The City of Terror

Chapter 42: Scary Beetle


There were no living creatures on the streets, but Wei Xiaobei could also see that the streets in this area had become more dilapidated, and even some bricks and stones on some courtyard walls showed signs of weathering in large areas. The wind blew gently, The off-white surface of the masonry continued to fall off, forming a cloud of dust.

According to this trend, I am afraid that within a few years, this area will be completely turned into ruins.

The gloomy light shone on the street, making Wei Xiaobei feel a little depressed for no reason.

This emotional change did not dissipate until Wei Xiaobei arrived at Cuihu Lake.

When Wei Xiaobei was cautiously lurking less than 50 meters away from the murloc village, Wei Xiaobei couldn't help being surprised by the changes in the murloc village.

A strong stench of blood continued to waft over, and the murloc guard at the entrance of the murloc village had disappeared.

From Wei Xiaobei's point of view, there are many murloc corpses lying in the murloc village, and more than a dozen murlocs are wandering aimlessly in the village, like a group of zombies.

What exactly is going on

An inexplicable uneasiness emerged in Wei Xiaobei's heart.

When Wei Xiaobei quietly came to the entrance of the Murloc Village, and carefully checked with his head, his face turned pale.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei happened to know the murlocs who were wandering aimlessly in the village.

Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei can only distinguish the identities of these murlocs according to their size, ordinary murlocs, elite murlocs and even murloc guards.

The reason why Wei Xiaobei knew the murlocs inside was because of the wounds on their bodies!

For example, the elite murloc had a sunken chest and a slightly protruding back, and the other murloc had a wound pierced by an iron fork on its chest. The blood that flowed out had dried up, and many mosquitoes were gathering on it.

and so on.

There is no doubt that these murlocs all died at the hands of Wei Xiaobei.

This raises a question.

They were dead before!

Why is it revived now

Well, after observing carefully for a while, Wei Xiaobei came to a conclusion that these murlocs might not be resurrected, judging from their stiff movements and unconscious wandering, they seemed to have turned into zombie-like creatures .

Thinking of this, goosebumps popped up on Wei Xiaobei's back, and a chill spread all over his body.

And these murlocs were lured out and killed by Wei Xiaobei with half-evil mermaid balls!

In fact, these inferences are not difficult, and any person with a normal IQ can deduce them.

Perhaps these murloc corpses turned into this kind of thing because of the half-evil mermaid meat balls, and finally the entire murloc village was destroyed by this monster.

After all, the half-evil mermaid is indeed a bit weird, if the problem lies in it, Wei Xiaobei will not have any doubts.

After discovering this scene, Wei Xiaobei did not leave. Instead, he picked up a stone and threw it into the village, then observed the movement inside.

The stone hit a simple wooden house, making a muffled bang.

Although the sound was not loud, it still attracted the attention of the murloc corpses.

Wei Xiaobei tentatively referred to these guys as murloc corpses.

These murloc corpses began to slowly surround the noisy wooden house.

The murloc corpses looked horrifying just because of the scary wounds on their bodies, but in fact their walking speed was less than half that of ordinary murlocs, and they were extremely clumsy, so much so that one of the murloc corpses accidentally walked Stepping on a corpse, he fell directly to the ground, struggled for a while and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei had some doubts about his previous judgment.

You know, the number of murlocs in the murloc village was far more than these murloc corpses, and it is a big joke for these murloc corpses to move so slowly and threaten those alive and kicking normal murlocs .

No matter how timid those murlocs were, they couldn't completely give up resistance and let the murloc corpses be slaughtered.

Perhaps two murloc guards can kill these murloc corpses.

This seems a little weird.

Before and after gathering in the wooden house, the murloc corpses stood there for a while, and then wandered around again.

Finally, a murloc corpse gradually walked towards the entrance of the village.

Wei Xiaobei clenched the iron fork tightly in his hand. Before he understood the truth of the matter, Wei Xiaobei would not act rashly, but if the murloc corpse got too close, he would have no choice but to strike and kill it.

The murloc corpse stopped at the entrance of the village, and stood there dumbfounded, not moving at all.

Wei Xiaobei thought he had been discovered.

But after the murloc corpse stood there for a while, it turned back and walked towards the village.

Time passed bit by bit.

These murloc corpses seemed to be trapped in an invisible cage. Whenever a murloc corpse approached the entrance of the village, they would stop, freeze for a moment and then turn back.

After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei was even more afraid to step into the village.

It's a little weird here.

After lying on the ground outside the village entrance for more than two hours, Wei Xiaobei decided to leave here.

The longer he stayed here, the inexplicably dangerous feeling in Wei Xiaobei's heart became stronger, as if there was a voice reminding him in his ear.

After about 50 meters away from the Murloc village, the sense of danger in Wei Xiaobei's heart suddenly increased, as if the flood had hit the embankment and was about to collapse.

Main attribute perception 9.25! Branch attributes willpower 12, common sense judgment 8, perception 7, intuition 10!

This is part of Wei Xiaobei's properties panel.

Among them, Wei Xiaobei's intuition is as high as 10, which means that Wei Xiaobei has the ability to predict potential dangers beyond ordinary people!

Wei Xiaobei knew about this before, but he didn't pay as much attention to it as strength.

And at this time, this intuition, which was 20% better than ordinary people, saved Wei Xiaobei's life.

Wei Xiaobei turned his head inadvertently at this time, and saw that the surface of Cuihu Lake had turned black, and there was a low humming sound.

What's going on

Just when Wei Xiaobei was in doubt, the black lake surface spread towards the shore.

That's not the color of the lake! Instead, the surface of the lake was covered by something black!

The villages near the shore were covered by this layer of black material after 30 seconds, and the reeds by the lake were also quickly covered and then disappeared.

When the black thing was less than 30 meters away from Wei Xiaobei, he finally saw clearly what the black thing was.

Countless black beetles the size of fingers!

Wherever these black beetles passed, no matter whether it was reeds or gray weeds, they were all eaten up.

Even the murloc corpses in the murloc village quickly disappeared under the cover of these black beetles.