The City of Terror

Chapter 52: There are still three heads, six legs and three wings


ps: Thank you for the 1276 tipping of Fengyandianyu, the 200 tipping of Fanatics, the 100 tipping of book friends 150514175308835, the 100 tipping of book friends 150210021850576.

But as soon as he thought of what kind of eyes seemed to be watching him before, Wei Xiaobei's heart hung up.

According to Wei Xiaobei's understanding, not to mention how weird and weird the creatures in the gray world are, only the relationship between creatures is mostly located in the three relationships of competition, hunting, and being hunted.

For example, lions and hyenas are carnivores that hunt other herbivores on the African savannah, and the relationship between them is a competitive relationship.

Mighty lions never allow hyenas to approach their habitats. Once hyenas appear around their habitats, they will be hunted down by male lions.

Does this also mean that this street is the lair of a powerful creature in the gray world.

This statement can reasonably explain the inability of those black beetles to enter the street, and the fact that the strange possessing evil thoughts were attacked and dissipated after entering here.

But Wei Xiaobei also had a fluke mentality in his heart, after all, Wei Xiaobei had been to many places in this street, and from what he saw, there were no traces of biological activity here.

Thinking about it, if there were any powerful creatures here, Wei Xiaobei might be the first to be attacked.

Of course, if another explanation is added, this will make more sense.

Maybe that powerful creature is sleeping underground in this street

Well, no matter what, Wei Xiaobei is hungry!

The inevitable consequence of releasing the electric current burst, the sequelae of extreme hunger will appear in the stomach.

Fortunately, the compressed biscuits that Wei Xiaobei collected before have not been eaten yet.

But after this meal, all the compressed biscuits were consumed, and apart from a few bottles of mineral water, Wei Xiaobei no longer had any food.

Wei Xiaobei is not a god, even in this mysterious gray world, he needs food. After pondering for a while, Wei Xiaobei decided to go to the other side of the street to find a way out for himself. If a powerful creature is sleeping, it is still necessary to change to a safe place.

Of course, in addition to this, the search for food and drinking water is also a must.

Since he didn't find anything unusual, it didn't take long for Wei Xiaobei to arrive at the other end of the street.

The world on the other side of the street is not much different from the main color of the gray world.

At a glance, the dilapidated buildings, the gray sky, and the light without any heat fell down, giving people the illusion of entering the ruins of a nuclear war.

here it is

Wei Xiaobei looked at this street, which was more dilapidated than the rental house street, and couldn't help recalling the situation in the real world in his mind.

This is supposed to be a snack street

Wei Xiaobei did not expect this.

In reality, the rental housing street is to the west of Cuihu Lake, and the snack street is to the northwest of Cuihu Lake. The whole street is parallel to Cuihu Lake, allowing diners to enjoy various delicious snacks while admiring the night scenery The beauty of the green lake below.

But it's different in the gray world.

A street of snacks appears directly on the other side of the street, which means that the location of the street of snacks has moved more than a thousand meters compared to reality.

For the weirdness in the gray world, Wei Xiaobei has already prepared enough mentally, so the change of the location of the snack street will not surprise Wei Xiaobei too much.

When Wei Xiaobei stepped on the road of the snack street, the dust accumulated on the road for an unknown number of years was stirred up like a cloud.

The messy and discarded tables and benches make the snack street look like a gossip array.

Wei Xiaobei's whole body tensed slightly, and he walked slowly along the street.

The snack street was very quiet, Wei Xiaobei walked almost half of the distance, but didn't notice any movement.

But in the second half of the snack street, a trace of mist gradually rose up, and the more one walked in, the thicker it became, blocking Wei Xiaobei's sight and making him unable to see the scene behind.

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but clenched the iron fork in his hand a little bit, and his footsteps also slowed down. He was focused, and his ears kept listening to the movements around him.

Just when Wei Xiaobei accidentally kicked an empty soda can on the ground, and there was a crisp sound in the silence, he suddenly became alert, stepped back a few steps, and heard a cock crow, and then saw A black shadow like a calf rushed towards him from the fog.


Wei Xiaobei's legs turned into a bow and horse stance, and with a shake of his hands, he used the iron fork as a big spear, turned into a shadow, and stabbed towards the black shadow.

Seeing that the sharp fork was about to penetrate into the black shadow, Wei Xiaobei saw three bird heads protruding from the black shadow, pecking at the iron fork.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang! There were three crisp crashing sounds in succession, Wei Xiaobei felt the iron fork shake in his hand, then deviated from the direction and poked towards the ground.

The black shadow took the opportunity to continue to rush towards Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei didn't panic at all, suddenly exerted force with his hands, and raised the iron fork, hitting the lower part of the black shadow, flying the charging black shadow straight away .

Wei Xiaobei took the opportunity to retreat more than ten steps quickly, and did not stop until there was no more fog around him, but he felt a little regretful.

It would be nice to have a really big gun in hand.

Among other things, just the pick just now, if you have a big gun in your hand, with the help of the elasticity of the gun barrel, you may be able to directly injure the opponent.

But this iron fork has no flexibility at all, it is stuck on the opponent's abdomen rigidly, but it allows the opponent to use his strength to escape.

But no matter what, after Wei Xiaobei exited the range of the fog, it was not so easy for the black shadow to sneak attack him.

After missing a hit, the black figure disappeared after hiding in the mist.

Wei Xiaobei poked the iron fork slowly on the ground with both hands, narrowed his eyes slightly, and focused a small part of his attention on the attribute panel while being vigilant about the movement around him.

Sure enough, as Wei Xiaobei expected, a new battle description appeared at the bottom of the attribute panel: Encountered a two-star ordinary creature, Shang Fu, was attacked, successfully counterattacked and defended, Shang Fu suffered minor injuries and fled.

Still paid

What kind of monster is this

Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, then gathered back the thoughts that he wanted to let go.

At this moment, even though that Shang Fu had escaped, the slight injury probably made it impossible for him not to dare to continue attacking him.

Then I need to be very vigilant now, the other end is hiding somewhere in the mist and peeping at me, waiting for me to relax and then sneak attack.

After standing in place for a while, Wei Xiaobei backed away slowly holding the iron fork, his eyes kept scanning his surroundings, he felt that if he wasted with the other party like this, he didn't know when the end would be, so it would be better for him Slowly retreat to the street of the rental house, maybe it can lure the other party out.