The Cold Emperor Plays Phoenix

Author: 楚清

Latest: Chapter 109

Status: Completed


Genres: Youth, Classical Romance

The first day she crossed over, she was forcibly escorted by her father to a palanquin. Halfway to the palanquin, there was bad news and good news! The groom has become a dead man, so she doesn't have to get married, right? The groom became the dead man, so he doesn't have to get married, right? But who knows, "The Fourth Prince's last order before his death: the wedding will continue, and the Fourth Concubine will pay respects to the spirit! And you have to be a widow for the Fourth Prince for the rest of your life, until you die!" On the wedding night, she was forced to keep her husband's funeral, but was taken away by a mysterious man. In the darkness of the night, she could not see his face, but heard him murmur, "Woman, remember, you are mine!" Ling Xue Man's life began, morning and evening three pillars of incense, asking her ghost husband to forgive her for being forced to wear a cuckold for him. Two years later, a thunderous news suddenly shattered Ling Xue Man's ears! The new fourth prince, Mo Qihan, has ascended to the throne! Ling Xue Man is depressed, her man really crawled out from the coffin?

她,穿越的第一天,便被她爹强行押上了花轿。行至半路,一声噩耗加喜讯传来! 新郎变死郎了,总不用嫁了吧? 谁知 “四王爷逝前遗命:婚礼继续,四王妃与灵位拜堂即可!且需为四王爷守寡一辈子,直到死!” 新婚之夜,被迫为夫守灵的她,却被一神秘男子,掳走。 暗夜中,她看不清他的脸,却听得他低哑而喃,“女人,记住,以后你是我的!” 凌雪漫杯具的人生从此拉开序幕,早晚三柱香,请求她的鬼丈夫原谅她被迫为他戴了绿帽子。 两年后,一个雷人的消息突然震破了凌雪漫的耳朵! 新皇四王爷莫祈寒登基了! 凌雪漫忧郁了,她男人真从棺材里爬出来了?

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