew what was going on in Wei Xiaobei's mind, she would probably immediately knead the big dough on Wei Xiaobei's face.

"Are you used to eating sliced noodles?"

Cheng Sisi threw two pieces of dough the size of human heads onto the chopping board for the last time before asking Wei Xiaobei's taste.

Well, Wei Xiaobei also knew that even if he said he was not used to eating sliced noodles, Cheng Sisi would not put the dough back in his hand.

This may be due to her martial arts training since she was a child. Cheng Sisi's character is stronger than other girls.

Wei Xiaobei responded, but Cheng Sisi didn't notice at all, the blade in his hand flew over the dough, and the cut noodles fell into the pot like a waterfall.

This move alone made Wei Xiaobei a little amazed.

This is the benefit of practicing martial arts for many years, the hands are steady, accurate and fast.

Cutting knives and chopping noodles is a small kS for Cheng Sisi. Wei Xiaobei was helping in the kitchen last time. He saw Cheng Sisi holding two bone chopping knives and chopping fiercely on the chopping board. Going to make a kung fu movie.

It didn't take much effort, a bowl full of sliced noodles was freshly out of the pot, poured with simmered rice, the smell of noodles and meat intertwined, making Wei Xiaobei's saliva drool.

Wei Xiaobei, who was already so hungry that he was about to lose his footing, hurriedly took the bowl, ignoring the hot noodles, blew on it, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating.

After eating more than half of the bowl, Wei Xiaobei's hunger was suppressed a lot, and the speed of eating slowed down, and he gave Cheng Sisi a thumbs up, and praised vaguely: "Little sister, you The craftsmanship is really good.”

With Wei Xiaobei's praise, Cheng Sisi's eyes turned into crescent moons. For a girl who is good at cooking, other people's praise is the best compliment to herself.

"I told you not to add that small word! There is still flour in the pot, so clean up the rest by yourself. Sister, I'm going out to buy something."

Cheng Sisi pretended to be angry and left the kitchen.

For Cheng Sisi's departure, Wei Xiaobei didn't care at all, and continued to eat sliced noodles with big mouthfuls.

To say that Cheng Sisi's craftsmanship is really good, this sliced noodle is sharply cut, shaped like a willow leaf, smooth on the outside and tendons on the inside, soft but not sticky. Served with fragrant simmered rice, it is mouth-watering.

The only thing Wei Xiaobei regrets is that it would be more delicious if he could add two salted eggs with red oil.

After eating the sliced noodles, Wei Xiaobei cleaned up all the bowls and pots, went outside to the martial arts arena, and stretched comfortably.

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon, and many martial arts students had already come to the martial arts arena, warming up and practicing.

The second senior brother Zhang Zhilong was explaining something to a few new students, and the senior brother Liu Jiancheng leaned against the big tree by the wall as usual.